1709 -
Heh, Artistic doubts, aye?
To me your work looks fantastic. Liked this new page too. You play with colors smoothly.
As you said this is really early and I know from myself sometimes you're carried away with the excitement of new styles. I can clearly say your pictures looking nice and reflecting a style and I am saying this as a someone with so called artistic talent. Also I can totally understand you from my own feelings about coloring. No matter how much others say your works are looking awesome, if you can't satisfy your inner self that means your works ain't done properly.
Keep up good work. -
As that smart boy said Araf is a Mind/Kin/Earth troller with Fly and Concealment pool (Stealth, Invisibility and Phase Shift).
Let me know if you want to make a shivan run before STF so I can log on earlier or another day.
Fingers crossed for less laggy TF. -
I guess we need to talk it after Saturday teaming. Last night I logged into game after the new issue and as usual I had that insane lag/sync issues. If it will get better I will be glad to join you both for the last time, if not I hope I can be able to say you farewell tomorrow evening.
No worries for STF, I just wanted to keep my promise and make you two ding to 50 on a great TF.
If you will do STF with IJ no worries. We can do that new TF (Heh, i15 hit the live servers btw and I learned it from boards) which needs 4 people to start which we have already (Me, You, Mrs. M and Herczeg) and we can find two more from DE channel I am sure.
For my return... Let's hope I will do most of the things I want to complete before fall. -
Yay! It is nice to see you back.
Even I am on my way to leave this game either for a break or constantly it is nice to know a true comic book hero come back on this game's ranks.
Welcome back. -
Looks like it is the end of Flying Circus for me. I will take a bow in two weeks time and this weekend I am intending to run a STF with Mereman and Mrs. Mereman on Defiant. Will be with Circus on my last week I hope.
On my many regular teaming experiences this one was truely outstanding. Thanks to you all for your friendship and company. See you all when/if I return on this fall.
Take care of yourselves and each other.
Have fun,
Knightly -
Yup, it seems that way. Both work and RL issues pushing me down nowadays. As I only have 2 weeks of activity left in game I better sign off from current team. When/If I return we can start a second team. If you can't reach 50 by that time I can tag along tho.
Have fun and see you when I return.
Knightly -
What's your favorite
-NPC Character
-CoX Memory
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Character: Jim Temblor aka Faultline
Badge: Rescuer
Powerset: Mind Control
Arc: Croatoa arc (especially last part where Redcap madness begins)
Memory: Too many to name specific one (or you can say my weak memory ain't able to point a specific one)
It is great, that red background is really stunning. One thing I can say is, color choice for panel 2 and 4. Attacker's outfit is in different color. Even it looks superb artisticly, for sake of comics I think it will be better to color him with same hue (dark green or grey whichever is his outfit color).
He he... I can't stop looking what you did. Really, really amazing. Thumbs up. -
Happy Birthday, Carnifax. Wish you all the best.
Wow! Not hanging around the forums lately so I hope I am not so late to reply.
I love how you play with colors. Your sharp coloring style was nice but when I look what you've done with your tablet... it surely open new horizons before you. Absolutely amazing. I love how you painted that page, everything looks awesome. You give massage without story, what your reader should expect with your new style: A graphic novel.
Keep up good work. -
Ah! Nice to know you are alright mate. I was wondering how were you doing. I hope you will be okay soon. Take care and stay safe.
For game: It is just a game so no worries. You will join us when you came back to game if you ever will or we can start another madness to drag you in. -
okay, make it thursday, we wouldn1t want to leave ya three out
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Not sure if I will be around on Thursday. So you better don't count me in. If I can make it that evening I will probably join Synapse if I can catch you before start. -
Hmm yeah that is a good question. I had one mind/storm but deleted him. If you looking for a high damage strom troller I guess fire/storm is way much better than fire/rad from what I heard.
Mind has good damage output. After Fire and Plant has highest damage possibly but after level 40 your psychic damage mostly resisted.
I never farm, finding it too boring (hate defeat all missions and while soloing I ghost whenever it is possible to shorten missions). Terrify's damage out put ain't that high (but I am always slotting mine with Glimpse of Abyss for bonuses). Only spawns I can wipe out with single apllication of Terrify + FS was Croatoa Ghost when Araf was level 45+.You can reach higher damage numbers with damage sets + assault + global damage bonuses etc.
If you ask my personal opinion Mind is a better single target damage set and it depends only one power: Levitate. I've been in teams with some Mind/Storm trollers in the past while leveling up Psy-knight (my first 50 Mind/Rad). They were usually dead while I was okay and carry on fighting. Mind is too delicate (no real fast AoE immob) versus the very chaotic nature of Storm. For soloing it's awesome combo but for teams I guess you will be a hate-magnet in teams. Some people hate Confuse and TK, most people hate KBs. I once in a team whose leader said he won't accpets Stormers in his team. This was why I rolled a Mind/Storm as I've already have 2 high level mind trollers and leveled a Storm defender to see what set looks like. It was a challange for me which I am delaying for now. I am sure my next level 50 Mind troller will be a Mind/Storm (other than regular team Mind/FF).
I hope this helps you a bit. -
I should add another nice thing about Mind/Kin and EBs, especially MA ones. Trasference and couple of heals leave them without endurance (if they didn't change it tho'). So Mind/Kin is a better soloer than Rad. Your damage is higher than Rad. so killing an EB is a possibility.
I usually use fly to keep up with the rest of the team while SBing them. I use both SB and ID, even on tanks.
I am happy with it, at least Kin keeps you busy and you can't understand how long some TFs are. -
Me and couple of guys will be with IJ team on Wednesday. So you can count out 3 (Me, Dracus and Xemulas iirc) out of it.
You can do it on Thursday tho'. As it doesn't take more than 15 minutes with a ghoster you can complete it before starting Synapse TF. -
Hmmm never had KB and TK on same hero. I don't use TK too much on my mind trollers. If I recall correctly Levitate makes mob flip while repelling.
In theory, KB will probably push mob further than Repel's effect but when TK caught him again he will continue being repeled. For Tornado it can be tricky as it doesn't hit from a certain direction and can push your target out of repel aura. Corners a bit better but a single wall is like a gamble with Tornado.
Also don't forget about "Mob in the wall" side effect of game engine so you can end up cursing yourself for not being able to complete a defeat all mission. -
Instead i rolled Araf as Mind/Kin and as i am delaying Siphon Speed he is going good atm.
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Big mistake IMO - Siphon Speed can be triple stacked for +60% global recharge.
How much would that cost in IO's?
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Heh Araf hit the 50 between this time. I learned to play with SB and SS. Now if you ask me which one is more fun to play, I will prefer Mind/Kin over Mind/Rad. This can be just because of concept tho', I loved Araf's background story more.
In large teams unfortunately you become a buffer more than a controller. Also you don't have heavy debuff punches of Rad versus AVs. Hmm and rez, you lack mutation which is too usefull on Co-op TFs. -
We can do any below level TF when you want. If I recall correctly you and Sarg want to join a Posi run.
Thanks to everyone on Posi. That was fun.
Next Thursday we will attempt Synapse. If you want to grab Shivans before Synapse let me know so we can do it before TF start. (Not they are really needed with a team like we have last night)
I don't know. Better I take the lead.
Tonight you are invited to:
Level Range: 10-15
Startin Place/Contact: Steel Canyon/Positron
Minimum Number to Start Event: 3
Starting Time: 19:30 BST
See you by the contact this evening.
Knightly -
Meh! I am really became so absent minded nowadays.
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It's your age OLD man
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More dire part is I can't dare to imagine what will I become at your age. I bet after 6 years (at age of 40) I won't even remember my name. -
yea i am at work at the moment
well be home around 5 ish, so i can come on then
any requests for character type, need a troller? or tank? maybe some damage?
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Anything you want, if you ask me. Play whichever you feel more comfortable and have desire to play. -
Medieval, is the theme, Lord SuperNova.
We're in faultline at the moment, plenty of LKs to go around
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Altho' I streched Medieval theme a bit further as my new hero is actually coming from Sacred Band of Thebes which are lasted by Philip II of Macedon (Father of Alexander the Great) at the Battle of Chaeronea on the 338 BC. So basicly he is very out of Medieval timeline.
Also it is SK not LK, naughty villian player. -
I won't be able to make the Posi TF on Thursday, but good luck to those of you who do it <shudders at the thought of the CoT missions>
Elandril, my elven archer/fire manipulation blaster is up to level 7 or 8 now (can't remember which). I'll try and get a few more levels on her by next Tuesday so next time round I should be able to team with you
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Heh! CoT... I have a mind troller so we will just laugh at the face of Ruin Mages.
If you want to have Positron Badge on your character or any other one let me know when you are able to do it so we can run another one. Best side of Positron is you can do it with 3 people.