874 -
Even if they do make any of those changes PvP is dead on EU as long as vindicate are around
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Theres a Storm coming..
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I doubt anything will change considering the amount of toons we got and build flexibility as well as inf capacity.Its not like TK or acro,Kb,cage changes will make a difference.
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Im not on about the Balancing.. -
Yeah i have to agree with the changes coming in PvP the Devs are looking at the powers that make PvP Unfair in certain situation like TK pin. Looking forward to using my Mind/Storm again
Even if they do make any of those changes PvP is dead on EU as long as vindicate are around
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Theres a Storm coming.. -
A couple of PvP Changes due i thought i might share with you guys. All on the US forums i wish we could add to it
PvP Wish List - US Forums
Breakfrees still
TK news
PvP in General
Theres some good stuff in there i can see Powerblast making a come back as well as storms on the Villain side. -
Thanks guys for your continueing support remember its all for fun! Good to see some lower level toons getting envoled. Remember everyones gotta start somewhere.
Good Luck Guys. Im not on during weekend days
but im about in the evening if you dont managed to get started. I do weekly runs of this SF
Send me a ingame tell if you need and advice or tips to
@Knight Stalker -
Confront, Psydock for a scrapper is not a must. how ever you may feel it is.
I like to solo PvP unlike you. So no need to make them target me.
I seem to be well known throughtout union i am constantly attacked in which ever PvP Zone i enter
Pease feel free to share more of your views with us. -
Spine/Regen Scrapper
both PvP and PvE without not loseing much only thing ive not taken has been spines burst every thing else is viable in both!!!
Lets wait and see. Depends on what they put in the set.
Unless i repost before 8pm tonight. Ill be busy and unable to do PvP Night this week. Sorry guys.
Blasters with the change to Defiance and IO's are the most dangerous AT in the game.. So if you give the most dangerous AT in the game the most dangerous power in the game due to its poor defence and resistance in the game its like giving someone a trump card to the game.
hehe never used dangerous so much in a sentance before -
Me and Globe double teamed her
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Awww PvP at its best... -
Your welcome to take on the EVIL base in a raid. 6 heroes vs 16 villains sounds fair to me.
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Fine by me
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Hehe watch out for the epics too soonNight Widow ftw!
Thanks to everyone that came along tonight was a really good turn out. We had some interesting matchs i personally loved the 3 team battle in the Office map. That was a epic battle and fun!
Hope to see you next monday -
I thought Union would be better. If we get enough people wanting to play from defiant, Ill reconsider playing on test. So anyone from defiant want to join ?
Its time for a return to PvP and to get some random fun going again. After a recent thread i found that more people that i thought would be interested in a return to the PvP Nights.
I would just ask that everyone that attends. Comes with a open attitude to myself and other players.
New players are very welcome. Teams will balanced as best as possible. Giving new players a good chance to mix in with the rest.
As the game has changed so much and as some players builds are becoming so good it makes some team combinations unplayble there maybe times when i request that you bring another toon. This would be purely for state of play and to balance out teams as best as i can.
PvP Nights Mondays - Live @ 8PM In PD
So whos gonna come along and join in the fun? -
I so would love another NcSoft organised PvP event. if only.
I feel this event will struggle to go ahead. Simple for the reasons Stryker has said.
The game and the players have moved on from SOs. Most people start IOing from lvl 35+ and dont really bother that much with SO's saves costs in the long run.
Insps as my origanal post did quote the long lingering words you hear in all PvP Zones "OMG HE USED A INSP"
If you hadnt realised why inspirations where part of the game is to BALANCE out ATs and Powers.
No matter how you look at it Insps were designed to be used.
Im not trying to affend anyone. In my personal experience of organising PvP events disallowing poeple to use powers and insp is doomed to faliure. -
IMO IO have only increased a players skill level and ability of making a good build better. All my toons i PvP with are IO'd.
Sorry i guess i cant make it.
oh and before i go "OMG HE USED A INSP" -
lol that was soooo last year... and nothing ever became of it
Yeah i can understand where you are coming from. IMO fly is not a viable power as theres soooo soooo many -Flys out there. As SingMC said you would need a back up to this either Phaseshift to protect against possible attack whilst grounded or SS. Personally on a squishy i always take SJ as a first travel power for the CJ and Acro - both universal and are useful in both PvE and PvP.
The other thing i found more recently as not PvPing as much in the arena i spec my toons for a percific PvP Zone. ie Warburg. I slot as much as i can universally in both PvE and PvP more prioty on PvP up to lvl 40. Then the remaining levels I spec towards PvE.
Personally i feel they should introduce a 2nd Build to every toon. Give them a PvP Spec build and a PvE Spec build that would solve most problems but would also cost alot more to the players in a IO sense.