874 -
Bob i set the rules as they stand. Only squishy ATs as the name would sugguest with no Epic ATs. Within those rules you can choose whichever toon you feel fit. Bubbler or Sonic its your choice.
Wheres the meet up for both sides cant deside who to take :S
is it on live or test server ? -
Well, if thats true, we all get access to mez protection in the form of acrobatics. Although not great (mag 1) where do we draw the line. Also controllers and defenders can get access to protection and not every kheld has dwarf form.
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just controllers i think, the psi epic for defenders doesnt have a mez protect
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I think the word was "inherent" in the first post of this thread, which I read as "no self-affecting mezresistance power in the primary or secondary powersets of the AT". Epics and pool powers dont count. (and I hardly call acrobatics a mez resistance power anyway)
Discussing this is pointless as allowed ATs were listed in the first post of this thread. That is good enough for me.
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yup got it in 1. Things shaping up for a great night guys -
So people cant Pop 95 lucks and run in and attack. again and again
If in doubt, petition.
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And thats the words to live by. We should leave this thread here! -
The "Action" isnt but if the person feels that it harrassment or abusive it is. Looks like we are going round in circles.
First Rule in Rules Of Conduct
While playing City of Heroes , you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the game. To this end, you may not defraud, harass, threaten, or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other players.
[/ QUOTE ] If someone TP's anyone into a mob they dont like they can Petiton. Its there choice. -
How about if someone repeatedly tps u into a mob? Is that abuse or harassment?
I would say it is if they deliberately do it over and over and target you over and over.
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Doesnt matter if they do it once or twice If you consider it harrassment or abusive petition it.
Harrassment or abusive is against the EULA. -
As you have noted, I said a mob tp may or may not hasten this process. I haven't actually said that I do this myself.
I could have equally said that killing them in 'fair' combat may or may not hasten this process.
Know that I am aware of the cuppajo post? I was the one that showed you wasn't I?
Now 2 things.
1. Can we have an example of a mob tp'ing that would violate the EULA please? As getting an exact set of rules from you is like getting blood out of a stone.
Maybe we could continue with examples or maybe you can tell us the criteria that you use. How about a nice flow chart?
2. Can you put a big story on the front page about mob tp'ing and how it is not griefing? Would save me, the GM and the players I do it to A LOT of time.
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Bridger said the "Action" TP'ing into a mob in it self is not a crime or against the rules.
Just TPing someone into critters isn't against the EULA
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However if the person that is TP'ed into the mob sees this as Harrassment or abusive is it is then against the EULA.
So someone did it to a "friend" and they found it funny and choose not to petition your fine
If someone was to TP someone you didn't know or like. They can choose to petition.If they see it as Harrassment or abusive
Thats about the long and short of it
Lets just put it blunty who ever TP's into mobs has moral issues someone who is heartless and nasty does this he/she needs to sort them selfs out.
Any "fair" players knows its not right to inflict debt on another player.
PvP isnt about debt its just with PvP Zones its been dragged into question
I hope theres plans for the future for a PvP Zone without NPCs. -
Its more the newer players to PvP that dont understand that if you lose its not the end. You get better and return you have learnt more. You learn losing than you do winning. its the nature of the beast you gonna fail to begin with as there's plenty of people that know how to PvP.
With time you can learn and develope. Its just like learning to walk you dont just stop cos you have fallen over you get back up and try again. Just dont take it so personally. At the end of the day its just a game. -
This is what PvP Zones has brought to the game. Peoples Egos. People dont like losing so they get upset and start shouting and moaning giving excuses. I simple follow something someone else said and that is
This solves most problems and if someone is shouting at you they get more annoyed that you aint responding. -
Bridger where is the line drawn when someone intentionally gives you debt in a PvP Zone ?
Is it considered if you enter a PvP zone you should be prepared for anything that happens in the zone including debt ?
is it in a pvp zone anything goes? -
Ill be there with the retribution SG
maybe an idea to hold in on test for defiant to join too -
just remember guys no 2 same ATs on the same team .EG no 2 blasters on the same team.
As one of the first Spine/Regens to reach 50 and the first in PvP. I can say that Spines/Regen does rule and ever since S4 and when PvP Zones were brought into the game spine/regen have taken off. Spines/Regen has always been FOTM. So much so that i really dont play KS anymore as i dont want to be called a One Trick Pony. IE i can only be good with Spines/Regen. I dont think the spines is overpowered as Broadsword is much better damage in RV. although i think maybe regen needs to be looked at again as brutes really dont stand a chance 1 on 1 with a regen ( This is purely my view on Regen and dont wish to start a discussion on it).
For scrappers there is not so many ranged attack sets to choice from there is Claws and Spines. In PvP your always gonna have opponents that will be running for there lives, any none ranged scrapper will struggle to get the final hit, with ranged attacks you can get that final blow well sometimes more so than with a none ranged scrappers.
Claws damage is just too low and poor. So most go for Spines. -
Same old same old. Your right not to fight without insp. insps are part of the game. without insp theres no point in you having the fight you have already lost.
btw on a totally different topic. dont suppose you still have the S4 fight recordings still about. Mine were lost when my pc was reformated -
The Pointy Stick Patrol.
Xanthus (@Xanthus)
Frozen Electrum (@Extremus)
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Xanthus said he, more than likely, won't be able to make it on that night.
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can we have confirmation please.
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I can confirm that I almost certainly won't be able to make it on that night, since it's my first night at uni.
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You have a replacement or shall i remove the team ? -
The Pointy Stick Patrol.
Xanthus (@Xanthus)
Frozen Electrum (@Extremus)
[/ QUOTE ]
Xanthus said he, more than likely, won't be able to make it on that night.
[/ QUOTE ]
can we have confirmation please. -
i think me and plight are gonna be a team for this, but uh....you say meet in galaxy.....what about all the poor villains? port oakes?
[/ QUOTE ]
Port Oaks for Villains. Ill be in Galaxy as KS. we can use the /Arena Channel as intended to communicate. -
Complete list of current players and teams.
12 teams in total so far.
White Magic
Captain Skyfire (blaster) @hammerfall
White Magus (defender) @white magus
Gatling (blaster) @Gatling
X3 (controller) @X-treme
The Pointy Stick Patrol.
Xanthus (@Xanthus)
Frozen Electrum (@Extremus)
Unfathomably Deviant
Antithetix (@Syn)
Aphotica (@Cybercel)
-Art of War-
Total Inertia (Corruptor) @thePhilosopher
Transonic (Defender) @Enervator
Team Win
Accel (Blaster) @Accy
Neo Serra (Troller) @NeoArc
Force Of Immunity
Kinslayer(Corruptor) @Kinslayer
Jumanjimon(Blaster) @Jumanjimon
Dismiss (blaster) @Kronos X
Gravity's Echo (controller) @Okton
The Ghetto Hoes
Zhaan (blaster) @zhaan
Empusae (corruptor) @b00mer
Hard Tw@
Sweet Chilli @sweet chilli
electrique @stalk_obot
Galactia Senshi
Proverbial (@Proverbial)
Ashura (@Keeper of Time)
Yet to be named.
@Max Powerz -
The matchs are going to be lengthen to 10 man domination. After testing tonight proves that 5 man is just too short.
The Event will be held on the 24/09/06 as planned and kicks off at 18.00 @ Galaxy Arena. -
why bother posting in this thread if you're not signing up in this thread?
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There are a total of 26 posts in this thread. 11 of which contain characters to be signed up.
[/ QUOTE ]
this is not the sign up thread.... This Thread is for players who wish to take part in the event but dont have a team mate and are looking for a team mate.
Bob if you want to enter please register your team name and players in the correct thread.
All Registrations click here. -
Wait till I8 you can have daily runs for HO's as heros get the RSF hero version..
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Pretty sure that's I9..
[/ QUOTE ]
Blah a digit difference! -
but i wouldn't gamble a ho on that
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Wait till I8 you can have daily runs for HO's as heros get the RSF hero version..
The date remains the same.
(sorry to the organiser of the raid)
personally Hami raids too laggy and too many peep to be organised. -
Ill join with either Thrusty or Kinetix. depending on partner
Great name btw
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Application withdrawn
[/ QUOTE ]
? Confused why application withdrawn unable to find partner ?
The Dates not going to be changed. We will work to this day and if this event doesnt work for you i hope to plan another after this one that hopefully more can attend . -
Just 1 fast question...
what about if i got a lvl36 corruptor and i want to join?? i would be very happy teaming with Finn (didnt asked him yet, but im just posting this before all) as we did in SC's sometimes... If im really lower lvl that other toons, ey, thats my problem, i will not have much chances, but i think we could have an special pass...
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I wont stop you from joining.. but your right lvl 36 Corrupter would be a low level compared to the lvl 40 - 50's you be facing. I would like to say you can play and every fight you fight will be fought at lvl 40 but thats unfair to all the other fights and players. I need to keep each match pretty much the same standard. The line i must put is the matchs will be fought at level 50. sorry level one of your toons to 50 and next time join in.