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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Right, Xanthus is actually going back to Uni on the 13th and I think we'll be Hami Raiding on the 14th.

    I'm thinking either Saturday the 2oth or Sunday the 21st at say, 8:30 GMT on Test? Pocket D?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just to confirm Retribution is ready for this fight on Saturday 20th at 20.30 GMT
  2. Knight_Stalker_EU

    Arena Night

    On test or Union ?
  3. Seems like every runs smoothly why are you waiting for another 2 wks to kill him again why not just next wk ? he will respawn within 24 hours.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Right, Xanthus is actually going back to Uni on the 13th and I think we'll be Hami Raiding on the 14th.

    I'm thinking either Saturday the 2oth or Sunday the 21st at say, 8:30 GMT on Test? Pocket D?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thats fine with me. We'll try and arrange a team for one of those nights. Presuming the rest of the guys can turn up
  5. Retribution will meet your challenge.... on the test server that is.

    5 Man Pentad fight. Name place and the time/day
  6. Knight_Stalker_EU

    Arena Event

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    sorry my team i couldn't make it but i accidently installed the american server, and didnt have time to download the european one

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Takes a minute or two to swap clients, max. All you do is change the updater!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thats if you know what your doing... I would be lost personally.
  7. Knight_Stalker_EU

    Arena Event

    Indeed i think we should try an arrange a arena night on test once a week. For just PvP team plays arranged teams and people that just come along.
  8. Knight_Stalker_EU

    Arena Event

    I dont think anyone is actually bothered about the winnings most people will be playing to take part in some PvP. Well i will anyhow
  9. Theres only 1 Union PvP'er thats moved to Defiant as far as im
    aware... But ill do my best to take on all the other SG's on defiant BRING IT!!!
  10. I'll see if retribution is up to the challenge on the test server if your intersted ? Pentad match ?
  11. Knight_Stalker_EU

    Unions Full

    [ QUOTE ]
    Want a space in the PDs when you come to Defiant, KS?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You have a Villain VG as we are starting on Villains first ?

    and thanks guys
  12. Knight_Stalker_EU

    Arena Night

    I would leave it till next year mate
  13. Maybe one day youll get like the US and do a raid daily.

    They do it on about 50 people a night b4 the mobs come for the HO's
  14. Knight_Stalker_EU

    Unions Full

    Its True.... My Union Slots are full of 50's

    I have 2 levels left to finish on my stalker. Then that’s it
    I have been with CoX Since the day of EU launch of CoH and loved every minute since.

    I just wanted thank everyone that i have meet and that has helped me level any of my toons and helped me enjoy CoX over the last 20 months on union.

    Making the game so much more fun than just normal console games.( I have never played a game this long before)

    Special Mention to the members of Knight Walkers, Eternal Knight Walkers and Retribution and all those guys i don't want to embarrass by mentioning your names you know who you are, All the PvP community for helping making union the best place for PvP in the EU. We will continue to do events don't worry just be on test from now on .

    Incase you don’t recognize my name maybe you'll know or seen one of my toons running about mostly in PvP Zones/Arena/Chat

    Knight Stalker - Scrapper Spines/Regen
    Heart Broken - Scrapper Katana/SR
    Subconscious - Controller Mind/Storm
    Quicksand - Controller Earth/Kin
    Forbearance - Tanker Ice/Ice
    Big Bosher - Tanker Invul/EM
    Critical Shock - Blaster Elc/Elc
    Debt Collector - Brute SS/EA
    Techno Shock - Brute Elc/Elc
    Unforgotten - Mastermind Necro/Dark
    Cryo Consumption - Corrupter Ice/Kin

    finishing Irritation - Stalker Martial Arts/Ninjetsu

    I’ll still be about for PvP and to help my friends out where needed but for the most of future leveling until they add more slots to the account ill be on defiant. It’s been a pleasure to be a part of the Union community and it’s a shame to go but I don’t really want 2 accounts ….. just yet.

    Just shout me if theres any PvP going ill be back

    Good Bye Union, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
  15. Knight_Stalker_EU

    Arena Night

    Any nights should be good for me after Xmas
  16. Unforgotten - (MM) Necro/Dark Ghost Widow
  17. I pray it goes well for you I hope to be around but cant confirm.
  18. Indeed theres quality peeps like the The King of Speedos him self Jum

    Union does have idiots. But it has some top players too
  19. having a lvl 50 event too ?
  20. Knight_Stalker_EU

    MM Macro ?

    Cheers bud i already have that set on my Number Pad just like to make even more simpler still. Plus one of the commands from that file doesnt work correct cant remember which on atm. but thats not important...
  21. Knight_Stalker_EU

    MM Macro ?

    Hi Guys,
    Wonder if any of you guys could right a macro for me for group of pets.

    I have a Necro/Dark MM and looking to create a macro for

    The Grave Knights to change to Aggressive and Attack My Target.

    Or Just make the Grave Knights go into melee range which im guessing is a goto command ?

    Help me if you understand what im asking! Sorry my heads all over the place atm full of cold and lack of sleep
  22. From what i understand we are meeting in PD Arena and thats where from my experience they have come from. Every match.