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  1. I would of gone with tonight but since its I10 launch ill say Sunday!
  2. I'm going to be soon running the third in the series of Squished.
    Which if you know nothing of this is a PvP Event. Details haven't been released yet but will be shortly.
    I'm wanting to promote the PvP Event through the CoX Website. Would like to send along with the info a "Front Page" a picture/design im not sure what the technical term is. But i hope you get the general idea.

    How i perceived the Design to be was 2 Fighters at the side of page pushing in on the words "Squished: Friend or Foe"
    or something along tho's lines or completely different just making sure the title is in there!

    I cant offer any payment or reward for the pic/design other than to say it will be promoted by myself and Squished event and hopefully on the CoX forums.

    What you guys think ?
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    I should be around Thursday is you want to do it then

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Any chance of Wednesday or Tonight? prospect of plans to be made for Thursday!
  4. I had similar choice to make with this power on my stalker. how i made my decision was decided by which PvP Zone i spend most of the time in. I spend more time in warburg.
    So i made it so i had Cobra before lvl 40.
  5. Global Name: @Knight Stalker

    Server: Union and hopefully soon Defiant

    City of Heroes/City of Villains Both

    PvP Characters:

    Knight Stalker - Spines/Regen (Scrapper)
    Subconscious - Mind/Storm (Troller)
    Quicksand - Earth/Kin (Troller)
    Forbearance - Ice/Ice (Tank)
    Big Bosher - EM/Invul (Tank)
    Critical Shock - Elc/Elc (Blaster)
    Mellifluous - Sonic/Sonic (Defender)
    Scorch El Ferno - Fire/Em (Blaster)
    Debt Collector (CoV)- SS/EA (Brute)
    Cryo Consumption (CoV) - Ice/Kin (Corrupter)
    Unforgotten (CoV) - Necro/Dark (Mastermind)
    Irritation (CoV) - MA/Nin (Stalker)
    Sherry Fusion (CoV) - Ice/Rad (Corrupter)
    Reluctance (CoV) - SS/Elc (Brute)
    Scornful (CoV) - Fire/Fire (Dominator)

    Type of PvP: Arena, Zones, PvP Event Organizer.

    Can be contacted: PM/Tell @ Knight Stalker

    Times on: Evenings mostly

    Timezone: British Standard Time.
  6. you make the final decision. You asked on a forum and you will get a multitude of answers from many different points of view.

    The way im thinking is why take fear when you have stuns... Stuns drop toggles fear dont. as i said b4 Fear is only usefull for hindering scrappers/tanks and so on. It will stop people from running only till they are attacked or pop a bf! but as always the choice is yours!
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Thanks for responses

    I'm mostly planning to do zone pvp with this toon. Next question is, should I include cobra strike in the build? And if I should, what shall I drop for it?

    [/ QUOTE ]

  8. Spines/Regen PvE god... also good in PvP lacks Damage in PvP but has range. BS very hard single target attack good crits. Lacks range in PvP.
  9. Knight_Stalker_EU

    PvP Night.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Keep the current one as is and have a second night devoted to duals/duo fights?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Personally think we should keep PvP Night to one night have have "Events Night" where every week someone within the PvP Community comes up with a event! differnet everyweek and by a different organiser.

    on that note.

    Squished: Friend or Foe coming soon. Keep your eyes peeled after the conclusion of 3C.
  10. Why do you want fear?
    You have stuns and -fly in the set.
    You have no need for fear as Squishes that your hunting will better stunned than feared as they can run after being attacked once.

    Fear is good for attacking and chasing Scrappers,Tankers and so on toons with Status protection. if you dont plan so much on attack or chasing these i would stick to the stuns in your set. and go for tatics
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Back from Hols now so let me know when KS can ice patch me to death

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hehe thats my secret weapon DAMN YOU!!!
  12. Knight_Stalker_EU

    PvP Night.

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Whats wrong with test? (apart the rikti invasion)

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Nothing - I just haven't had time to get onto it - all my game time is spent either trying to get all my alts through the levels at the same time or playing Battlefield 2142

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Good call i enjoy BF too

    its easy to setup the test server just follow these instructions set out by Big B. if you have any question please let us know.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    You missed here/hear aswell seri.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Neo! Where are you!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Stuck in the Matrix hehe

    [/ QUOTE ]

    sum1 give shaman a red pill and i'll send him in to rescue neo

    [/ QUOTE ]

    hehe Drugs dont work
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    You missed here/hear aswell seri.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Neo! Where are you!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Stuck in the Matrix hehe
  15. Does PvP go towards the Damage Taken badges?
  16. Knight_Stalker_EU

    PvP Night.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Pocket D at 8pm, Monkey Fight Club

    [/ QUOTE ]

    On test.
  17. Knight_Stalker_EU


    Im gonna sugguest we give this a rest for the time being for 2 reasons.

    1/ I would like to organize another Squished event soon.

    2/ I want to freshen up an idea for omni as this one has worked.

    We can continue i'd just like to think of how to improve on what was made already. As i thought we are struggling to get teams on a weekly basis seems to a problem and people struggling with technical problems never helps need to think of another way of. or something else without it turning into a another PvP night where people turn up to fight.

    So as X said please give ideas.
  18. Knight_Stalker_EU


    Its well and truly dead now.
  19. Knight_Stalker_EU


    Ill be there hope everyone else turns up
  20. DS as well stepping into fight. Knowing theres little he could do still put up a brave fight and even stopped after for some fun none 3C fights! Sportsmanship FTW we need encourage more of this.

    Win/Lose or Draw they have shown great sportsmanship
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I'll try and be around incase you have any problems

    [/ QUOTE ]
    ill try and be there, but im bloodey knackered

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Been around to X's mums again?
  22. DS and I are heading to test now can we have either Chez or Seri to Ref.
