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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Great fun, i even managed to get my 100 rep badge on Wails (+ about 20 more ^^) it truely was madness, buffs and debuffs everywhere, my health bar was bouncing more than i was, gotta <3 emps though

    [/ QUOTE ]

    3 emps...

    It be nice if the sides were balanced.. More people need to level villains... Evil and me are not enough to take on the might of union heroes
  2. Knight_Stalker_EU

    Good Bye Nimmer!

    [ QUOTE ]
    I will get revenge on you seri. vengeance will be mine.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    you sure that isn't Cherry's evil sister Sherry in decisive?
  3. Knight_Stalker_EU

    Good Bye Nimmer!

    A message from Seri... his account has expired.

    [ QUOTE ]
    "OK, dont know if this is going to work, as my posting privelidges may well be cancelled now :/
    KS - Thanks old fella bought a tear to the eye that did! Aye, I too miss the days of, "oooh? look at this burn power! look at the numbers flying of that!" and you saying, "yeah but does it look as cool as this?" followed by you demonstrating your new uber power, Flurry (no thats not a joke, he took it instead of integration).
    I think thats a testament to how far we have all come!
    We have had some great game experiences mate, PvP and PvE and you shall be sorely missed fella.
    Cherry - Thanks for all the amazingly 'intuitive' inside information, and I feel obliged on my leaving deathbed to inform everyone of your true identity, Cherry=Bridger.
    HeHe, Im remembering way back when the UKMercs were laughing at your choice of toon, "Rad/Rad defender? what use is that?" - but you knew all along the uberness that little build envisaged
    To Galvy - Top notch stuff mate. Always there to lend a hand, and truly THE pve legend throughout all the COH land! What is it now 20 odd level 50's? ( sick boy ). Dont forget to pay the rent!
    To all the rest, thanks for all the pvp. Its what makes this game truly outstanding. I shall miss you all!
    Especially X's mum."

    [/ QUOTE ]
  4. Knight_Stalker_EU

    Good Bye Nimmer!

    Does this mean i'm the last remaining Original PvP'er? feel like a jedi hehe
  5. Knight_Stalker_EU


    [ QUOTE ]
    Disclaimer: The above post is my opinion and mine alone. It is not the opinion of my friends, SuperGroup, Coalition or that of PvP'ers in general. Please do not tar us all with the same brush.

    [/ QUOTE ] Ex's Disclaimer.

    Dont worry. just carry on with your interest in PvP. you might not find much PvP around your level other than in PvP zone but once you reach a higher level you will find more places to PvP. I run a weekly PvP Night for level 50's on the test server. Come along and watch if you like and can see how fun PvP Arena can be. One day you will be able to join in.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Awww, shame i missed it, would of loved to of spectated but instead was stuck in a 3.5 hour traffic jam on the outskirts of Surrey with Antipodean relatives .

    Congratulations to the winners.
    Any one get any Video of the event this time around?.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wanted to just couldnt remember the demorecord command... sorry
  7. Knight_Stalker_EU

    Good Bye Nimmer!

    [ QUOTE ]
    I shall shortly be returning to work (teaching) and have henceforth cancelled my account as of the 28th of this month

    I shall leave final tourney details with Chez, who shall have the final word for any future queries.

    I have enjoyed this tourney very much, and I truly believe we are seeing the proverbial 'best of the best'. Some players who had not entered will claim their superiority ( ) however having the guts to enter a tourney such as this imo is the most important quality of them all.

    I salute you all!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If you didn't know I'm guessing most of you dont as most of found out from the post above that the "King" Nimmer (Seriphimus) himself has/is leaving the game as of today 28th.

    I just wanted to show homage to my friend in saying its a shame to see him leave one the last of my first friends from CoX back in the fledging days when KS used to run into battle without know what he was getting himself in for and having Seri come to the rescue and taunt everyone off me. hehe I didn't even know what integration was in thos days.

    Even in S4 (The Best PvP Tournament i been part of) He saved me from being killed by lady White when being held in the corner with 10% HP left about to die. Seri walks in and Taunts her off me. And pays with his life. Helping me gain the Title as Unkillable Scraaper of S4

    Seri has been a big part of my drive within PvP and the hours of fun we have had fighting and dueling. Helping improve each others builds. Seri just in general winding me up! I used to try and catch Seri out all the time but often i was the one that was caught out.

    Here are some of the Good times we had.

    S4 - Union Champions, Fusion Stalking All Stars.

    Knight Walkers SG. Only 3 if us left now

    Seriphimus and Me

    Fun times.

    First SG Respec.

    Purple Hazel.... This was a funny time.

    The King Nimmer - Seriphimus

    In 30 months Seri was good friend and great PvP'er could of been even better if he was on more hehe.

    Seri was my Hero.

    Farewell old friend and Godspeed.
  8. Knight_Stalker_EU

    PvP Night.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Happening tonight?

    [/ QUOTE ]
  9. Grate to Frozen Ember

    Phill and X-treme.
  10. im gonna let late registers enter.
    im leaving the registration open till the event starts at 7 tonight so if you find a late partner
    Please come along tonight at 7 and register with me then.
  11. Registration ends at midnight tonight please get your entrances in!!!
  12. Pick your team mates entrances must be in by midnight tonight!
  13. Looks a good build. I'd say it would be a expensive build. Have you built this build already?
  14. 4 Teams so far lets keep it going!!! Best Squished yet!!!
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Oh ya, i forgot :O I dont need pratice but i'll team with ya if ya want :P

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Send the guy a PM just in case he doesn't read this thread
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    I might participate as Trigger Hawkes, my rad/sonic with Kandy Kane, Serophinas sonic/cold lvl 50, but Im not sure if Ill get my defender leveled enough by the deadline. Expect me to register near the deadline though.

    edit: blarg, this wasnt the register thread. Oh well.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You want me to move this Registration thread ?
  17. Makes little difference if your on union or defiant . Your playing on Test if you need some practice let me know ill drum up a practice team for you.
  18. Knight_Stalker_EU

    Arch Nemesiss

    [ QUOTE ]
    In fact... what is ice/dev good for now that they can't see stalkers till it's too late either?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Makes them the same as everyone else...
  19. Less than a week left lets get some more entries... Look at the CoX front page we are now advertised

  20. Knight_Stalker_EU

    PvP Night.

    [ QUOTE ]
    so whos coming on tonight?

    I might turn up for a final bout of pvp

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Your gonna make me cry DON'T GOOOOOOO

    on another note ill be there.
  21. so you was gonna leave without saying good bye
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Thing is why keep pvp spread out when it's spread out its pretty dead. all i have to say

    [/ QUOTE ]


    In English ?
  23. Why union ? why any not any other server? no one server is better than another thats why the test server is best as it doesn't matter which server you belong to you can meet up fight or what ever. Just because some people are too lazy to set up test server! dont need to swap servers for pvp we already have access to this for FREE! (well part of sub)