874 -
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Can't even tell the truth in this day and age without causing offence.
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It may or may not be the truth! Your still avoiding the main issue that most people avoid PvP for this general attitude. -
Cool I'm sure vindicate can field something, still 6 of us
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Probably not dude, don't forget we 'break PvP'
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Yeah I love how some people say pentad are stale and the score end ups being very low. Then we get like 20-1.
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Its actually "I PWN YOU" chat like this that puts most people off.
But well done for trying to encourage people... -
1:/ Would you object to a entrance fee? that you would later have chance to win at the end along with others entrance fee? A way of guarantying that people that register will show up?
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how do you intend to collect entrance fee?
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On the server. Depends on many different things with people being on defiant makes things a little complex. Atm im just gathering info just to see if people are generally put off by the idea.
The idea is to make sure that the people register will show up more than to add to the prize. -
I've come up with a "Event" which is bigger than anything i have done before will involve lots of planning and devising. It should in the theory give people of all PvP experience a chance to win. Will also include loads of matchs. I need to do some research first tho.
I would like as many of you to answer this as possible to get a true idea.
1:/ Would you object to a entrance fee? that you would later have chance to win at the end along with others entrance fee? A way of guarantying that people that register will show up?
2:/What time and nights are you on most?
3:/Would you mind the event going on for a few weeks?
4:/Union or Test? -
I managed to miss out on 3vP, I ocaisionally fight in the zones but generally the atmosphere of there and arena put me off. If there was something like 3vp again I'd bet you'd see a lot of non PvPers involved
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This generally the thing i come across most. Most none PvP'ers are put off by the constant spam on arena chat and the pwn chat in the zones it doesnt fair well for new players. Maybe the players involved in this sort of thing could restrain them selfs a little when it comes to thinking about what channel they use and for what reason if a subject is related to PvP or just because its easy?
Would it be fairer to use a tell or a global channel? I know for one i dont monitor /Arena channel for PvP anymore as theres too much spam for my liking
As for the "Event" Im chasing up some leads atm and finding out a couple of things before i post details. Just let you know that it will be fair to new players as well as experience ones.
One question i'm struggling to find the right answer for is.
Where do i hold the event ? Union or Test Server? -
I would consider them more in controlling grade. Grade C
Sorry knew i forgot 1 AT. -
If I was to grade myself on my main character Enervator:
Intelligence: High '10' (How well you play this character)
Strength: Low '3' (Damage Output)
Speed: High '8' (Manouverability)
Durability: Low '2'(Resistance/Defence)
Energy Projection: High '9'(Buffs/Debuffs)
Fighting Skills: Low Solo '3', High in Teams '9' (Fight solo or in teams)
You could give each category a number from 1 to 10 and then add up the numbers for a Total. e.g. 44 out of 70
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I really like this idea, and just to see how I would do in this marking scheme
Passive Wavelength:
Intelligence: 8
Strength: 7
Speed: 6
Durability: 5
E.P: 9
F.S: solo 3 team 9
Total: 38 solo 44 team
Perhaps another category should be added for buffers? i.e. type of buffs/debuffs? so they could be grouped + divided accordingly (i.e. empaths would probably have their own group, then slows, res buffs/debuffs, end drain... maybe a few others I can't think of right away.
If so then
Buff Type: Res Buff/debuff
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I like the idea but this sort of grading would be too complex and too detailed. Im thinking along the same route with a lot simpler grading system. Remember each grade is a class rather than a players skill level.
Grade A
Grade B
Grade C
Grade D
Hmmmm lights are flashing in my head plans are coming together! keeps ideas coming. -
You, as always, have my full support.
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cheers chezza! -
3vP was good cos it had little to do with Skll but the luck of the draw. Maybe something along them lines but played through alot quicker
I am trying to think of a "Event" that will give everyone a equal chance of winning i dont want to just do another event as i know what the out come will be. So thinking cap is on any ideas please pass my way.
I always roleplay when I pvp, that's why I dont have any villains. Doesn't suite my Rp style.
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This really hold little reference here. I understand you guys wanting to have a joke and a laugh but this isnt the place we are trying to Improve the PvP stance. We are trying to discuss in a mature and sensible manner.
These comments dont aid the course.
Since I know you do want to improve the quality and quantity of PvP I know I can count on your support in these matters and expect you to show your support in a more constructive manner for here on in . -
I've seen so many i want more PvP post! That i thought i might post some ideas of how to improve PvP.
Heres some ideas for who ever may feel that PvP is lacking.
This isnt just to the people that are looking to improve PvP but its a good guide to maybe how you can help others maybe enjoy PvP a little better.
The main entrance for PvP is the PvP Zones. This is where i do most of my PvP recently. This is where i find most of the off putting PvP.
This guide offers advice/ideas that you dont have to use and there not written law just a guide.
Please leave any other constructive advice you may have and any comments you have please leave constructively.
[u] Communication. [u]
Firstly and most importantly avoid a argument via any means of communication. If you lose, win keep it to your self or talk in team dont take it to broadcast or tells. just remember you can always get your revenge a later date. Dont respond to anyone "Taunting" you. Broadcast is emotional vent and gives you a chance of a emotional flair and say things in the heat of the moment you maybe not proud of but things you wouldnt normally say. Make your comments constructive rather than destructive.
[u] Unbalanced Sides/Teams.[u]
In my own views Warburg is the best zone at the moment as it comes to balance. You can fight Heroes or Villains and your allies are as big as your team. Ganking is a major off put for me so Im guessing it is most people. Whilst yes it cant be helped all the time Im not stupid. Being in situations before where people want the kill so all everyone turns on the weakest foe, it is the order of the world. But if this is not just happening once. but a few times this isnt going to encouraging anyone to come back? Maybe try a different toon or different target or not attacking when the rest go in for the attack. If your team out numbers the enemy in the zones. Take action to make teams a little fairer or balanced the team more try moving to the other side if you can or disband your team into a smaller team. Yes this will increase the chances of you being killed but will also increase the fairness and also let the people that are losing the chance to enjoy PvP. when there enjoying this they may ask more friends to come enjoy a more pleasant PvP environment and then when more enter the zone then go back to how you were. Remember you Uber PvP'ers you may have vast more experience PvP. Totally destroying teams and players, take into account how it feels to be ganked or without a chance to survive to retaliate and put off any backup showing up.
[u]Avoid NPCs.[u]
This affects different people in different ways personally doesnt bother me as i dont care about Debt as i normally play 50 in a PvP Zone. But its best to say that if unless theres no alternative dont try using NPC to kill your foe. Heavies in Recluses Victory. Simple if you are going to PvP rather than play in the zone with the NPCs dont take one. Play fair.
If someones struggling or doesnt seem to be performing well you can always offer advice. People may not always accept it but at least you tried to aid someone and offer what experience you have.
The main advice I would give to anyone in a PvP Zone is to treat others as you would have them treat you (Doesnt mean dont attack them but with all the aspects I have covered above.) Theres plenty of new players out there wanting to get into PvP but so many off putting things to PvP lets help encourage rather than put off
Respect your foe remember PvP stands for Person vs. Person. -
Just mainly seeing whose interested at the moment, seeing as we have had interest from people with varing levels of pvp expertise and also depending on how many people we get, i guess we could do several matches at one time rather than just a 8v8 plus im sure some people would rather use villains.....
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Will play Union Heros and Villains -
Id personally say its a good set for PvP.
High HP
Extra Endurance
Confuse res
Fear res
Repel res
No recharge on god power.
No heal
No slow resist
as you can see more pros to the cons and the bonuses with IOs can make this even better.
I havent made a build for a WP scrapper i have one for a EM/WP brute tho if that helps. -
For the record, I walked away from that battle unscathed
Mother's Love - I'm waiting
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Yes thankyou my dear, smashing little fight this evening!, thankyou so much.
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Pwned! -
Hmmm nice topic... Think its fallen abit off track somewhere along the way.
Im sure we (Core PvP Community) believe that if you are in a PvP zone you will be attacked no matter if you want to or not. You pass the sign at the door to the zone!
So someone will moan cant avoid it.
some good advice for all players in a PvP Zone... Avoid broadcast or replying to it.
Ego has a big part to play in PvP and some people take it too far.
Broadcast is a outlet for this emotion.
have fun guys see you in a PvP Zone soon -
Thanks for coming all. Was fun and good to see so many new faces
PvP Night will return next year. so keep your eyes peeled for more info.
PS how did you enjoy the lvl 40 match ? -
can i bring my soon to be made; level 1 dual blades scrapper?
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your reply kinda reminds me of ks's mum...cant quite work out why yet...hmmmm
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LOL, i'm sure you guys will be truly gutted but I probably won't be able to make it on Boxing Day. Currently have major installation issues.
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Sorry to hear it globe. Try make it in the new year.
for the rest lets have a fun eve! -
The title says it all really.
Seri is back for chrimbo.
Prepare for a beating.
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Waiting dude! -
If I'm not busy I might pop along. Unfortunatly I havn't got a toon above level 16, and rez powers are kind of useless in PvP, arn't they?
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There are not the best power in the world it has to be said. Your still welcome to come along and watch even if you dont take part. or if others are little too shy to take part at the start. You can still pick up some good techniques from watching others play then asking the player after the match how they do it. All the players that take part will be willing to share their knowledge of the game. Thats what PvP Nights are all about.The people that come to these events are the people that want to improve PvP on the server. Remember it isnt "I PWN YOU".
Welcome to everyone.
If we get a few lowbies coming along for the fun. I will lower the level in which we fight at.Even if we dont i thinking of having a good old lvl 5 Team match hehe. -
Shame this isnt on test or i'd come along!... not paying to transfer my toons again lol
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fair do's. Going forward ill be doing PvP Nights on Union. -
OK guys been a while since PvP Night has happened due to me having to work late nights at work. PvP Night will be returning next year but for now we have the last PvP Night of the year!!
So all you budding PvP'ers and you just touching into PvP i'd like you all to pop along for some PvP Fun! Just a reminder this isnt a sort of event where people will put you down for trying. These Events are designed to help and improve the PvP community. no i pwn you chat!
Place - Union, Pocket D
Time - Boxing Day (26th) 8pm.
See ya all there. All ATs and all Levels welcome (Fighting at 50)
Any questions please post below.
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Yo Knight! Thanks for letting us know, just a question, is it random team matches event? If yes i might come!
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All random teams as best pos balanced.
Syn will testify to that -
OK guys been a while since PvP Night has happened due to me having to work late nights at work. PvP Night will be returning next year but for now we have the last PvP Night of the year!!
So all you budding PvP'ers and you just touching into PvP i'd like you all to pop along for some PvP Fun! Just a reminder this isnt a sort of event where people will put you down for trying. These Events are designed to help and improve the PvP community. no i pwn you chat!
Place - Union, Pocket D
Time - Boxing Day (26th) 8pm.
See ya all there. All ATs and all Levels welcome (Fighting at 50)
Any questions please post below. -
Watch out for fire blasters. Nuke ftw