854 -
I'm sure I can rustle up some support for this from my VG, Bloodline. We currently have 5-10 lvl 40's and about 20 players in the 30+ region so can probably get about 5-10 of those along.
I can also drum up support form our sister SG's over on www.supergrouphub.com
Just let me know when it's planned for. the soner we set a date, the sooner I can start letting people know. -
He he he.
I guess it was long overdue and I should have probably stuck with Kal'tk for 50 but it's done now. My poor scrapper has been sitting at lvl 43 for almost 6 months now
My Warshade, Duskstorm, and Peacebringer, Nightbreak, are already fighting evil.
First impression, I like the WS but the accuracy on them sucks so I can see me going with the PB
It has been a fun journey and I've been lucky to have a great SG and be part of one of the best coalitions in the game. Managed to get 17 of us in on the 'Defeat Neuron' mission with plenty of New Bloods, LLOD and Precision Rangers along.
Now to get Kinslayer his last few levels on CoV and try my squids out -
We have a good mix of AT's and are not overflowing with MM's like some VG's
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Do you have something against MMs then Kin?
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Nothing against them but I've seen a LOT of VG's out there that are over 50% MM's and it just seems to drive the Brutes and Stalkers out as it makes them pretty redundant.
I try to keep the Bloodline as balanced as possible (One of the main reasons I'm especially interested in getting some more Dom's in)
We still have our fair share of MM's! -
Might join. Do you lead the Blood Rebellion?
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Yup, with my main D-Zol -
If there's any spots left, I'd like in with my lvl 49 tank, D-Zol
My VG, The Bloodline, is looking for one or two active VG's out there to coalition with. We've had two in the past but they both seem to have sunk without a trace!
A little bit about us. We're actually the VG equivalent of CoH's New Blood Rebellion with the bulk of our players being from over there. We currently have 50+ members from lvl 2 to 40 most of who have been on in the last week(inactive members are pruned regularly)
Very few of our members are kids or noobs and we play for fun with stupid team banter being the aim of the day.
We have a good mix of AT's and are not overflowing with MM's like some VG's, but we are a little light on Dominators.
Anyone who is interested, send me a tell on my global name @kinslayer or catch me online with my CoH alt, D-Zol or CoV one, Kinslayer.
Alternatively, PM me on here or post here.
I am looking for active VG's that have been running for a while as we have little activitey below lvl 20 with most of it taking place at lvl 30+ -
Oh well,
As your SG leader, I realise i'm way overdue here, but gratz anyway TA.
For a more speedy response in future, please try to keep all lvl 50 dinging, outside the xmas period
On another note, this really is becoming embarassing having all my own SG outlevelling me and once this festive period is over and done with, D-Zol WILL be getting that last 1 1/2 level -
Still going. A little short on trollers
Kind of a surprising thread.
First off, my main is a Corruptor and my VG is a little light on Dom's.
However, I think there are a lot more than there are Stalkers.
As for them being underpowered? No way. From playing my alt Dominator, I have to say that Domination is without a doubt, the most useful inherent power across all CoH/CoV AT's.
OK, they're very hard to solo but in team situations, A dom is worth it's weight in gold.
On another note, any Dom's out there looking for a VG on Union, add @Kinslayer as a global friend as we'd love to have more in the VG! -
I'll be running this with my tank, D-Zol. Lvl 44 minimum and spaces are limited but if you're about, send me a tell as I have one or two spare
Well, if mine doesn't go ahead J, I'll be happy to tag along for this one. Don't keep a spot for me though, I'll just turn up on the night if I need to and take the place of anyone who may not turn up
I was looking at a 19.00 kick off but it seems this is a little too early so i'm going to say a 20.00 kick off with it starting earlier if everyone gets on
After getting 2 and 3 out of the way, I'm arranging the 3rd of these with my tank D-Zol.
Ive had a look through the TF and heres the breakdown of missions. Its worth noting few of them can be stealthed as even the glowie only ones are full of enemies that see through stealth.
1 Defeat all Rularuu
2 Defeat all Rularuu
3 Defeat all Rularuu
4 Defeat Malaise AV and press 4 glowies at once
5 Defeat Mother Mayhem AV and press 4 glowies at once
6 Defeat all Nemesis and press 4 glowies at once
7 Defeat all Nemesis, Nemesis AV and press 4 glowies at once
8 Defeat all Rikti and press 4 glowies at once
9 Defeat all Rikti and press 4 glowies at once
10 Find Glowie from Malta
11 Speak with Azuria
12 Find Glowie from CoT
13 Speak with Azuria
14 Defeat Baphomet AV and press 4 glowies at once
15-21 Deliveries
22 Defeat AV
So, were looking at:
6 defeat alls
2 glowie missions(malta one can probably be stealthed, CoT one, possibly)
5 AV missions
9 deliveries
This can probably be done in a night, but it will be a little longer than last nights as it has more AVs and more defeat alls than the previous one. For safety sake, I say we book two nights in a row to do it.
I'm looking at a 19.00 kick off on both nights and already have some spots taken.
If interested, post your level and build here. Anyone who can give a more accurate estimate of the lenght, please let me know.
Priority places will go to those who were on last nights one -
Well, looks like we can SK everyone up that's lvl is known no problem and team looks reasonably balanced.
Here's the list of those who are in and their levels and AT's (where known)
Gilgameesh - 50 Tank
thePhilosopher - 50 Scrapper
Stagefright - 50 Troller
J. Brute or Jiaozy - 42 Tank/50 Troller
Senzafine - ?
Twilight Archer - 47 Blaster
Scarletta - ? Defender/PB
D-Zol - 45 Tank
Depending on Senzafine's AT, looks like we need Scarletta to bring the Defender. -
Only problem I have is that Twilight Archer's on my team. done the last Shadow shard TF with him and he's in my SG. I'm sick of him
Only joking Archer! -
If there is still a spot on the night, holler over Union Badgehunter chat and I'll bring my lvl 44 fire/ice tank, D-Zol. I done the second Tf last night in a 6 hour session so would like to get this under my belt.
All Done!
It was a loonnggg TF, with us finishing just after 1 in the morning, coming in at over 6 hours (And there was me estimating 4 1/2)
Got a little tough when we were getting tired but had a great team, most of whom stuck it out.
Those there to the bitter end were D-Zol, Pobinea, Twilight Archer, Gabriel Kane, Goldie and Mr. Knockout.
XP was unbeleivable, the SG got over 120K in prestige, TF was impressive, debt was almost non existant and everyone levelled at least once, most of us twice. My only advice to people would be to split it over two consecutive nights.
Those who completed it can be quite proud as it would have been easy to throw in the towel but we stuck it out and reminds me what a great SG we have -
OK, there are still 2 spots left on this.
Lvl 40+, 3-4 hours long and kicking off at 19.30 -
I'll be running this on Friday with my tank, D-Zol.
Anyone who's interested, post here -
Different people have different ideas of what "fun" is. A stalker is slow by nature, and compliment a unique playstyle. Just as the MM is fast by nature, and compliment a unique playstyle.
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I think you've answered your own question there. MM's level much faster than any other AT in PvE. That alone shows that they are overpowered in PvE and need to be boutght in line with the other AT's.
While I'm not happy at constant Nerfs, my opinion is they shouldn't rush testing in the first place like they do, I do agree with player balance.
There is no blanace with MM's and other AT's in CoV at present. The whole idea behind these ganes are that balanced teams should be the key to good gameplay.
This is achieved in CoH to a reasonable extent, though blasters aren't really required. The simple fact is that MM's destroy the whole idea of teamplay and I already know many Brutes and Stalkers who just don't like teaming with them for any reason.
MM's are too much of an AT apart from all other AT's
I don't dislike pets, I actually think they're a useful tool. What I don't like tis the fact that pet's make the rest of the team irrelevant -
I think any fool can see that MM's are vastly overpowered. I have done the CoV respec three time now and everytime, the MM's made the Brutes and Stalkers pointless.
OK, they aren't hugely effective in PvP but how much time do people spend on that compared to PvE?
I've actually got to the point where I try to avoid teaming with more than one MM as it takes the key compnonent out of the game for me... Fun.
Sititng back and watch AI play the game for me seems nothing more than pointless.
I've played an MM and yes it was very easy to level but if that is the only reason for playing the game, what's the point of playing?
The numbers of MM's in the game are also a joke and when you've got VG's made up of more than 50% MM's, it must make the other members of the VG question why they are in there.
Give me a challenging Stalker or Corruptor over the mindless gameplay that is an MM any day.
I can just see the cries going up now when from MM players when they get the PvE nerf they so rightly deserve.
Having been a CoH player and a CoV plyer from day one in both cases and being in the CoV Beta from the second week, it does annoy me somewhat to see the idea of teamplay, tactics and build design offers no rewards when compared to just playing an MM.
Regardless, I'll continue to avoid them while they offer no challenge to the game whatsoever. -
i did this a few weeks ago and no badge. the whole team sent petitions. i got a reply saying we'll let you know how it pans out. got a reply recently saying screw you, do it again if you want the badge. well not quite in those words, but i think it may be fixed now. oh well better pull on my demon clobbering boots again!
[/ QUOTE ]
At least you got a reply!
My whole team sent petitiions and all any of us have had is a response saying it was being looked into. I've now sent two chase ups and have not even had the common decency of a reply. Seeing as this SF was done over 3 weeks ago, I'm pretty disgusted by the customer service I've received. -
Damn Quickblade,
It really has been a long time since the last one
Does this mean we may well see the return of team Whol bee as well?
Persil/pursel from my SG has disappeared with no activity in over a month and I enjoyed the odd TF I did with you guys when I dragged Kal'tk along! -
Damn, we're getting real busy over there now
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so busy ur server is offline?
never mind, it's back now
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Oooh, really! that's afirst. We must be getting popular!
I'll let cooler know -
Damn, we're getting real busy over there now