
Ebil-o FTL Jun-28-2010
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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    Good thing I have a backup head!
    Curses! Foil'd again! Like the baked potato!
  2. Nice update! And I see that Beast Mastery was snuck in there, too!
  3. A lifetime supply of ice cream. The flavor is Boot To The Head.
  4. Whut, me not win? I'm not surprised. :P

    Congratulations, TwoHeadedBoy!
  5. Kheldarn

    14th The 15th

    Double XP Weekend was a win.

    My primary goal was to get my Fire/Dark Corruptor to 50, and my secondary goal was to get my Robots/Traps Mastermind to 50. They were 41 and 31, respectivly.

    Thanks to Empire of the Damned's RMS Raid, DE's RMS Raids, and a LOT of thanks to Terrorizer, both goals came to pass, and 50s number 14 and 15 have been added to my list.
  6. Congratulations! I know I was on a team with her at some point, but I don't remember if I was there when you hit 50... @_@
  7. Kheldarn

    Full set

  8. OK, so, that was all kinds of @_@

    You said it was on a Sunday, but it was a Saturday. AND you did it during Double XP Weekend.

    Now that the patch is out with the fix for the DIB Badge, I say do it again this Friday. That way, Shadow can join us.
  9. Double XP + Double Sketch = AWESOME!
  10. Kheldarn

    Am i a giant?

    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    Yeah that little update slipped into the game so time ago.
    Pretty sure it was there at least before Issue 22 went live.
    They either showed up a patch or two after the Incarnate Stuff went Live, or with the launch of Incarnate Stuff. I forget which, but I've been monitoring them for forever.
  11. Meh. Yet another week of useless stuff on sale (I don't need to fuel my altitis any more... I don't need to fuel my altitis any more... I don't need to fuel my altitis any more... ), and Beast Mastery.

    Looks like another week of saving my points. Here's to next week!
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    • Buddy Cop
      • Story arc info - Dream Doctor Part Six: The Life of David Hazen (Find David Hazen's Missing Journal)
      • How to get - Save Detective Hopp at least once in Dark Astoria in either Heather Townsend's arc or Praetor Duncan's arc before your final meeting in Dream Doctor's arc. In the first two arcs, he'll show up as an optional objective when you get near him with "???" displaying in the Nav Bar. In the final mission, he won't show up as an objective, but will be lying on the floor ready to be teleported out. If you miss him previously both times, he will be dead and you will get no badge.
    • Incarnate Rival
      • Story arc info - Dream Doctor Part Six: The Life of David Hazen (Find David Hazen's Missing Journal)
      • How to get - Save Madame Bellerose at least once in Dark Astoria in either Heather Townsend's arc or Praetor Duncan's arc before your final meeting in Dream Doctor's arc. In the first two arcs, she'll show up as an optional objective when you get near her with "???" displaying in the Nav Bar. In the final mission, she won't show up as an objective, but will be with a foe and will fight you until she stops to talk to you. If you miss her previously both times, she won't stop to talk to you and you will defeat her with no badge.
    The parts in red really threw me off. The way I read it was that they'd be in the very last mission that DD gave, the one that completes his arc. I got nervous when I got a Reward Table after the 3rd mission from him, until I saw he had more for me.

    After I ran into Bellerose in his next-to-last mission, beat her up, and got the badge, I realized my mistake, and went looking for Hopp. Both badges awarded! ^_^

    Unfortunatly, that did nothing to remedy the fact that I missed the badge for refusing help in Sister Solaris' arc. >_<

    Fortunatly, I can do it right during one of my Weekly Flashback Runs for my 2 Emps (that I am not entitled to have handed to me for having already done the DA stuff before today's patch). ^_^
  13. I'd LOVE to see this. Until then, it's one more thing I track in my Excel Spreadsheet. I have a tab for Respecs, and I have a spot for all 9 trays, and what's in each of the 10 slots, if anything.
  14. Seems Blue Steel isn't the only one with 3 power sets. The Letter Writer seems to have Illusion Control, Gravity Control, and Staff Fighting. Lucky son of a pancake.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
    The Coming Storm that Ouroboros keeps warning us about is actually a battle royale between Blue Steel, duct tape and bacon. The sheer magnitude of this battle WILL destroy the multiverse AND the time-space continuum.
    I dunno. Of the three, I think Blue Steel will be the clear winner.
  16. I don't know them personally, but I did team with them in the past. And then one day, they vanished. No idea what's become of them.
  17. I know, right? It's like the gift that keeps on giving! Thanks again!
  18. I can do a MoDoubleD's and a DiB. I have no use for Tin Mage.
  19. I dropped the 800 PP on the Lep. It's a +10% bonus to Inf, so I think he's kinda worth the cost.

    And reports of him dying are exaggerated. I bought him on Tuesday, and he's never died.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    This sounds painfully complicated. :/
    Not really. Just make him follow you over there, then use Super Speed/Super Jump/Fly/Teleport/Stealth/etc. to GTFO as fast as you can. He'll be stranded there, and when the timer starts, he'll start attacking.

    I have SJ, SS, Stealth, and a Stealth IO on my main. I left him behind very easily.
  21. Heh. They're forever at the mercy of the bluescreen.

  22. The only MO TF I need is Khan.
  23. Expectations are the Tankrechaun will be in the store tomorrow...

    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    Most GameStop customers are console gamers--have you seen the half-shelf that most of the stores relegate to PC games?
    I try not to go into a GameStop if I don't have to. I feel my IQ drop as I walk through the door, and hear the drivel on the in-store TVs.

    Speaking of that, I need to go buy something from GameStop, so I can get another survey, and complain about that. Last time, I complained about tell me, "Welcome to GameStop!" when I entered, because I damn well know where I am, thank you, and now they no longer do it.
  24. I had no problems with Leon keeping up with me. And in the 2nd mission, after we save the workers, I ran over to where the last area is, then ditched him there, while I went down to the stores to deal the the 5th Council there.

    As soon as the last foe was dead, the timer started (it was 3:00. I think they added 60 seconds to it...). Since Leon was already there, he got a head start on killing The Council Column mobs.