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  1. (Edited Retracted... Apparently, it was someone calling other people ignorant that got that whole mini-thread within the thread deleted.

    I'm happy again.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    A friend's stuck in temple all day. But I'm stuck at work all day. So I'm ok with this.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's the one!
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm greatful for new content, and LOVING my gaming in COH, but releasing today is a little disrespectful.

    I escaped from religious goings-on just a few minutes to check the boards..and look what I find. Won't be able to look at it for real till late late tonight myself. For really religious people even then would be too soon.

    Not flaming..just disappointed.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ...and to some religion, somewhere in the world, any day is going to be a holy day of some sorts.

    This is not to belittle your religion, but I'd be equally happy if it was released on Christmas, Easter, Samhain, Chanuukah(sp?), ANY day...

    Some of us are at WORK, too... There's no way they could please everyone with the release date and way at all...

    (Regardless of your religion, or holiday, have a great day. )
  4. Some of the changes are steering scrappers to specifically target fewer minions and go after those orange, red, and purple lt's and bosses, though.

    To me, anyway, it appears they are starting to devote some serious datamining to AT balancing. It can't, unfortunately,come all at once, so one AT or another is going to "suffer" until they can get close to what they intended for each one.

    Sometimes the best intentions are a bit more difficult to put into practice...
  5. My favorite Troll!

    Where ya been, Veg?!
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Ay, I'll let you two sort it out... Stand corrected... Still think you need to calm down, though!

    [ QUOTE ]
    And, no..until you made a snide remark in your directly previous post, you were being perfectly great in the discussion...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's the problem with typing this crap out... I never meant to be snide, and If I got personal, I really apologize.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No problem... Indeed, inflection and intent are sometimes lost on the forums. That's their biggest drawback, I think.

    [ QUOTE ]
    My stance on this subject does NOT change, though!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Good! Can't have much of a discussion about these things if everyone agrees!
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    So how will a Hero = 3 Minions change for the higher levels go through without a massive outcry of, "EVERYONE WAS NERFED!" which we can all expect?

    Frankly, It WILL be a "nerf". Sure, some think it's better for the game, the dev's obviously do. Maybe it is- but most of the playerbase is oblivious to these changes... All they're going to notice is that...
    " I can't seem to solo more than 3 whites anymore! [Censored] is going on!?"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I dunno...frankly, most of the people I do team with, and people in my SG, don't hold the Chicken Little view of changes... Most of them say something like "Oh? Is that what they changed? Okay...will have to change tactics, then." They then adapt and overcome..just like RECON! Sorry...Clint Eastwood movie flashback...

    [ QUOTE ]
    We are, after all, only a tiny percentage of the playerbase.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That we are, for sure. I have faith in the brunt of the playerbase being more adaptable than some here give them credit for, though... If they weren't? Then the forums wouldn't comprise "less than 1% of the player base" (according to States). lol

    [ QUOTE ]
    Aw crap. It's HURRICANE TIME for me.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh hell, man! Be careful... good luck and godspeed to you there. Hope you get through it fine.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Everyone knows your full of it

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hello. I'm the center of the universe. I don't agree with you, so "everyone" must know you're full of it.

    This thread was relatively readable until you got here, Val. As for "credibility," who are you and why do you have any?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You know, Icarus... I rarely agree with you, but I've always respected your right to have a different opinion.

    Posts like this demonstrate exactly why, regardless of opinion on how we play, changes, etc., I'll continue to respect your right to speak them.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Again, I've nothing to prove to you. And, until you get your name in red, you can kiss my *** about whether I can post or not...***...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's all a discussion until someone decides to get personal, eh?

    At least it wasn't directed at me.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You'd have to be there for the whole thing... Valari's been a jerk ever since he stated that being 6 levels under the mobs you fight means you're useless and some of us disagreed with him...

    But, I didn't realize the board didn't filter that word...I thought it did... self-censoring, coming up.

    And, no..until you made a snide remark in your directly previous post, you were being perfectly great in the discussion...

    Edit: On second thought, I won't edit it out...

    Archon, read the post I was responding to and tell me who got personal first, please...
  10. [ QUOTE ]

    Now how about you respond to a part of my post that promotes an actual discussion?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That promotes the discussion specifically. I addressed a specific exception to the change, based on a notion of what constitutes power, the con system, what minions actually are, etc.

    It's all there. Sorry you don't get it...
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Just because they are "minions" doesn't mean, by any stretch, that they aren't as strong as you are... Now, the term "even con minion" will be more in line with actually taking on soemone almost as strong as you...hence the "even con".

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You do know that Statesman has already said it should be 3 minions = 1 hero don't you?

    BTW, I am still waiting for that video of you taking on those +6 mobs. You have zero credibility because you can't seem to tell the truth and refuse to research any of your answers. Until you learn that other people can fact check your stupid *** posts, you might want to refrain from making any posts.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    You have no credibility with me, either... I have nothing to prove to you. I'm not the only one who says it can be done. You can't, that's your problem. Deal with it. I solo in PI NOW, at level 35. You can't? Again, your problem, not mine.

    Again, I've nothing to prove to you. And, until you get your name in red, you can kiss my *** about whether I can post or not...***...
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    I really can't imagine superman looking powerful while fighting rikti monkeys...


    [/ QUOTE ]

    I can't imagine you actually being able to create a "superman" character in CoH, either...


    See, look at Batman or the Punisher. I use them because they're really the only superheroes you see fighting large groups at once...unless it's a Super Group vs a Supervillain Group...

    Now, does Batman or the Punisher fight large groups of EQUALLY POWERFUL villains? No... Do they fight large numbers of WEAKER powered HENCHMEN? Yes. Minions are standard villains. Underlings are the fodder that gets thrown at the superheroes... THIS is what superheroes "fight large groups [of]"... Not regular old bad guys. Regular old bad guys are a bit tougher than mindless underlings...and tend to do more damage, offer a bigger challenge. Ultimately, the superheroe defeats between 2 and 5 of these, less if he's got to deal with a horde of underlings too...

    I think the problem is that some are confusing what the concept of the conning system is... It's to determine the relative power of a villain to your power. If the villain is supposed to be relatively as strong as you, then wth are you thinking that you should be able to wipe the floor with a massive group of them?! Seriously... A few? Of course! A large group?! roflol!
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Two things: you will slow down XP gain. Fighting mobs just for the hell of it gets old.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Huh?!?! Again, for the hard of thinking, and those unable to read, experience is scaling with mob difficulty...

    [ QUOTE ]
    Secondly, you forget that one of the most important things about superheroes is that they are often ABLE to take out masses of enemies.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If you want to take out masses of villains at once, you still can. If you want to take out masses of villains who are just as powerful as you? Go back to D2...

    Just because they are "minions" doesn't mean, by any stretch, that they aren't as strong as you are... Now, the term "even con minion" will be more in line with actually taking on soemone almost as strong as you...hence the "even con".

    The color is supposed to relate NOT to "level" but to relative power in comparison to you. "even con" is supposed to be more or less equal in power.

    At present, that just isn't true.

    You want to be "heroic" by taking out massive groups?! Go after underlings like the superheroes in the comics...
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Now here's the kicker: at the pace I'm going, its going to to take me nearly 10 hours to get through this level solo streetsweeping. In my mind, this is already too slow

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thing is, this is pretty fast for post mid-point levelling in an MMOG... This ain't Diablo.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Shhhh... Too many want this to be a comic book version of D2 or CS... Or worse. Both.

    The plain and simple fact is, if this were "real world" the villains wouldn't really be going up in power (i.e.; you wouldn't find "minions" of your relative power level late in your spandex career).

    The compensation the game makes for making you have to fight more and more villains as you level is to make it so you fight fewer, but tougher, villains.

    The same piddly minions of the Joker are the same relative power to Batman as Penguin's minions are... As Batman learned more and more tricks, got more anmd more "powerful", was he able to beat more and more of the Joker's and Penguin's minions? No...their minions seemed to get smarter and more powerful too.

    Superhero and schoolyard bully don't seem to be the way to go, imho...

    And let's not forget the lag issue, if they made minions diminished power vs heroes as they went up...can you imagine having to fight 500+ minions at once with an 8-man group to advance xp?! Dayum... Give me 3 MUCH tougher minions and more experience for overcoming them any day.
  15. Yet another person who is a victim of selective illiteracy?

    Hello? XP for them is going up commensurate with risk and HP.

    My gods, what are some of you smoking?!

  16. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm not a leveling junkie. I don't street sweep or go around in circles fighting the same set of groups because they give me 20% more XP because of the group size. (Well, maybe I do that once a week).

    But with two toons at level 36, it will be impossible to level fighting 3 white minions! (period).

    I thought going from 36 to 37 would take forever (and I play 4 hours a day everyday) - forcing me to get same level minion-class XP will just force me to play only alts or skip to another game (ack - can't believe I said that).

    Even if you up the reward - this is still a really painful leveling process post 35.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ...and you know this for a fact because....? You've tried it? You have advanced knowledge of how it's going to work? Man...I want your connections.

    Hint #1: You're completely clueless how it WILL work... You are just so resistant to change, and what, to me, sounds like improvement, that you'll make wild claims without even seeing what it's like...


  17. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Really...sometimes a duck is just a duck...

    [/ QUOTE ]
    "so if she weighs the same as a duck...."

    I can only imagine the great laugh the Devs are getting from this thread. Notice they've only posted ONCE in this thread (aside from the origonal post) and that was to debate the semantics of the word "aether"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ROFLOL! Yeah, tell me about it.

    I'm finding this whole thread laughable to the point of being ridiculous, and I'm not even the one that started this mess. I can only imagine how much Statesman is rolling around laughing at the people making fools of themselves...

    Of course, him being...well...a statesman, and all... I'm sure he'd never use the term "fool"... More like "people being silly." Of course, I vote more on the good old Felix Unger breakdown of "assume".

    Some people are even going so far as to break down specifics and creating whole new threads about "the coming invasion" when they're about as clueless as a rock about what States was referring to.

    Man, P.T. Barnum would have a field day with this crowd. *snickers*
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    On that note...does anyone know why higher level characters show up here and there? I was in kings row a while back and almost ran into a level 38 devouring earth on the steps of the police station. I've seen other high level enemies out of place numerous times. How do they get there?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Higher level mobs outside of their usual zones are the results of ambushes. Even though my main is level 40, I still get the occasional missions in Kings Row, or even Atlas Park.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    not always. during the past month i've seen a lot more rikti spawns in places where they don't normally spawn, like steel canyon, kings row, etc.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Most likely because there's more and more people of sufficient level that are getting these missions. I was ambushed by 5th Column on 2 occassions in KR, 3 times in Skyway, and 2 times in Talos last night alone. Now, this is just ONE person in zones of dozens of people, where half or more are higher level.

    In one night, over the weekend, we (my wife and I) were ambushed by Rikti 6 times in King's Row within the span of about 3 hours...

    Really...sometimes a duck is just a duck...

    [ QUOTE ]
    i've seen other instances where high level villians "negotiate" with low level villians in different gangs, i.e. devouring earth talking with outcasts, things like that.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This has been going on since approx level 10, when you reach the ability to fight in Skyway and Steel Canyon. Welcome to 4 months+ ago...
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    So what do you guys think the event will be (to lazy to look back through the 22 PAGES to find out if anybody else has given i good answer to this)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If you're too lazy to read the thread, then I'm both too lazy to answer directly and of the belief you don't deserve an event, or at least don't deserve to partake of one.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Oh, PS If it is indeed an invasion of some sort. For those villians who r listening. Same rules as before. No eyes, no balls.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Regarding your rules...? You can say that again...
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    There's a storm coming. Watch the skies! Trust no-one! Look, you fools. You're in danger. Can't you see? They're after you. They're after all of us. Our wives, our children, everyone. They're here already. YOU'RE NEXT!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Interestingly, my SG is called "Majestic 12" and I have "Groom Lake" in there... *chuckles at all the overt references*
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    e·ther ( P ) Pronunciation Key (thr)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ah. That's the anglicized version of the word "aether" (which preserves the ancient Greek root much better).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ROFL! Damnit, Jack! I was just posting "literary license allows for the spelling 'aetheric' as it applies to the more esoteric realms of mysticism and magic...."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    completely off topic, i know, but every time i see thwe word esoteric...

    "Although robust enough for general use, adventures into the
    esoteric periphery of the C shell may reveal unexpected

    man csh | grep esoteric

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ROFLOL! [censored]! I can't believe they'd use words like "esoteric" and "adventures" when writing man pages for freakin' C shell!

    Okay...You can shoot me now. I've seen more than everything; I've seen too much.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    It's finally happened: all the gravity controllers multi-casting singularity has caused Paragon to become unstable and collapse upon itself. All will die (except controllers of course); we will live on to say "Yea, we did that".

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nah...they'll save their pet scrappers too. After all, there's no point in bragging rights if you have no one to brag to...
  24. [ QUOTE ]

    Question: Is Paragon City supposed to be in the US?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    LOL! Yes...Rhode Island, as a matter of fact.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    e·ther ( P ) Pronunciation Key (thr)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ah. That's the anglicized version of the word "aether" (which preserves the ancient Greek root much better).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ROFL! Damnit, Jack! I was just posting "literary license allows for the spelling 'aetheric' as it applies to the more esoteric realms of mysticism and magic...."