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  1. Was wondering that myself. Came to the forums but couldn't find any info on it. :/
  2. This is how many times in a week the game's been down for an extended period of time? Cripes. I understand stuff happens but this is getting to be ridiculous.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tahliah View Post
    I downloaded the update, logged on, selected a server, and was bounced back to the login screen with a note saying that my account could not log on because public access is denied. What is that? I subscribe annually, paid in full for a full year back in February. This is not a stellar start.
    It's been happening to a lot of people, myself included. Apparently the maintenance has been extended for an 'undetermined amount of time'. Bleh.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
    You can log in.

    You can't get past the server select screen.

    You cannot select the Exalted server. It's past the bottom on the scroll down bar and any attempt to select it the menu scrolls up and you end up selecting a different server (and being kicked out).

    Grrrr. Not being able to get in I understand. The bugged UI that won't allow you to select the new server I do not understand.
    Glad to know I'm not the only one having this issue! I thought my client might've broken or something.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
    The account server is currently down. So if you're on the beta server it will think that you're a free player until you can synch up with it and you also won't be able to buy any of the new powersets (since the store connects to the account server it's down too).

    They're trying to fix it.

    Also, make sure you've got the beta client installed and not the test client.
    Ugh, lame. Hope they get this fixed soon!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
    Well, I know it usually takes a few days after you've signed up for the game for an account to have access to the test server (or so I've been told, my account hasn't yet lapsed). I would imagine it's the same thing with the beta server.

    For what it's worth all you're missing out on right now is just the 'free' content since the store's been down most of the time.
    Good to know!
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NovaThunder View Post
    I'm just using a 60 day time card right now. I can get in there untell I get active subscription?
    I'm subscribed with the same thing! Could it be an issue with card subscribers as opposed to those with a credit card/debit card?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Actually I accessed beta with an account that I rarely use and got the NDA window this morning on the first access to the beta server (past the login server).
    I tried to log in with a few alt accounts but I still get the same public access denied message thing. My main account was paid on the 8th of August through the 7th of October and I still can't access the beta. :/
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    When you first log in, you get the EULA. The first time you select the beta server after logging in you get the Beta NDA.
    Tried that, nothing came up aside from it telling me I don't have the right account to log in with.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tutelary View Post
    Same for me.

    I never had a screen pop-up for accepting the NDA, just the EULA.
    Same for me.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rehberg2 View Post
    I'm still getting the "public access to this server has been disabled" message. The same message I got every time I tried to log in yesterday. Obviously, people have been getting into the game, so does anyone know how to solve this problem?
    Anyone else get this issue solved yet?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    At the time of the posts above you, players didn't have access to the VIP beta forums. That should have been put in place in the morning, WELL BEFORE the VIP Beta was opened, not HOURS AFTER.

    Seeing that they didn't have VIP access in game, there wasn't a way to make a /BUG report either.

    So how the heck were people to report this?
    Exactly. I STILL can't log in, and my account is paid up until October.

    Oh, and yes, I do have the BETA and not the TEST installed, and I did everything exactly as the official how to told me. It still thinks my account isn't a VIP one, for whatever reason. Anyone know when this will be fixed for us poor souls who are having this issue?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tutelary View Post
    Ditto. Is there some sort of unseen queue we are in before access is enabled? I am able to login, accept the EULA but after clicking Beta Server 01, I get the "public access to this server is disabled" message.
    Having this problem myself. :/