432 -
Quote:Umm...you should send this in a message to the people who run Titan Network.
Mids is not operated or owned by NCSoft or Paragon Studios. Telling the devs you want a smartphone app of it will do you no good because they have nothing to do with Mid's whatsoever.
Ahhh you are cute thinking the devs look at this forum in the first place. Seriously check the last post by a dev in this forum. I know they don't run titan, it was just a suggestion. I was just letting them know (maybe even the devs) that it is an app I would buy. -
Damn I have a droid.
I wonder if I could get sucker punch to work from the web browser on it, hmmm.... Ill try it. -
Quote:Sad, cause those lawsuit should be focused on the people causing the problems.
I was just about to make a post about batman asking a question but this seems like a good enough place.
In the movie The Dark Knight when the Joker makes Batman choose between Rachael And Harvey when asked who he was gonna save Batman says Rachael but saved Harvey, did the Joker lie about who was where or did Batman save Harvey on purpose?
edit - (Sorry for the thread jack)
It was cool to see Bron... err Tom Hardy on set. -
Water world
not a film but I need to admit this anyway......
I'm not sure if this is real or not... does anyone know if this is what she will look like?
<-- lucas
I've been playing on freedom mostly and hardly pvp anymore.
Nice to have you back, if you need some help send me a tell to @lukas. -
I did the TF for the first time and was wondering what happens if you complete all the optional tasks in it?
Why are the ************* globals down, this is ******** **** **** ****. We should get a discount for lost ******* time chatting. Ive played other games that didn't have all these ******* problems, this is ********/
bring back the globals or i'm closing my accounts! -