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  1. May I point out another bug I found with the new booster pack?

    I found with the Witch Leather (bare and lace), some jackets will forget about your character's breasts, making the breasts poke through the jacket.

    Amusing at first, annoying all other times.
  2. Katzbalger

    Some MA Stuff

    [ QUOTE ]
    Failure to execute "Unaware" dialogue. NPCs are not talking when you get close, and instead say their bit when you are seen. Annoying, since I rely on that to get an early fix on their location.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes, I've notices this too. However, the first boss will blurt out their unaware speech, but after that, the rest will only do it when they notice you.

    I've also noticed that custom character don't seem capable of any default animation what so every.

    As for chained battles, it is possible to do it by setting some of the fights you need to do as non-mission critical bosses, but having mission critical bosses spawn after you've defeated them.
  3. I've been tampering with the architect and realized that a mission element was missing! You can't plant bombs! Why? I like planting bombs! Sure you could get away with "collecting" them instead, but they aren't hidden when you haven't planted them.

    Perhaps there should be another mission element called "Plant", or add a plant element to the collect mission types.

    There are a few more things I think should be added for greater mission variety too... I was trying to make a mission where you needed to plant charms on a map to lure in demons, but there's supposed to be a boss on the map you're not allowed to defeat. He's also supposed to be patrolling.

    With that said, it would be nice if you could add a mission critical boss where you only complete the mission if the boss is still alive at the end, or in other words, if you defeat said boss, you fail. Also, adding "patrol" into the mission placement would be nice too, or adding in a boss to patrol types and so on. If you don't need to defeat the boss, or you're not meant to defeat the boss, surely it doesn't matter if it's not staying still.

    Another thing I noticed with the architect was when I put in 3 bosses that needed defeating in a mission, and I wanted it so that boss 2 only appears when boss 1 is defeated, and boss 3 only appears when boss 2 is defeated, it came up with an error stating that there's some circular goal. What? Where's the circle?

    I troubleshooted this by having boss 2 and 3 appear at the front and back of the map, while boss 1 was in the middle... but that's not what I wanted at all. Stalkers will have a field day pulling apart the story element if they find two of the bosses on map at the same time, as well as anyone else who can turn invisible.
  4. This is my first time posting fan art on this site... and it's not really fan art to be honest. More like Character Art as the drawings aren't of signature characters, but player characters... But anyways, I came across this silly idea to draw all the main members of my super group the other day, and unfortunately all the members thought it was a great idea... so here goes.

    For those of you who play on the Guardian server, you may be familiar with a villain who goes by the name of Nyu. Well this isn't Nyu, but it is one of her characters, Baby Vanilla (she styles all her characters the same way, so meh.)

    It's not finished, still requiring shading, but it's fully colored and cleaned. I've lined the drawing up along side a screen shot I took so you can get an idea of what the character looks like in game too.

    (I seem to be having problems getting the UBB Code to display the image, so if it's not there just click the link and it'll take you to it.)

    I'll be updating this thread as I make draw more characters, and when I persuade the UBB codes to work.
  5. Funny thing is, i was thinking exactly the same thing earlier this morning....