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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    I can account for # 3 of Tundara's run of luck

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have been on 2 of Tundara's runs - but I 2 fails before that

    so, Katin: 2; Recluse 2
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    has anyone actually tested the Slow resist from Lightning Reflexes? People keep claiming it as this massive plus, but no one has posted anything, AFAIK, about how good that slow resist actually is. We do have a precedent to compare it to: Permafrost is a passive with resist slow, but it sucks major donkey.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It will provide protection from a single application of the glue arrow that SWAT Equalizer's fire. A second hit from that will have full effect.
  3. The 3.8% upper limit on the rent would have to be artificially enforced, but its unlikely that anyone will ever get there. To reach the 3.8% cap, you would need to be taking in 6.5M prestige every 2 weeks. For an sg with 75 active members, each earning 3000 prestige an hour, they would all have to be farming prestige 14 hours a week.
  4. 6 Anchors are required, one per room and they are not allowed in the vault or the entry room. This makes for a minimum of 8 rooms to hold an IOP.

    Also for future reference, rent rate = 0.000278049 * Prestige ^ 0.2596

    Or, Rent = Prestige * ( 0.000278049 * Prestige ^ 0.2596)

    Or to get the maximum sustainable Prestige: MPre = (3596.5 * Rent) ^ 0.793903
    where rent = the rate at which your sg gains prestige

    so, if we assume a large SG can make 3,000,000 prestige every 2 weeks, then their max prestige would be 92,305,432 prestige.

    This formula has a near perfect for the rent info provided so far.