1991 -
Personally, I don't care if the animation has me pulling swords out of my butt, I still want sheathes, holsters, etc for my costumes. Pulling them from the "wrong" place won't be any worse than pulling them out from thin air.
Quote:I find leveling my characters to be part of their "creation". I imagine a character who does some nifty-awesome things with a sword or their mastery of fire, not someone who can only hack or shoot out one type of fiery bolt.bmbeeman, you seem focused on costumes and concept but not very interested in gameplay. It sounds to me like you're a creator, not a gamer, by nature. You love CoH for the costume creator and the limitless space it allows for characterization, but you're not so hot on the actual game. I'm somewhat the same way.
I spent the first several years of this game not getting anyone past level 20. I was burning out because each time I'd do Atlas Park, Kings Row, maybe Hollows, Skyway and Steel Canyon and start over. Finally I decided to become more open to grouping and would set my LFG flag on and accept almost any invitation, started joining task forces, found out my server's globals, etc. It wasn't long before I was over the hump and seeing new places, new contacts, new mobs and especially new powers.
As for concept, there's plenty of good advice here. I personally can't play a character I don't "relate" to. Even if I don't have a bio or backstory all worked out and don't know their "real" name or if they have siblings, I need to at least be able to say "He's a happy-go-lucky fame hound who loves hero work for the public praise" or "She's an amoral killing machine". I suppose it's like the well-worn line, "What's my motivation for this scene?" Even if it's something cliché like "Out for vengeance because his parents were murdered", just go with it and flesh it out later if you're so inclined. You don't need to tell everyone about it, just something to give you a little spark as to why this guy is punching Hellions or robbing Longbow bases. -
Hard to tell colors so I just went with Black/White/Gray for most of it. As said, you have a few more options if you go female (high boots, etc).
The female is using the Steampunk jacket with a cape in lieu of a coat. -
You may get some inspiration costume-wise from these threads:
Post your best costume designs here!
The Costume (Re-)Design Thread
I'd recommend starting with the most recent posts and working backwards since both threads (especially the first) started a long time ago and before we could post images so the first pages are full of old broken Imageshack links and the like. -
Logging onto Freedom, I'm having my doubts about the clock you guys are keeping over there.
So it has been a while since I logged onto Freedom but I'm pretty sure it hasn't been 11+ years. -
That misses the point. The goal isn't to eliminate seeing any effects, it was to identify particularly obnoxious effects.
Any powers with the "orbiting flaming rocks" effects. Even better when they're colored lime green or fuchsia or something.
I've been waiting for the name Darkspeed to open up on Freedom for 6.9 years!!!
The horrible nature of ice shields have kept me from making any sort of ice-shielding character. Really, I hate any shields that obscure me but ice is especially bad.
The Titan smoke is a good one. I've gotten into the habit of taking Titans out first, not because they're dangerous as attackers, but because you get two of them and you can't see a single thing on the screen except for flashes of light when another salvo of missiles comes your way. -
Quote:Not sure if you saw this part when you saw the "no increased endurance" bit but Black Scorpion also said:I just hope they don't boost the endurance costs like they did with the Pet Training.
Quote:The endurance cost for Mastermind upgrade powers is also being decreased to fit more in line with these changes. -
Quote:Oh, thank God people can finally stop crying about Mystic Fortune...Black Scorpion added an update to the discussion here http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showp...&postcount=613
Quote:It also said that prisoners were making seat covers for cars. So buying a car means subsidizing a brutal penal system. If they can't make money off that, it'll be sewing athletic shoes or filling disposable lighters with butane or assembling DVD player components.So I guess buying gold (or inf or PLing or an epic mount or w/e) means subsidizing a brutal penal system. I guess that should bother one in proportion to their opposition to corporal punishment in general.
I'm not defending illegitimate RMT sales. I'm saying that the problem in the article isn't gold farming, it's China. -
Quote:Having spent considerable time in the parts of the forum dedicated to art and costume creation and showing off concepts, this doesn't really seem the case with this game. For instance, I almost never saw people showing off costumes using Vanguard bits until it was made universally available. I almost never see people showing off concepts using the Roman armor or Rularuu weapons.If people play this game for the character creation they are going to gate custom parts behind content, so that those people *keep* playing and thus earn them money.
Conversely, I see people using paid booster parts all the time. I don't doubt that people who hit 50 and accumulate A/E merits will get these bits incidentally just because they're there. I don't have any real objection to their being there. But I don't have any real reason to believe that any significant number of people will stay with the game and push for 50 with these pieces being any real motivator. -
I assume China's prison system isn't just going to say "Welp, guess we'll do without."
If they weren't gold farming, however unpleasant the experience, they'd be stuffing teddy bears with asbestos or putting lead paint on action figures during that time period. -
Given the wide-eyed Dev fascination with all things Praetoria, I wouldn't call this a safe bet.
Quote:It seems like the biggest complaint is needing to be level 50 to use it.Are people who are complaining about the incarnate costume pieces complaining cause they dont want it in the game, or complaining cause they will have to do something to get it?
"Biggest" being relative. Compared to AoE buff effects, they can lock the costume bits behind having every T4 unlocked for all I care. I'll be giggling madly while I mass FF my group in my old school costume. -
Quote:I don't see how. It's the same effects, it just takes less button clicking on your end to do it. Powers shouldn't be hampered by the physical annoyance they inflict in the real world.I'll have to see how it plays, but I'm pretty sure my kin defender is completely overpowered, now.
I suppose there's a benefit to the fact that the endurance cost hasn't increased to you'll save some blue bar but it's not as though SB'ing a team left me gasping for breath. -
I don't care about lvl 50 costume unlocks on a "that's just horrible" basis but, by the time I hit 50, my characters' identities are well established in my mind that I don't typically change their costumes. So a 50-unlock costume to me is just... pointless. I'm not upset about it but I can't feel excited about it either.
The capes/auras that can be vouchered and used at level 1 are of considerably more interest to me since I'm establishing my feel for the character at that time. I suppose my only concern there is that it'll be hard to test the new effects (especially trail auras) before spending the points on them so I hope they're not prohibitively expensive in terms of A/E merits. If I had a nickle for every character I took to the tailor to tweak at level 2, I'd have my subscription easily paid for. -
Fighting in Croatoa tonight and seeing the Maven of Ministry made me think...
Maven of Industry!
Quote:Both good ideas. Unfortunately, I don't have room for yet another DP/AR style character in my stable. As I said in my other post, it's too bad that using the jacket sleeves limits you to just a handful of glove options because it would be nice to use some other sort of "mechanical" glove with that costume for shooting fire or ice or whatever.I like this one. I think something that might help is to make the pants a lighter color. Possibly the one all the way to the right of the current one (the not bright, sort of desaturated brownish tan).
An Aquanaut
More experimenting with the puffy sleeves on other jackets. The sad part if that it really limits your allowed gloves.