1991 -
If you take away the space in his name, you get the Slenderman who sounds more like a tax attorney than a supernatural child-snatcher. Suddenly he's a lot less scary... unless you're deliquent in your filings.
Quote:Nonsense.First they will discover that Spider-Man and most of the variations are blocked. Then they will discover that more generic name like Fireman and Iceguy have been taken. And after an hour of having names rejected by the system, they will either quit without playing, or will name their characters something like asdfghjkl or Scrapper999.
Their first naming attempt will be "The Azerbaijan Mole Stapler" and they'll be AMAZED that it hadn't been taken yet! -
I hate that conceit in MMORPGs in general. You would think that being evil didn't have to be mutually exclusive with good pavement, clean streets and structurally sound housing but that's not how it usually plays out.
Quote:I'd say that an Auction House style things would fit different needs than an auto-teaming system. Namely, out of game (logged out) transactions and not needing to remain in one zone. No one is teaming while logged out and global channels/LFG window/Tells make it unnecessary to stay on the Steel Canyon map while looking for a team.I don't think anyone would respond to the idea of an Auction House with "that's not really needed, we already have [Trade Hub], just go there and spam WTB until you get what you want".
That said, you have people in other MMORPGs who pine for the days of sitting in a tunnel and spamming "WTS Battleaxe of the Wacky Marmoset 3k!" over and over because they felt it was more social and realistic. Takes all kinds, I guess. -
I tried getting Carrotbeard on Justice and it was taken. Name wipe plzkkthx~la
I'll take your word on it. He still looks like he's trying to pass himself off as an ugly woman
I guess it's the comment that "You can see he is not TRYING to pass as a woman." -- No, I can't see that and don't have any contextual clues to suggest otherwise. He has a short haircut worn by some women, clean shaven, is in women's clothing and wearing make-up. I'll believe you when you say he's not trying to look like a woman but he still does look like he's trying to pass as a woman. I'm not sure what else he could do to look MORE like he's trying to pass as a woman except maybe waiting in line outside a women's restroom while holding a box of tampons or something. -
Quote:That has nothing to do with MMORPGs and what names will get "modded" in an "Orks 'n Dorks" (as you put it) fantasy MMORPG. Your quaint notions of what'll fly in the fantasy MMORPG world suggests that you've never actually played any of them.Well, hobbits do tend to have pastorally themed nicknames, so it would probably have gotten by. Their actual names have very different rules of construction, though, so Prof. T would have given a gamma for that. He was, after all, profoundly obsessed with the linguistic aspects of his fantasy world. The success of his books unfortunately has ensured that most would-be writers of high fantasy often become entangled in their attempts to devise their own ersatz high elvish and the like.
I don't lead teams because my goals are typically selfish ones and I'm looking to complete my story arc or finish my alignment tips or farm my 1,000 Woozle bosses for the Woozle Net Gun temp power.
I'll join teams if I'm just looking to gain xp and don't care what I'm doing but most of my personal goals can be soloed and I'd rather just solo them than be responsible for anyone else's enjoyment while I pursue my own things. Trials/TFs/GMs being the exceptions.
Towards the OP: I'm pretty neutral on it either way. Maybe getting a full team is difficult but what needs a full team aside from task forces (and even they don't need a full team)? If you want to be on a team, set your flag, maybe hit up broadcast and your globals and go from there. But I'm not against the idea of a teaming function either -- I just don't see it as something worth investing in. -
I've no idea what's up with the "Carrot" thing. That would be a great, folksy name for a halfling/hobbit type or someone from a farming community. I suppose a dwarf or something named Carrot (Deadly Carrot, Carrotbeard, whatever) would be taken more as a joke but it'd be a far cry from the usual female ogres named Mamabighugglezzz and Hugebewwbz.
Anachronistic names are more fun. Anyone remember the flack in an early MMORPG over "Patiofurniture" on the RP server?
Anyone who thinks a name involving "Carrot" wouldn't fly in a fantasy based MMORPG has obviously never played a fantasy based MMORPG. -
Quote:Wow... getting desperate much? Why, yes! Yes, you are. I'd have thought a reasonable person would take that to mean "The majority of the time, people use XYZ names whereas in the fantasy genre you see a lot more of ABC names" but, again, this is the internet so I guess I was giving you a bit too much credit. Understood for next time.Now who's arguing semantics? Are you telling us with a straight face that you posted your paraphrase of the devs' position - including your own unique example of a name that was somehow acceptable in a fantasy game but not a superhero one - but in your heart of hearts you disagreed with it?
Quote:If you can provide a quote of precisely what the devs said, I'll address that.
Quote:let me state for the record, having furnished several counter-examples of all-but-unpronounceable names* from three prominent comics in three very different superheroic subgenres
Quote:Originally Posted by Me!Probably would have been easier for you to just admit that those names are a very distinct minority in the genre than to try to score points over the semantics of "exceptions" vs "exception" but, hey, internet arguments and all. -
Quote:I claimed no such thing. I said that the devs recognized that names in the superhero genre held a different character than in other genres, your attempts to cling to every edge case not withstanding.Even if there were a rule to superhero naming - and there is none - you mean exceptions, plural. Claiming that only certain names work for superheroes is as pointless as claiming "all of the good names are taken".
Probably would have been easier for you to just admit that those names are a very distinct minority in the genre than to try to score points over the semantics of "exceptions" vs "exception" but, hey, internet arguments and all. -
As part of their justification for the previous purge(s), the devs stated that they realized names in a superhero genre game were of a different animal than names in a fantasy game where you can just faceroll the keyboard and call yourself "Gdxjknmyull the elf wizard"
The scrapper's really simple: Work on enhancing your defensive toggles, set your Status Protection on autofire and then punch stuff with your NASCAR Fists of Doom*. Since your secondary is pretty one dimensional and your primary is mainly single target melee, it's kind of hard to get off course on your build without some effort on your part.
The other advice is all good as well but I think the Scrapper wins the "straight forward" award. Willpower & Ice Armor are more multifaceted than Super Reflexes.
*Maybe slightly more to it but really not much. -
Quote:Well, yeah. You can't prove that something won't ever happen -- if someone wants to predict doom should an event come to pass, it's up to them to make a solid argument for it. I think that pointing to past events and noting the lack of doom is a fair rebuttal to people saying "But... THIS could happen!"But it's not the trivial matter you're claiming, either. Or, at least, IT MAY NOT BE. You don't actually know. You're basing your entire argument on the ABSENCE of evidence/information. This is faulty reasoning. You make various assumptions about what people would do and how they would react. Since the scenario you describe to support your point did not occur, you proceed to draw conclusions.
Quote:I believe the standard response here should be "Well, he should have been more creative! Man, why would he want a stupid name like that anyway that someone else took so obviously it wasn't original enough to be worth having?"Recently, he came back... but he had to rename his main toon, as that name had been long taken by someone else. He didn't complain on the forums... just spent two days looking at a name with periods on either side
Yes. From personal experience. Other people should get over themselves.
That falls apart when you consider that the $14.99 of a guy who never logs in is worth the same as the $14.99 of a guy who never logs out. If anything, NCSoft would probably rather have the easy money of a guy who pays fifteen bucks and puts no demands on the hardware or developers.
Quote:I know one game that did this (I've no idea how many MMORPGs ever have) and it was a "If you unsub for 30+ days, we wipe your account". I personally found that to be much more offensive than "You might lose your name (or might not) but your characters, possessions, etc will remain intact". What you describe sounds more like the former than the latter.I can make the assumption because it's happened to me in another game. The moment I got the email that they were removing inactive properties from the game world to make room, the game went from maybe I'll go back to see my house on the beach and play some more someday, to never again.
In the realm of anecdotal "evidence", I knew a couple people I played with originally who were also un-subbed for the wipe (actually, one of them warned me about it since I never got the mail myself) who went on to re-sub later and weren't concerned. They've since quit again for unrelated reasons but I can't help but think, from only personal experience, that the "Ill will" arguments are overblown.