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  1. Something to add to the hide after your shot section.

    If terrain permits combine shooting a mob with a lateral jump behind cover that breaks line of sight. When done correctly it will appear that you are firing through the intervening terrain.
  2. JohnyX

    The Kudos Thread

    CoH is my crack and NC and Cryptic are the suppliers.

    CoH is the first MMO that got me to walk away from FPS.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
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    It can be a little trickier than this but it's like what Justice Stewart said about pornography -- "...I know it when I see it."

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    That's fine advice for the average player, but if you plan on enforcing this, you MUST come up with something official about what is and is not griefing. You can't send people emails that say "you did something not very nice that seemed like griefing to me. Sorry, your account was banned for it."

    Especially because in City of Villains, you are supposed to antagonize heroes, it's part of your character. You really need to define a solid line here.

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    The problem with define too solid of a line is that people will look at what is called griefing, do something that isnt covered but is griefing and then claim that it was never defined as such.