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  1. JesusChrysler

    i14 PvP Tests

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ] of last night im accolading my good old dark/cold.

    focused acc + self heal + -to-hit + kb + massive -def = oh this is gonna be fun.

    guess i'm gutting my sr brute after i14...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Or you could stick to droning like you typically do. That will never be nerfed.

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    i dont "typically" drone.
    i do drone.
    but not typically.
    basically i drone about 1/200th of my playtime at most.



    drone 'em.
  2. JesusChrysler

    /EM or Mental

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I see what your saying, now. So dmg type aside...what gives EM the opinionated edge over Mental for my build?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Boost Range

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  3. JesusChrysler

    i14 PvP Tests

    only under DR.

    under no DR an AS will easily hit for 700 pts.

    so basically, stalkers need the DR on damage lifted just a bit higher.
  4. JesusChrysler

    /EM or Mental

    it matters on non-squishies because they lack inherent resists. but all armors now resist psi in some way (be it def or resists).

    but, mostly so, there are no specialists in pvp anymore.

    welcome to dr.
    gl hf.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Well guys, i'm out, been playing this game for 4 years. Too much has changed it's not the "girl" I met back then. I did mainly PvP in Siren's, some know me as Butterfly Kiss (the PFF Watcher) and Envious (the elusive stalker) but after being killed over and over today while hidden (max stealth) I know this game has lost any enjoyment for me. With the nerf to defense there's no sane reason to stay. Hey I almost made it to Issue 14. Good Luck, Have Fun... and see you guys on the Flip-side.

    [/ QUOTE ]Oh I know, what's up with that? My main Stalker has 1143 max stealth from hide, IO and stealth and people in RV jumps down at me and immediately attacks me as if they saw me from 100ft away or something, I'm thinking stealth also gets DR'd.

    I used to pvp regularily in SC as well before my break last year, I enjoyed zone pvp from i5 to i11 and now I don't like pvp after i13 and nor do most people that I know.

    Someone else in another thread said that debuffs will be king and defense will be gone out the window in i14... sounds fun, not.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    it does when you have a toon arsenal like mine.

    guess my rad/ice defender wasn't a waste after all.
  6. JesusChrysler

    /EM or Mental


    boost range is still awesome.

    pb is meh for anything but screeching.
  7. JesusChrysler

    i14 PvP Tests of last night im accolading my good old dark/cold.

    focused acc + self heal + -to-hit + kb + massive -def = oh this is gonna be fun.

    guess i'm gutting my sr brute after i14...