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  1. *wipes away tear*

    It's such a beautiful time of year.
  2. What a thing to say! :O

    *mroar mruh mao!*
  3. hehe, that got a chuckle and no mistake.
  4. Oh don't be mean to me, Catz, XD

    I know I was online on Christmas day, but I had to check that my brand new flatscreen monitor was showing colours the way I like 'em,
  5. nicely done, Catz! Merry Christmas to you too!
  6. And finally, here's the painting I was using for my christmas cards this year.

    A nice winter scene done in the Bob Ross style of oils (wet on wet). I absolutely can't abide the back line of trees, and my waves turned out pink somehow. I'm still very inexperienced with this kind of painting, and this was the first I've ever done in oils. I'm pretty rubbish at painting so I'm understandably a bit pleased that this didn't suck so horribly as all my other paintings, XD.

    (yes, I can actually do 'fine' art once in a while, oh ye of little faith. I just like cartoons better)
  7. I see, I seee! Bunnygirls = votes?!


    These next offerings lack bunnygirls, but I'll let you judge if that is a bad thing or a good thing.

    For my stepdad, the sister image to the Erroll picture, Ellie. Ellie is about half the size of her brother and in my opinion, just the damn cutest thing alive. She's affectionate but no lap-cat. Picking her up will make her complain at length but she's always happy to be stroked and to rub against your legs.

    And for my mother, her chinese birthsign of the dragon. Ma likes dragons, yes she does. Not as much as I do, but she can get over that. I may add glitter to this, as like my little sister, she's got this thing for sparkly stuff.

    Both pictures done with watercolours with varying degrees of success. I'm still learning what to do with a paint brush (that I won't get arrested for)
  8. nah, just the ones I interact with on a regular basis so I know what they actually look like, XD
  9. And here's one for all of you!

    Bunnygirls are hot, but I didn't forget you ladies (and a few gents ), there's a bunny boy too! (even if he does look like he's about to bolt for the exit. Poor Max, he's so shy, XD)
    (left to right)
    Back: Repentant Fallout the warshade and Blaine the ice tank.
    Front: Twilight Echo the invun tank, North Face the ice tank and Sarah Finch the thugs mastermind.

    May your holiday be filled with cheer and good fortune and may the powers that be grant you as many lovely bunny girls as North Face!
  10. Jakey_K

    Siren's War

    pinching a fella's sword?! D: what kind of hero is that?!

    The regular jackass kind! XD
  11. Esher is a very special chap,
  12. there's some really nice lines going on there. I like her eyes especially, they really grab your attention.
  13. Since I will be doing things tomorrow morning, I will post these up now. Merry Christmas one and all, my supergroup buddies!

    For Mids:

    For Raph:
    Just chillin'

    For LH:
    Always ready to kick some butt

    For Sally:
    Jimmy-kick mode engaged!

    For Shingi:

    For Cap:
    ZAAAAAAAP ........... PERIOD!

    For Singh:
    Keeping it real

    For Esher:
    It am dancy tyme!

    For Agent Renegade:
    You saw nothing, move along.

    For BW:
    Don't touch the hat

    For Dax:

    For Winters:
    Seven foot tall nordic women can be dainty too ...

    For Mephiston:
    Nakie demon! :O

    I didn't get round to colouring them all, and I'm not even finished yet ...
  14. Nice biiiiig frame to finish with. A nice sense of desolation and 'why exactly are we here again?'. Fantastic.
  15. The Wonderchef is going to a very dear friend of mine both online and off. If there's anyone who embodies the sentiments of being a light chef, it's DC. We hold back the forces of the Dark Chef Alliance with power bacon sandwiches and cakes of Awesome.
  16. Since I'm doing gifts for my supergroup aswell as my family and close friends, I figured one big topic will do for all. Feel free to contribute at any moment. Let the reckless showcasing commence!

    For my elder sister, Elizabeth:

    A watercolour of her cat, Erroll. Yes, he is as gormless as he looks. He also falls off things a lot.

    For my younger sister, Jessica:
    The Pied Piper. She really loves sparkly things so I threw some glitter on. Not really to my taste but eh ... also a watercolour and I really struggled with the brush on this.
  17. I like to mod my t-shirts so they have card suit motifs on them.
  18. fibilicious!

    New word, go use it people!
  19. Fight the man, Max!

    But my vote is going to Blackdove for a month of drawing. I draw a lot myself and I know how much effort it takes to do that many in that space of time. She deserves SOME recognition for performing such a Herculean Labour. And you know, I bet Hercules couldn't do it. XD
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    my brother say's "you've ruined recluse's reputation 200% because 'only nerds call the scientists geeks'"

    he wont join the forum

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But ... but ... but ... Recluse IS a Nerd. He spends all his time cackling about how awesome he is and hiding away from sunlight ...

    sure fits the profile,

    *goes back to his corner to think about what he's done*
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm still fighting tooth and nail to win this.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wait, this is a fight?
  22. [u]Tarot[u]

    Card number 3 of the major Arcana (don't worry, I'll come back for 1 and 2), The Empress.

    Maternity, feminine authority, intuition. Represented by my favourite empath and longest associate in this game, Midnight Gaze.

    Thanks for always being there, Gaze, I couldn't ask for a more understanding comrade.
  23. Well done to everyone who finished!

    And it's time toooo ... relax.
  24. Tiny Red (my only villain on Union) has a very distinctive voice, and I would like to share it with you all.

    You can hear him here.

    And in case you want to know what this diabolical genius looks like, I have a picture of him.

    (for the curious, I have to physically squeeze my larynx to get his voice. Thanks to Mids for compression and formatting)
  25. I mostly listened to Edguy and Iron Maiden for mine. Though sometimes I like to mix it up with some Vivaldi. I usually like to find an album for a story so I associate the mental images with the music and then when I play the music, it reminds me of the things and feelings I thought of.

    I get what you mean about the downs though. I crashed last week some time and didn't even WANT to get back up. back now though.

    Sounds like you're well on your way though. I'm just here to offer incessant cheerleading ... uh ... thingy. Encouragement! That's the one. (I'm such a good word think gooder)

    *waves pompoms or something*

    Of course, now I'm done with my Nano and I'm only gadding about to cheer on the others ... I should starting doing my SG christmas presents ... I hope they don't recruit anyone new while I'm doing this, or my list of gifts to make is going to streeeeeeetch and it'll be Blackdove's Art Challenge, December edition.