Siren's War
Omg how do you play with that framerate? Mine's pretty bad these days, but bloody hell. (Refering to first video really).
The Smoking Demon
Ash/Tar Corruptor
@The Smoking Demon
pinching a fella's sword?! D: what kind of hero is that?!
The regular jackass kind! XD
Don't ask me about joining Honourable United, I'm lazy. Ask Captain Cathode.
"If I had a punch, I would so hit that guy." - Millenium (because drinking nail varnish remover is for real men)
The bloke deserved it.
Heh, the sword ended up stored on the salvage racks for a day until Love Angel told Coile whom he had actually beaten. Only then he even remembered the whole sword that was resting among all the other junk the Silent Tempest has gathered during the months.
hehe yeah, you should of known what was going through Genesis' head when he heard that, Coile is not on the guys good side, even if he isn't particulary conscious currently
But yeah!! great movies Pious!!
Two videos I made during the IC PvP last Thursday.
War in Siren's
Coile vs. Wu Long