6 -
i can see why RPers would be so "exclusive" with their RPing. especially the good ones. i mean once you find someone that you KNOW is a genuine RPer with whom you can just dive in to character without worrying about being wrench back out without warning or provocation, the tendency is probably to do just that and ignore any distractions. people may ignore RPers but they ignore you too.
my characer is kind of abbrasive. impatient is probably a better word. if he's leading a group he might get in the face of someone who refuses to follow orders. But the way a leader would do it. He'd pull them aside first and only public berate them if they put others lives in danger. or he might become impatient with an indesicive leader and try to take over. firs he might give blunt suggestions when the leader hesitates. then he'll start to give commands in the place of the leader. what i'm hoping is that this does piss off the leader givingus both a chance to do some good RPing. see if your surrounded by good RPers then your not offending them just their characters. the guy i chew out may reacte the way his character would without fear of looking like a chumpin real life. the weak willed leader is free to take up my challenge or back down whatever his character might do. Im only ever going to do what i think ron Eagle might do. it sucks having to stop and thwart every... single... mugging you see no matter the level of the mob but that's eagle. -
i just started and i find that it helps to have a powerful personality. not annoying but powerful. say things that cannot be mistaken for anything but RPing. and talking to myself has worked well but only when i do it in ear shot of others.
like earlier i went to the gathering area around the trainer after hunting Outcast all day and muttered
"didn't even make a dent... How did the Outcast get such a strong foot hold...?"
not long before i got a reply "I blame television"
I replied "brillinat. you think this is funny?"
what insued was a serious discussion about legislation against law enforcement in Paragon and how it's crippled heroes and police officers. Theother guy's character was very intelligent and well versed ont eh subject while mine was a meat and potatoes guy who ended up starting alot of senteces with "well, all i know is..."
also earlier in that same area i saw a few toons having a boom box jam. i walk up to them and start clapping "nice little party you got going here"
one replied "thanks you wanna dance"
"oh not right now. hey do any of you happen to know who Tommy Bryant is" thankfully none of them did. I then proceeded to tell themt he story of how he was just an normal 18 year old kid who was crippled for life standing up to a troll. all to protect his girlfriend. i ended the story with "kind makes you wonder where all the heroes were when ths was going down doesn't it?" Everyone fell silent and the party broke up. i wasn't being a jerk it's just how my character is. He's veteran heroe out of retirement because he's discussed with the way the cities gone down the tubes. Him seeing a bunch of "heroes" dancing around after having dispatched 16 muggers and 20 car theives would tend to piss him off.
i live for this [censored]. -
The Iron Falcon comes from a long line of military men. His father trained him routinely in 3 differnt froms of hand to hand combat before he was old enough to drive.
It was his ambission to follow in his dad's footsteps and join the civilian armed forced, which he did. however three years into his first tour, during a recon mission, his metahuman ability to channel energy through his body manifested. There was an enourmous explosion and his entire unit was wiped out (as well as a signifigant chunk of the enemy)
for six months after he was treated for post traumatic stress and violent siezures.
It was discovered that the seziures were a direct result of his body producing too much energy over time without releasing it.
As you know there are strict laws in place forbidding the inlistment of metahumans in the civilian armed forced so he was not able to return to active duty. He was however brought to the attention of the Stateman who offered to put him in contact with those who could help him come to terms with his new power and even one day rejoin the good fight on another level.
with training he was able to maintain a perpetual "aura" of energy to prevent siezures,although occasion spikes in energy production can result in a sudden and crippling tremor if not released enmass. if not a safe distance from other people Falcon with ride the tremor out as his body converts the energy to the safer kinetic form.
the afore mentioned aura also has the property of dissorienting weak will villians making them more suseptable to interrigation and concentrating the Aura in any given place can remove enough kinetic energy from a fire bullet to render it relatively harmless. it still hurts to get shot but rarely do mear bullet peirce his skin. -
((psst i got to 32/28/23 on Victory with three characters.
I came here for a weekend to make alts to check out the 'unofficial' RP server. By monday my entire SG and about a half dozen Roleplayers we knew on Victory all left, we re-rolled on Virtue and haven't looked back...make the leap friend, it's only levels and experience you'll lose.. your characters can come with you ... AND be appreciated.))
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after reading this post i went home on my lunch break to role an alt on Virtue. i had about 15 minutes of actual play time. when i arrived in Galaxy City and saw the chat channel filled with authentic heroic banter i knew this was the place for me.
I'm called "The Iron Falcon" look me up! -
I've been playing this game since launch and have enjoyed it so much, although I am never able to experience the higher level content due to the fact that I keep creating new characters. In total to date I've created 28 characters on many different servers. My highest toon was 22. Maybe I keep creating and deleting characters because I don't feel like a real hero. This is my first MMO and I would like to know how to go about roleplaying. Maybe giving my characters a little depth will make them fun to play with and allow me to stick with them till the end. I am seeking advice from hardcore RP'ers on how to roleplay in COH.
Would also like to know if there are any RPing SGs out there on the virtue server that will take in a hardcore gamer but a newbie roleplayer...
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I sympathize deeply with your problem. I suffer the exact same mallady (sp?). I create each new alt with and extensive backstory and visions of them one day achieving legendary status in the high end game. It's always very exciting for the first ten level. then it become anticipation of the travel power which will further build my characters identity. after that I find it starts to become a grind if your main objective is not min/maxing. Once the grind sets in my mind begins to wander. i start to come up with new ideas for character and back stories. maybe i'll run across someone with a really cool costume that will inspir me to roll another alt. Once i actually break down and do so my previous character always pales in comparison no matter how much work i've put into them (although my higest level hero to date was only lvl 16)
i too beleive that some good healthy roleplaying would inspire me to play a character beyond the mid teens. Currently i am playing a hero on Freedom and must roleplay on my own to get any satisfaction. Colossal is based on the Captain America mythos and is you typical stalwart hero. if he sees any civilian in danger he will come to their aid no matter what. I spend a lot of time stopping to crush muggers several levels below me for no exp and have often challenged mobs several levels above me for harrassing police officers. i die but it doens't matter. There ae things more important than debt. -
It may be self-evident, but you cannot move while you are mid-conversation. So if you see someone speaking to you and you see, "Hey, it's high level Clockwork WWWWWEEEEEQQWWWSSSSS", it's not because they can't spell... :
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BWAHAHAHAHA!!! wooooo!