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  1. Triumph Watch, is it a channel?
  2. Imadinu

    AE Questions

    Yes we completed the mission but once out we couldn't advance to the 3rd due to the contact not recognizing me as team leader. I even asked everyone to talk to him, but we all got the same message. I'll give it another try alone and see how that plays out.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    Imadinu: Are you interested in a better build or tips & tricks for better play? We may be able to help you...
    I don't think my build is soo bad, granted I may not be properly set up given the lack of funds but overall I think I do pretty good. My main is a PB and I'm following The Newbie's Guide to Triform PB but I'm open to suggestions if you have some to give.
  4. Imadinu

    AE Questions

    Thank you for the tips and answers. I'll make good use of them when I have time to kill in the archytect.


    I did give your arc "To Dream of Nothing" a try and I had a good team with me too. We were disapointed that it was a lvl 10 cap but we didn't find it easy at all, we got whiped several times. I think the fact that we couldn't handle our characters level degrade really thought us a lesson about how much we know about our builds. It was really fun to see a lvl 47 complain because she couldn't use her big powers. LOL

    Sadly we couldn't finish it because after we finished the second part the mission giver wouldn't talk to me...he kept telling me I need to talk to your taskforce leader, which was me. We gave up after that.
  5. I don't know if this counts as a bad experience because I take loosing just as good as I take winning. I'll let you make up your own mind. I did title this tale as "Players want it ALL easy."

    I log in daily, and at any given time. Today I expected the usual run around, do whatever I feel the mood for, and try to get my main as close to 30 as possible. It didn't take long before I got a tell asking if I was looking for a team, to which I replied "you betcha!" The player then asked me to invite, so I took the initiative and after teaming with him sent a few messages to other players and got a team of 6 ready to beat-the-crap-out-of-anything.

    I decide to take the opportunity to start with the one mission that's been kicking my behind for the last two days. This mission is no joke, I even turned down the difficulty settings to zero and I still get a whooping. What kills me about this mission is that the NPC using me as its personal punch bag is ME! You know the mission, the doppelganger mission?

    So I feel confident enough that with the current team I can go to the Arachnos Base and tell the other Me that two off me is one to many. After two days of combating the other Me and be witness to how he uses my own powers against me, I want to see blood… I want to rip him in two and keep the head for souvenir.

    We go in, we rule, killing all the guards, minions, whatever comes our way we break through like the heroes we are. Then all goes quiet. One of the team members hadn't made it in yet and couldn't figure out how to find us, so we try to guide him and give him directions, we wait a bit for him, but the other Me has no patience and ambushed us. We get smacked, kicked, shoot at, sliced and BOOM!

    All dead in 30 seconds.

    Of course we all have wakens, but we can't use them because we are surrounded, so we decide to regroup and go to hospital. Immediately someone drops team. Three of us rush back, two are still outside. The one that is lost and can't find the base, and another player who wants someone to TP him back, but nobody has TP so he drops team. One of the two inside the base with me steps out, and the one inside decides to scout ahead. I'm trying to tell the lost player how to reach the base.

    Then WHAM!

    The scouting player flashes by me and runs outside, the other Me, the evil and better Me, jumps me with a number of it's goons and I get passed around like a hot potato and a straight ticket to the hospital. By the time I awaken at the hospital the two players drop and the lost player is waiting for me outside the hospital steps.

    Surprisingly I still have hope, I'm determined to pass this mission, and I'm also thankful that the one guy is sticking with me. We still have a chance, right?

    I lead the lost player through the longbow base, through villain territory, and into the base. Immediately we are ambushed at the entrance, all hell breaks lose, but we managed to kill all the agro and did considerable damage to the other Me. For the first time I see him running for his life, his life bar almost out, but he starts to heal ...I don't want to give him the chance to heal again and chase after him, my teammate right behind me. We zigzag through the corridors, smashing into walls, getting stuck on corners, but we keep close to target, still blowing fire up his *** and we almost got him dead... HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!

    The evil Me leads us right into another ambushed. We are dead! When I awaken I have no team. Players want it ALL easy.
  6. I posted the idea a few days ago but I think my SG is the only new SG on Triumph. We are a small group, just 3 of us so far, casual PVE players who are on daily and we want to keep our group small and friendly. I managed to get 6 beacons but I'm hoping to get more this week, if anyone is interested in participating send tell to @Shroudednova.

    Thanks for reading.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mintmiki View Post
    I'd love to run that mish with ya if you still have it.

    send tell if you find me online

    I still have it. I'll look you up and just in case I miss ya, try me @Shroudednova.
  8. You don't want my buid you want the OTHER Me's stats.
  9. I log in daily, and at any given time. Today I expected the usual run around, do whatever I feel the mood for, and try to get my main as close to 30 as possible. It didn't take long before I got a tell asking if I was looking for a team, to which I replied "you betcha!" The player then asked me to invite, so I took the initiative and after teaming with him sent a few messages to other players and got a team of 6 ready to beat-the-crap-out-of-anything.

    I decide to take the opportunity to start with the one mission that's been kicking my behind for the last two days. This mission is no joke, I even turned down the difficulty settings to zero and I still get a whooping. What kills me about this mission is that the NPC using me as its personal punch bag is ME! You know the mission, the doppelganger mission?

    So I feel confident enough that with the current team I can go to the Arachnos Base and tell the other Me that two off me is one to many. After two days of combating the other Me and be witness to how he uses my own powers against me, I want to see blood… I want to rip him in two and keep the head for souvenir.

    We go in, we rule, killing all the guards, minions, whatever comes our way we break through like the heroes we are. Then all goes quiet. One of the team members hadn't made it in yet and couldn't figure out how to find us, so we try to guide him and give him directions, we wait a bit for him, but the other Me has no patience and ambushed us. We get smacked, kicked, shoot at, sliced and BOOM!

    All dead in 30 seconds.

    Of course we all have wakens, but we can't use them because we are surrounded, so we decide to regroup and go to hospital. Immediately someone drops team. Three of us rush back, two are still outside. The one that is lost and can't find the base, and another player who wants someone to TP him back, but nobody has TP so he drops team. One of the two inside the base with me steps out, and the one inside decides to scout ahead. I'm trying to tell the lost player how to reach the base.

    Then WHAM!

    The scouting player flashes by me and runs outside, the other Me, the evil and better Me, jumps me with a number of it's goons and I get passed around like a hot potato and a straight ticket to the hospital. By the time I awaken at the hospital the two players drop and the lost player is waiting for me outside the hospital steps.

    Surprisingly I still have hope, I'm determined to pass this mission, and I'm also thankful that the one guy is sticking with me. We still have a chance, right?

    I lead the lost player through the longbow base, through villain territory, and into the base. Immediately we are ambushed at the entrance, all hell breaks lose, but we managed to kill all the agro and did considerable damage to the other Me. For the first time I see him running for his life, his life bar almost out, but he starts to heal ...I don't want to give him the chance to heal again and chase after him, my teammate right behind me. We zigzag through the corridors, smashing into walls, getting stuck on corners, but we keep close to target, still blowing fire up his *** and we almost got him dead... HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!

    The evil Me leads us right into another ambushed. We are dead! When I awaken I have no team. Players want it ALL easy.
  10. Imadinu

    Hello Triumph!

    Welcome back!

    I have a villain at lvl 14 that I've been wanting to play but I'm guilty of spending more time on blue side.

    BTW: Triumph isn't dead, I moved in all my characters from Virtue, and have had no problems with team invites... even when I'm not looking for team. I think that says allot.
  11. Welcome!

    Triumph is a great server for teaming, and it has that feeling that everyone knows one another, you won't have have any problems finding teams. You may want to try the N P C channel, it's part of the Mentor Project, they are pretty friendly and willing to answer any questions you may have. And also the Player Questions thread is full of helpful tips and info. Finally to find a supergroup (SG) on Triumph you may want to look at the sticky Triumph Hero/Villain Groups, it may be helfpul to you in finding the right SG home.
  12. Imadinu

    AE Questions

    Hi. Yesterday I found some time to play the architect for the first time. I had loads of fun, I got so excited about it to even create my first scenario. Needless to say it didn't quite turn out as I'd hope, but it was challenging and entertaining so I was not totally disapointed.

    Now I'm aiming to use the architect as a way to introduce new members to my supergroup, and inform them on the rules and ranks, and even send them on missions that hopefully will explain our uniformity and history.

    I have some questions about what types of missions I can do, and forgive me if they've been asked before, but take in consideration I'm a newly made Hero of nearly over 3 weeks in game. I have no experience with the architect and I'm learning about the game at a casual pace.

    1) Can I create a mission that does not involve combating foes, but instead find information, meet with contacts, and maybe solved a puzzle type of mission?

    2) Which maps can I use that will start in a temple, or inside a temple building?

    3) Which foes are best related and will fit more with a Kheldian theme?

    4) On last nights quest I created a boss and minions, the boss was supposed to pop toward the end but he was the first foe we encounter, then after we killed him and continued on he was everywhere alongside his minions - once we killed everyone and found the artifact I expected a surprise attack but it never happened and instead the mission was finished. I'm not sure what I did wrong here?

    5) The mission contact was supposed to be a good guy but instead the evil boss I made showed up as first contact?

    These are all probably rooky mistakes and laughable but any tips or suggestions will be appreciated.

    Thanks for reading!
  13. Hello fellow Triumphians!

    Yesterday I created a teleporter and went around collecting badges to open-up the area beacons, thanks to some help from the Mentor Program we managed to get the Atlast beacon.

    I'm now wondering if anyone on the server would be interested in doing an "Explorer Team" and pick a date this week to collect explorer badges (or badges needed to open-up area beacons). The idea is to create team(s) according to how many people participate and collect these badges.

    There are a few things to consider:

    1) Teamleaders should have team teleport power.
    2) Teamleaders should have a list handy of the badge locations.
    3) Be patient and helpful to new comers.
    4) Make the event fun and interesting.
    5) RP allowed but not mandatory; we can have special teams for those who would like to RP for this event.

    The rest is just a matter of coordinating and planning by the people willing to lead teams. I'm thinking this would be an opportunity for SG groups to form coalitions and collect whatever beacons they may not have. Though in order to get the beacon participants must be in SG mode, non SG alligned players are welcome to participate.

    Start location: Atlast Plaza
    Date: (to be announced)
    Time: (to be announced)

    Those interested in participating please post here or contact me in game. @Shroudednova.
  14. Welcome!

    I suggest you join the N P C channel, it is a global mentor program for new comers, they've been very helpful to me. I joined game about 3 weeks ago and recently open my very own SG. Just yesterday we were tagging badges to open-up area beacons for our teleporters. If you come by Triumph (server) and haven't found an SG home yet, I invite you to join us. We are currently small, and starting out, so our base is but a starter base, but at least you'll have a friendly place to start. You can read more information about the SG by following the link on my signature.

    CU @Shroudednova
  15. SG Name: Infinity of Light Priesthood
    Leader: Shroudednova (@Shroudednova)
    Motto: Teaming, learning, and having fun!
    Colors and uniform: White and Gold
    Emblem: Infinity.
    Side: Hero
    Server: Triumph

    Description: Light RP supergroup newly formed on Triumph. The idea of the priesthood came about after rolling a Kheldian archetype. Shroudednova started to read their history and thought it would be cool to have a supergroup for Kheldian Elites.

    The traditional role of the priesthood is to prepare the priest or priestess for the bond with the energy being, the role of the priest is the conditioning of the body and mind to become the host. The priesthood dates back to the time of ancient Egypt.

    Though the theme of the SG highlights the Kheldian archetype it isn't exclusive and you can join any archetype to the priesthood. But the leadership and council ranks can only be held by Kheldian characters.

    Roleplay isn't mandatory, participation is optional. The idea for light roleplay within the supergroup is to add to the supergroup another form of entertainment for when the leveling-grind gets boring. The main goals of the supergroup is to form a steady group of players with whom to team with, together we’ll learn share information and improve our builds, above all have crazy fun blowing up anything that needs a good Whack! Freem! Shazam! get the idea.

    Side note: Daily and casual players welcome, as well as new heroes and paragon veterans. Contact @Shroudednova for more information and invite.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
    Posting my obligatory "join these Virtue channels for teaming goodness!" message to new players
    • Virtue LFG Alpha -- for teaming of most any sort
    • VirtueTFs 2010 -- for any sort of strike or task force, also trials
    • Virtuebadges09 -- for anything related to badges
    • VirtueUnited -- for shenanigans and teaming and chat (PM a mod to be unsilenced!)
    These channels will make a huge difference for your teaming experience See you in game and hope you find an SG that meets your needs!
    Cool. Tnx Emberly.
  17. You know I've tried an MM archtype on redside but I just find the missions there irritating. Snakes! Snakes! all I do is kill snakes! Thusfar the only mission I've enjoyed doing on redside is robbing the bank.

    What really kills redside for me is when I die I get send to the starting area eventhough I'm doing missions across the gates, and having to run all the way back to the mission point feels like such a waste of time to me. I usually just log out after I die.

    LOL Maybe I'm just being lazy but at least in the heroe side I'm sent to the hospital. I still have to run but usually it doesn't feel like miles and miles away.

    Anyway, look me up, Shroudedskull. Maybe in a team or SG it won't feel as bad.
  18. Hello. I'm seeking to join a SG on Virtue, I thought I introduce my self and talk about what I seek. First let me say that I've read through the SG list and all look like great homes to join, but before I go and apply to any SG I want to make sure:

    1- The SG welcomes new players but ALSO teams with them.
    2- Has casual RP. (RP is somewhat new to me, I know the concept, but I've not done much of it and sometimes I feel like an idiot but I'm interested in giving it a try.)
    3- There is an active membership of at least 12 players.
    4- EST time zone is covered.
    5- Members are respectful and carry themselves with a high level of maturity.

    Characters on Virtue:

    Hero Side
    (M) Ringnek, a lvl 20 Tank/Natural (dark/dark)
    (F) Alegrra, a lvl 19 PB (I find that I like Kheldians and want to make one my main character.)

    About me:
    I'm a 30+ male here to play and have fun. I work from home so I tend to be on all the time. To me the journey is more important than the end goal, though my goal is to level and get to 50 but I'm not in a rush for it. This is why I think RP will be a fun diversion from the grind. I'm willing to help the SG I join with all I can and hope that in return I find some active players to team with.

    Note: Steady Teammates

    In case there is a group of players that don't belong to an SG and are new to the game and would like to get together for some missions periodically, I welcome them too. (Any server will do too)

    Finally, any SG that thinks I and they are a good fit should contact me. Global handle is Shrouded Host.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    Actually, you don't. Going Rogue is a 'full version' of the game and can be used just like AE or GvsE to create an account.
    When I read the info I undertood it as needing an active account in order to get GR? I didn't think a trial account counted. I guess I shouldn't have had that drink with lunch today LOL

    I went and bought the architect edition. I couldn't wait another week, I want to go past level 14 and get out of the low level areas. I'll get the rest down the road. If anyone is interested my global name is Shrouded Host, currently playing in Virtue and Triumph, same name!
  20. You guys have been a great help. Thank you ALL for the links and feedback.

    I'm subscribing tonight when I get home. But I'm undecided if I should purchase the architect edition or the good versus evil edition? Any opinions from you guys would be appreciated.

    I want to buy going rouge but I need to have an active account first, so I’ll get the expansion a little later since the game is pretty much new to me.
  21. Awesome! Thank you all for the great info.

    Father Xmas you came early this season. Thank you for the links. I do enjoy having a character planner handy. Great tools!

    I started in Triumph (I think I spelled it correct?) and already had some fun teaming up. I was worried there wouldn't be much people around but turns out there are plenty.

    I figured out the interface, though when I started my Hero the interface was blank and I can't seem to figure out how to bring up my stats window. I know left slash (\) brings up the menu and was able to get some windows back up… just the one with my stats seems to elude me. Is this a bug?

    So far I like Blasters the most. I did rolled a Defender but feels too squishy for me, maybe when I can handle the maneuvering better and a have a better understanding of the powers I'll enjoy the type better.

    I’m going to try a Scrapper on Virtue, to get a feel for the type and the server. Again, thank you all for the welcome and friendly advice.
  22. Hi! I'm playing the free trial because I want to know if my comp can play the game and so far I don't seem to have any problems with my system. I'm considering purchasing GR and subscribing. But before I do I want to get a better understanding of the game and see if I'll like the game after all.

    I'm wondering which server is the friendliest to new comers and has a fair population, otherwise can someone tell me what archetype is the best choice for soloing? And should I start as a hero or villain, and which has the best server population?

    My play style is more range-attack and team support so I think Blaster would be a good choice for me, I’m not much of a tank type. Also I like to take my time and read the storyline and mission quests so I do a lot of solo playing so that I don’t hold anyone back especially when I’m still learning how to play. Yet I understand that to solo a tank is the best choice. I’m open to suggestions.

    I understand the free trial is very limited and I won’t succeed past level 14, and that I can’t invite players to team or use some of the chat channels – bummer! But I think I can use the mentor program channel to get answers to questions.

    So far the only dislike for me is the camera movement, and maneuvering my character. I don’t like it when I press D my character moves right but the camera stays center. I’m sure I can change the settings, I just need to figure out how in the menu.

    Thanks for reading and I look forward to the replies.