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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    MA is I predict a worse enemy to COH/COV then the rikti. if your into PLing you love it if your into story content forget it, I have played MA since it came out and I'm bored with it already. I play for story content but 99% of the supposed story arcs are set up for PLing.

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    Yet, here we go again with 'The high 90% numbers' speak.

    Have you genuinely TRIED to look up storyarcs, or did you play three bad ones and decide they were ALL bad? I give you that there are bad missions, and there are missions that are designed for farming, but, who cares? The 'Official' content was far and few between, and, lets face it, alot of the storyarcs weren't real keepers. You run this stuff for over 4 years, you get sick of it REAL quick.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Now we don't have the pling only in PI and grandville but all over the place. Forget about getting together a team for running missions or pretty much anything else. which is one of the reasons I switched servers. no teams all pling . i predict that MA will be the death of COH/COV ( which i hope it isn't, as i have played since 2004) i just hope the craze dies away and we ca get back to playing normal games again....

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    What is your definition of 'Normal'?

    People have been running around saying the sky is falling since Issue 5 brought into existance that PVP silliness. I, for one, hate PVP, but if that's what gets your freak on, don't let me stop you. You've paid for your account, just like I have. Personally, I see Issue 14 as a breath of fresh air. I am enjoying (and, at times, exasperated) by the storylines people are coming up with. I don't play the missions that are geared for farming; if I see them, and they have no story or rational, they get one-starred. Simple as that. Speaking as a former comic book writer, and present-day comic/gaming nerd, there are some exceptional pieces of work out there that deserve at least a once-over. My personal favorite up to date is a story called 'Fragments' by Blue Chernobyl (Sorry, I'm horrible at this ID # stuff, I really only remember letters) I see enough numbers at work.

    Also, I can be self-serving and plug my own storyarc, 'The Memory Tree'. Not impossible, not a farmer, nothing epic; I just wanted to tell a story using some characters I created a very long time ago.
  2. I'm not getting why people are upset at the 3-storyarc limit.

    Personally, it probably should have started out as 1. There are some people out there that are not in this to tell a good story and just want a way to show off their alt in some kind of uber light. Sad reality is, is 9 times out of ten, I've ended up going into missions and getting one of my 50's one-shotted by a minion. Or, the one I loved, a long mission with no bad guy progression, everything was handled easily, then you open up a door, and get one-shotted by a unknown AV who is obviously the author's pet character.

    Some people suck at telling stories, some people are new to the game and don't need to be clogging the world server with 500 stories about made-up unstoppable badasses. The list goes on.

    Myself, I have one storyarc that I am working on. I am taking my time, and I keep running through it to make sure it is not impossible or stupid. I suggest others do the same. Does your story have replay quality? Do you really have something new to offer to the community other than showing off your beloved 50 in an ungodly light or creating the ultimate goon death squad? It may sound cool in your head BUT EVERYONE ELSE IS DOING THAT AS WELL.

    Stories where I suffered a 'retard death' get one-starred. I have played good stories with good pacing, but sadly, they are very far and few between. Out of 17 random stories, I've 5-starred only 3.

    Please, people, think and test this stuff out before you send it live.
  3. My standpoint is this may be 'too little, too late'.

    I already have a ventrilo account, for the sole purpose of using it to team on CoH. This account is reserved for myself and my real-life friends only. The reason we broke down and got vent (which has saved our hides more often than not) is we do have a very good friend who is not only an extremely slow/bad typist, but is also mildly dyslexic, as well. It saves us from having the fight with one hand and hold the phone with the other.

    While this is a good idea, I pretty much believe that anyone who has wanted to see this has already bought their own accounts through vent and other companies. Furthermore, anyone who has ever play Dungeons and Dragons Online can tell you that in-game communication is not always a wonderful thing. DDO's in game chat could be crystal clear at times, but usually sounded like trying to talk buried under the sea in a tarpit. So I'm skeptical about how the quality, compared to ventrilo, will be. Myself, I'm pretty sure I'll be keeping my vent account and just telling people 'my headset's broke...'.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    What about making a webcomic?

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    Are you talking fan-based, or 'Officially' based? If you want official, I think you've already gotten your answer just by seeing that they are canceling the comic. However, if you are talking about all of the talently-inclined that are reading this putting together a website and showcasing their own and other people's Cities fiction, art, and so forth, you might be onto something.
  5. Does anyone else find it rather ironic that a MMO based in the super-hero comic book world is canceling its own comic?

    My major grip about the comics is that they have not been sent out or put up for download consistantly. We have been here for over three years now, and are just now getting issues 17 and 18... Technically, we should be closer to, at least, issue 35-36. Anyone who knows anything about comics can tell you that deadlines are the nature of the beast. I think the comic line has been poorly managed, and that's saying it nicely, in my opinion.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Cryptic starts working with Marvel.

    Cryptic shuts down its own comic.

    Uhhhh, somebody want to pop a quick "In no way was this decision influenced by Cryptic's partnership with Marvel Comics" in there? I'm feeling a tad paranoid today and could use the comfort disclaimer.

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    Well, let me refer to an event that happened about '93-94':

    The Malibu Comics line of comics was started by three popular comic book writers that were fed up with how DC was running the editorial staff at the time. Malibu Comics (off of the top of my head, they held the 'Solitaire', 'Prime', and 'Deep Space Nine' comic series) became very successful very rapidly due to excellent writing and artistry. This caught the attention of Marvel, and they bought out the Malibu Comics franchise for a considerable sum of money. Once it was bought, Malibu Comics and its titles were never heard from again. Marvel brought back 'Deep Space Nine' in the quickly-launched 'Paramount Comics' line, but, it was garbage.

    Eversince I've heard Marvel was starting its own MMO with Cryptic, I've been worried that the past is about to repeat itself again.

    If you want to know how I know so much about this event that happened, I'll tell you; Gerard Jones and I used to write to each other often in the early '90s. Gerard Jones wrote for, at the time, DC Comics, writing on the titles of 'Green Lantern' and 'Justice League Europe'. He left DC shortly after the 'Breakdowns' JLE/JLA storyline ended and Andy Helfner left his editorial position. Gerard Jones got together with a couple of other writers to form 'Malibu Comics'. Once 'Malibu Comics' was bought out, Gerard left the comics scene to concentrate more on raising his family. I was lucky to have such a friend as Gerard, he taught me alot.