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  1. Terrify is a cone attack while Mass Hyp is a targeted AoE and PSW is a PBAoE - while this might work for a few enemies, the rest of the mob will be free to attack once PSW goes off. Psy Scream would go better with Terrify than PSW.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
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    I would do Ice/ - unless you don't want to take PSW which pretty much invalidates the point of sleeping mobs with Mind/.

    [/ QUOTE ]Pish tosh. Mind has more strings to its bow than just Mass Hypnosis. It's just that mass Hyp is so effing brilliant in the thirty levels you have access to it, and don't have access to PSW.

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    I agree with you - I tend to look at it from 50's perspective and would rather have a combo with more synergy like Ice/Psi. Mind/ is great at early levels and /Psi's ST attacks aren't bad now. I just don't like the two together due to Mass Hyp being the every mob AoE control that you can't combine with your big AoE attack.

    I'm sure there's other ways to play it. It mostly just comes down to personal preference and how a person decides to play their toon.
  3. I would do Ice/ - unless you don't want to take PSW which pretty much invalidates the point of sleeping mobs with Mind/.

    As for the changes to /psi dommies - I would say the changes have made /psi less 'Pad this for 6-8 and everyone else sit back while I pwn this' and made playing with a team that provides buffs more necessary in order to see the true pwnage available with /psi. PSW and Mind Probe are still the big bread winners. You just need to find a third attack out of the set that you like to fill your attack chain.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
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    Hey Starsman,

    I didn't see if you said you'd be willing to make up a chart of a high recharge dom (ie perma dom rech, with hasten, and decent rech in each attack)?

    I'd say: 80% global, hasten, and 60% in each attack (I know you just use it as one value, just breaking it down to show the rationale), but anywhere in that neighborhood would be awesome.

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    Here you go

    Its set at 150%, bit higher than you noted but figured I'd stick close to the High Recharge value I use in my other melee charts.

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    Just curious... 150% is this in reference to the global recharge that could be monitored on a toon? Or does number also include the recharge slotting for individual powers? If assuming hasten is being used to help account for this, is an average recharge time used (averaged over time when hasten fires, cools down, and is ready to fire again)?

    Thanks for the number crunching
  5. QR

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    I can increase the number easily the question is to how much while expecting it to be realistic the used powers will be properly slotted for damage.

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    I would assume you'd look at the global recharge rates that are generally accepted as the most desirable to get dominators to prior to i15 (approximate global recharges that I've been using: 72.5% for perma dom with hasten, 125% for perma dom without hasten). I would assume this analysis would better prove the impact of i15 changes to existing permadoms rather than the low level recharge analysis .
  6. I've been thinking along the same lines and was thinking about posting something to this affect.

    Due to the base pathing issues I was thinking to add on to the grouping feature if you group a bunch of items together the editor could just cut out intersecting edges/surfaces to create a super object and store that info in the DB. While the server wouldn't have to store as many objects in the DB, it would need to store what the objects look like (which may or may not speed up the over all usage of bases). Objects such as IOPs or Generators that are hidden inside of other objects could lose their functional abilities in such cases and would provide for more unique item designs. Functional base items would need to not be linked/touching other items to be functional - which in turn would make it much easier to reinstate base raiding...

    Just a thought - however silly it may be.
  7. Arc Name: What are we doing tonight Iggy?
    Arc ID: 34399
    Faction: Villainous
    Creator Global/Forum Name: @BMF/Iguanadon
    Difficulty Level:Ramps up to Hard: 2 EBs and a AV in the arc and one AV ally
    Synopsis: Iggy has devised new plans for Leezard Determined World Domination - help him out and he may even give you a small country or a village.
    Estimated Time to Play: An hour or so - probably could be done faster or longer depending on the team and how much you pay attention
    Link to More Details or Feedback: There's Martians =)
  8. Server: Victory
    Character Name: Iguanadon
    SG/VG Name: Rogue Island Black Ops
    When do you crash: Trying to log in with the character who is in Midnighter's Club
    Does it affect all characters: No
    Does it affect only characters in one or more SG's or VG's: No