I Burnt The Toast

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  1. Is it too soon to say I had a crush on TheNet?
    Happy birthday

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
    fix your own behavior before you start making demands, of me or anyone else. I actually feel a little bit sorry for you, too. I have a feeling that in real life you are a rather lonely person.
  3. There you have it Terwyn...straight from a Titan's mouth.

    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Well, any NCsoft product is a target in the campaign to get them to hand over the IP and server code.
  4. Well said Fey.

    Unfortunately your post will fall on deaf ears and be ridiculed as "just another NCSoft apologist." It doesn't matter that your point of view has value and a lesson in it.


    Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
    This is probably going to be my last post on this forum, for what it's worth. The atmosphere has become completely poisonous. And the sad part is, the poison that's driving me away is coming from the direction I had the most hope in. So I hope the Titan folks are still reading.

    This is what I'm talking about. The fact that the SaveCOH movement is now mostly focused on a boycot NCsoft movement. It's mostly about bashing NCSoft - and by extension, a lot of that focuses on GW2, since it is a very successful (yup, I said it) recent NCSoft product.

    But the hypocrisy is frankly staggering.

    You hear a lot about how "this is our fifth dead MMO, we've become exceedingly good at it." FIVE.

    And yet, all of you felt fine playing COH - until it was YOUR game that got shut down.

    And now that YOUR game is being shut down, now suddenly NO ONE should be playing any NCSoft game ever again, and you do your best to get another MMO shut down. I've seen folks literally posting - some of them prominent Titan/SaveCOH/PlanZ people - that the failure of GW2 and Wildstar will be a victory for them, that it will be justice for what happened to COH.

    Are you listening to yourselves? You're all bursting with how much it hurt when YOUR game got shut down, and yet you are ACTIVELY working toward getting ANOTHER MMO shut down! You are working toward inflicting the pain you are now suffering on other people - and too bad, they're just collateral damage and should have known better than to trust NCSoft.

    Oh, really? If that's the case? SO SHOULD YOU.

    If the ArenaNet devs deserve no sympathy and no support - neither did the Paragon devs. And if the GW2 players deserve no sympathy and to be able to play their game in peace - neither did the COH players. Because this is the FIFTH MMO shutdown, right? Is 5 some mystical number? 4 MMOs ago, you were still playing COH and that was fine, but 5 MMOs means that no one else should be playing an NCSoft game without being labelled a traitor and a moron.

    Think about it.

    I hope Plan Z succeeds, I really do. But I went from being an enthusiastic supporter of all things Titan to making my way out the back door now. I've been playing this game for 8 years. Since i0. I remember when costume slots were added, the fight to get capes in the game, rubberbanding across entire zones. I've been here since the beginning. I'm not some new person who just waltzed in - I'm a veteran, I earned my stripes. And apparently, the fact that I choose to continue to do exactly what all of us were doing until August, I am now a pariah, and people I considered my community are actively working to make sure that what I lost in August, I lose again very soon.

    GW2 has been around in beta for YEARS. Some of us have loved and been invested in it for a long time. And aren't going to simply drop it, anymore than any of US dropped COH when Auto Assault or Tabula Rasa or any of those games were shuttered.

    You've taken something that was a positive movement and turned it into something negative and poisonous. Your vengeance won't fix what happened with COH. It'll just repeat the process.

    Oh, and as for Terwyn's points:

    The hacking wasn't internal. It was external. It was stupid people using their same password/username combo on internet websites that they did as game logins, or as game logins in other games like SWTOR and WoW. That wasn't GW2 or Anet's fault. That was user stupidity.

    The game is not more riddled with bugs than any other MMO - and less than most. And I say that having played COH, LOTRO, SWTOR and WAR from launch. GW2's launch was extremely smooth, the gameplay continues to be smooth, and bugs are being fixed at a good clip.

    It has as much endgame as COH ever did. Raids are not automatically endgame - the lack of raids doesn't equal a lack of endgame. Some of us hate raids and felt it seriously damaged COH when they were added.

    It is very easy to go and find something you haven't done yet. I've got 8 characters, from top to bottom of the game, and I've been playing since beta - there are still zones I've never done. Still events I've never played. Dungeons I've never done. Jumping puzzles I haven't gotten to. Crafts I haven't touched. And I play multiple hours a day. Any attempt to claim there's nothing to do - or in any way LESS to do than COH - is just false.

    One of the things I actually love about GW2 is that it feels a lot like pre-incarnate COH. I can jump on whatever character I feel like PLAYING, and play them. I don't have to worry about which one I NEED to grind something on. It's not that kind of game. It's much better.

    TL;DR - stop trying to kill someone else's puppy, just because someone killed yours. It won't bring yours back. And you should know better than to wish that on other people.
  5. You are correct-I do not care whether you like me or not.

    You are incorrect in your inference of what I have said translating into me calling people fools or suggesting they were suicidal. Calling people over emotional is vastly different than calling someone a fool. If someone FEELS like I am calling them a fool for their emotional attachment to an MMO; that is their feeling, but it does not translate into me actually saying "You are a fool." If you want to attack me for what I have said; that is your prerogative, but have the decency to not attack me for what you think I was inferring. I say what I mean and don't sugar coat things. If I wanted to call people fools...I would.

    Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
    ...Except yeah..... you kind of did. You have been mocking people upset over closure, and people with the temerity to even try something like Plan Z [*clutches pearls* HOW DARE THEY!], for dozens and dozens of pages now, in multiple threads. After a while, the message does get across and the message I am getting from you is: "To hope, to feel emotion, to even try to make a difference or work through a loss: all these things are the province of fools and idiots."

    Of course, you did not directly SAY that. But your point got across, very clearly. Then we have that unlikeable Thing That Should Not Be currently known as "Evil Legacy" chiming in, which isn't exactly making the "nay" side look any more attractive.

    People who consistently rain on other people's parades usually are not liked all that much. I am sure you could not care less; just saying.
  6. 1. I have NEVER stated that I did not care if the game dies. I have if anything stated how much I loved playing City Of Heroes. I have stated that it is irrational to be so completely emotional over it closing.

    2. I do not think Psychiatry is the answer; here or in most cases of emotionally co-dependency. Psychotropic medications are overused throughout the world.

    3. I never once called people fools, idiots, or suggested people were suicidal over the closing of CoH.

    Please don't put words in my mouth.

    Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
    Of courseyou don't get it: you will never get it.

    Analogy is dangerous because it is usually misunderstood; often intentionally so. Which I'm rather thinking is the case here.

    Look, you dont care if the game dies: we get it already. What I refute is your idea [also held by some others in this thread] that people who ARE upset are fools, morons, idiots completely out of touch with reality, people with no grasp on economics and persons in need of psychiatric intervention.

    Guess what: not everyone thinks like you do. And just because they do not, does not make them a fool, an idiot, or someone about to jump off the Golden Gate Bridge. Sorry.
  7. Dahmer was very interesting. Gein was before my time.

    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    What is up with my state of Wisconsin anyway? We had Dahmer and Gein.
  8. I Burnt The Toast

    Devs moving on

    I considered going to STO; even started the download. Unfortunately I started reading more about it and it seems to be a very soloish game which is not my style. My entire time playing CoH I did maybe 15 missions solo because solo play bored me to death. This is also one of the things I don't like about GW2...i like missions and I like to team.
  9. I don't mind if you PM me.

    Originally Posted by AvelWorldCreator View Post
    Yep. It was a GM. And the response was still unusual even for them.

    And I owe you an apology. I should have reserved any analytic comment to a personal reply rather than a public forum. I let myself get a little excited. Do you mind if I send you a PM?
  10. Nice try? I do the work I do to actually HELP people. I profile as a means of assisting the government when it comes to criminals; to protect society. I absolutely love what I do for work and have hopes that in my own little way am helping someone NOT be a victim. Doesn't sound very misanthropic to me. Your pseudo analysis of me is way off the mark. One thing anyone knows about profiling is that it is not something one should do based off very little information. What information do you have about me - I am a middle aged Korean homosexual who is a Psychologist and enjoyed playing a video game about super heroes. Now I am (according to some) pretty affluent in profiling and I would not assume to tell anyone based off a few posts on an internet forum half of the psycho babble you stated.

    I think you should hold off on analyzing people and stick to what you do for a living. Of course CoH is an escape; which is why people play games - escape, relaxation, fun, etc....

    By the way their response is what I would expect from a GM; which is who you were contacting.

    Originally Posted by AvelWorldCreator View Post
    Oh crap. Yeah, I do know where you are at. No wonder you seem to come off as misanthropic at times. I remember Dr. Yochelson in his seminal work in Criminal Psychology about that being a common problem in the profession (I'm paraphrasing slightly). Right now I'm being a technical witness for one of those cases with HS. Not fun. My original college plans were to go into general CogSci by the way. That's why I reflect such a strong, multidisciplinary background. My being severe sexual assault victim had me put such on a backburner for a while and I've never gotten back to it. I did change much of my focus for a while from neurological problems to general personality disorder and its formation.

    I think you need a change of scenery for a while. I suspect this game (and others) have been needful escapism. I just don't know what to suggest. The problem is your sense of security is strongly tied to your current job and role. Maybe consider yourself as a co-dependent in an abusive relationship? That may seem a little extreme for assessment but the information is currently limited (for obvious reasons!).

    If you read my communications here I'm trying to establish and sustain positive transference in a hostile atmosphere and working hard to avoid the cycle of accusation/defensive-accusation that has been trending here.

    No. Not being lazy. I used an existing channel of communication with a business in a creative manner in order to better record it. I already had a reason to use it for its normal purpose and just combined efforts. Those tickets actually send an email to a company representative. The gist of the message was "...by the way, my company, blah blah blah, is seriously interested in purchasing yours given the recent news about its closure. Who is the proper person or department to direct inquiries?" Reply "We cannot discuss anything related to the shutdown of City of Heroes." Very interesting response. I hadn't asked for information about the shutdown. The response was unusually slow for such too. Companies have standard response patterns with regards to such inquiries, regardless of the channel, and this fell outside the generally accepted reply.
  11. The idea behind it was from Sim Jae-Duck; former Mayor of Suwon. It's not really a theme park as it is more of a park profiling sanitation and it's history. In the 1980's there was a campaign to improve public sanitation led by the World Toilet Association headed by Sim Jae-Duck. Suwon also holds a monthly "Cleanest Public Restroom" contest for local businesses. It is actually quite interesting, and is in no way affiliated with NCSoft.
  12. Me? I have my PhD in Psychology with an emphasis in Criminal Psychology/Behavioral Psychology/Anthropological Criminology/Psychotherapy. I have a degree in law as well (Only a BS) as it proved helpful in my career. I actually got my Legal Ethics professor fired for lying about his current standing with the ABA thanks to a little legal research on my end; but I digress. I work for the federal government profiling murderers, rapists, frauds, etc. I deal with the legal system every day; albeit on a criminal front. I have worked in the field of Criminal Psychology since 1996 when I began working as a therapist in Ohio for adolescents in a treatment center convicted of sex crimes. Most notable criminals I have interviewed/assessed are Jeffrey Dahmer and Timothy McVeigh.

    While legally it MAY be proof of refusal to discuss selling the IP...realistically it is not. What your "tactic" tells me is that you were not truly sincere in your attempt to communicate with NCSoft or you would have chosen a more direct route to negotiating with those involved. What your "tactic" tells me is that while you did communicate with an NCSoft employee; you failed to bring it to the proper employee(s) either out of laziness or disinterest in actually speaking with those who mattered.

    I suppose me telling a lunch lady at a school that their pizza is high in cholesterol could also be grounds for suing the Board of Education for poor nutrition on kids as well too... I mean HELLO I made them aware. The lunch lady is after all an agent who can represent the School Board; more so than a GM can speak to discussions of financial matters for an online gaming company.

    Originally Posted by AvelWorldCreator View Post
    Actually those tickets are official channels of communication with the organization. They are also logged with copies sent to all parties. The kind of thing needed in court. Given that I've successfully filed lawsuits in U.S. Federal court, and that I'm the writer of the Plan z license agreement (notice that one of the persons to use it is a practicing attorney) I might know a thing or two about this kind of stuff. Matter of fact I've been a consultant to attorneys and have a small business of my own with a senior municipal judge as a client. As a professional consultant my going rate is $300.00 USD/hr.

    Legally it is proof that they refused to communicate about the issue of sale. I do this for a living. How about you?

    Ad hominems aren't proof of incompetence.
  13. In your defense you did apologize, but:

    It's like saying Africa is full of "Lazy N*g**rs" and then trying to take it back...still makes you look racist.

    Do I think you are racist?? I dunno. I think you are overly emotional and posted something inflammatory in the heat of the moment that you now regret. Your regret can be motivated by sincerity or simply a way of covering your behind. Lesson learned: Be ready to stand behind your posts 100% and say what you mean before hitting SUBMIT.

    Originally Posted by Terwyn View Post
    Which was corrected and clarified as a miscommunication. This is not arrogance, this is carelessness, for which I quickly apologized. If I were truly as bad a person as you seem to believe, I would've let the initial statement stand.
  14. LOL apparently support tickets are not meant to be used as official communications regarding the purchase of the IP.. Who knew!?!?!

    And this is the "proof" that NCSoft fails to communicate with established businesses...and people wonder why the SAVE team is seen as a bunch of amateurs? Go figure.

    That lil bit of info discredits the SAVE team more than anything I have seen posted by them. Heck you could have even used the sunset email address, their real email addy, or even a phone call, but instead you chose to use an in-game support button to back up your claim that NCSoft won't discuss selling. Ok.

    Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
    You tried to inquire about the purchase of the game through an in-game ticket?

    And because you didn't get anywhere, you concluded that there was no way to proceed?

    Honestly, stuff like this is why none of you gets taken seriously, you're so completely lacking in even the most basic business acumen.
  15. Actually everyone I know playing GW2 are former CoH players. So apparently they did something right to have them playing. I'm not talking casual CoH player - I am talking 5-6-7-8 year vets.

    CoH's lack of end game content is why most of the people I knew that quit..quit. Heck I was THIS close to quitting CoH after 5 years, but then finally incarnates were introduced.

    CoH in it's first 3 months paled to what it is now. Games change and adapt/expand.

    You can try to paint GW2 as a failure, but the facts/sales easily debunk that. Does this mean it's a better game than CoH? In MY opinion: No. That's like saying WoW is the best game out there...based off it's number of subs and sales. What these numbers DO tell us is that GW2 was a financial success.

    Originally Posted by Terwyn View Post
    The hacked account issue shouldn't have happened.

    Bugs are a reality in all games, it's just the ones I've found in GW2 to be very problematic.

    Lack of end game wasn't so much of a problem for CoH as it is for many other titles - it is very easy to go find something to do that you may not have done before, after all.

    And yes, I have found the game play of GW2 to be substandard, especially in comparison to the technology they put into the game. They have a lot of great ideas, but the execution just isn't there.

    You knowing more people playing GW2 than you do City of Heroes is merely evidence that the people you know have certain tastes.
  16. Uhmm businesses are in the business of making money - GW2 has been a success at doing that.

    The hacked account issue was resolved ASAP.

    Unfixed bugs..really..you wanna go there from a CoH stand point? How long exactly was the CoP down for? Or the numerous other bugs that still exist in the game?

    Lack of end game..?? You mean the thing CoH suffered from since launch until incarnate content was introduced 6 years later?

    Substandard game play?? In your opinion? Have you played a toon all the way through? Where are you getting your information from then? Have you even played GW2?

    I am not a GW2 fan; yes I have it but no I do not play it. If you are going to cast aspersions though please do so from a credible viewpoint. Attacking a game based on limited knowledge or experience in it seems a bit amateurish. I know more people playing GW2 than I do CoH........is that proof of anything?

    Originally Posted by Terwyn View Post
    Revenue alone does not a success make. Consider the fact that there was a huge problem with hacked accounts just after launch, continual complaints about unfixed bugs, an entire lack of an end game, and the fact that its game play is substandard.

    Misstatements are a perfectly legitimate reason for one to issue a correction. Do not presume to conclude that I am a racist based solely on a single statement.
  17. We have already seen - GW2 sales numbers are out there - it was a success in the Western market already.

    Originally Posted by Terwyn View Post
    We shall see.
  18. CoH was never a large part of NCsoft's Western market. As evidenced by their sales of GW2 they have identified quite well with the Western market.

    Originally Posted by Terwyn View Post
    I apologize for misstating my perspective on this.

    It is my perception that NCSoft has failed to account for the differences in functional culture between Korea and North America.

    Or in other words, NCSoft has badly misidentified its Western market.
  19. TonyV hasn't even posted on Titan in over a week now....

    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    Has TonyV been hearing God the All Mighty's voice now ?

    Well that does put a different face on this.
  20. And apparently racists.....

    Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
    At least it won't run by trolls
  21. Seriously?

    ONE business is not a representation of an culture of millions. If that were the case... WalMart does a huge disservice to the American culture!

    I don't know you from Adam, but damn if you don't come across as ignorant and racist.

    My culture had NOTHING to do with NCSoft choosing to close one of their products. NCSoft is a business not a cultural emissary.

    Originally Posted by Terwyn View Post
    And what of the fact that your culture apparently degrades our community?
  22. As a Korean American I made my choice when it came to the kibun that was endorsed by Titan.

    Hard to be a part of a community that degrades my culture.

    Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
    It will never be the same community. It will be a new community born from the"death" of the original. You can choose to be a part of that or stand on the sidelines, commenting how it isn't like the original - and you'll miss out on being part of the foundations of that community.

    Your choice.
  23. Well she is no Stephen King, Danielle Steele, Dean Koontz etc... you know authors most people have heard of. I had never heard about her before the Save movement. And like I said: I am not saying she used the Save movement to sell books. BUT like I also said for any author more awareness; even from a small group of people, is still more awareness. If I have a product that only 20,000 people know about but then just by showing up somewhere 100 more people are aware of it; that's potentially 100 more people buying my product. Sure that may seem small to some people, but if half of those people buy my product...that is still 50 new customers. I am aware (thanks to wkikipedia) that she is not a noob author, but she is also not a million+ per book author - so any advertisement is good advertisement if it brings in a few more book sales.

    (AGAIN I am not saying that is why she is involved in the Save movement...just stating that ANY advertisement or awareness of her; no matter how small, can only help her book sales). Heck I almost bought one of her books, but in the end decided not to due to it not really being the genre of books I like to read.

    Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
    I think you missed my point. The implication was that Mercedes Lackey was trying to cash in on the CoH campaign in an effort to sell books. Considering the size of the community, that just doesn't make sense. It might for a noob author trying to get established, but that is not Mercedes.
  24. When a petition to Save CoH is sitting at less than 22k signatures after 2 months....I can see why people are saying that the movement is small. 22k people is not a large number for a game that has had what... 500,000 total players in it's life? So only 5% of the people who have EVER played CoH could be bothered to go click a few buttons in a 2 month period? Even with the "massive" amounts (their words not mine) of coverage the movement has had...directing people to the petition...still 22k??

    If I were a company interested in purchasing CoH that alone would make me become disinterested. Need more proof that the CoH base has eroded to even smaller numbers... look at the Real World Hero charity this year compared to last year..or the year before. Look at the number of people logged into Titan at any given time: Most Online Ever: 247 (February 15, 2011, 11:39:49 pm)...This isn't me being a jerk - it is me showing you the truth of the situation: the numbers just aren't there. A huge percentage of the player base has moved on and the game isn't even closed. A huge percentage of the player base has no interest in Titan or their efforts. So yeah sheer numbers tell the true story.

    Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
    We're talking about sheer numbers here. People laugh at CoH fans efforts to save the game because they are too few to be worth it for NCsoft to sell to. Why would it be any different for an author?