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  1. Hyperstrike

    coXso yep yep


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  2. Hyperstrike

    coXso yep yep


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  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dauphine View Post
    This march behind some twit trying to sell you her books is getting sillier every day.
    Going to assume you mean Mercedes Lackey.

    If this assumption is correct, look again bub.

    Other than making ONE mention that her last book made best seller over on the Titan forums, she has NOT been hawking her product and was doing her best to put her own name and credibility on the line to support the movement to save CoH.

    You may not like her work. That's cool.
    But out and out accusing someone of trying to profiteer off using CoH's closure as advertisement is just outrageous.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    You are deluded
    No. I'm a Chicagoan.

    There's a subtle, but IMPORTANT difference.

    ALWAYS remember this.
  5. Hyperstrike

    coXso yet again.


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  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Wait. Are you buying lunch?

    If I lived near Chicago I'd let Hyper take me out to lunch and insult me every gorram day as long as he was buying.

    I'd even antagonize him to keep him buying me lunch. I'd probably rub his nose in the fact that Chicago Deep Dish isn't pizza it's merely a variation of savory pie. Extremely tasty and delicious pie, but still just pie.

    The only pizza is NY style.

    Deep Dish is to pizza what Soy milk is to milk.

    So if Hyper is a true Chicagonian I could probably get years of free meals out of him as we fight over why chicago is wrong about what they think makes a pizza.

    Hell I could probably get a lot of dinner's out of it as well.

    Sadly I live too far away.
    Chicago Deep Dish is Chicago Deep Dish.

    Chicago pizza is something else entirely.
    It's a thin THIN crust pizza. And it's damnably hard to find the really good stuff nowadays. Usually it's some hole-in-the-wall pizza joint.

    NY pizza? Bleargh! I spent a year and a half in NY. That pathetic pie they slop in NY isn't pizza. I mean, it's better than starving (but only slightly). But it's not pizza.
  7. Hyperstrike

    coXso yet again.


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  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    If you are going to insult me please do it so the word filter doesn't *** it out Blunt *** could be many things, but I doubt you called me a f.a.g
    Or maybe you did
    First. I wasn't insulting you. I was making an observation.

    But if the foo *****, Cinderella...

    Second. *I* was the word filter. Not the forum.

    Third. I'm not going to circumvent word filters. Sorry. If you feel the overriding need to, knock yourself out.

    Fourth. If you want these things just so you can KNOW you're being insulted and justify (at least to yourself) that you're SO put-upon, tough ****. If you REALLY want to know that bad, come down to Chicago, I'll take you out to lunch and insult you to your face so there's no equivocation on the matter. Work for your wangst.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    What you said should apply both ways, as you said.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    I honestly believe there is no way CoH could have sunsetted where people would not have been screaming and threatening NCSoft for months.
    On this, at least, we agree.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    If you don't like what I am saying you have the choice of ignoring me; that is what you can control.
    And what I'm saying is the same thing goes for you.

    Yet there are people here who've made a crusade of basically talking down to others. Simply because they don't like how those people are handling this situation.

    You telling me; repeatedly, to stop voicing my opinion is ineffective.
    I'm not telling you to stop voicing your opinion. I'm saying your position is, at best, mildly hypocritical.

    If I have something to say I am going to say it irregardless of whether you approve or disapprove of it.
    Likewise. Yet, apparently you dislike what I've said. You've had a negative reaction to my words.

    Why is that?

    I have tried to bring some logic and common sense into conversations rife with misinformation and emotional hogwash.
    Again, it's not so much what you're saying (though there's something in there too, even if it happens to be an unintentional undercurrent). It's HOW some people are saying it.

    Nobody likes being talked down to.

    These are my boards just as much as they are yours...so maybe instead of telling me how to spend my last remaining days of CoH you should just ignore me if it truly bothers you THAT much.
    No these are NOT "your" boards. Nor are they "mine". Nor are they "ours". If you think this, you're already so far off-base that it isn't even funny.

    As for your personal background. While I appreciate your origins, your story is no better or worse than many who come through here. Save, maybe that it should inform you that being a blunt *** is counterproductive in some instances.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    See - emotional.

    This is a GAME not something dealing with the real world. I didn't realize that saying they wanted to focus on other projects meant people would be forced to spread lies about their other products or games. They told you why they were closing CoH. People have shown how CoH has slowly been dying. It doesn't take a genius to put 2 and 2 together to see WHY NCsoft did what they did. It just takes the ability to not get all emotional and see it from a less biased viewpoint.
    Sorry that not everyone has your level of "clarity" on this.

    This has been a part of people's lives for nearly a decade.
    And the crew at Paragon has been SUPERB at establishing an emotional, community connection with its player base.
    So pardon them if they're upset to the point of outrage.

    But please understand, the whole "I'm above it so you're an idiot." posture, even if that's not how you intended it to come out, simply rings hollow and reeks of bridge-base dweller.

    If you don't like how people are reacting? Fine! Make your point and move on. Coming back over and over and over to grind people's faces in it?

    This shows that the people you're arguing with aren't the ONLY ones with an emotional investment in here someplace.

    And IBTT, this isn't directed solely at you. So don't be totally offended (well, a bit of mild taking-of-offense should be a given) at what I'm saying.

    Better to be silent and thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

    This applies to all sides in this little debate.
  13. Hyperstrike

    coXso... GTNwIA

    Slips into his Sam Kinison persona.



  14. Hyperstrike

    coXso... GTNwIA


    Numbers Remaining:
  15. Hyperstrike

    Devs moving on

    Originally Posted by shadow35 View Post
    I keep sporadically checking Hosun Lee's, Melissa Bianco's and Matt Miller's twitters, but nothing yet.
    Their LinkedIn profiles show only the change in status (well, WarWitch hasn't updated hers yet). But no movement on the employment front.
  16. Hyperstrike

    Blood and Chrome

    The series looks interesting.

    Want to give it another couple episodes to see where it's going.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by redtornado View Post
    Dear Hyperstrike,

    Thank you for your response. I spent yesterday doing your suggested
    repair attempts. I was able to successfully install the game after. Though,
    at this time my game still glitches and crashes. Also, some of the powers
    and costume sets I bought from Paragon Points show as Locked still, even
    though I have made characters with those powers and costume parts.

    My hard drive is most likely going bad. I have another HD on my system
    though. It is a TB HD from Western Digital. I am looking into getting
    Windows 7 OS DVD. My worry is: will installing a new OS onto that
    spare drive require wiping the drive clean first? If so, can it be avoided
    with partitioning?
    With Win7, it's going to want to make a recovery partition on the disk.


    My system is a 3.4 GHz Pentium 4 with 3 Gig Ram(XP only recognizes 2),
    32 bit. Would Win7 operate well enough to game under those restrictions?
    I have a nVidia 9600 graphics card.
    Honestly? If XP was working right it should see all 3GB. It's when you get above 3GB of physical RAM that reporting gets...funky.

    Everything was working fine until my Firefox updated to v. 16.1(or so).
    FF16.1 had a security hole in it that caused my McAfee to have a kiniption
    fit. I had to reformat my drive in order to escape the damage that
    McAfee caused to my system. The first thing McAfee did was erase all my
    System Restore Points. Not, delete the scripts that would allow me
    to get to them, but actually erase them from the system.
    This is why I hate the consumer-grade Norton and all grades of McAfee. Stupid **** like this.

    I actually thought I got virused, but, during my 4th formatting of my drive
    McAfee left a signature behind 'mscjsres.dll' finally identifying itself as
    the culprit behind the terrible damages to my system. I looked up the
    effects and fixes for this...McAfee and I are no longer friends.
    Yeah. Stuff like this is why I avoid using their products at all possible costs.

    Anyway, damage has been done to my system HD and I do have the
    other HD on the system. But my TB HD has 200Gig of files on it. Mostly,
    City of Heroes Screeniez . If I have to wipe that drive to get an
    operating system on it, I don't think I could do that. I would need to
    purchase another HD and have that be my OS HD I think.
    Or buy yourself a modest-sized external HD. This allows you to get stuff off your system so you don't have any qualms about nuking from orbit and doing a clean install.



    Again, thank you Hyperstrike for helping myself and all the others
    that play this wonderful game with your computer expertise. You
    helped make this community as awesome as it is.
    No problem. If my relatively modest body of knowledge (and occasional Wild *** Guesses) have helped, I'm glad. I'm just a big fan of stuff that just works how it's supposed to.
  18. Hyperstrike

    coXso... GTNwIA


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  19. Hyperstrike

    coXso... GTNwIA


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  20. Hyperstrike

    coXso... GTNwIA


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  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    Anyone notice how quiet TonyV has been?

    Over here? Yeah.

    'nuff said.
  22. Hyperstrike

    coXso... GTNwIA


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  23. Hyperstrike

    coXso... GTNwIA


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    Also, speeder is actually easy to get with a team.
    Get 8 people, all with teleport, don't slot for EndRedux.
    Position them just ahead of the last 8 waypoints.
    Ski the first half up to the portal as fast as possible.
    Once through, the first teleports, then the next, then the next, each watching for the endurance dip of the guy before him.

    It normally takes a couple tries. But once you do it...

    (Click for full-sized image)