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  1. that is it!!!!!! yes I laughed so hard doing this mission. I was with an all hero group beating up tree huggers, it is awesome.
  2. I wish i could save arc's to favorites for a quick load.
  3. yes, thought the title had psycadelic rainbow or something....
    I cant remember, i just sat back and laughed because the herb smokers are complaining "Dude we're just tree huggers!" etc...
  4. I played a short mission at AE. This mission we had to beat down a bunch of hippies preaching love and peace. It was an awesome mission. Even the boss was like, whats your damage man, we just want love!!! etc... Had yoga dudes, and herb smokers etc...
    I am trying to find that mission again to play through but I cant find it anymore. Anyone know what arc that Is?
  5. Humbler

    PW's war journal

    I can not believe after reading this thread for a while that My Family and I actually ran into you and became part of the story. You rock!!!
    Thank you so much for the help.
  6. Humbler

    Need help.

    think of how envy feels. I must have that, why cant it be mine, if I cant have I will smash it!!!!
  7. I am amazed, need to respec my 50 fire/fire
  8. "If you played enough to earn 240 merits, then you would have earned at least 50 million with the old system. I seriously doubt you did that without doing some tf's."

    I did Positron, Numina, and a respec (second one). grand total influence earned via grouping was 1.9 million total. That is with selling normal recipe drops at ah for 100,000 each. If you can make 50 million a week please tell us how. I sure dont know how to do it.
  9. I just got a Miracle +recovery for 240 merits. I worked for a week to get the merits along with normal leveling with my spouse. In that same week I could not earn 50 million influence under normal grind/leveling. On top of that I am level 38 now and I was able to select a level 20 miracle +recovery so I can slot and use when I am exemped down to that level range.

    I like the merits, they are a little low but I like the thought.

    I would change how they are given tho. I agree story arcs are worthless unless your the team leader selecting your arcs. I would like to see 1 merit per mission in story arcs across the board, and a reward for finishing an arc. Badge missions merits, I currently dont know if you get merits for this. Police/Paper missions, 1 merit each for group. This way every group will slowly be building up merits for doing missions. You can bank them and spend them, or us AH for faster gains.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    ... you know who Thomas Covenant is and couldn't wait for the second book to come out.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Unbeliever! I got white gold wedding band for a reason, it wasnt insanity!
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    -When you are playing an new AT for the first time and an 11 year old has to tell you that you are playing it wrong!(Nothing against 11 year olds, but at 34 its hard to take a lecture from anyone that young).
    -When your newbie teammate says its not really his game, his Mom just lets him play hers.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Hehehe my wife plays a bubbler on my sons account, he is 9 years old, and he constantly corrects her, no mom your supposed to use a snipe for that, no mom you forgot your bubbles, no mom let the tank taunt and go around the corner, etc...