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  1. Forgot about the cozzie slot , that won't take long. Maybe a few papers in PI would be my preference.

    I did the Ghost Falcon one in PI this morning to unlock the 45 SO's so not sure if that's unlocked Tina yet?. Whatever you do don't buy SO's from the RWZ seller , their double the usual price! That's what i get for not going in there very often , bloody Vanguard , rip off merchants.
  2. So 6pm on Monday night any plan without the boss?

    Should we continue the RWZ arc or just do some papers in PI? , don't want Sing to miss out on some much needed merits

    Only have till back of 8 tonight but up for anything you guys prefer.
  3. Sunday at 6 is fine by me. Double xp finishes at 9pm or something like that did i read somewhere?

    As you say Sing the difference in xp a couple lvls made seemed huge so a nice run on high lvls should see us to mid 40's at least on Sunday.

    Quick question on recomended Epics to go for , we all going Fire? as only a lvl or 2 to go for this next stage.
  4. Great fun again last night. I will look in on Friday at 6'ish , if not enough on to run a team no problems , loads of other toons to give double xp out to

    Don't want any of our little group to feel their missing out or falling behind so maybe a few hours on Sunday evening again as a back up plan?
  5. 6 tonight and friday ok with me. Can do Sunday eveing if enough up for it before the double xp bonanza runs out. Wouldn't have thought we'd have hit 50 by then though with a good run on Friday evening we might be close.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    hmm, wonder if the merits double as well, would focus on redside SFs and ITF if that turns out to work.

    ...that is, if the fire/rad troller team I've put together isn't playing but they might reach 50 before the weekend!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If not by the weekend hopefully on the double xp goodiness boss

    Have a Blaster at 44 i hoped to get to 50 but also an MM at 43 and with only 2 evenings and a chunk of Sunday to play it ain't all going to happen.
  7. Aye Imps to the power of 5 were amazing so can't wait till all 8 of us are Impified

    Like Dave says , hope all is ok AE and hopefully see you all tonight.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Not everybody could make it on Friday and Saturday so we arranged it for Sunday at 6. Im itching to get my imps as well

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Patience is a virtue they say , i just don't know how to slot it
  9. Next meet was decided as Sunday at 6 wasn't it?. Got Friday in my mind (tonight) for some reason or did we meet last Friday?

    Think i'm just wanting imps too much
  10. Aim to be on between 6-630. Zone wise , i'll just follow where you point us boss

    Gotta say Striga/Croatoa zre 2 zones i never spend time in so it's a nice change getting a guided tour though these Council tunnels were becoming a little tiresome last night
  11. Awww , what lvl are you , if not too far behind i'm sure we could rattle off a few radios in Talos?

    Must say in Striga it's my first time in ages doing mission arcs there , great fun so far.
  12. Great fun again last night , ty all for that.

    I'm now SO'd up and will be waiting in Faultline come Sunday. After F/l i think Striga was mentioned for arcs?

    Or is the plan just to radio mish as much as poss? Merits on this toon don't mean anything to me personally so not fussed either way. Wouldn't mind Stirga as it's a zone i don't normally make use of.
  13. Was indeed a blast and i sadly missed the revised 6pm start notification , rolled up at 7 and just managed to get into team before the mayhem kicked off.

    Radiant Smile (which has now gone you'll be glad to hear) thanks you all for a great night and looking forward to Thursday already.
  14. Hibernia

    Driver Issues

    Ever since i applied that hotfix my Nvidea graphics error crash has not happened once...however i have had 4 lockup's while playing the game over the last few days. Activate base tp , zoning once , entering a mish once , all since i applied that hotfix.

    Maybe unrelated but it's becoming just as annying if not more so as it takes me longer to get back into the game
  15. Many Happy Returns! , double pressies FTW
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    That wouldn't work. Mitoes and Hami have a huge agro range and the blasters wouldn't be able to damage the green mitoes enough. Another wrong opinion I see...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Another "idea" that prob won't work but not an opinion that needs to be dismissed in that tone. If you have any idea's that would help please feel free to contribute though.

    I haven't been on a Hami raid since the last of the "old school" ones so have no idea whats changed but next raid will happily troop along with Earth/Empath to do what can be done
  17. Ice/Pain is what i was going for till it was pointed out how End hungry this particular combo will be , not so sure now.

    Defo not going AR/Fire or Elec as i have Blasters using these powers and would like something different. Doesn't leave much choice though but i do like the Pain set from what i've tried on Test Server so far.
  18. Many Happy Returns Devil.

    Libran Heroes are so well balanced
  19. Hibernia

    At long last!

    Gratz on your 1st lvl 50 , i remember the feeling well
  20. In the last number of weeks i've moved the bulk of my play time from Defiant to Union and on both Heros and Villains from 6pm-10pm Mon-Fri and Sunday most of the day , i find Union to have on average 33% more people on.

    Getting a team is so much easier though i miss my SG peeps on Defiant , thank goodness for Global Chat at least
  21. Now at lvl 41 and it's been a Blast all the way!

    My question was could i manage with out Stamina not i'm going without it , i do have it and have found it useful on more than 1 occasion.

    Didn't realsise Mr Poo was such a total head case! He just wades in where fools fear to tread.

    Glad i went Earth instead of Storm , it's been real fun so far and thanks to all who posted comments.
  22. Ah well it was kind of wishful thinking , Fitness pool it is then. Just got to work out what to respec out at least for a few lvls.

    Just love all the powers i've got just now with the possible exception of Absob Pain which does tend to get me killed more than i'd like but has saved the day a fair few times
  23. As an update i've now deleted my Stormie , didn't like the powers for whatever reason.

    Playing my Empath again and glad i didn't delete her. With Quicksand,Stalagmites and Earthquake now i find i've plent of time to cast these then get on with any healing thats needed.

    Hoping come RA time if i 3 slot recharges and with my Hasten i might not need the Swift/Health/Stamina combo. I can't bear the thought of sacrificing 3 of my current powers just for Stamina!.

    Is that possible you reckon or is Stamina a must?
  24. Hibernia

    Unusual Combos?

    [ QUOTE ]
    My AR/Ice is now level 39. If anybody ever thinks AR is gimped, I would ask them to carefully look at the stats of Ignite.

    Move along Devs, nothing to see here... *innocent whistle*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Funnily enough i do have a Blaster that i made on the games release date who is AR/Traps called General Panic but it's been 3 years since he was played last

    He's only at lvl 14 but i never got into AR , maybe worth resurecting him and playing for a while.
  25. Hibernia

    Unusual Combos?

    Hi guys

    As i'm back playing again i'm hooked on making alts and have 1 space free on Union and want a Blaster.

    Not played many blasters and my highest is only 34 , a Fire/Ice one.

    Not so keen on the Bow and Arrow blasting but would like to try 2 different pools that might not be the accepted norm , like Elec/Elec or Fire/Fire.

    Anything spring to mind that be recomened especially for team play , i dont like soloing or pvp.
