
Forum Cartel
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  1. [ QUOTE ]
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    Not a TF, but a SF. You would be hard pressed to find a cooler concept than Lemurs FreakOlympics SF.

    (I thought I had that favorited but I cant find it gahh)

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    Yes I remember reading it and thinking it would be loads of fun.

    That being said, Duck and I have been working on an Idea for a Mayhem/Safeguard type of TF/SF.

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    That Mayhem/Safeguard idea you have sounds like part of my idea I had for the RCS S/TF that I (along with help) came up with a while before i10. Since the RCS became the RWZ, I'd still like to see a Mayhem/Safeguard style S/TF come into creation. It would indeed add enjoyment. (I want to be able to smash things as a Hero, dangnabbit!)

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    How can It sounds like something else when I haven't said anything about it other then we are working on one? o.O

  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Not a TF, but a SF. You would be hard pressed to find a cooler concept than Lemurs FreakOlympics SF.

    (I thought I had that favorited but I cant find it gahh)

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    Yes I remember reading it and thinking it would be loads of fun.

    That being said, Duck and I have been working on an Idea for a Mayhem/Safeguard type of TF/SF.
  3. We got into some really good discussions in the other thread, there were a lot of good ideas getting tossed out, so I thought I'd list them all. *note* some of these were thought up by people I have talked to in game.

    1. An in depth description given before forming the TF that describes what enemies you will be facing, what levels you will be fighting, a recommendation for the team make up, and an approximate time range in which you can expect to finish it.

    2. Make the TF mob levels spawn according to team average and reputation setting.

    3. Make the TF work on the Rikti Invasion code.

    4. Auto adjust the TF participants levels using PvP code.

    5. Add temp powers to the TF's to help with resistance/defense or damage/accuracy depending on the TF. (ie temp powers that do large amount of damage to a certain mob type like the ones given in Croatoa)

    6. Change TF's so they are harder due to challenges instead of just because you are fighting higher leveled mobs.

    7. Change the minimum requirements.

    I think I got them all. If I missed someones suggestion/idea I'm sorry, please add it to the list.

    On that note, lets see what else we can come up with and lets discuss (*cough*not argue*cough*) them.

    Maybe we can come up with a cool idea for a new TF along the way
  4. [ QUOTE ]
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    I didn't even have to hit him lots to get it finished!

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    "Lots?" So you admit that you hit him some.

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    Well ya. He is my brother.

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    Tis what younger siblings are for, are they not? <,<

    Nice job Duck <^_^>b I like it!

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    <-- Younger sibling ;_;

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    *evil grin* <-_-> mwahahaha >.>

    <-- older brother <'x'>;

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    Hmm... I thought it generally only were MALE siblings that got hit... alot... I know my little sister unched me frequently... And I never did ANYTHING to her.. nuh-uh... nothing at all *whistles innocently*

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    Well he's my older brother, being his younger sister I hit him. mostly with a stuffed panda I used to keep at the desk.. It magically disappeared though.

    *glares at Duck*
  5. [ QUOTE ]
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    I didn't even have to hit him lots to get it finished!

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    "Lots?" So you admit that you hit him some.

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    Well ya. He is my brother.
  6. I didn't even have to hit him lots to get it finished!
  7. HexGirl


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    No >_> I don't keep track of my post count..

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    Well too late, you got it.
  8. *covers eyes, plugs ears*


    I've been lazy and haven't read the books yet. I have to tell Duck to shush when he talks about it.

    *leaves thread*
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Progress on Banshee Bride!

    Woops! Fixed!

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    She's scary.
  10. Happy Birthday!

    *Bakes Cake*
  11. [ QUOTE ]
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    Lay off the man was shooting up with needles all weekend...

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    How ELSE is he gonna be able to draw the future...?

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    With his time machine?

  12. Since when am I an 'It'?
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    *Snuggles back*

    Thanks, sweety.

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    Ohhh Aero snuggles.

  14. Nice work as always hun

  15. Ouch. *sends hugs*

    Get better soon, we look forward to seeing you back with a speedy recovery.
  16. He's been a very busy guy as of late.
  17. HexGirl

    Happy Pep day!

    YAY more birthdays!

    *bakes cake*
  18. Eeeps, there are two of these threads.

    Happy Birthday!

    *bakes another cake*
  19. Happy Birthday!

    *bakes cake*
  20. HexGirl

    Meet Gravity Bug

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    My newest hero, level 10 Gravity/Rad troller.

    Gravity Bug. I love the texture of the wings, how they shine and are almost transparent.

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    I hate you right now for having those wings.