737 -
Umm that just links back to the top of the page hun.
Um, hey you two...I am hardly someone who should be lecturing others about off topic posts...but here I go anyway: Can you keep the off topic stuff to threads that are not stickied?
It just seems polite to me to follow the rules a bit more when it is a stickied thread. After all, this is supposed to be a collection of useful info for users of this forum. Filling it up with chatter makes it next to worthless.
Now, I enjoy sillyness, don't get me wrong! But I think that sort of thing is more appropriate in a regular thread.
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/agrees and slaps TA for good measure. Behave!!! -
Just wanna see some artists styles.. I kinda want to have a picture of my main done...
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What? Someone had to do it!
*runs off giggling* -
I'm not really sure what you mean hun. Are you talking about the colours of the character, the background, or both?
The Character is very vibrant on my screen, but not too bright. -
Finished - Photo-Manipulation.
Thor's Assassin in " ALL YOUR BASE ".
[*]Easily over 100 layers; final visible was like 76 layers or something.[*]28 photos used.[*]over 20 hours.
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Are you freeking kidding me??!?!? When TA sees that, he is gonna need about 30 seconds of privacy. That is the AWE in awesome!!!!
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Only 30?
*runs off giggling and hopes TA can't catch her* -
O YA. That reminds me.
Attention throngs of fans, well-wishers, and art-traders: I'm going on vacation Thursday - Tuesday, so I probably won't be checking in that much, if at all. So you can do art and stack them up for me when I return, but I probably won't get around to reciprocating until I'm back!
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Are you taking me?
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But Hexy.. I thought you were already taken?
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I am? Since when? I'm single as single can be. -
Not that I'm aware of, no, but feel free to show up. I'll be wearing a red rose in my lapel, and will be dressed like a duck. Orlando beware!
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I'd say I feel sorry for Orlando, but they are used to it. -
O YA. That reminds me.
Attention throngs of fans, well-wishers, and art-traders: I'm going on vacation Thursday - Tuesday, so I probably won't be checking in that much, if at all. So you can do art and stack them up for me when I return, but I probably won't get around to reciprocating until I'm back!
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Are you taking me? -
I never traced, but a couple years ago I did recreate just by looking at an image.
My Copy
A bit off, but still fun to do.
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Personally, I've never traced stuff, but that was only because I grew up in a poor family that couldn't afford tracing paper.
I had to settle for staring at comics, and even real people sometimes, when I'd go outside. Yes, I do go outside occasionally. I've gotten some real good visuals of people giving me this look like they were saying "why is this person staring at me?". I'd just try to sketch what I saw with varying degrees of success. I think I've gotten better over the years. I really don't know whats the best way, but thats what I did, and continue to do. Sticking with something, and practice seems to do the trick for most things, not just art. So just keep drawing.
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Pep, that wasn't a "Why is this person staring at me?" look. It was a "Why is that person wearing stripes with plaid?" look.
Okay, since the Mighty cute is started, I tested out my new pencils (2B lead 4tw!): "Magic!" starring Hex Girl.
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Awesome hun.
Also, I like to think that it's edible body paint
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I will add your arch-nemesis, the Giant Tongue when I clean it up.
...or is that your sidekick?
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Pffft, no, her arch nemesis is HexGirl. Sheesh. -
Okay, since the Mighty cute is started, I tested out my new pencils (2B lead 4tw!): "Magic!" starring Hex Girl.
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Awesome hun.
Also, I like to think that it's edible body paint -
What is amusing me is everyone who seems to think that because you trace you pick up bad habits. It's simply not true in all cases. It can also make you learn where the person went wrong.
When I was younger I would trace and then go back and erase parts and reshape them to make them look better.
But it's very simply, do what you think is best for you. I still like the idea of trying to copy an image by site instead of exact line tracing. -
Just for reference, this guy is amazing.
If you want a reference to a limb or other body part for its anatomical structure, go no further than this web page.
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Ick. The muscle pictures always make me gag *shudders*
They are amazingly good, but eeks -
So... does it help? Well, yes, you can make a decent drawing if you trace. Will you ever learn to do it on your own? It'll be a lot harder in the long run.
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As someone who started out by tracing things in books, I have to disagree with you. I may not be real good at what I do, but it definitely helped when I started to go freehand and began only using images for reference. (granted that was when I was like 7)
It can give you a feel for form if you aren't comfortable with drawing for yourself yet. Does that mean I suggest doing it long term? Definitely not. But it doesn't hurt if you are the type of person who can learn that way. -
Normally it would be at this point that I would start littering the floor around my desk with wads of paper.
* glances sideways, looking for HexGirl *
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o.O what?
Wanna see my latest pile of crumpled paper? We could make it a datehehe.
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Only if you're on Liberty, Sweetie.
Let me know what you think of Stage 3
Slow going, but I'm a perfectionist...and a procrastinator...not a good combination.
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LOL I am on EVERY server honey.
It's lookin real good. -
Personally never been a tracer, but I did start drawing by coping comic books. So not a trace persay but they were direct copies almost line for line. I think tracing can help, but yes depends on your still. For me the little more trial and error of coping works better.
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That's the way I do things today. If I see a body shape, or facial feature in a comic or something that I like, I use the image to guide me. -
Depends on your learning style.
I find for myself, that if I am trying to learn a new body shape, or facial feature that if I trace it a few times it sticks in my mind better for when I try it freehand. -
Another guy I worked with "dabbles". If this is dabbling, I'll pay him to do it. Background is not finished yet, but the 1st draft is looking like a felony!! Ohh, and TA...
web page
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lol I can't see it as I am at work but I'll check it out when I get home!
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Trust me sweetie. You are going to want one. -
Thank you for the suggestions, DJ, you know I value your opinion greatly. I'll try to apply them, although my post-production skills are not very good. I don't have Photoshop, I could only afford PSP, but... if you have any pointers on how to rectify the things you mentioned, I'd be very grateful.
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I use PSP myself. Nothing wrong with it, I actually prefer it. -
Foo you can always draw Hexy if you get bored. But I'm not sure if you would want my craptastic drawings in trade.
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The one you've posted so far looks good to me. We only get better by practising, though, so go for it, says I. If it's horrible and you're too ashamed to show it in public, you can always try again.
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That or I can always draw one of your characters all goofy like like this!
Look out, she's cute and she's got a gun.
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I wouldn't mind seeing Rox drawn like this....you care to trade Hex?
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Agreed. That style's cute.
I don't really care what style people use, so long as they try!
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Umm. I never actually thought about doing that for real hehe.
My little chick there will be on a cafepress shirt when I'm done with her and look something like this .
But anywho, here's Hexy Back
Hexy Front
and Hexy close up
*edit for Foo*
She's a D3