
Forum Cartel
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  1. HexGirl

    Please Critique

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    Sorry about the wait everyone. I'm pretty slow when it comes to inking, and I kept reworking some things.

    Here she is.

    I am uncertain at this point if I will color her or not at this point.

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    Like I told you on the other boards before they blew up.. I love it.

    But since the other boards did blow up, I'll ask you here. What happened to the stripped thigh socks?
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    sorry off post here.

    What's up with all the renamed people, Cuppa-blahblah?

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    CuppaJo is leaving us in september for Tabula Rasa.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
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    Poser is a tough nut to crack. Iv'e tried my hand at it a few times.

    Work on paper and then bring it into Photoshop maybe.

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    Poser has problems with anatomy. If you don't know how the body works then you really shouldn't depend on poser to do that for you. People who know the body and how it works can use poser and work things around to where it is correct. Working straight from it without that knowledge enforces bad habits and later on down the road makes it harder to fined problems within a specific piece.

    I use poser sort of as a manequin at times. If I have an idea in my head but not a specific pose then I will open up poser and play around. It's also nice for playing with lighting. I haven't really done much else with it.

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    I see how it is Nym. Ignore me and respond to others.

    *walks away sadly*
  4. [ QUOTE ]
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    No, I am the worthless unproductive one here lately.

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    You're unproductive? I haven't picked up a pencil since I finished the TA Chibie!

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    I never finished inking the Hex Girl job where I was too lazy to even ask what she looked like.

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    Which one is that?
  5. [ QUOTE ]
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    No, I am the worthless unproductive one here lately.

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    You're unproductive? I haven't picked up a pencil since I finished the TA Chibie!

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    I still think I lay claim to Slowest Artist on the Board. I'm still working on a piece for TA that's taken me almost 2 months. But it's almost done! Yay!

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    I don't know about that. That may be slow and all.. But I hadn't painted/drawn or anything for 4 years until just recently... which actually makes it closer to 5.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    No, I am the worthless unproductive one here lately.

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    You're unproductive? I haven't picked up a pencil since I finished the TA Chibie!
  7. NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!


    We're going to miss you!!
  8. HexGirl

    Please Critique

    I saw that Nym!

    Looks really good.
  9. HexGirl

    Please Critique

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    Well theres not to much to add besides what others have already pointed out.

    Are we going to be able to see this one finished Nym?

    I really like how it's coming out so far.

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    No way!! I won't let him!!!!
  10. HexGirl

    Please Critique

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    I just meant it was similar enough to be useful <,< but I guess thats just me <'x'> I'll shuddup <'x'>

    <- can't open yap without being a pain in the neck

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    Well what do you expect when you go around hitting people with a lightsaber all the time?
  11. HexGirl

    Please Critique

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    Nymie, I've done as you've asked and looked at the picture with a critical eye. I believe that I have found something "off". This picture is reminiscient of the poster from the movie "Striptease", and I think it's a good concept. However, I think that you've made the girl's torso too long just so you could show her breasts. If she had a wider torso, in relation to the length of it, it would work. It just appears that she does not have enough mass to her to wrap around her leg to grab her other ankle, not without seriously hunching her body further and blocking her breasts.

    Take a look at this picture from the movie and see my point, I hope. example

    That's just my two cents, take it to heart or don't. But overall, this is a very nice piece. Keep up the good work.


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    And WHY would you compare CoX art with something you saw on PPV?

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    Because its an accurate pose comparison? <o.O> I mean it *is* just about the same pose; not identical; but very close - and given the lack of clothing in the pic, it keeps the attention focused on anatomical detail. Thus - it makes perfect sense ^^

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    I always found comparing a real persons dimentions and size to something comic booky to be rather pointless. But that's just me.

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    Plus she is all hunched over in that poster. I can bend you over if you like though.

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    Umm, no that's ok. I like the pose you have better.
  12. HexGirl

    Please Critique

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    Nymie, I've done as you've asked and looked at the picture with a critical eye. I believe that I have found something "off". This picture is reminiscient of the poster from the movie "Striptease", and I think it's a good concept. However, I think that you've made the girl's torso too long just so you could show her breasts. If she had a wider torso, in relation to the length of it, it would work. It just appears that she does not have enough mass to her to wrap around her leg to grab her other ankle, not without seriously hunching her body further and blocking her breasts.

    Take a look at this picture from the movie and see my point, I hope. example

    That's just my two cents, take it to heart or don't. But overall, this is a very nice piece. Keep up the good work.


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    And WHY would you compare CoX art with something you saw on PPV?

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    Because its an accurate pose comparison? <o.O> I mean it *is* just about the same pose; not identical; but very close - and given the lack of clothing in the pic, it keeps the attention focused on anatomical detail. Thus - it makes perfect sense ^^

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    I always found comparing a real persons dimentions and size to something comic booky to be rather pointless. But that's just me.
  13. HexGirl

    Please Critique

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    whoops forgot to mention, I added a nose ridge on one side, cheek bone lines, and made the eyebrows darker in tone.


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    I actually don't like the change. The softer features are something I'm fond of, the way I draw myself. The lines to me make her look rather boney in the face and mean.
  14. HexGirl

    Please Critique

    Nym I feel really bad. I ended up seeing the WIP on the SG site through the random image feature we have running. I couldn't for the life of me find where you had actually posted it. Likely I am just going mental.

    Anyways, definitely the hat is a little out of wack, and I think her upper arms are kind of large compared to the rest of her.

    Anyways. *pounces and Huggles*

    It's looking awesome!! (now I have to go do the Katie Hannon TF on her so that I can make a costume with the Witch hat)
  15. Ohh sure. Steal the Chibbies why don't ya!!! What are Scarf and I supposed to do now?

    P.S. I still haven't found my muse, has anyone seen it?
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    *takes 1, 392, 694 pun and innuendo damage from reading the last two pages and faceplants, twitiching* Anyone got an awake?

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    No, but I'd gladly use HT to rez you.... I'll just use TA as the target, i'm sure he won't mind
  17. [ QUOTE ]
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    What do you ride?

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    Errm, can't discuss that here. Also she flies :P

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    Now where is THAT pic?

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    Hum... are ya daring Star to do that one... are ya? 'Cause that sounded like a dare to me

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    *whistles innocently*

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    /southern belle

    Why Mr. Thor, I assure you I haven't the slightest clue what you are talking about.

    /southern belle off
  18. You're all ..... *looks at picture again*


    What were we talking about now?
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    What do you ride?

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    Errm, can't discuss that here. Also she flies :P
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Zoinks. I forgot to post this one way back: Thor's Assassin in Avatar of Thor

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    *drools and goes googly eyed*


    Errr. Think unattractive thoughts.

    Fatladyinamoomoo, Fatladyinamoomoo
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    That's right Rowr!!! That'll learn ya to go on vacation!!!

    Here's the new conglomerated list of art in this thread:

    Penumbra Edge
    Radey Ayte
    Pep Rally
    Thor's Assassin
    Atomic Knight
    Fallen Skye
    Dragon Berry Again
    Aquarium the First
    Aquarium the Second
    Rowr sketch (New and improved after Graver's comments )
    The Mighty Electron!
    Hex Girl Brooms are SO last century!
    The Mad Maiden Absinthium and the Haunted Graveboy
    Ayu the Archer

    Bill Z Bubba

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    ZOMG! I sooo don't ride a vacuum. :P

    Very cute.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Yeah, it goes back to his original post asking for Fred Fredburger.

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    Not for me it doesn't. Just takes me to the top of the page.

    (If you are trying to send people to your post, try actually going directly to your post, instead of the page, because not everyone has their number of posts per page set the same.)