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  1. Heroid

    Hi guys!

    Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
    Don't you dare invoke anything to do with the current state of the Sex Industry as being aimed at intelligent women. I'm appalled. I watch porn, but I know what it's for. And it's not made for THINKING, and glorifying a lifestyle based on looks over brains is fine, but if anyone calls it "intelligent" I will gag myself now thank you.
    ((I was joking about the Girls Next Door... The whole mainstreaming of the porn industry kinda boggles my mind. I mean, yeah, it shouldn't be criminal, but I can't see how they should expect their parents to be proud of them for their "accomplishments".

    But the Starter Wife was an interesting show and I can't help but like looking at Debra Messing.

    Edit: On a side note, the effects in T2 stand up pretty well considering how old this movie is. ))
  2. Heroid

    Hi guys!

    ((Okay, two points...

    1. I was joking about liking Matlock, In the Heat of the Night, and Golden Girls. I'm not that old yet.

    2. I'm not bashing SATC. I listen to NPR all the time and I know that it is considered one of the most intelligently written shows ever on television.

    I think I just can't relate to the characters, who are (at least it seemed to me) upper-middle class to wealthy. I'm not a city boy, and I don't *care* what happens to the haves because I've always been a have-not. I never liked Dallas or Dynasty either. So I think that plays into my "myeh" response to SATC. I'm sure it's a good show, but it is targeted at educated, upwardly mobile women. I'm not putting it down, just acknowledging that it's not for me.

    (And Sorah, in contrast to another thread we've had discussions in, there is no absolute hate of the subject involved here.)

    I do watch some shows aimed at intelligent women -- the Starter Wife for instance (Debra Messing -- another beauty) and the Girls Next Door (that Bridget is such a brain!).

    And I will fault no one for fanaticism. I am a fanatic for the Chicago Cubs. There is no explanation for it. No reason to be one. They continually disappoint me, but that makes me love them more. (Which sounds like a line from SATC.)

    And I looove British sitcoms and now, I'm able to look up the things I don't get on the internet. ))
  3. Heroid

    Hi guys!

    Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
    This is a giant myth. Sex and the City isn't man-bashing and all estrogen and actually a very significant amount of viewers were straight men. They were "suckered into" watching with their wives, or girlfriends, or sisters, or mothers, only to realize the show was flipping hilarious. You'd be surprised over the "straight men" whom you and I either both know or know ABOUT who admit to watching and loving the show. Just sayin'.

    In fact, the show made fun of women more than anything by expressing the female-gender-conditioned insanity through the four stereotypical archetypes. That's what made it brilliant.

    It had no more "drama" than "Entourage" or "Rescue Me," the only difference is that it occasionally talked about "female fabulous things" such as shoes. And that really WAS occasionally.

    Just like me watching WWE (which I don't' because I find it god freaking awful writing and acting) or Rescue Me, or any other "male" oriented show doesn't make me into a butch ****, no it just means that I am secure in my femininity and can appreciate good writing no matter the "genre."

    Oh I threw the gauntlet down. :O
    ((Maybe it's just an aquired taste. I've watched it a couple times, and just... myeh. But it's a matter of taste. And maybe a generational thing. I much prefer Matlock, In the Heat of the Night, and Golden Girls (that Rose is a hottie!) ))
  4. Heroid

    Hi guys!

    Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
    ...BLASPHEMER!!!!! *dies*
    ((Hey, despite my earlier comment as to Kurt Russell's sex appeal I am a heterosexual male and I just cannot bring myself to watch Sex and the City. I'll watch a chick flick now and then (Moonstruck is one of my favorite movies of all time, and Sleepless in Seattle is too) but SATC... can't. It's like Beaches. It just goes too far with the estrogen. If I watced SATC, I'd have to immediately flip the channel to WWE to get re-testosteroned, and nothing -- NOTHING -- is worth that!

    But I like Kim Catrall. She's hot. ))
  5. (("So anyone give into temptation about CO?"

    That's the OP's question. So either we can give our opinions and reasons as to why we are/are not tempted to play CO, or we can give this thread a quick death by restricting our answers to "yes" or "no".

    A lot of my friends are playing CO now, and I'm getting lots of invitations to go over there. So in that respect, yes there is a bit of temptation, but the game is so unenjoyable for me, and I find the characters so unattractive, that the game itself kills any sort of incentive for me to go there again.

    I think all of that falls within being a reasonable answer to the OP's question. And I'm not bashing CO. I'm just saying that my own experience with it has not been at all satisfying.

    But for those of my friends who enjoy it, I do wish them well and I hope they have fun there. ))
  6. Heroid

    Hi guys!

    Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
    The first rule of SATC is that you never speak of SATC, nor do you invoke actresses from SATC.

    Shame on you Heroid!
    ((Kim Catrall > SATC.))
  7. Heroid

    Hi guys!

    Originally Posted by Static_Dizzle View Post
    Is that the one with the crazy lightning ninjas?

    Oh, and the best special effect in it -- Kim Catrall! ))
  8. ((That shirt reminds me of the monsters in this classic fantasy series.


    Silver John is a great character. Wellman is up there with Howard and Lovecraft for fantasy horror stories.))
  9. Heroid

    Hi guys!

    Originally Posted by Reiraku View Post
    reading these tags makes me want to watch "Big Trouble in Little China" all over again.
    ((Whoa! That is one awesome movie! I love that movie! One of the best fantasy/adventure movies ever! And the fact that it stands alone, without sequels to cheapen it makes it even better! And Kurt Russell is just plain sexy!

    Er... at least that's what my wife says... ))
  10. Heroid

    Hi guys!

    Originally Posted by Static_Dizzle View Post
    Just saying that some of the tags people put for threads are interesting, nearly to the same degree of rep comments that people give on other forums. Maybe it's just nostalgia kicking in, and me trying to figure out how to work these new forums (well...new to me at least)
    ((Oh! I didn't even see that!

    And my comment about maturity level was done purely tongue-in-cheek, but there's no emote for that, so I used which almost conveys that idea (I hope). I don't want to piss anyone off.

    But I tell ya -- maturity is overrated anyway. I'd go back to 12 years old in a heart beat. Yeah. ))
  11. Heroid

    Hi guys!

    Originally Posted by Static_Dizzle View Post
    Apparently Virtue is immature.
    ((Oh, like pointing out our immaturity makes you any more mature than us?

    Hell, I'm so ******* mature I qualify for AARP. Yeah. Keep getting letters and phone calls from them. They're really pissing me off.))
  12. Heroid

    Hi guys!

    Originally Posted by FeyDuex View Post
    Great new art Sorah. And the very idea of you kneeling obediently is both laughable and very very hawt. I think Heroid just overheated picturing it
    ((Uh-buh-uh... Uhhhh...))
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by kilroy64 View Post

    Love stuff that has "that look" you know?

    poo poo on you talented peeple :P

    I can almost belch the whole alphabet!!!
    ((But can you echo it from the other end?

    And very nice art, Kam! ))
  14. Heroid

    Hi guys!

    Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
    See but I am so not a fan of Byrne's artwork...as an artist :S

    I've seen his stuff in the CPL days...and his stuff when he was supposedly "good."

    He really didn't really...what's the word I'm looking for...evolve. Now, I know things back then were a little less sleek back then, and art is always changing...but I mean, I also saw my ex-boss' artwork from CPL days...and then his stuff during when he was "good" and his stuff NOW. His stuff is constantly getting better.

    It's just my personal opinion. And in terms of aesthetic tastes...I just don't find his squishy figures appealing. And that's what they look like to me...squishy. Like they are made outta marshmellow. Almost harkening back to Kirby days or something, I dunno.

    Now, you look at any other artist of his name-recognition caliber? They have almost all grown, changed, adapted, gotten better. JRJR, Bob Layton, Jim Lee, Marc Silvestri, etc.

    I think JRJR is the best example to use here though, because he too was, what I call a squishy artist, he's not squishy anymore His stuff looks damn delicious.

    That's me. I'm weird. <_<

    But seriously, compare:

    ^------Byrne during CPL

    ^------Byrne as a professional

    (and I think his site is ANTI LINKING or something) so here's the link:


    ^------Byrne as of 2008


    ^-----Bob Layton during CPL

    ^-----Bob Layton as a professional

    ^-----Bob Layton as of 2008

    Hell, from when I STARTED drawing western-style comics:

    To what I can do now:

    Again, though, we're arguing taste, which is silly LOL!

    I hear that the man in question is notoriously...moody? I dunno if that's the right word, so he may like come down on me in the blogosphere calling me a giant *****. LOL Oh wellz.
    ((I pretty much agree with you about Byrne. I wouldn't compare him to Jack Kirby. I wouldn't compare anyone to Jack Kirby. The work he did -- and the number of books he put out a month -- was amazing. I've seen some of his original pencils and the printing process back in his day did not do him justice. Neither did his inkers. Some people don't like his style, but you can see his influence in nearly every comic book artist that followed him.

    JRJR is like... amazing. He started out good an just got... amazing. If there was one word I'd use to describe his work, I'd say... amazing.

    And you should check out Byrne's blog. It's nice to read the opinions of someone who knows they're right about everything.

    And Sorah, you know I cannot wait to see your first credited work! I can see you getting better with every piece you post.))
  15. Heroid

    Hi guys!

    ((Ha! Thread jump! I got tired of hijacking the "So anyone give into temptation about CO? thread" and I don't want to piss off the OP of that thread by continuing to do so, so I'm bring this discussion between Sorah and me over here, where there is no subject to hijack!

    And thanks, Haet, for giving us a nice little thread about nothing.

    Now, on with the pointless, but enjoyable discussion...

    Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
    I know what you were saying, but I was simply pointing out the sheer ugliness of the game by pointing to Byrne/Lee comparison. But you invoked storytelling by it XD

    However, I don't care much about storytelling/immersion comparison in terms of the game cause...

    1) I usually hate the content the devs put out in terms of "story"
    2) I started my PC gaming with text-based RPGs...LOL I didn't have pictures of character to look at XD
    ((And I was saying that Byrne isn't ugly so much as boring.

    1) I'm not talking about the dev's storytelling. When I play there is always a story in my head. My characters are never running around knocking off bad guys for XP. They are actually doing meaningful superhero work. Or they're thrill-seeking. Or someone is out to get them and they're hitting the streets to find out who. Or they have a secret crush on Azuria and will do anything she says no matter what.
    2) My first video game was Pong. My first RPG was D&D, which I bought at the local hobby store, only to find out that NO ONE in my vicinity played it. So CoH is basically my first online RPG, though I played games like Wolfenstein and Morrowind where you have characters that you move through a storyline.
    3) I'm a comic book geek from waaaaay back. Everything revolves around comic books. Unless it revolves around baseball.

    Hope that doesn't piss anyone off. ))
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
    See I completely disagree with this. I don't think that something's aesthetic appeal has anything to DO with storytelling. I can look at a freaking model posing for a pin up and go, "Damn she's hot." Doesn't mean I wanna see her in a movie :S or care about her story...

    We were talking about the sheer ugliness of the game :P Not the interactive bits

    I understand liking someone's artistic ability and not liking their STORYtelling ability, but again, I don't see ANY connection about what we were discussing. I literally was just saying the the characters in the game are lumpy and ugly.
    ((One more try. Forgive me, but I was watching the end of the Magnificent Seven as I was typing that first post about artistic aesthetic and storytelling/immersiveness.

    What I'm saying is that I need both. There are different aesthetics to comic book art (or any art, for that matter -- remember our Jackson Pollock discussion?) and I like a variety of them, but if the storytelling is not there, I'm not going to read the comic, no matter how pretty the artist draws. And if the graphics in CoH didn't pull me into the game like they do, then it wouldn't matter how pretty a character I can design, I wouldn't play. I think CoH succeeds on both counts. CO failed at both for me.))
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
    I was discussing artistic aesthetics, not storytelling silly
    ((Gotcha. But there is a connection between the two, even in video games. Something that looks great as a stand-alone 3-D model might not look so good when moving through a game environment, part of my beef with CO. The characters don't look like they're really interacting with the environment, even when they lift a heavy object and throw it (which all of them can do -- super-strength not required, which sucks ). In a comic book, it is the way the artist tells the story that pulls me in more than the way he draws his figures. CO could have had a cartoony look, and still had awesome, immersive graphics, but they didn't succeed (at least in my opinion).

    So, though I probably failed to make my point clear earlier (it was as unclear as my CO character's face), what I said about the things I like in a comic book artist applies to my CO experience.

    And all of this is my opinion. I'm no expert. If you like to play CO, then I hope it only gets better for you. But it's not for me. ))
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
    CoX is WAY more comic-book than CO is, I think. I mean, unless you're going towards the "lumpy" John Byrne look. I know, I know, some people love his stuff, but look at the difference:

    Softer look...(Champions Online):

    (Byrne...and Dickie, but I don't blame Dickie for this LOL)
    ((Dick Giordano invented polish and shine in comic books. Before him, and Tom Palmer with Marvel, almost all the inkers used a flat, heavy style (though some of them, like Joe Sinnott and Murphy Anderson still turned out some beautiful work). And Byrne... I thought he was brilliant when he followed Dave Cockrum on X-Men (a tough act to follow), but everything that came after just hasn't grabbed me as much. It's not so much his drawing style that I don't like, as much as his storytelling technique. It's a little... formulaic?))

    Refined look...(CoX):

    (Jim Lee)

    I dunno, I like hard lines, I like to know the definitive planes of a figure. I think graphics wise, CoX has CO beat by a mile. And it's not the "colors" that differentiate these two pieces of art either. Cause even when Jim was working with the old coloring system, his stuff was still polished.
    ((I like Jim Lee's art, but I wish his figures were a little bit more streamlined, less muscle-bound. But then, he'd get compared to Neal Adams, so maybe his muscley characters serve a purpose. But I like a very wide range of artists from John Cassady to Michael Avon Oeming. I like clear storytelling (something I have a problem with with artists like Chris Bachalo), clean lines (whether they are slick and shiney, or dark and heavy, I like to be able to tell a character's leg from the gloppiter gloppiter machine they're standing in front of), and dynamic figures (Gil Kane ftw! ).))

    What CoX SHOULD do? Bring in the face editor they have (had?) in SWG. THAT thing was awesome. I could literally make a completely unique looking character with that.
    ((That does sound awesome, and while the average player on Champion might not care for a feature like that, it would be awesome for us RP'ers! ))
  19. Heroid

    Hi guys!

    Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
    I sent him a msg yesterday, hope he read it.

    Is he not even going to post on your forums anymore H?
    ((He better! >:l ))
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
    Psh. How old are you Heroid? If you're over the age of 30 under the age of 50, I've totally dated guys your age LOL! However, aren't you married and stuff? I would think that that would hinder you more than your age

    I learned my lesson with dating guys my age.

    1) I scare them too much
    2) I've got way too many life experiences (and har har, I'm not talking about between the sheets kind of experience either) that they generally feel inadequate or lesser than me :S
    3) I'm not looking to babysit my boyfriend
    4) Guys who are older generally know what they are doing with their lives, they have a career, and so I don't have to deal with that whole, "WTF am I going to do with myself" phase of ********.
    5) Older guys, especially if childless, are more happy to have the kind of relationship I want - slight emotional attachment, crazy amounts of physicality, no talks of marriage and no promises of children!

    Plus, I mean, come on...Robert Downey is 44? He is so freaking hot. Brad Pitt's also in his 40s...and yeah, there are non-celebrity guys who look like that at their age *swoon*

    I'm 23, I wanna be treated like candy, damnit!

    ((Yes, I'm married with adult children, and am almost a whole year past the half-century mark. And I wasn't hitting on you, Sorah, hon. I think of you as an unofficial daughter and while you are indeed a bright and beautiful young woman, I'd feel like a perv if I thought about hitting on you. (It's why I don't much like Hooters. Old guys hitting on high school girls is creepy to me.)

    It's just that I read C.B. Ceblowsky's Wonderlost #2 last night and that, combined with your post, made me wonder if the twenty-something year-old guys out there appreciate the current dating trends. Women ask guys out now, and often make the first advances. That wasn't common back in the 70's. Boys were expected to pursue and girls were expected to flee. If a girl got caught too easily, then society had nasty things to say about her, but boys were "just being boys".

    Things are more honest today (or at least have the potential to be). You don't have to posture and pretend that you're not sexually active if you're a young woman. (Guys, however, are still pressured to exagerate their own level of experience, which is wrong too -- you'd think 40 Year Old Virgin would have made male sexual inexperience more acceptable.)

    But I don't think the younger guys appreciate the situation. All I hear in modern rock songs are whiny boys complaining about how mean girls are. My advice to them: Grow up. Be nice. Put on deoderant and clean clothes. If your hair is long, keep it washed. If you keep your head shaved, smile more often so you don't look like a criminal. Smile more often anyway. (Smile when you say hello. And always smile sincere. If you can't find reason to smile, go see a therapist. Girls love it when guys flash a genuine smile.) Speak clearly. Open doors for ladies, even if it is old-fashioned. Don't expect sex after a date. Keep your house/car clean and tidy. Don't whine. If you're overweight, date overweight girls. They can be beautiful too. Or go on a diet. If you're ugly, be beautiful on the inside, and let that outshine your looks. Never let your expectations of others exceed what you're willing/able to give to them.

    Anyway, I ramble. But, yeah. I am very happy with my wife and family. But if I was 25 years old right now, yeah, I think I'd be a happy camper then too. ))
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
    Hey I think it's high time girls get to discuss men as meat! And I'd take him Raw please! *ZING!*
    (( *was born 25 years too soon to reap the benefits of the new feminism* ))
  22. Heroid

    Hi guys!

    Originally Posted by sidney_b View Post

    Beer Pong or Flip Cup?
    ((I don't think he's around anymore to answer.

    At least we had a nice kegger to see him off.

    Much love, Bradders, wherever you go. ))
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
    My roommate told me last night that apparently, Alex Skarsgard (Eric in TrueBlood), got voted the sexiest/most favorite vampire of 2009 by a long shot. I'm just happy that at least he got more props than "Edward."

    I was in Atlas Park last night, saw a Tru-Blood SG...I was completely amused. *facepalm*

    The show is so god awful...but I'd watch Alex do anything...*swoon*

    I'll be in my bunk.
    ((Will you girls stop embarrassing me? ))
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
    Xan showed me a screenie...

    Dudes were ugly, chicks were fat. Not my cup of tea. ROFL I like my characters to be spanky. Sorry. I want superhero bods, and sexy faces. If I wanted to see ugly people I'd move back to Tampa, FL *ZING!*


    Back to your business.
    ((This is the main beef I have. It IS ugly. The colors are great, but the characters are ill-defined and murky looking, with or without the black lines around them. Also, the thing CoH did right was that they knew some of us would want spandex and hip-boots, while others would want tee-shirts and jeans. They made the costume designer so that you could do either, and do it well. The designers of CO seem to feel that comic book heroes should look goofy. The faces are goofy-looking. The costume pieces are goofy looking. I know they were going for a more "comic-book" look than CoH, but they missed the mark and came up with a "funny-book" look instead. That, combined with the crazy control issues and the way it all felt pointless and not superheroic, is enough to keep me from considering going back to try it again.

    I did love the underwater zone though. And the volcano island. Both zones were beautiful. But my character uglied up the screen so much I just wanted him to get out of the way. ))
  25. Heroid

    Hi guys!

    Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
    If only stupidity was fatal *wishes hard*
    (( Ask and ye shall receive! ))