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  1. Heroid

    Alias, Smith

    It’s good to be up and about again. It’s good to be alive.

    Sure, my legs feel near bloody damned useless right now, but they’re getting stronger. Physical therapy is hell, but it’s work and I do believe it’s important for me to feel my recovery, just like I felt my “death”. I spent too much time trying to escape pain. Now, I must embrace it. Not in a twisted, masochistic way, but in that experiential, Zen-type way. You know – to appreciate the highs, you must experience the lows. And you have to admit: when you’re reduced to being pretty much a ghost haunting your cadaver, that’s pretty low.

    Ms. Kinsolving arranged my healing. And no, it wasn’t Jessie. She arranged it through Eric. Yes, that Eric. The much-hated Eric Hamada. If you had told me months ago that he would be the one responsible for taking care of this, I would have said to leave me dead.

    Eric’s friend, the – strange shadowy being, Maris – did the actually healing. Or maybe it was less a healing than a rebuilding. I wasn’t an eye-witness, I’m afraid. My eyes were sunken, empty pits at the time. I have only what details Ms. Kinsolving and Miu have shared with me: the tiny shadow things that crawled through me like maggots, bringing regeneration wherever they went; the energy that filled the room; Maris’ threat to give me a third eye in the center of my forehead (which I am glad he didn’t follow through on – it might work for Jericho Stone, but it doesn’t fit my self-image at all).

    I knew the moment when the healing began. I could feel the energy being fed into me from Eric and Maris. Life energy? Creation force? I don’t know. But I could feel myself reconnecting to the world, reconnecting to myself.

    Miu was there. I could feel her. I could feel through her. Once, when Eric shouted, “Katsu!” and I thought, ”Gesundheit,” she laughed. When we could both share a joke despite it all, I knew everything would be all right.

    And there was pain. Unimaginable pain. As much pain to return to life as there was when it was taken from me. If not for Miu, I’m not sure I would have found my way back. She was there the whole time, keeping me grounded, listening to my psychic screams and encouraging me to not give up. When my body was nearly complete my heart nearly gave out trying to get the blood flowing again. I almost died all over again. I felt like giving up.

    But Miu said, “You CAN do it. You got this far, didn't you? You got FedExed across the country with no organs and survived it, and then you're going to give up when you're almost all the way healed? Come on, you can make it the rest of the way.”

    So I didn’t give up. I decided that if she believed in me, then I could do this. It must have been a sight – a gross one at that – as my organs reformed, muscles and skin slowly growing to cover them. It makes me wonder how Miu sees me now, and if it will always be there in the back of her mind when she looks at me…

    The process took only a few hours to complete – an amazing time span, considering; though it seemed to take forever before the pain lessened and I opened my eyes for the first time in months. I was alive again! Emaciated, weak – but alive! It was glorious. Glorious and humbling.

    The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was Miu’s beautiful face with that unbelievable smile and eyes full of mystery. Ms. Kinsolving stood nearby, her expression that of teary-eyed relief. Over in a shadowy corner was Maris, the healer, a shadow himself, with dark wings and glowing eyes. With him was a young woman who I later found out was his significant other, Airi. Past them, there was Eric.

    That was the humbling part: that Eric was responsible for bringing me back to life. I had to thank him for it, and doing so actually gave me a feeling of closure.

    Funny, that. I blamed him for all of my troubles with Jessie. Which perhaps is fair enough considering he was supposed to be watching out for her and… well, that was a long time ago now. But my hatred of him was misplaced. Things happen. Life happens. The daydreams and visions we create of how our lives are supposed to be are like blowing bubbles – pretty to look at for a while, but destined to pop no matter how high they might rise. I hope for her sake and the sake of their child that Eric’s a good man and not the selfish idiot I suspected him to be.

    But the past is the past. I must look to the future, however wonderfully uncertain it may be. Look to the future, yes, and live for the now.
  2. ((It's late in the day, but it's still Friday, so I'm counting this one as being on time. ))

  3. And I think it's a fine start, DC. The only way a writer can get better is to write. I'm not that good of a writer, myself, but I think I'm better now than I was when I posted my first story about a man trapped in a robotic body.

    Keep writing. You will only get better. I gave this same advice to another forum writer a couple of years ago, and he now he is a professional, writing content for computer games. Keep writing. You will only get better.
  4. Heroid


    Originally Posted by Swift_Winds View Post
    Are you still taking orders?

    I'm at work so I can't hit your DA page until tonight to look.

    Here's to Hope.
    ((Send me a pm.

    And new art! http://heroid.deviantart.com/art/Reaper-Girl-160604125

    Hope you enjoy! ))
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DemonCaller View Post
    That's a cute one you have there today...(won't give it away, but read it!)
    ((Thanks! Glad you liked it! ))
  6. Heroid

    Alias, Smith

    "What would you be willing to give up to have her back?”

    I stand stunned for a moment. It’s as if Adam Scott has become Satan and he’s bargaining for my very soul.

    “What do you mean?” I ask.

    He smiles with that affable James Doohan face and says, “I’m beaming her down, captain,” and suddenly Jessie’s image disappears from the movie screen and is sitting beside me. Up on the screen the conversation continues and Eric is holding a baby so that Ms. Kinsolving can see it. There is no accompanying sound now.

    “Clint!” Jessie says as she throws her arms around my neck. “Where have you been? I missed you so much!” She covers my face with warm kisses.

    This isn’t a dream. And it’s not a construct of my own imagination. Adam Scott has created a virtual Jessie.

    “Hello,” I say.

    “Hi,” she says back with that smile that made me weak and those blue eyes that captured my soul. “What’re we watching?”

    I look up at the screen. The baby’s tiny fist punches Eric in the face. For some reason, I get a bit of satisfaction from that.

    “Home movies,” I tell her.

    She watches for a moment, then says, “Cute baby Eric’s holding. Whose is it?”

    Behind us, Mr. Scott says in my ear, “I used the IM’s on your computer to get a personality profile, accessed her old Livejournal and her student PC from the Rock to fill in the details of her memories. Ixnay on the abybay. She doesn’t remember that part of things.”

    I nod.

    “Maybe he and Cayt are babysitting for a friend.”

    Jessie nods. "Me with a baby would be weird. I've never even thought about it. I guess after college and grad school or med school--depends whether I go for research or not--then maybe I'd start thinking about it."

    “Plenty of time for a family later,” I say.

    “Yeah,” she says, then she does it. She kisses me.

    This isn’t like a dream kiss where no matter how much I yearn for it to, it still doesn’t feel like the real thing. This feels like the Real Thing.

    We hold each other, oblivious for the moment to the discussion that continues on-screen. Her breath is warm on my neck. Her hair smells like her hair.

    Cute baby Eric’s holding. Whose is it?

    The movie ends and we are alone in the theatre. The house lights do not come on and we’re left in the dim glow of the exit lights. It is now that I realize we’re in the Seaside Cinema, where we went to see Sometimes, Never the week before our Florida trip.

    We sit together, cuddling in the darkness.

    “Something’s bothering you,” she says.

    “We don’t belong here.”

    “Yeah, closing time. Let’s go to the Boardwalk and get a milkshake.”

    Cute baby Eric’s holding. Whose is it?

    “No. We… don’t belong here.”

    "Sometimes I don't get you, silly," she says and snuggles against my chest.

    Her hair tickles my nose. I know that if we leave this place together and step out into the virtual Talos Island sunshine, that I will never, ever leave. I push her away.

    “Jessie… I have to let you go now. This time has passed.”

    She looks confused and hurt.

    I turn to Adam Scott. “You can stop this now, you *******.”

    “As you wish,” he says.

    I sit alone in a theatre and finish watching the conversation between Eric and Cayt, and Ms. Kinsolving. I find out someone named Maris will be coming to repair me.

    Jessie seems to have left the room and I do not see her again.
  7. Heroid

    Alias, Smith

    Originally Posted by DemonCaller View Post
    (Just spent a good deal of this afternoon reading this thread...and just got up to the last part...GAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! *What* comes *next*? Man, I hate cliffhangers!!!)

    (Great story so far!)
  8. Heroid

    Alias, Smith

    It seemed like an eternity, but I was only unplugged for a few hours while I was being moved to a “more discreet location”. It seems that whatever will be done with me does not need to be done at the Rock. I can guess why. If Jessie comes she’ll hardly want to visit the school where she has so many unpleasant memories: her parents’ split; the cruel gossip; our breakup…

    But I am moved now and reconnected to the machine. Miu was here a few moments ago, but she has classes to attend and Ms. Kinsolving has been adamant about making sure she goes. I can understand it. A pretty young girl shouldn’t spend all her time sitting with a corpse. She shouldn’t put all her focus on me. But I do miss her when she goes.

    But Adam Scott is here, and he says he has something special for me.

    Mr. Scott has an odd sense of humor. The avatar he presents himself with is James Doohan of Star Trek. It’s a play on their names, and a jibe at me because although he says, “call me Adam,” I persist in calling him Mr. Scott.

    Mr. Scott stands before me now and says, “Steel yourself, lad. What I have to share with you today – well, just prepare yourself.”

    I wonder what it could be.

    “You’ve heard of Skype, right?”

    My avatar, which looks entirely like my formerly alive and healthy self, nods.

    “Good. This is a Skype video conference I intercepted a few days ago between… Well, you’ll see.”

    And suddenly I sitting in a theatre, looking at a huge split screen. On once half, Ms. Kinsolving sits in her office looking down at me. She’s a pretty woman – beautiful actually – and looks like she belongs on movie screen. But there’s a sadness to her. A heaviness. As if a weight she was entirely unprepared for has been placed on her shoulders. She’s in her office. I can see her diploma hanging on the wall behind her.

    The other half of the screen is filled with two faces. One, pretty girl in her late teens who looks older than her years. I recognize her to be Cayt, Jessie’s sister. The other, an asian male, looks to be… oh… nineteen or twenty years old (– old enough to know better!) He has a ponytail (a ponytail for gods’ sake!)

    He says, “Hi, I'm Eric Hamada.”

    (So many reasons… let it go… let it go…)

    Ms. Kinsolving says, “Hello, Eric. Are the babies awake?”

    Babies. Plural.

    Eric says, “Babies are in a constant state of flux. They're either awake and hungry or full and asleep. Or transitioning between the two. Since its quite at the moment, it’s safe to assume they're sleeping.” Then he smiles wanly and continues, “But since that can change at any moment, I'll cut to the chase. We're calling about the recent request you made of Jessie.”

    She’s not coming. It’s just as well, I suppose, but it should be her choice and no one else’s.

    Ms. Kinsolving’s eye’s narrow and I can tell she was thinking the same thing.

    “Ah,” she says, “Jessie can't speak for herself?”

    Yes! Go Ms. K!

    Cayt returns Ms. Kinsolvings look with one even more adversarial in nature, but she remains silent and let’s Eric do the talking. It makes me wonder if he has some sort of control powers…

    Eric simply shrugs and says, “I was under the impression that someone's life hung in the balance. Perhaps we should focus on that. However, to forestall more invidious questions, Jessie can speak for herself, and sent us in her stead.”

    Ms. Kinsolving lets that percolate for a moment, then says, “All right then. Jessie's former boyfriend, Smith, recently showed up. Or what is left of him. I've seen more intact bodies recovered from sharks bellies.”

    Ouch. Did she have to describe it like that?

    What follows is an argument about the quality and skill levels of available healers. Ms. Kinsolving makes a strong argument that Jessie is quite powerful and talented at restoring a severely injured individual to full health and functionality – which of course is important to me. But Cayt and Eric make as compelling an argument that there are indeed many healers in Paragon City and that Ms. Kinsolving would do well to pursue the services of one or more of them.

    Then Eric says, “But at this point in time, her responsibilities to her infant child prevent her from taking a more active role.”

    I call out, to Mr. Scott and ask him to stop it there. I’ve heard enough. But if he hears my pleas, he ignores them.

    Eric and Ms. Kinsolving reach an agreement. Eric tells her of a healer whom he vouches to be “an artist” – as good as or better than Jessie. Ms. Kinsolving seems relieved. I cannot decide if she really could not find an adequate healer in Paragon, or if this truly was part ruse to get Jessie to return to the Rock. Cayt outright accuses her of it, but Ms. Kinsolving doesn’t show her hand either way.

    “Would it be possible for me to speak with Jessie?” Ms. Kinsolving asks after all the quibbling about qualified healers.

    Cayt leaves the conversation to go get her, and in a moment… I see Jessie.

    Even though she’s clearly annoyed at the situation, she’s radiant. Motherhood agrees with her. The last time I saw her (it seems like an eternity ago) she was barely showing. No one at the school knew about her pregnancy but me, not even her adoptive parents. It’s odd. Even though the… incident… between Jessie and Eric helped cause our breakup, the resulting pregnancy – and our pact to keep it secret – created a new, different bond between us. We kept our secret until the day we both left the school, neither of us planning to ever return.

    Mr. Scott freezes the presentation. “I have an offer to make to you, Smith, one you might want to think about before it’s too late.”
  9. Heroid

    Alias, Smith

    A surprise! Adam Scott visited me today!

    Not physically of course – he did it through the machine to which I am attached. He’s quite adept at traversing the virtual world now. He lives in a digital reality that spans all forms of electronic communication. His domain is worldwide and he’s quite happy. He thanked me for his present state and – as he said, for good or ill – showed me this IM he intercepted:

    geminirose: Jessie?

    Obviously, “geminirose” is Ms. Kinsloving’s IM name. It’s also her registered hero name. No brainer. And of course, I know who “greenangelofmercy” is.

    geminirose: Are you around?

    greenangelofmercy: Sorry, had to climb over Tategami. I'm here.

    Tategami – a spirit being. A guardian to watch over small children, assigned to Jessie last year during our breakup. He became more than that to her, and apparently, he is a better boyfriend than I was, since he is still with her. Am I still jealous? I must let that go…

    geminirose: Something's happened. I need to see you.

    greenangelofmercy: This...isn't really a good time...but I doubt there will be one for a few months. What's up?

    geminirose: I'd rather tell you in person. Can I come see you?

    greenangelofmercy: Yeah, that'd be easier. Be prepared for lots of snow.

    geminirose: When?

    greenangelofmercy: And far too many people crammed in this house...can't wait until Cayt's new one is done, but that'll take a year at least.

    geminirose: When can I come see you?

    greenangelofmercy: Well...I guess when you need to. Just need time to warn everyone you're coming...dunno whoall's awake right now though.

    geminirose: It's very important and I need to see you asap.

    geminirose: Sorry. I don't mean to sound so insistent.

    geminirose: How is the baby?

    greenangelofmercy: Sayuri’s asleep right now, which is why everyone else is.

    Baby? Is Sayruri…?

    geminirose: Awww...

    geminirose: Life is precious, new life even more so.

    greenangelofmercy: Mahsah keeps worrying that there's not going to be enough food for Cayt’s cub with all the people in the house and hunts rabbits for us.

    Ah. Sayuri must be her sister Cayt’s baby. Who’s Mahsah? I’m skipping ahead a bit…

    geminirose: Jessie. Are you sitting down?

    greenangelofmercy: This has to do with the fact that I felt Kit react to something all the way over here, doesn't it? She woke me up.

    Kit… I think of Kit as a person so much that I forget that she began her life as Jessie’s pet. I see her as so much more. I see her as her own person. It’s hard for me to connect the two aspects of her life sometimes.

    geminirose: Yes. Are you sitting down?

    greenangelofmercy: Um...yes...but if this is that big I'm going to wake up everyone when THEY react to ME...

    geminirose: You already know _something_ is up, so I might as well tell you. Smith was returned to us.

    greenangelofmercy: ...

    geminirose: He's hurt. Bad. It's impossible that he's still alive.

    greenangelofmercy: I didn't think he was dead.

    geminirose: He's bad. Worse than I've ever seen anyone who was still living.

    greenangelofmercy: Yeah, but he's alive...

    geminirose: He needs you.

    greenangelofmercy: Knew that was coming.

    geminirose: Sorry. I feel bad for asking. I know you're still recovering.

    geminirose: I just don't know if he'll keep on doing this impossible thing or not.

    greenangelofmercy: Why does it always have to be me? There are hundreds of healers still in Paragon.

    geminirose: This time? Because there is no one else I'd trust.

    greenangelofmercy: You're good at this.

    geminirose: I'm just being honest.

    geminirose: This is... this is not a repair job.

    geminirose: I need an architect, not a handyman.

    greenangelofmercy: And next time it'll be that I'm the only person you can get ahold of in time, and the time after that I'll be the only person strong enough, and the time after that...

    geminirose: He needs you.

    greenangelofmercy: He needs a healer. I just happen to be one who knows him really well.

    geminirose: I'm sorry if I'm bothering you. I thought he meant something to you.

    geminirose: I'll have MAGI send someone over.

    greenangelofmercy: I ran away to protect myself...

    geminirose: I'm sorry. I was mean. I'm just desperate. If you could see him...

    greenangelofmercy: ...then I wouldn't be able to stop myself. I'd have no choice.

    geminirose: I know. I had no choice either. I know a few healers in Paragon, but no one I would trust with this.

    geminirose: I know people who can raise the dead, but this is more than that.

    greenangelofmercy: I can't do that.

    geminirose: I don't need that. I need what you can do. What you can do better than anyone I know of.

    greenangelofmercy: ...

    geminirose: I took a picture. I can send it if that's what it takes.

    greenangelofmercy: Don't you dare..

    geminirose: Then you'll come?

    geminirose: Or let me bring him to you?

    greenangelofmercy: I'm not letting you bring him here! We don't have enough room for the people living here. Not to mention both Tategami and Eric want to paste him and Sayuri-san would get upset.

    I have so many reasons to hate Eric… Let it go… let it go…

    geminirose: When are you coming?

    greenangelofmercy: I didn't say I was.

    greenangelofmercy: *grumble* ...I hate you, you know that?

    greenangelofmercy: I'll think about it. Gonna talk to Eric and T first.

    geminirose: I'm sorry. If I felt like I had a choice. Thanks. I understand.

    greenangelofmercy: Because if I AM coming, Tategami's coming with me, and you guys are going to have to deal with it.

    geminirose: I understand.

    greenangelofmercy: And Eric's still convinced you guys are going to kidnap me home when we least expect it.

    Let it go…

    geminirose: It's a school, not a prison. I wouldn't dream of trying to make you stay. I would like for you to feel comfortable visiting though. But that's not up to me either.

    geminirose: Let me know when to expect you. I'll have things set up. I'll make sure you can come and go discreetly.

    greenangelofmercy: I'm still bringing Tategami with me. I don't CARE what it looks like.

    geminirose: That will not be a problem.

    Oh, Ms. K, this is not a good idea…

    I was taken off of the machine. I don’t know why. I don’t know how long. I don’t like it. It cuts me off from Adam Scott and his information. (I’m actually caught up on the world news now thanks to him. So much has changed in the past several months… gods… it’s really been months…) And it makes it harder to connect with Miu.

    Miu’s been to see me every day since my return. She’s a better friend than I deserve. I treated her rather shabbily, I’m afraid. Took her for granted. Used her to make myself look good in front of my Marcone relatives as if she was no more important to me than my Italian suits. I hope she forgives me.

    That’s the problem with having only my own mind for company. It lets me think too much. A bit of a purgatory, if you will, where I serve penance for my many misdeeds.

    And what will I do when Jessie heals me? What will I do when I open my eyes and she’s there? What will she do? Our last meeting in Ouroboros… we made some pretty promises to each other, but I know I could never hold her to them. She deserves more than “maybes” and “somedays”. So do I.

    But then, maybe she decided not to come after all. Maybe that’s why I’ve been “unplugged”. It could be that I’ve been rolled into a vault in the morgue where a cadaver belongs. It could be that this will be my permanent state.

    If so, the Fates have played a cruel trick on me hiding me from Hades and his boatman. Right now, I’d gladly give him his coin so that I could cross over into the mists. Right now, I’d rather be anywhere but here…

    Miu? Are you out there?
  10. Heroid

    Alias, Smith

    “Hey, Mickey...”

    It’s Miu. I wish I could see her. I wish I could actually hear her soft, smooth voice, but this will do for now. Still, I want to say something back so badly…

    She continues, “...feels like I should do the cheer whenever I say that, doesn't it...”

    I had to look up that video when we were living together in Etoile, just to see what she was talking about the first time she made this comment. Miu is much prettier than the girl in the video.

    “Or should I be calling you 'Smith'...I don't know, you've never been 'Smith' to me...”

    I want to say, “I don’t have to be ‘Smith’ – I can be whoever you want me to be.”

    “I'm glad you're alive...when they took you I thought you were a goner for sure...”

    I want to hold her and tell her it will be all right. Those were such dark days and she had to face them alone and uncertain…

    “Tiny'll be okay.”

    I’m glad she told me that. He might be a thug, but he was my friend and protector.

    I try to say something to her… I try to reach out… do something so that she knows I hear her…

    “Hope you're not mad, but when you got taken I made sure Tiny got to a hospital and then I came straight back to the Rock...I know you ran away but they had a better chance of finding you than I did...”

    How could I be mad at her? How could I ever be mad at her?

    “You're back at the Rock now... Say what you want about them, but they'll keep you here and start trying to fix you...”

    Is my best chance here, at the Rock? I burned so many bridges before I left. Is there anything left for me here?

    “Yeah, I know, I know...maybe there's nothing here anymore... I started over fresh when I finally realized you had to be gone... But they'll take care of you until you're fixed, you know they will.”

    Again, I try to do something to reassure her…

    “ ...I guess you were right about not being able to die. I bet it sucks right now, but when you're better you'll like it, I hope.”

    Yes. It sucks. But it sucked worse before Miu came to see me. I don’t feel alone now. I hope she stays. If she stays, I know I can stay also.

    “Don't worry,” she says, “I won't go anywhere.”

    And she stayed with me through the night until the next morning when the doctors returned.

    “We could create a clone. There are ways to transplant one’s sentience from one body to another, either through science or magic. However, I doubt if there is enough of the right kind of genetic material to guarantee a successful reproduction. There could be… defects.”

    Dr. van Vogt makes me feel like a culture in a petri dish.

    “That’s out, then,” Ms. Kinsolving says.

    “What he needs is a healer,” the doctor says. “A good one. Not a ‘battlefield medic’ as so many in Paragon City are. He needs a healer who can rebuild him piece by piece, step by step. All those nerve endings reconnecting… the pain could be unbearable if not handled correctly. And we have no idea what kind of psychological state he might be in after going through this. He needs an architect, not a handyman.”

    “I know of someone,” Ms. Kinsolving says.

    I already know who Ms. Kinsolving has in mind. It’s one of the things Miu mentioned when she visited me… Was it yesterday? The day before? I have no perception of time now… But I know who she’s going to ask, and I’m not sure if it’s a good idea. Jessie’s been through so much and her condition… but how much time has passed? She was barely showing last time I saw her. Maybe her condition has changed?

    How much time…?
  11. Heroid

    Alias, Smith

    I hear voices and know that I am home. I do not hear the voices with my ears, for I have none. Ares deprived me of them.

    I know that I must be a sight that would make Dr. Vahzilok cringe. Thankfully, I am blind (for I also do not have eyes) and so cannot see what I know the others do. I know that I would be dead if the Fates had not hidden me from even that dark god.

    The only faculty I have left to me is my mind. It is my only way to interact with the world now, and learning to use it to communicate with others is like learning to walk – no – like learning to talk all over again.

    But I’m learning to do it, and even though no one seems to hear my psychic “voice” yet, I can still pick up the surface thoughts of the people close to me.

    I know that tomorrow, Ms. Kinsolving has arranged for a specialist from the K. Phillips Institute to come and examine me. Maybe this specialist will provide me with a voice others can hear.

    For now, the room is empty and I am alone. The temptation is strong to return to the mushroom.

    I have no sense of time. It's only when others are around that I have a sense of anything happening. Others are around now.

    Dr. van Vogt is astonished that my brain still functions at all.

    “It is a simple matter to get a dead heart to beat,” he tells Ms. Kinsolving, “but for this withered brain to still be active… It is beyond miraculous.”

    He wants to take me back to the Institute (he thinks the word in a capital way), but Ms. Kinsolving tells him no. He hooks my brain to a machine and I feel my consciousness expand a bit. I can feel the world around me in a new way that I do not understand.

    And because I do not understand this new perception, I am afraid to use my voice; that it might be too loud, or might be misheard.

    I am quiet. Maybe tomorrow…
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Juggertha View Post
    This is pretty cool, Heroid.
    ((Thanks! And thanks for reading! ))
  13. Heroid

    Alias, Smith

    Love makes one do foolish things. I have done foolish things on account of it. I have tossed my life away on account of it. I have sat on this mushroom and smoked this hookah, and searched my soul for a lesson learned of it all.

    I find none.

    I am the fool of all fools. Life is not about the lessons learned, though the learning can ease future suffering. It is not about fulfillment and finding happiness, though the moments of happiness are necessary to balance out the years of sorrow. Life is about living it, not observing it. It’s not a grand experiment. There is no endgame, no final destiny, not until we die. And that is what I now understand. You have to live until you die.

    Not a lesson, just a fact.

    The smoke is bitter to my tongue. It burns my nostrils and my chest. I have smoked long enough, dreamed long enough. It is time to decide.

    The caterpillar said there were two sides of the mushroom from which I may choose to eat – one to make me smaller, the other to make me larger. I understand now what he means.

    I have another chance to live, and with that chance comes a choice. I may choose to forget it all – Jessie, my parents, Ares, my thoughtless treatment of Miu, and a thousand other sins and crimes that I have committed against my friends and associates. I could forget all of that and start over, without memories, without a sense of identity. I could reinvent myself, just as I did at Maggie’s Rock where I turned up as a blank slate.


    I can accept responsibility for all I have done and hope that at least some of those I care about can forgive me. And if they cannot? As they say, I have made my own bed.

    I climb down from the top of the mushroom, look it over, decide which side is which and take a bite.

    I see a smile in the air before me. A cat’s secretive smile.

    “Hey, Mickey,” it says.
  14. ((I'm Heroid. My global is @Heroid. I'm the guy who still uses double brackets on the forums years after everyone else quit because now and then, I still post in-character replies.

    I'm an rp'er, but if I'm on an team with non-rp'ers, I adjust.

    I hang out mostly with the gang from Maggie's Rock and the Other Guys.

    I don't have a single main character anymore, and have lots of alts. I usually play whoever has a story going, or whoever someone else needs for their story.

    I hate crunching numbers so hardly any of my builds are maxed out.

    I like Polyphonic Spree, Grandaddy, the Arcade Fire, the New Pornographers, Queen, Led Zeppelin, David Bowie, Bad Company, AC/DC, Thin Lizzy, the Flaming Lips, and lots and lots of others.

    The best Catwoman was Julie Newmar.))
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bbq_pork View Post
    reminds me of when we had our son baptised. He was under a year old and fell asleep just a little bit before the priest sprinkled water in his face. He woke up and gave the priest a heckuva dirty glare.
  16. Heroid

    *Pokes Virtue*

    Hiya, Kurse. How's it goin'?

    An' watch out if yer gonna poke Virtue -- if ya fall asleep afterwards, she'll steal yer wallet an' get gone.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
    That's adorable. That baby should be our villainside lobbyist for new content.
    ((I want that face added to the character creator. ))