
P.E.R.C. Representative
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  1. We at the Player Event Resource Committee would like to thank everyone who competed in "Capture That!" It was a lot of fun to judge and there were many amazing screen shots that kept us debating for hours. We had over 280 screen shots submitted!

    The Winners!

    1. Crazy Death (Can be anything that can die!)

    First Place Sinner Saint

    Second Place Gaspard

    2. Stupid NPCs (Those dang NPCs doing crazy things!)

    First Place Twilight Phoenix

    Second Place Gulver

    3. Ragdoll Physics Gone Wrong!

    First Place Gaspard

    Second Place Commander

    4. Best Scenery

    First Place Reetta

    Second Place Plexius

    5. I spit out my drink when this happened..

    First Place NuprinFeelgood

    Second Place Gulver

    6. It's Party Time!

    First Place Archiviste

    Second Place Macskull

    7. I laugh at the target cap! (best use of an AoE)

    First Place Spiffy Keane

    Second Place Sinner Saint

    8. Oops Trigger Finger! OR WTH just happened?!

    First Place XxSlashxX

    Second Place BlackberryThorn

    9. There is no "I" in Team! (teamwork or super group photo)

    First Place Sultry Siren

    Second Place BlackBerry Thorn

    10. Best Cut Scene Dialogue or Emote

    First Place Turgenev

    Second Place Blpup

    All winners will be contacted by a P.E.R.C. representative to arrange for delivery of prizes. Thank you again to all who competed!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
    I also thought that we were going to get this in July?
    True, original release date was set for July 20th
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkAngel17 View Post
    I plan to participate, I just have sooooo many screenshots and I haven't taken the time to sift thru them yet is all.

    Quick question. I know our categories have to be labeled. Do we change the name of the screenshot to the category or just list the category when the shot is posted?
    Easiest thing:

    1) Make A Post

    2) Say what you want your screen shot to go in for, example Stupid NPC's, It's Party Time, etc...

    3) Post screen shot

    You shouldn't have to rename them. We aren't looking at the name of your screen shot. Most of mine are like Screenshot001 Screenshot003 etc..

    If anymore questions Ace, let me know.

  4. 1 week left to get your screen shots in!

  5. Blue and JK, sorry you feel that the prize isn't what you would like to receive as a prize.

    Awhile back, there was a survey made that ask for opinions, thoughts, idea(s) on various things including prizes.

    One of the many responses we got was for Art Work from the few artists that are members in PERC.

    However, what you like to see being given out as a prize?

    PM me your thoughts and I'll see what I can do.

  6. No one has any screen shots that they wanna post???

    Still 2 weeks left to post your screenshot for a chance to win.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Katze View Post
    Moving it is the preferred method. Here's a guide:
    Bill Z Bubba's Guide for Moving CoH
    As always, Bill Z greatness strikes again!

  8. Can one move the CoX folder to another drive on the computer with ease?

    Or is it better to just uninstall and install in a different directory?


    The only reason I ask is cause currently CoX is taking up alot of space I can't afford on my C:/ drive anymore. (Test and Live servers installed)


  9. Ever been on a team and something totally weird happens? Then you’re like, “let me take a screenie!!” I know I have!
    Well what if you were given the chance to present some wild screen shots that you’ve taken, to win in a themed category?

    To win, your screenshot must fit perfectly into any of the ten categories below.* As well as making sure your screenshot is submitted before 11:59 pm Eastern June 28th 2010. Once you do that, all you have to do is to wait on our team of critical judges to see who “Captured That!”

    *Please keep in mind we are not judging the quality of the shot, but how best it represents the category!

    1. Crazy Death (Can be anything that can die!)

    2. Stupid NPCs (Those dang NPCs doing crazy things!)

    3. Ragdoll Physics Gone Wrong!

    4. Best Scenery

    5. I spit out my drink when this happened...

    6. It's Party Time!

    7. I laugh at the target cap! (best use of an AoE)

    8. Oops Trigger Finger! OR WTH just happened?!

    9. There is no "I" in Team! (teamwork or super group photo)

    10. Best Cut Scene Dialogue or Emote

    All screenshots must be submitted by June 28th 11:59 PM Eastern

    Screenshots can be submitted in any of the following ways:

    • You can either reply to this thread with your image, or on the Player Events thread.

    • However, if you cannot host your own image, e-mail your shot to perc.coh@gmail.com, make sure in the message you tell us your forum name and server so we may post it in the correct area.

    • Edited screenshots will be disqualified.
    • You can compete in as many categories as you desire
    • You must label the shot. (IE Death Shot, Stupid NPCs, etc.) If not labeled, then they will not be judged.
    • If you e-mail your shot without your forum name and server, you are subject to disqualifications if you do not reply with that information.

    10 Sketches by our own PERC Rep: ScooterTwo

    2 of the 10 sketches will be randomly picked to be colored!
  10. I got a few toons every week I can bring:

    Al Bob (ill/rad)

    Hawkeyed (Elec/Ener blaster)

    Out of this World (Emp/Dark)
  11. I personally love my GTX 260 card.

    Remember, make sure you have a big enough Power Supply before you go sticking in a new card.

    The 9800 card takes about 500.

    All the new cards mentioned above need more power.

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Funk_X View Post
    I'm sorry, i don't even know you. What's so funny?
    X, thats Pun

    You know who Pun is

  13. Due to technical reasons, Team Rebel will be pulling out for the rest of the runs.

    Good luck to the remaining teams!

  14. The dev's usually post what time the servers will be brought down for patching and an ETA on when they think the new issue will be live.

    My guess, look for something once the in game events end.

    If anything, servers brought down at 6am EST and back up around 11am EST. Its going to take awhile to patch.

  15. Maybe its just me, but are we still on for matches come Wednesday?

    The only reason I ask is cause i17 is due to hit.

    Thats all.

  16. Sunday 7pm EST!

    Hope to everyone there

  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JKwervo View Post

    ///Odds of who will win next match/// (May change leading up to the match)

    Team Funk - 2:1
    Team Bamf - 10:1
    Team OOP - 50:1
    Team Vegemite - 5:1
    Team Rebel - 12:1
    Team Wipe - 25:1
    Team Ensign Red Shirt - 15:1

    ///Over/Under///Projected Kill Total///
    [Steel Canyon Map]

    Team Funk - 32
    Team BAMF - 15
    Team OOP - 4
    Team Vegemite - 23
    Team Rebel - 18
    Team Wipe - 10
    Team Ensign Red Shirt - 16
    12:1 for us? Really???

    We've placed 2nd last two matches and we get 12:1???

    You need to find a new bookie

  18. We had 19 but sadly no drops

    My emp kill was classic
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Garent View Post
    Do you guys mean powers that extend too far beyond the character, beyond what an aura would normally be capable of?


    As for what NS said, yes, anything that effects other players besides yourself.
