3171 -
erm, Pentad is balanced.
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Not really. -
Don't get where the hastle is coming from. It doesn't reflect the way it went at all. And a a bit [censored] on those that put time in or waited around on people apparently coming... or not.
Thanks to the Union people who came. Was good to talk and meet you.
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The hassle comes from certain union people being too touchy, cause apparently they think they equal the server..
I thank my opponents from thursday, you fought well despite the odds. I didn't really know the players for the most part. Defiant had Shoryu steve, me and SinghMC and unfortunately I can't remember the rest but everybody played well.
Personally I would rather not fight such fights and didnt have any fun on thursday. It all just reinforces my opinion that team fights are even more unbalanced than 1v1 fights, in fact balanced teamfights are extremely rare in my books. I wouldnt mind if it was all about player skill but it isnt. One of the reasons I have turned my back on the pvp. Especially after the late and upcoming blaster changes. -
Die in 5 seconds to what? The only spike damage villain side is melee.
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To the selfsame blasters. -
Lets try again only this time have a longer recruiting phase and post up on the forums and on channels.
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Unfortunately experience has shown that longer recruiting phase doesnt necessarily work. People will forget or cant be bothered to wait too long.
Lets make it three or more 4v4 teams fighting at the same time. Lets measure the width of PVP provess of the servers. Dont put everybody on the same map. -
2 30% MaxHP
3 Uninterruptable self heal every 25-30secs
4 Protection from confuse, fear and repel unlike most sets
5 A fast recharging tier 9 upping the status proc and res to all damage. Small crash
6 Perception built in
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Also in-built KB protection.
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Yes i take that as a given
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Not all sets have it. -
How did you figure it out them making more damage than before? TBH I was afraid of this ever since the talk about new defiance.. As if it was an excuse to nerf them in some other department.1v1 will be even more impossible now. And team pvp just plain sucks.
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The overall damage was increased though, and not everyone has resistances.
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But this will make blasters weaker against characters against whom blasters were weakest already.. I saw unresistability as a great method to even up the playing field. Yet people blasters could kill in 5 seconds
before will still die in 5 seconds. -
Blasters needed this nerf
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Also heroes still get unresistible debuffs and this change if it occurs may even make blasters do even more damage then before so its not just a doom and gloom nerf like people are making it out to be
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How did you figure it out them making more damage than before? TBH I was afraid of this ever since the talk about new defiance.. As if it was an excuse to nerf them in some other department.1v1 will be even more impossible now. And team pvp just plain sucks.
Im not disputing that they didnt need a nerf.. but I cant help but feeling depressed. I see no reason why this would enhance my gaming experience. -
They are nice right now, my opinion may change along with this 'update'. After this practical unresistable attacks will be pretty much exclusive to villains then. Is everybody ok with that?
After all theres no point pvping if you cant actually kill your opponent.
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Someone wanting to or is learning pvp enters zone, sees noone on whoall, leaves. Rinse and repeat for maximum uber CoX pvp
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Looks like I stopped playing right on time.
If I remember and my sub hasnt ran out by then, Ill try to be there this time. Although I have canceled my sub sometime ago.
Uh, was the date mentioned beforehand? I cant speak for others but you cant catch me ingame since I dont really play the game anymore..
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Nah Pedant battles is where its at -
From Castle:
Replace -Def with reverse Power boost effect. What I mean by that is all secondary and status effects the character has are weakened, say by 50% for 10 seconds or so. Taunt would, of course, be excluded.
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This sounds much better.
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Are you sure?
If its lowering mezz protection:
Res sets would get hit by secondary effects more often than the def sets. Sounds to me like where it was unfair on def sets it will become slightly unfair on res sets. I can see some people getting more easily held and detoggling into defeat "at times". Passive resists probably won't offer much to fall back on.
Reverse power boost to our offensive holds ie make Knockout blow so it doesn't hold, Char doesn't hold etc wouldn't matter to those who think in terms of damage but no one will want to use a lot of end for paltry damage during the rage crash. Using a hold etc despite the damage being low wouldn't be a problem.
We then trade a passive defense debuff for an active defense debuff. I am not keen on finding stacked effects detoggling me every crash. Make us lose our ability to control in all ways but taunt and all tanks are inline with each other.
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Reason why I like this idea more is that while its obviously a 'weakening', its not end of the world as the previous end-crash idea would have been imo. Of course the tank is weakened and will be held etc if it tries to aggress same amount of enemies during the crash period, but thats what should happen if theres crash.... I mean thats the idea of crash. -
I'm pretty sure 'Weaken' reduces ANY value towards zero, positive or negative.
Thus weakening the target's mez protection and mez effects at the same time.
"Power Boost" would work the same way but in reverse.
(and this appears to be the case: is coded as "-XX% Enhancement" according to nofuture)
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As far as I know, and from experience playing my poison mastermind, it indeed works like Mael says. I think i said on another thread that poison masterminds debuff pretty much everything, even things you didnt know could be debuffed -
From Castle:
Replace -Def with reverse Power boost effect. What I mean by that is all secondary and status effects the character has are weakened, say by 50% for 10 seconds or so. Taunt would, of course, be excluded.
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This sounds much better. -
You have heard wrong, Ice (hibernate), fire(healing flames) and invul are all good primaries in PVP. Stone is relatively bad due to that it tends to rely too much on granite, and you arent much use to anyone while in granite let alone be able to kill anybody.
SS is slower than any other melee set, without rage it is the badest of the lethal/smash ones.
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And now if you want to talk about casting time: seismic smash 1,5s, energy transfert 1s. Honesty...
SS is not the overpowered set you're trying to tell everyone here.
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Shatter 2,8 seconds. Casting times cannot be affected by any buff or enhancement, im sure you know. Shatter also doesnt mez, unlike the two attacks described above. Its secondary effect, while nice-looking, is actually bad for tanking.
on-topic: I did post my opinion earlier that the end-recovery crash for rage would have been appallingly bad idea, but if thats being rolled back I see little further problems for SS. -
I've been doing this move too (especially if my positioning means that my camera view suddenly gives me nothing but the groin of the foe in front of me). However today I was in a PuG and when someone died and accused me of not taunting I explained that I'd been frantically doing so via them.
They thought this was really funny and informed me that this is not as effective as 'proper' taunting. Is this true guys?
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Well if you target a teammember and activate attack, afaik it should use your attack on the enemy that the teammember has targeted. However, this will fail at least if the teammember hasnt targeted anybody. Also, Im not sure if this still works like I described, and I wouldnt recommend taunting via teammembers. You can see if its working if your taunt is actually activating. If it isnt, then obviously it isnt working. It is also possible that they have targeted some mob that isnt in the process of killing them..
Instead its better to be conscious about all mobs at the area and use your PBAoE taunt power, taunt, and normal attacks to get the best coverage. The PBAoE taunt power often has shorter range than people think. -
KO Blow WITHOUT rage is over 50% more powerful than the hardest hitting mace attack
Footstomp WITHOUT rage is 20% more powerful than the equivalent AOE from mace
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Look at the recharge time and endurance cost.
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Look at the casting time. -
KO Blow WITHOUT rage is over 50% more powerful than the hardest hitting mace attack
Footstomp WITHOUT rage is 20% more powerful than the equivalent AOE from mace
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1:/ Would you object to a entrance fee? that you would later have chance to win at the end along with others entrance fee? A way of guarantying that people that register will show up?
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how do you intend to collect entrance fee? -
Sorry that I missed this. Cyas and HF. I'm leaving too in fact.