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((Welcome to the Clinic Rakash!))
The security team trained their rifles on Ella. The tell-tale red dots of the laser sight pelted the wall behind Ian, as they tried to find a shot past him and at the small girl that cowered behind him.
Brice was at an impasse, he knew things that he wasnt allowed to share and couldnt let the men stand down. On the other hand the situation was bad enough and he didnt want anyone to get hurt (His team included). Beyond the tactics and training, he rested his hopes on that Ella would comply .
Ella wasnt listening as Ian addressed the Security Team, as KruthT words still echoed in her head. At first his words fell on deaf ears making the woman in Ella smirk at her skillful manipulations, even though outwardly Ella continued to wear the mask of a fearful girl. Inwardly the words reached the real Ella, especially one word in particular Friend
If there was nothing else that Ella valued above all other things it was friends. She had already made some terrible sacrifices for the sake of her friends. Sacrifices that she was still paying for. Not that Ella could remember what she had done, or even her friends faces that she had made the scarifies for. They were shapeless apparitions that came to her in dreams or haunting feelings of déjà vu. The real Ella knew they were real. She knew that she loved them, and she knew why she couldnt remember them, and she knew who took those memories. That made her mad and anger gave her the ability to fight back if even against her own mind.
[Ian] Cant you see your attacks are provoking that warshade?
A pulse of golden light reflected off of the face mask and visors of the Security team, the source of this light cowered directly behind Ian. The warm pulsing light then turned to a brilliant golden glow as Ella wrapped herself in her energy shields. She muttered to herself, her voice had a hard edge to it, but the European accent was gone. Her eyes were shut tight as milky white tears began to flow again squeezing themselves out at the corners of her eyes. Her muscles trembled shaking Ian whose shirt she still clung to
The Security Team steadied their aim and readied SAP grenades, waiting for an order or for something to happen.
Then suddenly something did
Ella firmed her grip on Ian and flung him across the room hard and fast and as easily as if he had been a Frisbee. Both halves of Ella knew his acrobatic prowess would keep him from harm.
No sooner than she had thrown away her shield, the lights flared to full brightness. She charged at the guards accelerating with tremendous velocity far faster than her legs should be able to push her. The golden glow of her energy shield faded as she sped across the room.
Fire!!! Brice shouted to the team who all complied at once.
The beams of the energy rifles set on stun streaked out to meet Ella in her reckless charge. Ella stumbled and rolled across the floor, but several SAP grenades were already in the air.
Ella slide to a halt a few feet from the guards who hastily backup from her as if she were contagious. The grenades clattered on the floor behind her then flashed, sucking her dry of energy.
Weakly Ella tried to push herself off of the floor. Her arms trembled as her long white hair cascaded over her face. A shimmering blue sphere of light surrounded her as she tried to replenish her energy but there were no soldiers close enough for her to leech from. A second volley from the rifles placed her face down and flat on the floor.
Two team members hurried forward. One covered Ella with a SAP stick. The other the teams medic readied a shot and quickly injected Ella. A complicated set of custom made restraints were placed on the unconscious Ella, but there was no effort to place a glowie on her.
Command this is BLUE team leader. Happy Camper is in custody Brice sighed deeply and wondered what made her surrender. From all reports she was massively more dangerous.
His team looked to Void Blazer to see if he was going to give anymore trouble.
Meanwhile a heavy blast door opened. Several of the standard Security Officers in the everyday cloth uniforms escorted in Doctor Tyler.
Dr Tyler hurried to Ellas side and checked the young girls eyes, and pulse. She removed Ellas torc necklace placing it into one of the deep pockets of her white lab coat. A gurney was brought up and Ella was gently placed on it.
Hali tucked in a miserable Kia. The doctors had given her something that would help with the pain. She had the glowie off now at least that should help her rest better.
As Hali settled in to read about the Spas amenities and schedule some massages and seaweed wraps. Kia slipped out of bed and climbed out the window. Up on the roof hidden behind some large AC units she slipped on her black tights and put her boots and jacket on.
She wanted to find out what the heck was going on. Stealthily she floated down to the ground and headed towards the gym. There was lots of frantic mental activity there, so she figured that was the biggest source of trouble. Reducing her own inertia she made a powerful leap to land lightly on the Gyms roof, and then stealthily made her way inside. She crawled backwards as she hovered against the ceiling, and watching below.
She saw the giant Warshade and wondered if she hadnt missed all the trouble yet. -
((Hero Points to KruthT for his unorthodox approach of using reason!))
The Security Officer that Void rammed was sent sprawling. He sailed though the air a good ten feet before hitting the ground and sliding much further. He had barely managed to activate his kinetic shield, before being struck. Needless to say when he did eventually come to a stop he was very slow getting to his feet.
Ians bokken pinged off the grenade expertly, and his bokken bounced back to him just as he had expected it would. The grenade set to air burst hadnt had the proper flight time to detonate when impacted by the bokken. The grenade was deflected back at some of the perimeter security personnel.
The grenade exploded in a shower of golden dust coating everything in its cloud with a thin film of golden particles. Making the two Security Officers in that area very easy to spot as the dust clung to their uniform.
Command this is BLUE team led. We have multiple hero intervention with subject happy-camper requesting backup at this time
Code 3 Brice shouted over to the men. Execute Tanker containment! As he pointed at Void Blazer.
In the Security Center. Captain Roberts wasnt having a good day, as he reviewed the medical status of RED team.
RED team, maintain visual on patient Edward and setup a perimeter when backup arrives, medical personnel are in route to your location
BLUE team, be advised that trollers are in route. We have no ETA on the Specialist ((The specialist is someone completely different than the trollers mentioned in the first statement))
Brice turned next to Ian and Ella. Son step away from the girl. YOU are in danger!
Elsewhere though out the grounds the speakers were repeating the mantra Please do not interfere with the security personal as they respond to a routine incident. There is no need for alarm. This of course went unheard in the gym area as the systems that Ella had short circuited affected this system too.
The few Security Guards squaring off with Void kept their distance. Circling away from the hulking alien. They coordinated taking pot shots with low power energy stuns, but those didnt have a hope oh hurting him or even slowing them down. Then all at once the three guards hurled hand grenades. The grenades that they threw pulsed with a white glow as they sailed toward Void. ((SAP grenades))
Elsewhere though out the grounds the speakers were repeating the mantra Please do not interfere with the security personal as they respond to a routine incident. There is no need for alarm. This of course went unheard in the gym area as the systems that Ella had short circuited affected this system too. -
[Ian] Haha, um. I found her,
Ella shot Ian a look of hurt betrayal. That he may or may not have noticed the look as she stepped to cower behind him clinging tightly to his shoulders.
Three of the Security force had taser guns at the ready. Though they were currently not aiming them at Ian or Ella.
Step away from the girl! The nearest commanded. Ella made a soft whimpering noise behind Ian and angled herself away from this closest guard.
The next closest guards aimed energy rifles towards Ian and Ella. Their fingers hovered near but not directly on the triggers.
FIRE! Brice shouted to the grenadiers tapping the nearest (to him) on the shoulder to go ahead. The grenadier took a knee and an additional second to steady his sights after the shockwave rippled though the room then launched the projectile.
The 40mm grenades sailed above the pair in its short flight. It looked as if they were set to air burst.
It was then a gigantic alien lobster creature arrived in a flash of energy. A confused Void Blazer on the attack.
[Ian] Aaaauum duuu yyyaaaee um.
A tiniest of smirks appeared in the corner of Ellas mouth as Ian babbled incoherently. It vanished again almost instantly, to be covered by her seductive smile once more.
[Ian] You are kidding, r-right?
Oh, Ian, you think Im a tease Ella tilted her head to rest her cheek on the side of Ians shoulder as she snuggled in closer to him and gave him a warm squeeze.
[KruthT] "Excuse me sir," .
Sir please stay back Brice warned KruthT without turning to look at him. However when KruthT words reached Brice he stopped and looked at who delivered them. His head whipped back around to address his team, just as the locker room door began to swing open.
CODE SEVEN, I repeat code seven! Brice shouted out the hostage code to his men.
Immediately several of the men started to shift the weapons they had in hand, and change their positions. Their entire containment protocol started to fall apart.
Sir? Asked the Soldier with the particle grenade at the ready.
Ella had timed their trip to the door perfectly. The door swung open just as the lights had fallen again, presenting Ian and herself to the scrambling squad of the Security Detail.
Ella lifted her head off of Ians shoulder; her smile vanished to be replaced with an fright. -
Ella stood watching the slack-jawed Ian with her alluring all white eyes she allowed him the time necessary for him to take in her beauty. She even added a slight sigh to heighten the effect of her sex appeal and draw extra attention where it might distract him most. Her white skin shone healthy and flawless under the glare of the emergency lights despite the grime from the vents.
[Ian] I thought the stick jokes were over your head or something, although that last one was a bit .um ..heh.
Ella smiled a broad knowing smile. It wasnt her normal bright energetic smile, but a practiced smile delivered expertly. The lights again dimmed casting her into shadow; her form seemed outlined in the faintest golden glow. Just enough to hint at her curves before the lights flared brightly again.
[Ian] Well, stop fooling around. If we get you back to your room before they call in security we both might dodge a scolding. Lets hurry. When he got close enough, he reached out to rest a hand on her shoulder to comfort her and lead her out of the locker room.
Ella spun as she stepped into Ians reach so that his hand landed on her opposite shoulder, in essence having an arm around her. Her long flowing white hair cascaded softly over Ians arm. She interlaced her delicate cool fingers with Ians holding his hand in-place as her other hand slid around his back to rest on his waist.
Why Ian, you dont want to fool around with me? She asked playfully, her fingers delicately dancing at his hip with a soft stroking motion at the very edge of his waistband.
Ella pressed closer to Ian, pressing her soft white skin against his muscular well trained form. ((I dont think Ian has bulky muscles but is toned to an extreme; correct me if I am wrong))
Oh! Im getting your clothes all dirty Again the smell of an incoming rain storm wafted over to Ian as Ella nestled in close. She dropped her voice an octave lower. You dont mind being dirty with me? She batted her long white lashes. The lights dimmed again stealing away her suggestive eyes and leaving her warm breathe as it caressed his cheek softly, while her fingers continued to dance at his waist.
The pair approached the door to the locker room. At this point, who was leading who??? -
((Actually, when Ed shoved the guard, I was trying to demonstrate that he still retained much(if not all, just unable to use his muscles to their proper potential) of his physical super strength.))
[/ QUOTE ]
((Opp, will modify))
((Im going on the assumption he jumped through the vent before team BLUE got there))
[/ QUOTE ]
((Yah, I gave you the option of jumping in before they closed it, but didn't indicate what the canisters were at that time.)) -
((Sorry long post, I think I got everyone))
After Ian had leapt into the vent the squad dropped the canisters in. There was a sharp crack as the canisters burst filling the vent with rapidly expanding and hardening foam rendering the vent impassible.
It took two of his fellows to pull the guard that Edward had shoved back out of the wall. Once free they activated a trauma-patch built into his body armor to alleviate his wounds. As they reported to the Security Center the second situation.
Command this is RED team .
[Doc Talos] "...Was he having some sort of monologue with himself just before?"
Oui, he was speaking to himself briefly just before Hali hurriedly recited the words, though not accurately she got the general meaning across. She continued to rub Kias shoulders as her strength came back slowly, but was again sapped by the last wave of psychic emanations.
Though gritted teeth Kia harshly spit out the words Get this [Censored] thing off me she raised her arm indicating the glowie on her wrist.
[Ian] With a little focus, he managed to activate the sight he had used before to track Ella so he could pinpoint her once more.
Ian spotted Ella with some difficulty as her form shimmered in and out of focus, even with the enhanced vision. She was perched precariously on top of a row of lockers tinkering expertly with something in her small hands. There was a small spark and a pop and it was then that she disappeared from the trackers.
[Ian] Just slow down, He called out into the empty room. I dont know if you like it rough but I would rather this not get overly physical. A hand now rested on his bokken as his eyes shifted to find the elusive girl.
Ellas head whipped around to face Ian. She knew that he shouldnt be here, but also knew that he just might help her too. Ella placed the object that she was tinkering with back around her neck. She shifted a few feet to her left and tore off her jacket. She ripped a stripe of cloth from it and tied it around her arm that was cut in her fall. Droplets of blood floated upward from the wound before she tied the cloth around it. Once she had her arm expertly dressed she quietly shifted position again.
She stole a quick glance at the clock and watched Ian intently. His posture with his hand on his bokken, the way his eyes shifted to follow her as she moved with the grace of a slinking cat. Her bare feet hardly made a sound as she crept along the tops of the lockers.
She lightly hopped to another row of lockers that placed her near the wall. Even slower she crept along the row. Her fingers felt her way along the wall until she stopped and checked Ians position once more.
Without warning she punched her hand into the wall. The tile work shattered under her fist. There was a huge flash and buzzing then all of the lights in the gym went out. The emergency lights clicked on a second later but when Ella extracted her hand from the wall with wires and conduit they too flashed out pulsing on and off. In an instant she hopped down to the floor and out of sight
The lights went out in the main gym too, with the emergency backup lights pulsing on and off. The Security force had immediately switched to NVGs* when the lights disappeared but the pulsing of the emergency lights made their goggles flare uselessly.
*Night Vision Goggles
Brice took command, Prepare particle grenades!
Two of the soldiers placed their sap-sticks away, and pulled out 40mm grenade launchers. They loaded a 40mm grenade with a golden band designating its type into the chamber and locked the weapon into the ready position and awaited the command to fire.
Brice reported into the Security Center. Subject has disabled the lights, and has rendered NVGs ineffective. Please advise on the ETA of that backup
KruthT would be able to hear the reply. Sorry BLUE team, backup has been rerouted to another matter**. You are on your own. Capture of subject still remains BLUE teams priority
((**Leo I give you full control of RED team to respond as necessary to Edwards situation))
Ella rounded the row of lockers. Her posture was poised and alluringly elegant, and though her eyes were slightly puffy from crying earlier, her face shone with confidence. The change in mannerisms made Ella look years older just as her usual playful and light hearted self stole years from her, making people think that she was much younger.
Oh, Mister Kelly do you want to get rough She drew her hand to her chest indicating herself and drawing attention to her breast, just as the emergency lights flared on. with me?
Her voice carried a slight European accent that Ella had never used before at her stay at the Clinic.
Why would you be so eager to pull that stick from your pants and come after me for?
Ella leaned against the row of lockers from which she had appeared from. The pose was orchestrated to be seductive without looking forced, desperate or silly.
((Edited, Kia's section)) -
[Leo]((The way I read that, Ella backed off where Ian was and let herself fall down a vertical vent, right?))
((That is correct. The way that I envisioned it was that they were at the same level and she voluntarily dropped down a vertical shaft. What you have written is fine))
The great ringing knocked Kia to her knees while she held her head. She wretched once but managed not to vomit. She was obviously in great distress from the psychic emanations.
Since Whip seemed to be doing better Hali left him to go attend to her friend Kia. She watched KruthT and Sis excuse themselves to investigate the source of the disturbance. It was about this time that the medical staff started to arrive on the scene including Whips doctor.
Ella was upset. This was obvious. She had done something bad. That made her a bad person, no matter that everyone kept telling her that she wasnt. (In her mind) She was also not getting better, despite what the doctors kept telling her. If she were getting better she would not have hurt Whip like she had. Of course she wasnt completely rational. If she were shed have know that the feelings of remorse and guilt she felt over her actions and the she had healed Whip was all evidence that she wasnt bad.
There was a time where she would have crushed both of his arms for hugging her. She wouldnt tear them off. That would have been messy and Ella was conditioned to be very neat.
The self-loathing emotional part of her brain wasnt the only part that was active. There was a rational part that was active. Unfortunately it wasnt working to help her understand this situation. It was working on another plan, a plan to escape.
It was then that Ian interceded with her fall and arrested her decent by catching her delicate white wrist.
Ian would be initially surprised by how much the small girl/woman weighed and would need to immediately brace himself to support them both. ((NOTE: Ella actually weighs less than someone of her size/build but there are other factors at play here))
Ella was covered in dust and dinge from her crawl around the vents. Her eyes were the exception to the grime that covered her. Having recently been wiped on her sleeve. Her milky white tears floated from her sad eyes as she looked at Ian trying to support her.
let me go I dont want to hurt you too she pleaded.
Her weight again doubled as a golden glows started to form around her small hands.
Blood from Ians wrist wound ran down his arm and then hers. The blood made Ellas fingernails turn bright crimson to match. Soon there was enough blood between their grips that Ella slipped out of Ians grasp and plummeted like a bullet into the darkness of the vent shaft.
Golden bubbles floated up the shaft and instantly healed Ians wrist. There was a loud crash a second later as Ella crashed though the bottom of the shaft.
Motion attracted Ians attention to his immediate surroundings, as a squad of Clinic security officers approached the damaged vent. The closest security officer had a scanner, which he now aimed down towards the ground.
She is in the locker room he reported into his lip mic.
Another officers stepped up pulling a large canister from his backpack. He pulled a pin from the top of the canister and twisted a dial.
Sealing the vent! he called as he tossed the canister into the hole that Ian had made.
((Leo you can decide if you want to jump in before he places the canister in the vent or step in his way, or more precisely not step out of his way)
((Btw, I am placing the gym underground, so KruthT/Sis would have descended some stairs. There is a normal standard exercise gym at ground level, but anything that involves superhuman exercise is below ground))
Sis and KruthT would hear a muffled crash from the eastside of the gym. On that wall there stood the door that lead to the mens locker room. The crash was distant enough though and nothing in compared to the noise Ed had been making.
Doors to the north crashed open and two squads of the security tactical team raced into the room. They were (mostly*) content with ignoring the three heroes and immediately proceeded to the locker room door of the mens locker room.
Please stay back we are responding to a situation Brice instructed the heroes in his clipped military fashion without breaking stride with his squad.
We are to maintain a blocking action until backup arrives. Brice instructed the present squad. The tactical teams spaced themselves widely from the door. Four separate officers all armed with Sap-packs trained their weapons on the door. Two others with the large barrel net-guns or man-catchers also aimed at the doors. The remainder of the team checked their distance to the door with laser range finders and held their sap-sticks at the ready, while the man with the scanner watched the small blip that indicated Ellas position slowly approach the door. That is until the blip disappeared entirely.
Central we lost the tracker, can you confirm if you still have signal
Brice grimaced when the response came back.
*(Mostly: Brice would radio in that Edward was here but Ill leave that situation entirely to Leo)
((Cute avatar Pyrria!!!)) -
Ella? How about you stop and tell me whats wrong? I dont want to have to get rough,
[/ QUOTE ]
Ian saw Ella pause at his words (in his vision) her dark shape paused and looked down the vent towards him. Her dark arm came up and wiped the tears from her eyes. Then suddenly she dropped straight down a vertical shaft. -
Was Kias first reaction.
[KruthT]"Is it just me or did she loose control?"
Uh yeah, I guess some girls jus dont like to be hugged Kia folded her arms across her chest with a slight smirk at her joke.
Halis reaction was slightly more productive. She immediately went over to Whip to check on him. He seemed slightly out of sorts, which was normal for Whip, but this was more so, this had shaken him up.
Whip, are vous okay? She stayed back a few feet to make sure that he didnt feel threatened by her presence. Whip? Dear can I do anything to help? . . .
[Ian] Jumping off a few foot hold indents in the marble, he was on her trail before he could completely lose track of her. Ella! Wait up! If this was about what happened earlier, Im sorry!
Ellas movements where not well honed as Ians were. Though she had terrific balance and body control in the air, but some of the leaps that she made defied logic. No matter how strong she was, she simply couldnt maintain the air time she was on some of her hops there was no way she weighted enough.
This though was interrupted when a small wet droplet hit Ian on the cheek as he raced after Ella. His initial thought might have been about the weather, but the sky was perfectly clear. The truth was much harder to guess unless you knew Ella. One of her many strange characteristics was that her milky white tears floated in defiance to gravity. They tended to hover is space subject to the whims of the slightest draft or breeze.
Ella was running out of roof as Ian closed the distance, without slowing down Ella dropped over the edge. As Ian approached the edge there was a loud screeching rending noise. As he looked down, he saw a vent cover bent and ripped lying in the shrubs that used to hide its normal resting place. A pair of small snow white feet disappeared into the duct the vent had once covered.
Whips mannerisms showed that he currently had no intention of leaving his corner.
Hali turned to Kia and thought intently at her for a second, before she remembered that Kia was wearing a glowie that stopped her telepathy.
Kia, can vous please find some help, and let dem know what as happened
Oh I dont think that will be necessary Kia stretched her back as she watched the men approach.
Two teams of four security officers converged on the scene. Their uniforms matched the Clinics only to a degree. They were in full spec ops* gear.
*Special Operations
When Kia had first saw them they scared the sh** out of her as her first thoughts ran to Malta, but the color of their uniforms where different, and all of them had their various weapons pointed in safe directions.
The first team ran by Sis being directed by a team member holding a hand held scanner that pulsed with a dot every few seconds. Target is headed underground
The team didnt break stride and headed into the Spa building.
The second team paused briefly by the hot tubs. The evident leader whose chest label read Brice took a moment to look at the various guest/patients in the face.
SC** This is BLUE team leader we will need some assistance at the south side of the Spa by the hot tubs.
**Security Center
The team leaders head cam feed the image of each person into the Clinics Security Center. There they were each identified with facial recognition software, and patient records were accessed.
Dispatches were being issued to the various doctors to respond as needed. ((Whip you can decide on who would be treating Whip))
Brice addressed the group in a curt military manner Sorry for the disturbance folks help is on the way
He made a circular motion with his hand then point and his team took off in the same direction that the first group had gone.
Hali was struck speechless.
Kia wondered if she should bother trying to follow the security detail. This was the most exciting thing since she picked a fight with Furry-Britches (Alissa) back at the party.
Jamie had already disappeared during the excitement. It wasnt yet known if she were hiding or if her special curiosity was leading her somewhere she shouldnt go. She had also shared a moment with Ella at the party and though the two girls only knew each other a few minutes there was a small bond between them. -
((I apologize for my delay. I was at first waiting on a PM, but I can no longer use that excuse.
I will post tonight, as I will not have time to develop a meaningful post from work.
Halo)) -
(Hey, would it be a bit too late to add someone? Oh, and could you clarify if everyone is wearing a glowie, missed that.)
[/ QUOTE ]
((Never too late to join. Its up to each player to decide (initially) if their character needs to wear a glowie)) -
"Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!" Whip said as he pretty much latched onto Ella in what he assumed to be a hug.
[/ QUOTE ]
What happened next wasnt Ellas fault. She did know better, it was simply something beyond her control.
As usual the first sign was in her eyes. A flash of fear was quickly replaced by the onset of sudden anger. Her brow furrowed with rage, while her eyes became pained and apologetic at once.
A bright golden glow surrounded Ella as her strength surged well beyond the realm of normal. Her vice like fingers pried Whip off of her. The force applied by her fingers was enough to bruise Whips arms. Golden bubbles flowed from her hands as she flung Whip away. The bubbles again popped in golden light healing the bruises instantly.
Ella stood shaking for a moment mixed with fury and sorrow for what she just did. Though her brow was still furrowed in rage, tears were already forming in the corners of her eyes.
She quickly looked Whip, KruthT, Jamie, Hali and Kia and the rage in her face softened noticeably. The golden glow of her super strength vanished and her faced flushed an embarrassed pink.
She mouthed the words Im sorry and quickly turned and ran off.
On her way out she almost bumped into Sis and Ian. She knew that she wanted to find Sis, but wasnt emotionally prepared at the moment. She dodged around Sis making sure she placed Sis between herself and Ian. Just in case Ian had any thoughts of stopping her. She knew how fast he was.
Ella leapt halfway across the pool and nimbly sprang off the diving board to land on the far side of the pool on the head of a statue. Another leap got to her roof of the Spa and she quickly dropped out of sight on the far side of the building.
Holy [bleep]! Kia rose from the hot tub she tried to use her powers to arrest Whips fall, (Not that it was needed, Whip was plenty spry) but as she held her arm outstretched she was reminded of the glowie on her wrist and that she was now useless. Son of a [bleep] she stared annoyingly at the dripping glowie.
Aimable je Hali looked to Whip to verify his safety by the time she looked back Ella had bound onto the roof and disappeared from sight.
[Gracious me]
Back in the main building a fully outfitted security team scrambled down an underground tunnel headed toward the Spa. -
Ella had only made it two steps when she heard Whip crash to the ground. She whirred around as Whip rolled upright holding his head.
Ella rushed to his side. Her hands glowed with golden light. Golden bubbles of light floated from her hands towards Whip, specifically to his head. As the bubbles popped (inaudibly) his head started to feel immensely better. (Heal Other).
Ella stood over Whip and gently (yet with very strong hands) pulled his hands away from the wound. She brushed his hair gently with her fingers making sure that wound was cured.
Ohhh Whip are you alright? She continued to pet his head. Slowly the golden bubbles stopped as the wound was completely healed. -
Ella was studying the checker board intently, but turned to look at Void when he celebrated his I moment. She smiled at him proudly at him, though she didnt understand the reasoning behind his celebration.
Congratulations Void!
She turned back to the game and smiled as Jaime ate a checker piece that had been jumped. Jamie wasnt an idiot the ice-checkers probably did taste good if you were an ice being. This was probably the equivalent of playing a game with Oreos as the black checkers.
When Ella was happy she had trouble stopping from smiling. Luckly she had a pretty smile. I like your bikini Hali
Merci Hali answered politely, taking a self-conscious moment to smooth out the skirt.
Ella looked enviously at Hali and then Kia wishing that she had her swimsuit. She had on underthings, but the Spa people got mad if you didnt have proper swim attire. Ella found this out quickly the very first time she found the hot tubs.
Ellas handlers werent happy when she broke the rules, and she promised to play by the rules while she was her. They were also nicer about the things she requested if she obeyed the rules.
Of coarse she did test the limits.
Ella figured if she ran all the way back to her room she could be back in about four minutes and thirty seven seconds. Give or take the availability of the elevators. oh poo
Ella just remembered she was supposed to be looking for Sis. Her smile turned into a small pout which was equally alluring on her white face.
I gotta go find someone She said standing Ill look for yous later she added with a smile.
[Kruth'T] "So, do most humans enjoy this activity?"
Kia turned to KruthT. eh? she was somewhat distracted, but had heard him just took her some extra time to process the question.
oh, um I guess. Its hard to say, its kinda considered a luxury, but it is good for the muscles to help relax re-invigorate or sumpting
Kia studied KruthT for a moment Why do you think its absurd or something? Whatd do to relax where your from? -
Ella took the lead however they didnt have any chance of catching up to Whip.
Whip however didnt have to double back very far to find them though. Soon all four were at the Spas hot tub.
Kia had finally made it all the way into the hot tub. Though she liked the rub down she was getting from Hali and the warm waters were restoring her lost body heat.
Hali was overheated from being in the hot tub. She was enjoying her daiquiri, and was playing a game of ice checkers with Jaime to pass the time.
Kia hadnt touched her coffee since it was delivered. When Hali ordered it for her it sounded great, but now that she was reclining in the spa something alcoholic sounded to be more in order.
Bonjour Hali greeted the motley bunch of newcomers. Halis greeting made Kia open her eyes to see who had arrived. She realized the glowie had nulled out her telepathy which would have warned her of their approach. She was enjoying the quiet though and didnt completely miss the telepathy.
Hey Guys! She greeted Void and KruthT. Kia barely even glanced at Whip, though she took her time getting an eye full of Ella.
Ellas long white hair was always luxurious, even when Ella wasnt feeling well her hair was perfect and in place with a healthy bounce. Now that she had her energy back it was even more so because Ella tended to bounce playfully with each light step. Ellas snow white skin was flawless. The comparison to porcelain first comes to mind, without the shininess. The only discoloration is the starburst around her left eye. The starburst actually changes color depending on what Ella is wearing. This helped bring more focus to her large all white eyes, Ellas most appealing feature. Her eyes were very expressive and usually shone with innocence and mirth that matched her smile.
Kias mind started to wander to if that perfect white skin continued under the track suit, but stopped herself, when Hali spoke again.
Are vous the one that was sick earlier at the party?
Ella turned to face Hali Oui c'était I she responded in perfect French.
[Yes, that was I]
Vous parlez français très bien
[You speak French very well]
Merci Ella smiled and blushed the very slightest pink.
Démuni i vu vous ici avant. Quels sont vos noms ?
[I have not seen you here before. What are your names?]
Pardon Hali was embarrassed for forgetting her manners. She switched back to English for the introductions. She hadnt met everyone earlier at the party.
I am Lady Halifax, but you may call me Hali. These and my friends is Miss Kia and Jamie Ella smiled at each one and gave her friend Jamie a playful wave.
I am very pleased to meet you all, I am Ella, and these are Whip, Void Blazer and KruthT
Ella walked (practically skipped) over to Hali and Jamie to take a seat at the table with them. There was a chilling draft coming from Jamie so Ella tucked her bare feet under herself when she sat.
Whos winning? She asked as she studied the checker board.
((I don't speak or write French, translations are done via Babel Fish)) -
being able skim someone thoughts (by interpreting bioelectric impulses in the human brain
[/ QUOTE ]
I have trouble with this one. I cant get it around the suspension of disbelieve. Maybe its just me though
I can totally see telling people apart by their electrical aura's but actually reading thoughts I can't accept.
If you envision the character as a telepath as some sort then I would not include the power under the umbrella of electricity, and maybe call it a secondary mutation.
I also dont see strength as a large part of it. Yes they would easily achieve upper human potential in the strength category, but nothing in the super human range.
Speed heck yes. An almost literal lightning reflexes, and speed of thought that would make them a fast learner.
I also subscribe to the electrical body ability. Along those lines I like the electrical healer. Healing the body through the absorption of electricity. -
((Welcome back Pyrria))
Ella leaned against the wall ignoring the argument of teleportation technology, especially as it applied to hot tubs. Ella knew that humans did have teleportation technology but that it was still somewhat in its infancy. That is requiring a great deal of power and often resulting in mishaps, which were quite messy.
She was in too much pain for her brain to start over analyzing the technology involved. Which is what gave her the migraine in the first place.
Lady Empathy visited the Clinic often, as her name implies never as a patient. She practically works part-time here, and had a uniform and everything. Her adventuring days have long past. Though she still street patrols providing random acts of healing wherever they may be needed, but the days of street sweeping are not what they once were.
Today was one of the days she was on staff at the Clinic. She spotted the young lady in obvious distress and made her way over easily stepping past the two gentlemen.
Lady Empathy took a knee if front of the small white skinned young lady. Her voice was everything soothing and gentle. Hello Miss, I am Lady Empathy but you may call me LE. May I be of assistance?
Ella looked up at LE with a pained expression, but did nothing to object or protest as LE started making a precursory examination.
With a quick scan of Ellas medical bracelet LE got a long list of treatment information. Allergies (none), prescriptions and drug interactions, and known ailments. Migraines.
So your name is Ella. I think I can help you dear LE placed a hand in front of Ellas forehead and a soft purple glow began around Ellas head. LE repeated the Clear Mind process three times until Ella felt like her normal self.
This was obvious by the return of her bright happy smile and she pushed the sunglasses up, using them as a hair band instead of eyewear. Ella flung herself at LE giving the woman an enthusiastic hug.
LE accepted the hug, in a city like Paragon it was always nice to be appreciated. That should last you a long time dear, if it starts to hurt again page me
LE handed Ella a card with a Clinic extension on it, and left with a motherly smile to find someone else to help.
Ella turned to Void and KruthT taking each by the hand gently. Come on we can still catch Whip
She would try to pull them along but would let go if they resisted in the slightest. She didnt want to force them, and especially didnt want to hurt them.
It was a considerable contrast this energetic and vibrant Ella compared to the pained and lethargic Ella from a moment ago.
((LE is an Open-NPC use her as needed)) -
((I hope that you all have enjoyed this story. Thank you for those that stuck with it and kept reading until the end.
Please feel free to make comments either here or PM.
Thanks again to TerminusEst13, for helping me with the initial framework for the Ritual.
A thanks goes out to Burning_Brawler for encouraging me to write 'something darker'.
Isabel's next update will probably be back in the RP-thread, unless for some reason I device an elaborate plot for her to make her way back to the city.
Thanks again,
Halo)) -
[New Beginnings:]
Marrous hadnt finished his own coffee and handed Isabel what remained. Dont talk jus listen
Isabel took the cup and sipped at the coffee swishing it around her mouth to try to rid herself of the last of the earthen grit.
First you never speak to no-one about what happened here, not Derek, not anyone. This stays a secret till you cross over for good Marrouss tone reeked of finality; there was zero room for debate. He waited for her nod then continued.
Isabel sensed a moment of hesitation before Marrous spoke again. Her dark eyes studied him intently, trying to guess what he would say next. She never expected it to be this
Youre out of the Skulls Marrous sternly placed a finger up, to head off any protest. You see a Skull you cross the street like every other null. Deres no protection for ya no more, and stay out of da EastRow. Things will be dangerous there for a while.
Marrous kept going before she could formulate an objection.
Dis is the address for a new safe house Marrous held up a scrap of paper with some writing on it and shoved it into Isabels hand along with a key. You aint got nuthin ta do with the Skulls no more, but our lil project
Isabel nodded solemnly, and tried to keep her hand from trembling. The Skulls have been her life, since the Rikti War, since she lost her parents during the war, and had to find a way to survive in the refugee camps.
Marrous grabbed Isabel by the face. He had an important message and wanted to make sure he had her attention.
Is, be careful use your brains. Marrous poked Isabel in the forehead with his thick finger. Youre a smart girl Is, but the void will makes ya overconfident. Dont let it. Keep thinkin things out da way you always have
Marrous handed her a plastic sack with a few items, then started to head to the drivers side of the car. He didnt unlock the passenger side. Clean yourself up before ya head back to the city. Bury that car before youre back in the city proper an dont bother callin me unless you have an update on thingz
As Marrous drove off the image of Isabel wrapped in the blanket was quickly engulfed by the morning fog. He had a lot to go over for the long drive back to Paragon. Isabel was safer out of the Skulls. Yeah he had permission to whack Sacrum, but he didnt have permission to use Sacrum to perform the ritual and have Isabel crossover. In the short history of the Skull gang, nor the longer history of the cult that the Skulls were born of, never has a woman gone through the ritual. Marrous wasnt sure how the void would affect her. She would need the void to survive in that school of super kids if their plan was to work at all.
Isabel was stunned from being ousted from the Skulls. She stared out at the fog in the direction Marrous had driven off, but could no longer see the tail lights but she could still feel his connection to the void growing more distant. This was all too surreal. The events of last night, and now being kicked from the gang. Things she didnt fully understand were happening too fast.
Isabel shook her head and took a deep breathe of the cool morning air to help clear her mind. She remembered the plastic bag she was holding and examined its contents. In it were the car keys for Sacrums car and two clean cell phones, and some of her personal items.
Isabel fished out the car keys and started heading to the car. Her mind began to form a plan on how to get cleaned up, clothed and then back to the city. If she were seen in the state she was in there would be unavoidable questions, questions that she didnt want to answer.
Next to Isabel, a swirling apparition of black mist formed. Its body solidified and became an opaque void, an oily black silhouette of her own curvy lean body that glided beside her. Her dark servants eyes glowed faintly as it took its instruct then floated off into the fog to do her bidding.
Today will be a good day. Despite the horrors of the night before Isabel felt revitalized with a new lease on life. She was upset on being exiled from the Skulls, but the void whispered words of encouragement in her ear. She climbed into the driver seat, adjusted the blanket around herself and started the engine.
Great. That sack of [censored] Sacrum didnt have much gas in the car
[FIN] -
Ella smiled at Whip and placed a hand gently over his, partly to reassure his gesture, and also to help steady herself. When she did so her fingernails changed color to match Whip.
The hot tub? Which one? There some for physical therapy and such under the hospital, but there are some recreational ones by the Spa.
Ella thought for a moment. She wanted to find Sis, but actually being able to find her would be difficult. Unless she snuck into the Security Center, but from what she has witnessed of the ever-changing security protocols she didnt have half of the gadgets shed need to bypass the multitude of sensors. However if she showed these guys where it was, she might bump into Sis.
I can show yo Her voice was stronger though not yet strong, but she didnt get to finish as Whip started walking away.
She made it about six steps before she pulled away from Whip and let him go. She had to held her head in her hands for a few seconds until she was steady again -
((Ella is physically 18-19 years old. She acts somewhat younger at times. At other times she acts older. She is somewhat of an enigma in that way))
Ella smiled at the trio as best she could without hurting. It was a pleasant smile, though her expressive eyes showed the pain she was in.
She set her eyes on Void first Im Ella
[Whip] "Hi"
She turned to Whip next. She had seen him to running around the grounds on all fours. Ella tried following him occasionally but she was afraid of the woods. It was one of her irrational fears. Not that Ella had a prayer of following Whip unnoticed. Even if she was invisible, wrapped in her energy cloak, her low key pheromone was enough to give her away. This is actually the closest she had ever been to Whip.
((Her pheromones arent actually mood altering it is just a smell that the smeller will mentally associate with something pleasant. That is different to everyone))
Whips stooped appearance put Ella more at ease. She was used to being the shortest in a group, barely breaking five foot two. Though used to being shortest and liking it were two separate things. Still his stooped posture helped her fight the urge to stand on her toes. She placed a hand on Whips shoulder to steady herself.
[KruthT] "Hello, I am Kruth'T, are you felling better?"
A little bit yes her voice wasnt strong yet and she was currently leaning on Whip Thank you for asking. Her mind momentarily wandered to the pharmacy cabinet and how to get around the Clinics security protocols. She didnt let the thought distract her and smiled weakly again at the three men around her.
Ella shuffled her feet awkwardly. Her toe nails turned the same color and pattern as the floor tile. The cold floor actually felt nice. Its nice to meet you all she added politely.
((I missed writing Ella))
((Sorry I have been somewhat absent recently. Work has been killing me and the stress has been affecting my ability and desire to write. I should have prove read the below about twelve more times but I wanted to get something put up, since its been so long since I posted anything meaningful))
Hali and Kia made steady progress back to their condo. Kias strength was slowly returning and as it did, so did her anger. Eventually she pushed Hali off of her to walk on her own, though still weakly. She would be yelling at Hali, but her teeth were chattering too much.
Jamie followed them a few steps behind. Hali would smile at the young ice-ling occasionally with an apologetic smile for her friends behavior.
Hali led the way into the condo and into Kias room. She went to the suitcase and unpacked Kias swimsuit. There was nothing overtly sexy about Kias swimsuit. It was a maroon and black functional one-piece for swimming laps. If Kia even had a beach or sexy swimsuit Hali didnt find when she had packed for her friend.
Hali set the swimsuit next to Kia on the bed and started helping her out of her armored leather jacket. Kia wasnt incredibly cooperative but she did need the help.
WwwwWhy dididnt yyou help mmee back ththere? the shivering Kias eyes stared accusingly at Hali.
Bonbon, if the other fille hurt vous, vous would ave tried to heal. Many of the other heroes can not be rapidly healed. Their bones must be carefully set by doctors, and it would have been wery bad for vous to use your heal in there
Kias head sank. She hated it when Hali was right. She stopped resisting Halis efforts to undress her. She wasnt in the right mood to enjoy being undressed by her friend, and soon was redressed in her one-piece. She had the fluffy white Spa robe on over top of the swimsuit. It was very comfortable. If she werent still shivering she actually admit it.
Hali changed even faster with the help of a minor incantation she was dressed in her green bikini with a skirted bottoms. She too put on a Spa robe. She looked over at Jamie and wondered if the girl had anything resembling swim attire. Not that the young ice-ling would enjoy swimming. Any pool at human temperature would feel like she were getting boiled. She just wondered if she would be more comfortable dressed as everyone else would be at the pool area. The trio headed off to find the Spa swim facility.
It wasnt difficult to find, the Spa had a lovely swimming area, with two pools. The first pool was a longer rectangular pool it was enclosed under a glass canopy but at the far end it was connected to the other outdoor pool. Both the indoor and outdoor pool areas had their own large hot tub.
Not that Kia was moving fast, but she didnt stop at the indoor pool so Hali went with her outside. Around the free form outdoor pool there were the standard array of lounge chairs, a pool bar, gazebos for massage and the Spas ever present marble statues and lush gardens adding elegant color.
Kia being Kia shucked her robe on a chair and headed directly to the hot tub. She plunged one foot in and quickly recoiled. The temperature change was too drastic and it was actually painful. Hali followed and forced herself into the hot tub. Hali could withstand vast degrees of cold. Her tolerance for things hot were within human range too but it wasnt comfortable for her which was apparent on her face.
Sit Hali indicated a spot at the edge of the tub, and Kia sat holding her legs out above the steamy water.
Hali wet her hands with in the hot water and started rubbing Kias legs to warm them slowly.
You know its going to be a long time before I forgive ya There was a twinkle in Kias eyes as she said this, and a smirk to the statement. She was enjoying being pampered like this, she wish she could really enjoy it but it wasnt like that. She also tell that Hali was less than comfortable in the hot water, and could give her friend any extra grief over her sacfice.
A Spa attendant came over dressed in the immaculate white uniform. Good afternoon ladies. Would you like anything from the bar?
Oui, can we ave get a black coffee with two sugars Kia nodded semi-appreciatively to Hali for the coffee. and I will ave a frozen strawberry daiquiri She glanced over to where Jamie was sitting and watching Can you bring some flavored ice too?
Right away Miss the attendant smiles and left to fill the order.
Ella awoke and slid out of bed. She crawled on all fours to the bathroom where she re-wet the wash cloth with cold water and sat in the dark for a moment. Unfortunately her eyes were very adjusted for seeing in low light. After wetting her face she went back into the other room and with half closed eyes found her sunglasses.
The drugs were helping, as was her remarkable healing factor, but she still had an awful headache. She stopped in front of the mirror and brushed her hair and attempted to smooth out the wrinkles in her track suit that she had napped in. Unable to smooth it out completely she went to the closet and changed into another identical track suit. She didnt bother putting her sneakers back on.
She vainly surveyed herself in the mirror, a trait left over from her "bad times". If there was one good thing about the white tracksuits it was that it minimized the starburst pattern around her left eye so it was hardly noticeable, making it only a slight shade of grey that was almost unperceivable on her snow white skin.
Her small white fingers played with the torc necklace. It was nice to have a piece of jewelry and the design was minimalist and elegant though it had been designed for a very specific function.
Ella opened her door and staggered a step back from the bright corridor light. She placed a hand up to help shield her eyes even more and bravely went venturing outin her bare feet.
She had promised Sis to show her the gym. Ella didnt have friends and she desperately wanted some. Friends were something very important to Ella. She used to have some friends. Not that she could remember them, but she felt something deep inside her and she wanted those memories back, and she wanted those feelings back. Ella had sacrificed herself to save her friends from a terrible person. She could not remember this either and almost became a terrible person herself in the process.
She made her way down the corridor with one hand steadying herself against the wall the other shielding her eyes. She pressed the button to summon the elevator waited a few seconds then got in. She was on the top floor. She hated that because of her fear of heights, but Doctor Tyler insisted that she confront her fear by staying there.
Soon an overly loud (to her) ding announced her arrival on the ground floor and she stepped out of the elevator.
She weakly made her way around the corner from the bank of elevators and looked around.
She spotted Whip and smiled her broad bright smile, but stopped when that made her head hurt. She liked Whip she found him funny in a cute way. He was talking with a lizard guy that was at the party earlier. She didnt recognize the other man.
Slowly she made her way over to the trio. -
As the first rays of dawn created a dull glow in the dense morning fog, a thin feminine hand broke through the surface of the soil and briefly parted the fog. The slender fingers clawed their way out of the earth and sought leverage to drag up more of the body it was attached to. Slowly the hand became an arm and then the other hand broke free of the earth. Next a mass of black hair, matted flat to her head, pieces of flesh and bone still tangled in it rose free from the earth. Her head tilted back and there was a harsh gasp as she coughed out dirt and dust, then took a deep labored breathe to refill her lungs. She continued her struggle to break free from the earthen prison for several long minutes. Slowly and painfully, she pulled her grimy torso free and eventually managed to extract her long legs and finally her feet. She collapsed naked onto the dewy grass, breathing heavily and looking up at the first glow of the morning light with restored sight.
Her naked body was covered in filth, made up of dried blood and earth. She curled into a ball and shivered in the cold morning air as she tried to come to terms with what she remembered of the previous night.
She could feel Marrouss presence as he came towards her. The void told her of his approach. He dropped a blanket on top of her which she clutched to her, more out of cold than modesty. Her teeth chattered and her body shuttered uncontrollably for what seemed like hours. Slowly the shakes subsided to a dull shiver and eventually she found the strength to sit upright. Wrapped tightly in the blanket she looked up at Marrous. Her dark alluring eyes shone with a new intensity.
Welcome back Is Marrous looked down at Isabel with a rare display of emotion displayed on his face, pride.
Isabel squinted up at Marrous the world still becoming clearer to her as the minutes ticked by. Her throat felt too raw so she didnt make any effort to speak.
Marrous eased Isabel to her feet by her elbow. Her legs were very unsteady at first but they slowly made their way back to the car together. Some breakfast items were sitting on the hood of the car. Marrous handed Isabel a Styrofoam cup of coffee. She immediately drank over half of it dribbling some of it down her chin in the process. It was no longer hot but certainly much warmer than she currently felt.
After drinking she coughed some more and desperately wanted to brush her teeth as there was still earthen grit in her mouth. She finally found the strength to speak, albeit in a shaky hoarse voice she asked Marrous What now?
Take your time Is. Youve been to the other side Marrous tossed her a paper sack with some muffins. She ravenously went to work on devouring the muffins, only slowed by the earthen grit in her mouth and a lingering awful taste that she actively tried not to think about.
Marrouss mannerisms were changed slightly. He no longer was the raw embodiment of intimidation and malice (At least not towards her). He treated her with more respect than before and as more of an equal. Not entirely an equal, there was no question that he was still the boss. She could feel his connection to the void and it was much stronger than her newly formed one, though hers was growing stronger, as her strength slowly returned.
Isabel pulled the last muffin from the bag and wandered around as she ate this one more slowly. She noticed that Marrous had refilled the other grave where Zach would rest eternally. She felt no pity for him, he deserved what he got. Well maybe it was a bit more brutal than what he deserved, but still she felt no pity for him.
She wandered back to the car finishing the last of the last muffin. She took a moment to stare at her reflection in the cars window for a long time. She looked like hell. She halfheartedly tried to pick out pieces of bone and flesh that were tangled in her hair but gave up on that quickly, then tried to wipe her face clean with the almost useless paper napkins.
Isabel wasnt an extremely vain girl per say, but she knew her looks got her things, and she knew how to use her looks to get things. She examined her skin closely in the reflection and opened the blanket to examine her body. Her old scars that she was used to seeing were there, but not a mark other than the grime remained from the previous night. Pulling the blanket tightly about herself again, she stared hard into her own eyes. She could see the change too. Her naturally dark brown eyes had a new intensity about them that wasnt there before. The void walked with her now, she felt its cold touch and it reassured her. The reflection of Marrous appeared behind her and she turned to face him.
[Next: New Beginnings]