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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Ok, this needs clarification. Not sure what you folks are referring to. I am using the Shoulder with various tops with skin costumes. Is there a specific one that's not working.

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    Oh, is there a Shoulder Fur option somewhere that I missed? I tried looking through all the shoulder options and couldn't find it. I see it with the coat and shirt tops under "magic robe."

    I'll look again.
  2. I love this magic booster! All the costumes look so elegant!

    My one disappointment is that you can't use the shoulder fur on the tights or tops with skin settings. One of my costume slots was dedicated to a formal dress and I wanted that fur for it. Oh well.
  3. Maybe we need to have a "Announce Your Live Creation Here!" thread to keep everything seperate.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    They added this nifty feature called detailed power information.

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    Not everyone uses that feature.
  5. Arc Name: Something On Your Mind, Lord Recluse?
    Arc ID: 7964
    Faction: Villain
    Creator Global/Forum Name: @Haggard4Life
    Difficulty Level: Medium High
    Synopsis: Psimon Omega asks you to enter Lord Recluse's mind to fix a problem... whether he wants you to or not. You'll face Recluse's personal demons and possibly get a a little peak at his thoughts and past.
    Estimated Time to Play: 20-30 minutes (one mission)
    Link to More Details or Feedback: PM me.

    I threw in a couple surprises. Have fun!
  6. Haggard4Life

    Community digest

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    oh....this is CAKETOWN!!!!

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    Is that anywhere near FudgeSundayVille?
  7. I think the Forum started celebrating St. Patty's Day early.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
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    I believe we get "pick any two powersets", though the critters more than likely won't be getting all 9 powers from each

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    Well right i just was wondering cause of my character Anya Lupescu she's a werewolf with darkness and storm powers (in game she is minus the storm powers since I made her a claws/regen stalker, will get the "dark" from Ghost Widow)

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    One of the devs have said we won't be limited to the archetypes' powersets. The example he gave was being able to pick Fire Blast for the primary and Invulnerability for the secondary. So it might be possible for you to pick Claws and Storm Summoning if you'd like. But I don't think you'll be able to combine Claws, Regen, Dark and Storm powers in the same character.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
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    I'm sure this has been answered already within the 81 pages, but I'm too lazy to look so I'm hoping someone will answer. Will the architect provide the ability to re-create existing characters within the game? Such as if I wanted Statesman or Recluse to be in it, would I be able to do this?

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    It seems so, but I suspect that some of the NPCs, such as Statesman or Recluse, may require you to "unlock" them in a yet-to-be-announced manner before you can include them in your custom missions.

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    Well, they've said that one of the things we'll be able to use tickets to unlock is a Recluse with different powers. So my assumption would be that we won't have to unlock the regular Recluse to use in our missions. But we'll have to wait until open beta to see.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
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    unless you have NPCs in your arcs helping you fight

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    where'd you get this, from what i've read you still get full rewards if you have ally npc, you're just limited to how many you can have; Are dev-content arcs that have npc allies nerfed xp? I've never noticed anything like that

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    See here.

    There were some discussions about this a looong time ago, but they've been lost over the months.

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    Thanks for the link Mirai,
    That stinks though, i was planning an npc or two for some of my missions - wish they would just put more restrictions instead of taking away xp/inf

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    Hmm. Do you think players would rate an arc low if it had a mission with an ally NPC in it? A couple of the arcs I want to do are going to have a mission with allies (which is important to the story), but now I'm worried that some players won't like that.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    I have to admit I don't care about a lack of a map editor if I have 1,000 map choices now.

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    I agree. This game has lots of unique maps that players might only see once or twice. So we can play with those until the devs figure out how to make a map editor workable.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
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    My guess is a release date of April 7th.

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    I hope so! That's my birthday!

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    Barring unforeseen bugs, I'm guessing earlier. March 30th.

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    isnt the 5th anniversary in April though and isnt i15 supposed to be centered(and released) around it?
    If i14 came out at the end of this month or in April then the team would only have a single month to focus on i15

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    Well, I14 isn't like a regular issue. The Mission Architect isn't taking up the entire staff's attention. So there are a bunch of devs working on I15 while a handfull of devs finish I14. It wouldn't surprise me if the time between I14 and I15 is very short.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    At what level s the MA useable?

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    From levels 1-50.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
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    I may have missed it.

    I know we'll be able to play MS arcs co-op.

    Will we also be able to simply play cross faction?

    That is, will Heros be able to play Villain stories without having to team with Villains, and vice versa?

    [/ QUOTE ]Yes

    [/ QUOTE ]Obviously I did miss it. Where is that? (I'm compiling all the redname answers for my personal reference.)

    Thank you.

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    I know I saw it in the info from HeroCon (ImpulseKing's Guide). I can't remember if it was mentioned in the tsunami of info we got yesterday.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Don't know if this has already been asked, but are signature characters among the things that are to be purchased with tickets?

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    I don't think they've said outright if we'll be able to or not. They have said we can purchase a Lord Recluse with a different powerset. So my assumption would be that we'll get the regular Recluse for free.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    If the Hall of Fame becomes full of 5 star missions that have pop culture references and lots of goofy humor, and I want to write darker stories and really bust myself to make things that are compelling, but disturbing... do I put my instincts on hold and do something the crowd will like instead?

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    No, it's not a good idea to write what you think the audience will like. Write the story that you're happy with. If it doesn't get into the Hall of Fame, oh well.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    You can put pre-existing critters into custom villain groups

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    So could we make a custom enemy group that is all pre-existing critters from various factions? Like have a group with Trolls, Circle, Council and Igneous critters (as long as they're in the same level range)?
  18. [ QUOTE ]
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    Was I completely mistaken in remembering that we were going to be able to create our own contacts for our arcs? This seemed like an ambitious idea, but one I really had hoped to see.

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    Take a look at the main page for I14. The third pic looks like the Contact creation. From my rough look, it seems you can call the contact anything you want, give them a new identity basically, but the model has to be in the list of current in-game contacts. Dean John-Yu becomes Mr. Lewdal, but he looks the same and is still in the University. I think that's what that shot is portraying.

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    I think that's because they had selected "Standard Contact" under Contact Type. I assume Standard refers to contacts already in the game and that it will have a "Custom Contact" option where we can create our own.

    By the look of that picture, it seems we'll be able to select an existing contact and change its name if we want. That's good to know. So if you want your contact to be from an existing enemy group, you can give him a name instead of "Outcast Chopper."
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    *adopts a slight Russian accent*

    "A story! About great deeds... about armies of light, and soldiers of darkness. About the places where they lived and fought and loved and died. About great empires... and terrible mistakes. A true story..."

    I am going to have a field day with the MA. I just hope folks like the stories I intend to tell...


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    I hope there's a way to search for arcs by the author. You and some other players in this community are very creative and I'd love to any mission they make.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    What concerns me, is the mention of Story Arcs created around/about SG/VG's.

    I personally think that these should be SG/VG exclusive, and tie in to the Mission Computer in the Base.

    I see the same thing happening with the SG/VG thing as with the Background Story thing. (see post above).

    I truly want to write Story Arcs around my Vg, but, I think it should be VG exclusive. Only the members should be able to access them.

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    Well, you don't have to publish the mission. From what we know (mostly from HeroCon), you can have an unlimited number of unpublished story arcs saved on your computer and can play them without publishing them. So for SG/VS story arcs, just pass the saved file around your group and any of them can play it at any time. Or you can invite some SG buddies to a team and "test" one of those arcs.

    You can tell a lot of personal and SG-related stories that way.
  21. I might make an origin arc for my main character, but I doubt I'll publish it. We've been told we only get three arc slots, so I'd rather not use up a slot on personal stories.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    In the meanwhile, I suspect this whole Issue 14 thing is a waste of time they should be using to convert the existing assets into a masterwork of dynamic flow that would simultaneously bring together the separate parts of PvP, super group bases, and other assets that are currently languishing.

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    Different people want different things from this game. Personally, I wouldn't get much use from PvP or base updates. But the Mission Architect is something I'll happily play with for hours and hours.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    I hope that for the Mission Architect, one of the datamining tools they use to determine who gets in is a spelling checker.

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    y wuold tey neeed th@t?
  24. Yay! I'm excited that the Mission Architect is finally on it's way. I can't wait to start creating fun story arcs! Whoo-hoo!
  25. Haggard4Life

    Sync Issues?

    I go out of sync every once in a while. When it happens, it's always right after I've zoned (either from finishing a mission or going to a new zone). When I rubberband back, I just hit /sync and it's fixed.

    The next time it happens, I'll test out that 10 second rule.