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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dementor_NA View Post
    Biological mass extinctions are nothing new: billions of years ago, microscopic organisms developed a deadly trait: they began to spew a toxic gas into the atmosphere. It bonded with other elements in the ocean for a while, but soon these new life-forms became too numerous, and the absorbing elements too saturated. This gas caused the single larges extinction event the world has seen, and caused the longest and most severe ice age.

    The gas was oxygen. Oxygen is toxic to anaerobic life, which compromised the vast majority of the Earth's species at the time.

    Of course, the large amount of oxygen in the atmosphere allowed aerobic organisms to evolve and thrive, giving rise, eventually, to us.

    Humankind's technological ability is revolutionary, in terms of how our species is capable of changing the world, but then evolution revolutions happen all the time. The world will adapt, as it has always done.
    Yes, but that toxic byproduct has useful chemical properties that means a new form of life could flourish to exploit it.

    Though I am willing to hear if any of the waste we produce is actually in any way useful to life since only things that are outright harmful or a serious hamper spring to mind.

    Originally Posted by Vel_Overload View Post
    You can argue Villain side: I hate people and love nature. Thus, Hamidon is good and people are bad. I must stop people from progressing etc.

    You can also argue a Vigilante side: People are stupid and nature is good. I must protect people as a whole from their stupidity all the while forwarding the notion that nature is king/queen and should always be in charge, not people. So, I shall do whatever it takes to eradicate human error and give nature an advantage where I can.
    While I am also loving the "off-topic" posts, this was an excellent post to read, and an apt response to the thread's original intentions

    I like playing with alignments.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stolid View Post
    I've got a KM/SD to 50 and I can tell you I never had an issue with the power other than the animation (which, imo, looks bad with one or two hands). The damage has always been good, and being able to stack +150% dmg sooner (or keep it up that high, if desired) instead of critting is pretty great. I actually really like the power.
    Hey, at least two-handed KM doesn't have missing frames like with one hand.

  3. Gulanzon

    Drive Angry...

    It's preposterone-fuelled Nick Cage fantasticality. I'm not seeing the problem. Except for perhaps that "fantasticality" is a valid word according to my spellchecker. But that's neither here nor there.


    Though do note that I have a


    on Cage and his abysmal hair.

    Similarly for Christopher Lambert. I will watch anything of his and mentally enshrine it like some sort of religious artifact.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    I could not help myself, I just cracked up laughing as I read this... mainly because it reminded me of the AE arc I wrote where Vernon von Grun inadvertently gave the Devouring Earth the intelligence of Dr. Aeon (reducing the good doctor to the sentience of a houseplant in the process). Would you mind terribly if I updated the arc and gave the DE boss part of this as a speech at the end? I'd be happy to credit you for the speech!
    Hey, go for it!

    And of course, if you need supervillain rants, I'd be happy to oblige. I wouldn't mind the practice.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Elegost View Post
    Who calls them "cooldowns" outside of WoW land? O.o
    An ex-WoW player? Is there a problem, officer?
  6. Don't fear the cooldowns

    It might help to think of them as being an average increase in damage over time. Suddenly Power Siphon turns from a two minute cooldown to a 12.5% damage bonus (guessing that 3 attacks = 3 stacks of 25% over the 20 sec duration). If that's still not enough, compare to 11% on Build Up (which is what most Scrapper sets get, excepting claws, dual blades and dark melee, the former two of which get basically permanent 37.5% through a 12s cooldown attack, the latter of which gets a mechanic I don't understand, never having used).

    If you really want the knockback from repulsing torrent (and I know it's saved my hide on my scrapper more than a few times), pick up some temp powers. Grenades and plasmatic tasers especially spring to mind (AoE, alright damage, and do knockback).


    This is all stuff I pulled off City of Data and may be outdated.

    Basically, cooldowns are good, cooldowns are your friend. They want to help you. Use them with reckless abandon.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
    But there's no sense crying over every mistake.
    You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
    And the buying gets done
    And you make more than some
    Of a big stinkin' pile of inffffffff
  8. *shrug*

    I have no control over the ports, nor does campus living. Apparently only the ISP can change a thing on their equipment.

    Also, it seems to be a network issue, as my packets get lost in Asia (according to traceroute), and proxying through TOR does goggles to let me into the game servers (where it lets me slip past the bittorrent block just fine).

    I've just switched ISPs, and I'm waiting on my modem, because this is ridiculous.


    There's also certain irony also in being able to play if I go into university proper and use the internet there.
  9. As an update to my problem, I'm now fully patched, and can connect fine...

    But only between ~1 AM in the morning and 1 PM in the afternoon. Any time outside that timeframe and "Cannot connect to DBserver".
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shred_Monkey View Post
    This guy loses a lot of his credibilty by the fact he's using his personal computer to post on an internet website dedicated to an online game.

    If he's being 'in charictor'... interesting viewpoint. If he's really trying to convince us this is his view of the world... sorry... go live under a tree somewhere or I don't buy it.
    Ack! No flaming the awesome thread

    No, IRL my viewpoint is just that I enjoy my alone time. I like walking around my neighbourhood early in the morning/late at night to enjoy seeing it without people around, because I think it's beautiful, and not because I want to see the human race annihilated.

    In the end, I'm not a very good actor, so while I can't quite cross the line and be someone I'm not, I can most certainly smudge who I am, blurring that line between fantasy and reality, and leave people guessing at whether I'm joking or being serious.


    Originally Posted by The_Pancake_King View Post
    For someone who loves the earth you really don't give it much credit. The reports of the earth's death are greatly exaggerated
    An excellent point! Why drive the human race extinct when they will do it for me.

    All is right with the world now.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CommunistPenguin View Post
    no, we are simply one of the few species to eliminate most of our natural predators. Deer will breed till they eat all there is to eat and start to die off from starvation. Non-native species wipe out native species all the time. Humans are really only unique in that we are smart enough to defeat what would normally check our population.
    Okay, sorry, I'm not being clear...

    In each and every example put forth of a destructive species, the scale of destruction is infinitesimal when measured against the whole planet, which is precisely what our destructive species is... well, destroying.
  12. Easy. You mistakenly assume it to be a loop.

    Each successive generation is subordinate to the one above it, extending infinitely in each direction. It's more like a telescope opening up over an infinite distance than a loop going round and round.

    But which came first? You can pick and choose--as the generations extend infinitely far before and after, your chosen arbitrary reference point is the "first". Subordinate generations are 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. Master generations are 0th, negative 1th, negative 2nd, etc. Not that that is mathematically good form, I think.


    Actually, I suppose the "first" one would be the generation at negative infinity, if we say each generation starts with Haruhi.

    It's really easy: you're just dealing with what is mathematically a recursive function, in particular one that nests a set within itself.

    Anyway, I'll shut up now, since I'm only a calculus nerd, and I know comparitively next to nothing about set theory
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    He looks more green than gold
    Green, gold... eh, I'm Aussie. It's all good :P

  14. My "Purge the world!" Supervillain.

    Observe how he is bathed in PURE WHITE FLAMES with golden hair, skin, and clothing!

    Ignore the Martial Arts touch, it was just the first thing that sprang to mind when I thought "Maniacal Chaotic Evil sorcerer dude."
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Do you have an avatar to go with that speech?
    Haha, I'll totally make one when I can get in the servers again in a couple hours or so.

    My current avatar is the wealthy Barnabus Hopkins...

    I don't really have a clear moral code, per se. More an amalgam of spontaneous feelings and essential tenets, the two of which can interact rather interestingly, as you perhaps may have guessed. For instance, I have a fairly clear belief that people should not hurt one another. Whether the actions of an individual inspire me to take action, however, is a moment-to-moment thing. I may apprehend a purse-snatcher, or I may have more pressing--and I shall not lie: or interesting--matters to attend to.

    As another example, I would say I'm a proud person. How I view pride is such: it is respect for dignity, both that of yourself, and of others. I will suffer no disrespect--for that would compromise my dignity; but I will lower myself to others, as that in no way compromises my dignity--and indeed, to resist or rebel might well do so, in certain circumstances.

    Well, some might accuse me of being slippery and setting myself up in a fluid and unclear moral framework, much like Houdini set himself up in "inescapable" traps. Honestly, I don't care. I seek only to live my life as I see fit, sowing a healthy amount of harmless chaos and eradicating evil and villainy as my whims dictate.
  16. It's metaphor. You need to just feel the evil, you know what I mean?
  17. I gotta say, I love a good supervillain rant. Clears the system, you know what I'm saying?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
    Point of Order: I believe to be official, a supervillain rant has to have at least one use of the word "Fools!"
    You smug, self-satisfied, myopic fools! Idiots! Every last single one of you. Scuttering about like so many cockroaches. Writhing and feasting like maggots freshly hatched on the carcass of Mother Earth, who was all too willing to sustain and provide for you in her own power! Of her own volition!

    And you have the AUDACITY to call me INSANE. To call me misguided. EVIL even! Oh the irony. The bitter, bitter irony. Can you not see that it is YOU who are mad!

    As a species, you have failed my beloved planet! You have failed every absolute standard of decency, honesty, and goodwill! And for that, you must be punished.

    You. must. be purged.

    I will not stand to see this affront to everything I hold dear! I will not stand for this sacrilege and ****! This madness. This unchecked, rampant, wild decadence and degradation!

    Pah! And you... you fools who would seek to stop me...

    Come, if you will. If you dare. I will be waiting, with the righteous host of heaven at my back, and the providence of the Divine blazing within my soul. It would be a fool's headlong charge into the purifying flames of absolution.

    Now. Quiver in fear. Cower in TERROR. Enjoy these final moments of sin and depravity. Unleash your true nature and revel in the lust and gluttony that lies at your roots, that taints your very essence.

    You are all beyond redemption.


    Alternate take:

    Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
    Now, the above DID suggest a theme song to the tune of "Hey, Jude":

    "Kill the hu-mans, and make it better..."
    The Boogie Woogie Bugle Blasters.

    Heya daddy-bros. Y'all have been a wee bit naughty, an' Ah think it's time to-uh... take out the... trash if't please-ya. So, dudes, the deal is such, roight. Me 'n me lads iz gonna end youze.

    But we are going to do so in style, wot wot. Alls I can say, me dookies 'n ducheses, is "stay tuned". Or don't. Not like it'll help. Oh... and love thy neighbour. Hate the sin, not the sinner... and all that.

    Enjoy the nightmare, lads and ladies!

    <cut to broadcast of Hey, Dudes hacked into all radios, everywhere>
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DJ_Shecky View Post
    And to think this thread is just starting to get ampped up.
    Though eventually it'll start to become electron-degenerate. Then we'll all be under a great deal of pressure, wracking the neutrons in our brain, maybe even being forced to make some very Strange puns indeed...

    But that's all part of the Charm, right? Just a particle of the waves of Ups and Downs that is that Strange beast, the thunderstorm of puns.

    What arcs will develop? What plot elements will be incorporated? Will the plot device run out of juice and force us into a downward spiral of circuitous, shonky writing?

    Is this assault of puns grounds for a charge of battery?!

    I'm sorry. I think I went haywire for a bit there. But please--I hope you enjoyed this veritable voltaic pile of puns. I may be back for more if I'm not detained in a galvanic cell for crimes against hum-our-anity.


    I feel a little bit bad for having lepton these physics puns. It has yet to be seen whether I'm on Top of my game, or if I've hit absolute rock Bottom.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by beyeajus View Post
    Can't forget Davy Jones either, that dude can play an organ with his tentacles.
  21. Man it's like that pun volted righted over my head.
  22. "Now with pork flavour! Hammy-Os: PIG OUT!!"
  23. Man, I wouldn't mind devouring a Devouring Earth pizza.

    Devourminos. The box with the tentacles.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    But is it really even human anymore? Like if he's a single cell creature now, can he even have a mind or thoughts?

    My friend P. polycephalum would like a word with you about single-celled organisms and intelligence.