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  1. [ QUOTE ]
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    EIF... might want to pick something besides the green text.

    It's impossible to read against the blue...

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    It's not that hard to read. Emerald Isle, so has to be green.

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    It's not hard, it's just really really annoying. Red background btw.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    ...And he said it THREE YEARS AGO....

    Talk about a necropost. Seriously, WTF man?

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  3. [ QUOTE ]
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    Accolades...currently I have went on a badge hunt and in search of every badge and accolade i can get my hands on.I have 3 so far and it got me thinking would there be more in the future because the accolades for me add so much more to the game. any ideas on what they could be?? and while we are on the subject how many confirmed badges are there now?? any ideas??

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    Dude, go to There are more than three accolades, n00b

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    He said he had 3 so far...not that he had all 3. noob.
  4. Oberation Oscillthruster. Paper mission, not sure if there's a radio equivalent. I didn't know what it was actually a reference to, I just really like Might & Magic 7, and at the end of the game you have to retrieve the Oscillation Overthruster. Then I found the actual source.
  5. Grinnz

    Moving Day!

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    You guys have crappy keyboards I see. You should upgrade.

    Good luck with the move!

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    While certainly not as nice as, say, a G15, those little Dell USB keyboards are actually pretty nice.

    They're tiny since the bezel conforms to the shape of the keyboard, yet the keyboard itself is still full-sized. They're also very easy to clean. The keys have a nice range of movement and are nicely weighted so if you touch type, you almost never make accidental 'landing' strikes.

    While they come standard with most 'business-class' Dell workstation PCs these days. I wouldn't mind buying one separate to use as a 'lug-around' keyboard for configuring headless machines.

    Now the Dell machines themselves tend to have some crappy hardware. The on-board audio for the Optiplex line is notoriously flaky.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    My keyboard
    Simple, elegant, small, quiet, and $10. Never had any problems.

    Dell on the other hand, [censored] them for taking over Alienware. Alienware used to rock.
  6. Grinnz

    Blaster Damage

    A Blaster's last words....

  7. Well, he's gone to cap a few more times and it hasn't happened again. Chalking it up to the (significant) connection issues we had at the time.
  8. Any ideas on this:

    My friend who has the same Mobility FireGL V3200 containing laptop as me, has started playing again. He downloaded the latest drivers that I discussed earlier. Set all the settings according to the guide, with some changes; no shadows, some stuff set lower for performance.
    Now, it was working mostly fine, but today in Cap he's getting crazy graphics stuff. Inside the hospital, or zoned into a mission, it's fine. But outside in cap it draws triangles from the center of the screen to the edge all over. It's really hard to tell what's going on, they obscure vision, it appears that it's not drawing parts of the geometry though, looks like he's walking on air. Any ideas?
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    First of all: Did Castle just reveal his secret identity?! Say it ain't so, man!

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    Nope, his identity was deduced previously by Arcanaville (IIRC) and pals in some other thread.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
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  11. [ QUOTE ]
    why bother with closed beta, if its like any of the ones done in the past, you guys will miss a bunch of bugs in the game!

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    Far less than the developers miss without the beta.
  12. Don't forget [u]Invention[u] for the 60 or so crafting-related badges

    Also: PvP and SG should not be together, SG badges should be separate as they are not character-specific and do not count toward your badge total.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    This poll is jypted! People just want their server to PvP so they don't have to spend money, and since most of the population is on freedom... well you can see the problem. But I have a problem for you devs...

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  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Once again, you.





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    QFT but not for who you were aiming it at.
  15. No. Closed beta has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with community, except that community is where they can get willing and hopefully educated and/or capable testers for free.
  16. Grinnz

    Moon Hazard Zone

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    Updated OP post per request of OP.

    *kicks into moonwalk*


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    Updated 10/15/2007

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    She's from... the future! *spooky noises*

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  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Dark One, it doesnt matter. Not to these people. They dont care that the same people get in time and time again or that you cant get the Bug Hunter badge.
    All they care about is calling people like you and me who express our opinion about the testing selection whiners.

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    Truthfully, I don't care about your opinion. I know the truth, and that is you are whining, and nothing will come of it. Absolutely nothing. It is out of your control, for the next closed beta they could decide to pick every 5th person that logged into Infinity on the 3rd Tuesday of April, and you still couldn't do [censored] about it. My suggestion? Let this thread die, please.
  18. I didn't say you did. I was saying that for the benefit of people who do, which undoubtedly are among us.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
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    Waaaaaah! I hope the people whinng in this thread are 14 or younger, because if they are adults it is sad indeed.

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    Wow, another ad hominem attack.

    Guess you beta testers sure earned your spots huh?

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    Because he's a beta tester. And I'm a beta tester.

    No, actually, I just realize that [censored] about it not only will not change anything except making people think less of you and being bad for your health, but also make you a worse candidate for the process.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
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    If the same group of people get in each and every time, then it's obvious favoritism. Not to mention there may be others out there who are just as good, if not better, testers than the current crop, but will never get picked because to do so would upset the status quo. Sure, they can throw a bone to a random peep, but the core group remains pretty much the same.

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    You are getting the question of "who matters" backwards. It's not us that matter for this process, it's Cryptic and PlayNC who matter. They will pick the group they KNOW to be effective testers. If you want to call that "favoritism", go right ahead ... but you're mischaracterising the situation, and if you have an ounce of sense in you ... you know it.

    [ QUOTE ]
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    What people have to remember is: the Closed Beta is not for the players' benefit, it is for the benefit of Cryptic and PlayNC. Period.

    The "player benefit, too" stage is called Open Beta. Those of us, yours truly included, who didn't make the cut this time around ... will just have to wait our turn, to get a peek at the contents of i11.

    Remember, everyone: this is a testing process, not a sneak peek preview.

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    Except those same people who keep getting in, have a better than average chance at directing which direction the game goes as compared to the plebian crowds outside. Once it gets to Open Beta, the chances of any significant changes based on player feedback (not to mention the needle getting lost in a haystack) happening is slim to nil.

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    The benefit is not "for players", it is "for Cryptic". Lose out the things that benefit the testers from your consideration ... the fact that you WANT to have X or Y that comes from testing, enough to protest not being in the group doing the testing (which is what yourposts amount to) ... is proof enough to me, that you are indeed complaining about not being in the test group yourself.

    It should never be about you, it should always be about the game. Otherwise, you're not a good candidate for the test.

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    Regardless of our previous diatribes, Pax is the only person here who gets it.
  21. Let's all [censored] how we aren't in the closed beta some more, that will help something I'm sure. Like it did the last 3 times.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Bram, you MIGHT want to delete the contents of your post, as this is NOT the place to post that sort of thing.

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    Lighthouse said it's perfectly okay to post about stuff everyone has access to.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    They're here for ego-[Censored]. Nothing more, nothing less.

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    Would this be a bad time to point out that "[Censored]" has been mod-censored several times in a post (which I now can't find and may have been deleted)?