Grey Pilgrim

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  1. Grey Pilgrim

    Friday TFs

    Was it just not having quite as much support (4 blasters and a WS)? We were running higher for the first two missions than I have with Grey Pilgrim for the ITF, but I don't recall having as much of an issue running it with him.

    But adding a level or two probably added just enough damage, hits, etc. that it could make it that much more hard. And like I said, I probably should have grabbed GP when I saw how much damage and little support we had. Oh well.

    This should probably be encouragement for to get my Earth/Storm Controller to 50, so I have more support heroes to choose from.
  2. Grey Pilgrim

    Friday TFs

    Well, the influence and xps were nice for that, so don't worry too much, Viv. Made 2 levels tonight, so that's a nice pace along to 50, though I don't want to rush Menelmacar too much... I want to get some of the arcs done in the 45-50 range as he levels up.

    I probably should have switched to Grey Pilgrim to help with aggro- two tanks probably would have made things smoother. But oh well, made things interesting.
  3. Grey Pilgrim

    Friday TFs

    You know... I was just joking...

    So, I guess I'll be hopping on around 8 Central (9 Eastern) and see what people want to do. Unless people are going to want to be going earlier.
  4. I was frankly shocked by the Ironman thing. There was a friggin' lawsuit about that, and somehow this went to press? I'm guessing Posi and co. didn't have the editorial rights to the article, but whoever put it together clearly did not do their homework at all. I hope NCSoft contacts them quick about this, as that is rather important.

    And I agree about the setting up false hopes, the free issue thing, etc.
  5. Grey Pilgrim

    Friday TFs

    Orrrrr, we could run it without you.

    Hehe. I'm up for a Hess, but if that falls though, I'll run an ITF with you, Penny (tonight or some other night). Both sound good to me!
  6. Grey Pilgrim

    Friday TFs

    Why hold off? A TF is as good a way of earning influence or XP as anything else, if not better. Voo just wants to run a villain, so that's the case there.

    Sooooo, what TF?
  7. Grey Pilgrim

    Friday TFs

    Eh, I dunno. Hess might be okay, as I wanted to run Grey Pilgrim this weekend to get some extra influence (maybe I can finally finish IOing him out). I'd be okay with an ITF or LGTF, too- I could bring Menelmacar to get him a little closer to 50 (not really needing him to hit 50, though... lvling is easy enough now).

    But yeah, I'll bring Grey Pilgrim to whatever you want to do. He still needs Hess, Moonfire, and States, so I wouldn't mind doing any of those.
  8. As someone pointed out earlier, those classifications were always a bit wonky. While my point WAS subjective (as I noted), I was trying to look at the recipes qualitatively. The Blessing of the Zephyr -KB recipe does the same as the other two, yet costs 50 merits more. That is off kilter.

    And even looking at the set bonuses qualitatively, is Blessing of the Zephyr all that much better? I guess you could say it's a little better, but not everyone will want the +def from the set, and may find more health or recovery beneficial.

    It just seems off track from the value of the other recipes. And the stun proc... way out of line. The Steadfast +def or -KB recipes cost much less, and offer consistent benefits. Sure, not everyone will want those, but nor will everyone want a melee stun proc.

    And those were just a couple of examples. It looks to me like merit costs were looked at more with the idea of what pool they were in, as you did, rather than looking at the value of what the recipe does.
  9. Subjective Feedback:

    Some recipes seem quite over-priced for what they do. For instance, why is the Blessing of the Zephyr -kb recipe cost more than the other -kb recipes? 75 is a sizable amount, and works well for the other -kb recipes.

    One other recipe I noted (since I want to get a few for a few of my heroes) as costing far too much was the Pounding Slugfest chance for stun. It costs 200 merits! A chance for stun is not THAT spectacular, and the set bonuses are not that high. It's not a unique recipe either, so the cost seems far out of whack from its benefit.

    I think the same could be said for snipe recipes. I'm not sure how values were assigned to the various recipes, but some seem a little over the top.
  10. Wait, that's possible? I thought they had buffed those things like crazy so they were nearly impossible to take down. Are they doing something with this event to change that? All I know is my blasters aren't getting near one of those things normally.
  11. How do you receive "treats at a faster rate?" It might just be my own experience, but I rarely get treats this year... it's easily 80% trick, 20% treat, but maybe that's just my luck. It's not uncommon for me to knock 5 times in a row and have all 5 be tricks.

    Just wondering what the experience is for everyone else, as this doesn't seem to compute with what LH said.

    Too bad about that ghost spawning thing... I had one ghost spawn in 30 minutes last night. Oh well, the event is still fun, though the zombies are a bit rough in the lower levels.
  12. It also depends on if you're looking at it from a Defender or Blaster's standpoint. For a blaster, it's dead useful when you are mezzed... otherwise you're waiting for just Aimed Shot to recharge. Firing between the two can be fairly continuous. Luminara discusses it a lot in the guide, but quick recharging attacks can be useful for a lot of things, especially when mez and/or defiance come into play.
  13. Grey Pilgrim

    TFs with Voodoo

    Well, I'm interested in making a shield tanker, and I'm thinking it will replace my Stone/SS tanker (I just... hate how immobile Stone is, and I can't see myself getting into it, even though I really like SS and his look: I'll probably just remake him as a Shield/SS Tanker). So yeah, if we waited until I13, I'd be up for it.

    Hopefully that will be before the holidays... though it seems clear beta at least won't open before the Herocon. Doh. Maybe it will come out around when I11 did last year. I hope.
  14. Grey Pilgrim

    TFs with Voodoo

    Voo, just to clarify, do you just want to group up regularly to play the same heroes or villains, or did you want to get somewhat I13 specific and make a time on Tuesdays where you group up to try out people's missions, the new Cimerora stuff, etc.?

    I probably would be interested if we did it for I13 stuff, but I don't know... even committing to Isos every week is a lot, since I usually just want to play whatever hero I feel like playing at the time. I'll see how it develops and let you know.

    *added* I'd probably prefer blue side, as I'm not much into villains... about the only other villain I feel interested is maybe a VEAT, but I have to get Ba'al to 50 to make that work.
  15. I think this revamp sounds very good. I don't think the zone needed a complete new look, as it's quite unique already. Between the water towers, Grendel's Gulch, the Red River, and Eastgate Park and Heights, this zone had a lot of character. Or as War Witch said, a lot of potential.

    I'm thinking these reworks will help quite a bit and unlock that potential. I think it'll still be worth picking up a Raptor Pack to cut down on travel time anywhere (let alone The Hollows) still, but this is great. I'd agree with some that I'm a little iffy on Longbow and the Legacy Chain being added to kill steal, but if they're a small presence like in Galaxy and Atlas, it'll be okay. And it'll be fun to see some new mobs (but it sounds like the same should be done villainside)

    With remodels like this and Faultline, it sounds like Grandville and Boomtown need War Witch and the added new devs to use their talent and spruce things up for I13! Puhleeeaaze?
  16. Okay... does anyone have the slightest idea how these Roman costumes are going to be unlocked? Because I have a lvl 17 WP/DB tanker that I am hesitating between going for 35 like crazy to get access to those as soon as they're out, or keeping him at 17 to get those Midnight Squad contacts (I find it interesting that they went with the Midnights... I just wrapped up the Scroll of Tielleku series where they are referenced a bunch... cool stuff).

    I'm just wondering if I missed anything in the mass of information that came out via interviews and info about I12.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Did you read the responses in the other thread you posted? There are samples there from myself and others

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Heh, forgot to keep track of that one. Thanks for all those suggestions, they give me something to start with/play off of.
  18. I'll have to play around with the hoods... I'm not sure they're quite the look I'm going for, but we don't really have turbans. I'll give the other suggestions a try, too, but I may have to try the Sinbad look. Thanks for the help, but if anyone else can think of something, let me know!
  19. Hey all, I posted this in the Questions forum, and they recommended I throw it down here.

    I'm trying a few different looks for my DB/WP tanker. I managed to put together a classic fencing/Errol Flynnish look for one of his costumes, and now I'm wanting to put together a scimitar-wielding desert dress look. But as far as I know, I don't think our costume creator can do turbans, etc. (as I'm not sure if the few hood options we have would replace that well), which is kind of what I was hoping for. Anyone have ideas of what I could put together that would fit that motif?

    If I absolutely have to, I could go with a Sinbad type look for the scimatar-wielding costume, but I'd like the desert look if I could make it work. Thanks for any help you can give.
  20. I liked the idea of the wedding gift missions, and frankly, reading up on the clues and gifts was pretty fun (and Synapse's gift to the couple made me laugh out loud: I had to explain it to my wife). But I agree that a badge would have been nice for more flavor, or at least a different type of map. Heck, having us teleport in to a different syle map or even ship on the way to/from the Rogue Isles might have been good with that. Again, just for fun and flavor.

    I think the clues got it halfway there, but not enough. But all the same, I don't feel like there was enough to the event (though it does have its fun bits, and now I can throw a toga party, woo!): nothing big and noticeable and fun like Halloween's or the Holiday event.

    And for that matter, why are all these events clustered from October-February? How about some love in May for the anniversary or the summer months (4th of July, anyone?). That would be cool.
  21. Ack, forgot I posted here, sorry.

    Yeah, I figure I'll get it at 35. I've already been wanting it a couple times when I got mezzed, but I have Aimed Shot recharging fast enough that it's not TOO bad of a wait. But I'm sure I'll want it for the 40s. Thanks for your help!
  22. How big a priority do you think Snap Shot is for a blaster now? With the blaster I started back in August, I originally had Snap Shot, but I respec'd out of it in the late teens in favor of getting Explosive Arrow and Ranged Shot in my build (and this was well before the changes to Archery were announced).

    I'm thinking I want it now, but since I'm /Devices, I want to be able to get Cloaking Device, Trip Mines, Stunning Shot, and RoA first. Which means I can't pick Snap Shot up until lvl 35 (my hero is 24 now). I'm thinking this is okay, but does this seem like too long to wait for an extra attack through mez, etc.? I don't think so given my play so far, but I was wondering what your thoughts were.

    I suppose I should add that I am wondering if I should even take Snap Shot... I would like to, but if I do, it will push me back from getting Aid Self, which I am wanting to use with PFF. And I wouldn't be able to get Force of Nature, either. What do you think?
  23. I have to say that things like the NPC comments really flesh out this game and make it fun (even real).

    My personal favorite of recent memory was in KR with a tanker of mine called Swedish Fury. I was just doing the old buy some enhancement thing, and a passing "civilian" shouted out, "We love you Swedish Fury!" I'm telling you, that made my day and had me wanting to stop more bank robberies. Hehe. Keep up the good work!