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  1. GenkaiFist

    The PB Changes

    Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
    A Smack to the Face because they kept the floating energy patterns of the previous lightform...?

    Meaning I liked the lightball form and it's still there but just out of my reach. Like if they gave you an awesome t-shirt but put it in a glass box. You can still see it but you're not allowed to wear it.
  2. GenkaiFist

    Human Form PB

    No blushing allowed Plasma! Your guide is what helped me create my awesome Warshade which I used to convince people who refused to make Kheldians want to try them out after seeing how awesome I was form dancing all over the map. Run into a group Eclipse Double Mire Nova BLAAAAAAAST Drop form raise a Fluffy pet eat the souls of the dead to heal up, rinse repeat. Goooood times. Sadly, like you, after the form shifting changes I didn't care to play anymore so my Warshade kinda is stagnating.

    But hey, Interesting replys. Thanks for letting me know you guy's thoughts

    I agree about the Celestial wings look. I might integrate that into a costume for my PB somehow
  3. GenkaiFist

    The PB Changes

    Frankly I'd be more positive about the change if they didn't just take the same FX and put it behind your toon. It's like a smack to the face to the people who prefer the old look and if you didn't like the old look well it's still there just your guy is ontop of it now :/
  4. GenkaiFist

    Human Form PB

    I'm curious since we have the legends of the AT here, what do Plasma and Matt King think of the change to Lightform so it no longer turns you into a ball of light? Like it or not like it?
    Do you think it's a good trade off for the increased utility and perm?

    Not trying to start anything I'm just curious since you're both well known members of the Kheldian community
  5. GenkaiFist

    The PB Changes

    Yeah I'm also annoyed by the Lightform animation change.
    After playing my Tri-form Warshade that I really enjoyed it I wanted to do a Human form HEAT and felt the PeaceBringer would be the most viable plus they had that cool Lightform ball that turns them back into their "true" Kheldian form!

    I was like yeah I can pop that on missions for some awesome and when I'm chatting with my SG mates I can pop it for some cool factor as well. Now it's just lost that cool factor for me.
  6. GenkaiFist

    New work

    wheee! a picture of me! now my badassitude may be enjoyed by the world! HORAY FOR ME!
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    His one posted test involved using the broken version of Invincibility. He also completely glosses over the fact that when buffed, any AT can Tank, so what then is so special about Tanks?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The goal of the game is to make sure there isn't an ideal team composition. So, yes, a Scrapper, with buffs, can tank, but not as well as a Tanker. Why? Because 1) a Tanker starts with higher resistances/defenses and 2) he has Punchvoke and thus can manage the aggro better.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    But What I'd like to know is if that's true then why would anyone ever want a tank? slightly better aggro management and resistances/defence vs more damage with a chance to critical and good enough defences. Why wouldn't you go with a scrapper instead, he can do the job and deal out the damage. It just doesn't make sence to me.
    I mean I've been tanking since the game started, and I've been with you for most of the tanking changes but ever since I5 and I6 I've gone from being able to take on a group of enemies fully buffed to just being killed faster than my team can heal me.

    I really feel that you've given the damage dealers better damage, and the buffers better buffs but you took away our defences and gave some of it to our squishy friends. I used to feel powerful as my tank now I just sorta feel sad.
  8. Okay when Statesman punched out Sirricco(sp?) I got chills. CHILLS! I TELL YOU!