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Hey -- I'm in KCMO and am up for meeting! Friday after noon some time or Saturday will work best for me, but just let me know when and where!
Please, PLEASE proliferate Energy Melee to scrappers! I've been waiting seven years for this to happen, and there's no reason not to do so, speaking of low-hanging fruit!
Hey, Ocho (or any other dev type) --
Character transfers have been unavailable since the maintenance period ended yesterday afternoon around 3pm-ish central time, and the store has been down for over 12 hours. There has been no official word on what's going on or any sort of ETA or anything at all.
Can you please get some information for us? Launch day implosions are generally catastrophic, but no communication from the company in 21 hours on the issue compounds the problem exponentially.
Thank you! -
I say again:
The issue is not whether the transfers are occurring free of charge right now; the issue is that the transfers are not occurring at all, paid or otherwise. -
The issue is not whether the transfers are occurring free of charge right now; the issue is that they transfers are not occurring at all.
My initial guess is that the transfer queue is backed up all to hell, but I put my own transfer request in within 15 minutes of the servers coming back up after the maintenance period, and it still has not gone through.
Devs, can we get some word on this, please? -
[M]y SG, the Generation X is having enoumous difficulty with the new sg logo items, our logo the X.. does not show up (i tested with others and it worked just fine) it just shows the default biohazard symbol. i have heard talks about other logos doing the same thing... but i am just very concerned about the letter X!! lol not sure exactly which others dont work... but thats where the devs get to alittle snooping
[/ QUOTE ]
I would not be surprised if it were unavailable because of Marvel's copyright/trademark on the X-Men franchise (since the X-Men have a big X on their chest as their sg logo).
Incidentally, Generation X is the name of a very prominent X-Men spinoff supergroup with its own comic book. It would not be worthwhile for you to invest any amount of time or energy into a project with that name, as it will almost certainly get nixed.