1010 -
Quote:LMAO for real? Not only do I have no problem placing my hands like that, I just successfully did it again while holding a hazelnut latte in the upraised hand. Do you have a degenerative tissue disorder or something?
#2. Have you even tried what I said, which takes no effort at all other than like second of your time? If you did you'd likely find it to be extremely unnatural and uncomfortable.
Quote:There is no situation I can think of that anyone would ever be in that pose other than looking at a picture and seeing if the pose feels natural or not by actually trying to take the pose.
Secondly, there are real martial arts movements that look very close to that in transition. It's not a valid criticism that this sort of thing doesn't look real to you when I've used it to throw people around and disarm weapons. Sorry I don't know else to say. -
1. This is a wip. I started it yesterday lol and it's anywhere near finished. I wouldn't show anything like this to an editor so your comment is just completely moot.
2. You're saying the pose looks unnatural, without knowing what the rest of the drawing looks like. How natural should a devil girl look when she's summoning dark energy from the pit of hell anyway? Her hands are gesturing for the spell...other than that she's standing more or less straight with her elbows dropped to her sides. You're suggesting that you would have this piece redrawn because the pose is bad. Why don't you take a guess at what I'm picturing in my head and then draw it so I can see what you think that my pose would hypothetically resemble if it looked natural.
3. I am a MAN, man. -
Wassy-- Thanks for the feedback. I knew the hands were a bit wonky but for some reason I didn't catch the distortion of the nose. Now it's pretty glaring. I'm not sure what expression I'm going for with Mel, but I thinks it's something more subdued than her out of control craziness.
Quote:Lol it's a wip. She is going to to be casting an energy effect, I just haven't drawn it in yet. As far as the pose being unnatural I disagree. The hand position is unusual because she's going to be casting a spell. I could change things slightly and have her left hand on her hip and her right waving. The hand positions I tend to draw relate to Southeast Asian martial arts I've studied--but there's nothing elaborate about these. The left is in a half chamber and the right is just waving two fingers. You don't need much athleticism for this pose.On a non-technical note. The pose is very unnatural. Is she supposed to be posing? or in a combat stance? If she's just posing then ok... but for anything else I'd say that pose if I saw it in submissions of any sort to me would either lead to the artist redoing it in the case they have the job, or not getting the job if they are looking for it. even over someone who is not as technically sound. The only way I know of to help you with this problem is find a movie with these type poses and really look at them, or try to take them your self and observe how you are holding your body and such.
I'd suggest saving speculation about whether or not you'd hire me and suggestions for how to fix my pose problem for after the drawing is further along. -
Quote:You don't NEED to do it at all. It depends on what you are after.
One thing i'd like to ask is about inking. I know the why, but it's the how i'm not sure on. do you do it manually on a sketch, with a pen, or digitally? or does it matter? or do you need to do it at all?
Inked linework is really central to comics. Part of the reason for that is you have a division of labor with different people doing pencils, inking, etc. If you want your stuff to look like professional comic book art ala Marvel or DC or something--yeah, get good at inking. Learn to ink oldschool with a brush, etc. on paper.
Other than that there is no reason that you HAVE to ink anything. And if you decide that you want more realism in your art, you will want to get away from inked linework. Take a look at the inked Mae-Day above, for instance. Look at the black shadow under her chin. If I wanted to do a more realistic treatment of color, I'd have to get rid of that shadow or change it to another color. It only really serves a purpose when the drawing is limited to two values--black and white. Beyond that it becomes a hindrance. -
Wassy here are my comments:
1. The lighting is a bit confusing. I'm not sure what that white triangle on the floor is--whether it light coming in from a doorway or something in front of her, or light projected from behind her. Her right foot is casting a directional shadow, but the books and the chair are kind of indeterminant. The globe and the back of the table look like they're lit from the fireplace, but the angle of the table leg shadow looks off.
There is a squarish section of light on her chest that visually connects with the fireplace, even though she is turned away from it.
2. The scale of the objects is a bit strange. The table looks huge. The books look really big too, maybe they're large magical tomes or something but together with the table it reads almost like a hobbit house with some human sized objects inside.
3. Something is strange about the perspective. I feel like I'm looking up and down at her at the same time. Looks like I'm looking down at the chair and table, but the horizon line looks elevated. The globe looks really strange--detached and floating there, part of it making a tangent with the bottom of the cabinet. When I look at it, it flattens the spatial depth around it.
4. The woman's anatomy is distorted. I take this to be stylistic choices, but just to communicate what I'm seeing I'll comment on it. Her head and hands look large and her torso and legs look small. The length from groin to knee in particular looks short. Also elbow to wrist on her left arm looks short.
As usual this is just food for thought and I hope it's helpful. -
Here's something I worked on last night as part of my Livestream. Keep in mind it's a wip. I'm establishing greyscale values which will converted to color. -
Picking up teams via broadcast isn't outmoded on Freedom. Most of the teaming I do there results from answering a call in the zone channel. Also, people on smaller servers have always pointed to things like double xp weekend as a reason not to go to Freedom or Virtue. Well, the population of Freedom is not anywhere close to what it used to be--when it's packed it actually reminds me of Protector during it's heyday in terms of density.
Go where you think is best for you. Usually people play where their friends are. But if you want ease of getting in pugs, definitely consider a larger server. -
I'll be doing another Livestream tomorrow night (Wednesday) at 10:15 pm.
As always, I'm open to suggestions concerning discussion topics. -
The coloring book thing is a good idea but my kids don't have any at the moment. They draw and color their own stuff. Still looking around. -
Deebs I hope you're a ninja paintballer stalking her prey and not one of those people that hides in a pile of leaves until somebody walks by and shoots them in the leg.
This is tonight: 10:15pm est
www.livestream.com/bwbabble -
Wow thanks guys!
Pyro-- The Livestream will be Wednesday night 10:15pm est
Shrike--I'm glad you came across those sketches buried in this thread. I wasn't sure how much time you were spending on the forums lately.
Color is something I struggle with a lot, hopefully watching my process will answer some questions people might have or suggest new ways to do things. -
For this week's livestream I think I'm going to color someone else's linework. I'm going to try to talk about a couple different approaches. If anyone has some linework they'd like to request me color, I'm open for suggestions. -
18. Interim
The days that followed were hard. Tommy told his mother everything. All the sneaking around at night. All the things going on at school. And also the news that his "uncle" would be appearing for the family fun day. She went through a range of emotions. At first anger. And even worse...she was hurt. He had betrayed her. Tommy felt listless, they went about their daily routine as if they were sleepwalking. Everything was kind of dull and just happened, like in a dream. Not a special dream, just a dull dream vision of their ordinary life.
Then, after a few days, Mrs. Cullen started to accept things. It began with a bland resignation. These things had happened and there was nothing she could do about it. But then, she started to feel some hope. If nothing else, she knew now what Tommy had held back. All his troubles with the bullies. The way he had wanted to be something special. The way he had tried to help people, even if it didn't really happen in the heroic way he intended. She was now aware of his secret life with these issues.
And they could maybe start over and he could learn to be more open. And maybe she would learn to trust his impulses.
"She's going to have to come to the house Tommy. If you're going to keep training with this woman I want to meet her. And no more sneaking off during the night. Especially on a school night."
"Yes Momma. But I don't...
"I don't know if she'll come here. She doesn't like to be told what to do."
"Well that's the way it's going to have to be Tommy."
"Ok Momma."
The final days before the family fun day dragged for Tommy. Purple hadn't come around, so he had been training by himself in the alley behind the apartment. Mrs. Cullen tried to check on their paperwork, see who was on the school's contact list as Tommy's uncle, but the inept receptionist just assured her that all the paperwork was in order. Basically they were too lazy to get up and dig out the file.
They just had to wait, with no idea if someone would call or just show up at the house.
Finally that Saturday morning rolled around. Tommy got up early. He got dressed to do sports and racing, put on his shoes and went out front. He sat down on the front steps of their apartment, looking up and down the street, waiting for something to happen. -
The first thing I ever saw Patrick Stewart in was a production of Hamlet as Hamlet's uncle. After that it was in *** kicking roles like a macho knight in Excalibur and Maud Dib's trainer in Dune (moods are for cattle and loveplay!). It's really funny to me that his Star Trek role seemed to cement him into a refined, cerebral character type.
Hey guys,
I'll be doing another Livestream Wednesday night at 10:15 pm est.
This is a wip that I was working on during the last session. I'm also open to suggestion for things people would like to see covered: