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  1. It's linked to the powers tray along with the enhancement tab and power menu tab. Opening either of those while they are locked to the power tray will close your inspiration tray.

    In order to unlock those tabs, click the blue circle on the inspirations tab, it will release it from the powers tray and you can move it wherever you wish. I prefer to keep my enhancements tab always open right above my powers tray (with the blue circle locking it in place) and the inspirations right above that (with no blue circle keeping it unlocked).

    edit- I should say red circles for CoV and blue circles for CoH due to the differing hud displays.

    Here's a picture of what I mean as well...


    The red arrows point out the "circles" I am talking about. I blotted out the boss description and name for spoiler purposes.
  2. Flying_Crane

    Double critical

    Master: I think the longbow was under placate. I'm pretty sure he was under placate at the time. My normal routine is to AS one minion while hidden, then placate and attack a second minion. Since the combat log shows I AS'd one guy then moved to the next and activated placate, I think it's safe to say that I did placate him/her (I forgot the gender, they all look the same to me now :P)

    That Ninja blade thing I think refers to the critical attached to the hidden status. I didn't attack twice with it, it wasn't even near recharged yet and it would have said something to the essence of "You activated Golden Dragonfly" in the combat log.

    Castle: Yes, I was solo.
  3. Flying_Crane

    Double critical

    The text circled in red is what I am referring to. Only one golden dragonfly attack was activated.

    For those having a problem with the link, my combat log says,

    "You swing at Longbow Eagle with your mighty Golden Dragonfly for 159.32 points of lethal damage and reduce his defense!
    You land a critical hit with your Ninja Blade for an extra 159.32 points of lethal damage!
    You land a critical hit with your Golden Dragonfly for an extra 159.32 points of lethal damage!"

    In essence, I activated golden dragonfly after placating an enemy and I landed two criticals: the one that can happen with GDF out of hide and the one that can happen just normally while in hide.

    To clarify, with GDF, there is no guaranteed critical like the other powers while in hide (mostly because it's a small cone attack) so it gets a chance to crit while in hide. Outside of hide there is also a chance to land a critical with GDF. My assumption is that by luck sometimes both criticals can occur, resulting in a triple hit.
  4. Flying_Crane

    Double critical

    I thought this was cool, and I hope it's intended as Golden Dragonfly and others like it (ripper, eviscerate) don't crit all the time while in hide but have that extra bonus chance to crit. I only seemed to have it work after placating an enemy, but maybe that's just coincidence. Still... the chance of that happening was rather uncommon (about twice in ten tries). It's probably still more beneficial to have that guaranteed crit from soaring dragon than to gamble on a triple hit or even a double hit from golden dragonfly. Anyways, I thought it was kinda neat and wanted to share.

    Double Critical
  5. Name: Dimension Guard

    Motto:"Where teamwork works"

    Leaders: Cyr Remy & XVI

    Player Type: Casual

    Roleplay?: "Dost thou hear that noise? AH, it's a gooblin! Prepare to meet thine blade, vile creature!" (no, really, we don't, but you can if you would like to )

    Membership levels: All

    Supergroup Colors: Black and Green

    Normal time of gameplay: Weeknights and weekends (members range from CMT to EST, usually go for a time that works for all)

    Other information: We like puppies, kitties, and pie (not necessarily in that order). Other than that, we're a pretty easy-going group. We strive for a PG-13 atmosphere, but we have some trouble-makers... We'll be very active in CoV once it goes live, under the name Dimension Scourge.

    Recruiting?: Definitely. Check out the website. Contact Cyr Remy, XVI, or one of the officers if you're interested. (@Cyr Remy and @XVI, respectively)

  6. Divine Darkness - Dark Melee / Regen (want to change to Dark Armor ) Scrapper

    Server: Guardian

    Divine Darkness

    The man now known as Divine Darkness was once a top-ranking elite in the Tsoo Clan. As a beginning inductee into the clan, his powers far surpassed those of his peers and he quickly rose through the ranks. However, his superiors caught sight of this and began to see him as a threat to their own power. So, they conspired in a plot against him...

    He was tricked into believing that a specific mystical relic would give him more power. It instead cursed him and drained his very soul. He was then left to die in the barren wastelands of 'Boomtown,' but he would not give up so easily...

    Divine Darkness

    Using his knowledge of the magical Tsoo tattoes, he carved into his flesh mystic symbols that trapped the dark essence of the relic inside of his body so that his soul remained intact. However, the change warped his human form substantially and he is as he appears now because of it...

    His vengeance against the Tsoo will not be halted. It will be swift and terrible and he will achieve it by any means necessary. Even if it means teaming up with the heroes he once loathed...

    Divine Darkness

    Hunter X - Claws / Invulnerability Scrapper

    Server: Guardian

    Hunter X

    Shin Ochigawa was once a member of the secret European government-funded group known as the Shadow Corps. This team consisted of five elite hunters specifically trained to track down and eliminate various gangs of vampires wherever they may be. They did this through the extensive use of garlic, silver and ultraviolet light through technology as their weaponry. They did their job incredibly well. Well enough to attract the attention of various other governments and organizations. They were eventually called upon by the Germans who were witnessing an epidemic growth in the number of 5th Column and their "Vampyrs." The Germans called for the purging of this radical group as well as their scientific abominations. The German government offered two squads of their best military units to work in conjunction with the Shadow Corps in order to bring them down. The Shadow Corps accepted the job, with the mind set that it would be just like any other vampire raid. That, however... proved to be a fatal mistake.

    The weaponry utilized by the Shadow Corps team proved to have little or no effect on the Vampyrs and the battle that ensued between the two groups became nothing short of a slaughter for them. They quickly called for a general retreat, but it proved to be too little too late. With three of his teammates already dead and one that lay dying in his arms, Shin sat stunned and helpless as the evac chopper carried him alone away into safety from the massacre.

    With his team dead and government funds pulled from the project, Shin abandoned all duties to his country and left, vowing to wreak his vengeance upon the 5th Column and their horrific experiments. He donned the name Hunter X and hunts the Vampyrs to this day...

    The standard issue Shadow Corps arsenal included an armored suit that not only protected the wearer from most lethal attacks, but also enhanced the wearer's strength, reflexes, senses, and speed. Without permission, Shin took the suit with him as a vital aid to his mission.

    As the specialist scout and sniper in the Shadow Corps, Shin's suit also had some unique modifications made to it that differed from the rest of his team. As the scout and sniper, he needed to be the least burdened with weaponry and have the ability to check the surroundings and relay his findings back to the team.

    As essential as his handy silver bullet-shootin' sniper rifle was, its effectiveness in close combat was close to nill as it was large and cumbersome. So, silver-laced adamantium claws that could be extracted and retracted by the simple push of a button were installed along the metal forearms of his suit. They were used as his only means of defense when vampires would close in. These proved to be invaluable as he still uses them as his primary death-dealers today.

    Hunter X

    The telescopic eyepiece on his faceplate not only has the effect of making him look cool, but serves a purpose as well. Through the use of fiber optic cameras, Shin could stealthily infiltrate a base, observe the enemy's activities around corners and at a distance, and relay messages back to his teammates. It also allows him to see in infared lighting and serves as a zooming in-and-out tool to see enemies at a distance.