Inspiration question!




IS there an optiuon to keep the inspiration tab always open instead of having to manually open it all the time?



It's linked to the powers tray along with the enhancement tab and power menu tab. Opening either of those while they are locked to the power tray will close your inspiration tray.

In order to unlock those tabs, click the blue circle on the inspirations tab, it will release it from the powers tray and you can move it wherever you wish. I prefer to keep my enhancements tab always open right above my powers tray (with the blue circle locking it in place) and the inspirations right above that (with no blue circle keeping it unlocked).

edit- I should say red circles for CoV and blue circles for CoH due to the differing hud displays.

Here's a picture of what I mean as well...


The red arrows point out the "circles" I am talking about. I blotted out the boss description and name for spoiler purposes.


