332 -
Quote:Thank you.We've been closely following your feedback regarding this topic, both here and on the Beta forums. Unfortunately Cheryl, the artist who worked primarily on the Gunslinger Character Modelling, has been extremely pressed for time creating new costume sets and as such hasn't been able to post directly on the beta feedback thread. That being said, the feedback and concerns expressed have been communicated to the art and production team.
To address a few points
We've been trying to add unique and different costume pieces for female options for the sake of overall variety, however I understand some of the concerns being expressed here, as does the rest of the Art and Production team. Moving forward, where possible, we will be making more gender neutral/male pieces created for females so as to more accurately reflect the Communities requests. Because each costume piece has to be individually created (we can't CTRL+C, CTRL+V the pieces from male to female unfortunately), this does mean that we will be offering less overall unique options, however we feel it's important to address this concern.
If anyone took offense to our artistic choices, I apologize. It's not our intent to offend anyone.
Regarding the pretinting of costume pieces: While pretinted pieces give the artists the ability to provide some very unique materials and add more visual interest to select pieces, we dont want to limit your creativity, either. Moving forward, we'll be offering both a pretinted and untinted option for all pieces which we choose to make pretinted.
-Z -
That's the weird thing, he doesn't go after shiny things...but he will go after my husband's nerf sword, or plastic bags. He even tried to drag off his bag of litter at one point. (I think my ferret has issues though...)
Things that make gaming difficult....
Faulty wiring in the house causing random breaker trips. -
I got this one too about 6 years ago, it made me lol.
Quote:*claps*Yes and no. I mean I can't pretend to speak to what chain of decisions and events specifically lead to CoT v2.0 (I really like v2.1 though!) and the Reichsmann TFs. I wasn't there.
But as an artist who works independently for myself, also has relationships with the management chains of exhibition venues AND has done freelance work for over a decade, I can say that there are indeed things that managers from very corporate environments can do to shield their creatives and foster them to thrive.
For one, I have worked jobs that may have say a 15 day production time. But my better managers include usually 2-3 days production just for me to research, to play, to push ideas, to fail, to come back, etc. When that is not there, I can guarantee that whomever is hiring me will likely be getting my first ideas and my first takes on a problem.
Similarly, there is constrained client contact for my part as a creative worker when things are ideal for my working habits. Clients can be psychotic. (These forums--including myself maybe?) Some of them (unlike these forums) really lack imagination, narrative or visual. So good project managers know how to protect ideas while they are still developing. (As they asserted was the case with CoT v2.0 when it was leaked.)
But there also always is a need for critique. To cycle back. To bring client feedback into the creative process at a stage. And to have adequate time budgeted for modifications. On those 15 day jobs, 5-8 of those days are often for revisions alone.
Beyond this, there is also a lot of nuance that I'm not really prepared to articulate. I'm talking about stuff that takes place at the interpersonal level. Rapport. As I sit here recounting, my best managers are all former artists or went through full art or design programs. They understand the brutality of academic art critique and can deliver without beating around the bush.
The places I usually work as a subcontractor for are usually subcontractors themselves. And these are in competitive industries often: fashion, entertainment and media. The stakes are high. When you get an opportunity, you need to swing for the fences. Every time. Surprise and impress the client with what they didn't know they wanted while delivering everything they asked for; be willing to be bold and know that sometimes less is more; all while meeting budgets and deadlines. If you falter in your track record, someone equally and driven and five to ten years younger than you is waiting for a shot right behind you.
But again, somehow, the best managers I've had, despite the harsh realities of this work environment I know as an artist, find ways to foster a safe creative place where excellence can matter--even if just momentarily within the production studio or editing suite. And it's these experiences that make me ask some sweeping, broad almost existential questions in response to Zombie Man's critique of what some of the things coming out of the art department can lead us on the outside to believe.
I don't know what the answers are for them. I truly don't. Not just because I don't know the details of their work environment. As I said in my, I've tried my hand at project management. In my niches can pay phenomenally well if you've got the chops and can avoid burnout. But I hated it. I like to keep my hands dirty. I like being the practical expert not the overseer. My perfectionism makes me more suited to be in the trenches and not at the helm. So I've no idea what sort of managerial corrections are in order.
And yes, freedom in a work place can lead to the problems you and ZM outline. But I'll tell you as a working artist, lack of freedom can kill a work environment for any creative that sets foot there. So the adjustments that need to be made may be more subtle than we're giving credit here. -
Quote:I wish.Angry WoW addicts who are mad because you don't play WoW and they therefore hack your Internet.
Angry porn addicts who are mad because you don't watch porn and they therefore hack your Internet.
There wouldn't happen to be a way to instigate a war between these two factions, would there?
New addition:
Ferret aggro. He's found my slippers to be something he wants and at this moment is trying to remove them and drag them to his hiding spot. -
Quote:Agreed. I've seen some slight customization on the Demon pets, but that's about it (the fires on them). Of all the classes, they have the least customization (aside from the Epic classes) and yet when we ask for some form of customization, whether it's to add female types, or to colour tint things/have different costumes for our minions, it gets shot down so fast some of us are left wondering if they can read minds and already knew our questions.No. I specifically addressed this for a reason earlier. If you can play Masterminds at all, you've already handed over some money one way or another.
It's more a personal thing, as I'm positive if it went up in the market, people would pay. I'm just getting tired of being asked to pay extra for things I feel should already be obtainable in game. Extra enhancement inventory, a way to unslot enhancements that doesn't require a respec, etc.
Mastermind primaries were left out of power customization almost entirely as is. Since this idea revolves around using already existing assets, I'd be extremely turned off if suddenly we were asked to pay a premium to reskin pets. -
Quote:Hehe, yep. My first 50 MM is a Demon MM. Man, I'm never going to be able to look at my demons the same way now.....Have you seen Demon Summoning? Er, sorry, I mean Gunslinger Summoning?
Save some ?s for the rest of us. They're in short supply these days.
I was asking because I've seen threads saying he doesn't. -
Does it have cow skulls?
(Gah...now I'm hearing Christopher Walken and his more cowbell sketch.) That was the first thing I noticed on the set, was that the female pieces have cow skulls on them, as if doing that makes them Western. The men have it too, and the arm ones actually get jammed into his skull on certain moves.
Quote:Um...because "cow skulls" apparently make things "Gunslinger"?As to the issue of having to make double parts of the women...
Why did we need two gloves (which really look a bit out of place with the rest of the Gunslinger & Prostitute set, btw)? Make one set of gloves and instead make second option for the legs - chaps for instance. Or pantaloons. Something.
Just review what all the elements are and make reasonable trade offs instead of the lazy approach currently in vogue.But yeah, I agree with the lazy part there.
I'm all over the board, but I would had to pick one....
Dark Melee
Dual Pistols
Willpower for most common armour.
Then again, I mostly play scrappers, tanks, and blasters. -
Quote:The male hairstyles I use (ponytail, barbarian, and swabby from the hats) clip horribly with the high collar.Hair.
Sure, one can argue that the sensible person would select a hairstyle that wouldn't clip, but I can imagine a significant proportion of forum-goers who would rage at the idiocy of releasing a costume part that clips so badly with so many of their favorite hairstyles, or that they have to look at other people's horribly clipping costumes. And that, I believe is a pretty good reason for not including it. Disappointing, but understandable.
That said, I too am disappointed that I can't kit out a lady cow-poke with the gunslinger costume set. On the other hand, I'm not too disappointed that I don't get that silly gunslinger jacket. UNDERARM ROPES!?! What the heck!?! -
Quote:I can see the response to this now:And Positron, who used to have a say over the art department, is still harping on female henches as harems, despite the fact that we already have female 'pets' (Fortunatas, Seers, and the harloty harlequins) and YOU GAVE US A PROSTITUTE COSTUME FOR PLAYERS.
"Yes, but you can't make THOSE pets do emotes and interact with you!"
which still earns an /e facepalm in my book.
Another way to look at it is that females are good enough to beat up and kill/arrest (villain/hero), but not to have work for you, because then the only jobs they can do are harem/prostitute jobs. (According to the answers I've been given at the M&G and Pummit) -
No, but at the same time, gender issues aside, they could have at LEAST fixed the bugs that were found in beta. The latest costume pack feels like they were just putting it out there to get it out there, instead of listening to issues/comments/suggestions.
Quote:I have a way we can solve the unbalanced amount of clothes men get versus women. Make a huge version for females.Women tend to dress more diversely in real life.
Ergo, they should get more diverse options in game. Men get the Huge model while Women don't, so that seems fair to me.
Also...you're making sense...this is scary. Who are you and what have you done with Golden Girl? >_>I'd actually be interested in seeing a huge form for them, because no matter how big you try to make them on the current sliders, they still look either skinny/lithe, or no curves (just really really tall)
Quote:Which goes back to the argument that 1) there is a way to report it, 2) most people have functioning brains who play this game and know better, and that 3) just because there is a possibility for it to happen, doesn't mean that the entire option should be removed.It could find itself more prevalent with female MM pets. Something to consider, as it's what the devs have to consider.
Heck, they obviously didn't "err on the side of caution" with this set (or most of the female pieces), so why should they suddenly do it with other things? If the "potential" for the abuse of the emotes (the main ones being collapse, swoon, and pushups that were mentioned to me at the Pummit by other players) is so prevalent, then why not just remove the option instead of hiding behind excuses?
They also said people could be offended by the actions done to the pets, so that they were going to err on the side of caution and not do it. (Think of the children!) Yet they DIDN'T listen to the players when we brought up our grievences on this costume set, and brought it out anyway...which leads to a BIG double standard. -
Quote:(sarcasm) Yes, because the MM will be sending their minions to dance on street corners and walk away with a john, while the others go with other johns.Maybe among certain players.
I'm sorry I don't have my Positron quote with me, but it's true. It's to head off prostitution.
The same could be said right now with the male pets. If it's a female commanding them, does that make her a Madam? The argument works both ways, yet we still have male pets instead of all gender neutral pets. -
Quote:It's kind of sad that the two main arguments AGAINST the female MM stuff are two things that already happen in game, and that already have ways to be solved...IN GAME.Yes and as I pointed out a couple of posts ago there will always be a handful of people who'd abuse it and those people will simply get reported like anyone else who does stuff the mods don't like. There would be no "DOOOOM" over this - a few people would go wild with it for a week then it would pass just like everything else does. *shrugs*
Quote:That line....I have crossed it. (In the opposite direction)To be clear I actually don't have much problem with the "sexy" being in this game. Clearly the Devs don't either at least as far as player costume items go. That's why it makes things that much more ironically silly when the Devs decide to stick to the excuse that things like MM female pets would be "crossing the line". I think the Devs have already established that they really have no problem crossing that line already.
Example: Rocket Girls from the Destroyers enemy group
Quote:I'm so glad someone else heard that after I'd asked the question, it was so out there that I was almost sure I'd imagined it.The thing that makes these Underwear Packs more irritating is the line Positron gave at the Player Summit for why the devs were wary of allowing full Mastermind minion custombility: they were afraid of the possibility of people making a Thugs mastermind with gun toting bikini girls.
I mean, seriously? You guys talk about "We don't want Masterminds with armies of strippers" but then give players stuff like this.
One of these things is not like the other.