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  1. You are joking, right?

    (in case you aren't)

    Use the SG forums MCX :P
  2. Plight, you make it sound like not a good thing! Own forums will make commo. a lot easier.
  3. OK, wifey and me have started new toons, Brute & Stalker as we are peeved with the general crappiness of grouping on COV. As of now, lvl 6. We will level a bit more ourselves, predicting times when we are both on is a bit difficult (damn those kids).
  4. Only need some on COV, but that would be cool.
    THanks for the offer...que starts here
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Whilst I can't admit an undying love for Plight, he has got my utmost respect for the work put in to the SG/VG.

    The defiant one of the family.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So, you DO love him then?

    On a serious note, everyone who contributes deserves a slap (on the back), Plight does a good job of getting us to work for a goal, we know without him there would be more pole-dancers in the SG base (which is a waste of infl!)
  6. Plight,

    1) I read it daily if I am not away at work;
    2) FB has donated all his salvage once, will drop more when there's a pile;
    3) My other toons are low level and using TO's atm, so on COH I am selling them - I will deposit DO/SO drops when they start coming in. On COV there is a lack of Infl, as my highest toon is 12! So, I will keep selling enh dropns untill I get "flush";
    4) As for the bases, they are great transport tools in COV for me, and I will always support SG mode play, and finally;

    There is a Hami raid planned, is the SG going?

  7. Yes, there was..quite clearly as I was there.

  8. [ QUOTE ]
    let the pwnage commence for anther day!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Umm, so no base raid tonight?
  9. Lets hope it goes well today.....

  10. Seems that our thread is the most viewed on the server.

    +1 viewage
    +1 reply

    damn I am becoming a troll.....
  11. DOING!


    well done, but then what else to expect from a pro like you?

    get to the next one so we can level together again!

    see you soon friend.

  12. Sorry I wasn't there, kinda got sidetracked a bit on COV.

    Well done flamerad, another 50 to add to the stable !

    Belated further gratz to Kalvelis who also dinged another 50. Great players, nice to team.

  13. There was an issue last weds with no one with raid starting clearance being on - can we make sure that dosnt happen again?

    PT - *bear hugs* from the FB

    My plans are to level the Dreem sisters (wifey and me) on heroes, when she is working I want to try and get my villain levelled (only lvl 8 atm ). Do we got some low level villains that need a pink and yellow spandex curvy rump on their teams? (or alt. shall I put in a shout of "double PL meh plzzzz"

  14. Kheldian PB has been created and is now lvl 3!
  15. Lots of thanks to all in the Order of the Cruciform Swords, you are a great bunch!

    More thanks to those who have teamed with me (Kalvelis, Flamerad Strike, Frost Guardian et al).

  16. We scrapped the raid, did a bit of Arena, then went off doing other things. Hope it gets sorted soon.

    Thanks to those who saw me to 50!
  17. (in up-speak)

    ...and it's like, suddenly everyones speaking a different like language.
  18. Beacons to all zones, thats good news!

    On a more important subject .....

    I am now 84k from lvl 50. I stopped last night (mid mission - with apologies to my teamies)so I could share the joy of 50ness with you reprobates.

    It seems opportune as tonight is base raid practice night, we will be together anyhoo, so all we need is a quick jaunt to some random mission and you can share the juice of my lovely 5 - 0.

    See you later friends!

  19. Weds 7-9 for base raid or KOTH?

    I think I would like the raid, but not the KOTH , just a personal preference. I will not be making FB a PvP build.
  20. 5pm is too early for me, 7-9pm are my core hours, most evenings. Daytime weekends are poo from no on too...
