People's Vanguard Unlimited AKA: PVU
Leaders/Recruiting Officers: Mr. Marx, Blue Pyro, Gold Falcon, Jor-Daddy, Antony, Chucifer, Mannuel, Mo Bee Gee, Fathom, Bland, Chimera Dragon, and Plasmar.
Preferred Method of contact: Ingame e-mail or global PM to any of the above heroes, Forum PM, and our website under recruitment in the forums.
Guild units:
People's Vanguard
People's Vanguard LVL M
People's Vanguard Reserve
People's Vanguard Starcom Branch
People's Vanguard Academy
Paragon Force Works
Peace Makers
Legion of Legends
Guild Description:
We are not a single SG, but rather a coalition of several SGs due to our large member size, as we compose the largest unique-player guild on the Virtue server. We unite communications of the various SGs with GlobalChat and TeamSpeak. The result of this grouping is an always immediate source of experienced and fun players ready to tackle missions!
What we are:
1) We're a group of people that likes to have fun, go on missions, task forces, and badge hunting expeditions. That's about it! We simply look for other people like ourselves, that enjoy the game for the game, and wish to play with other experienced members that understand tactics and the strengths and weaknesses of their individual characters.
2) We are very adaptable - by not imposing self-limits or implementing mission statements, we allow our members to pursue any desires they wish: Lowbie treasure hunts, new webpage development, video promotions, task force leading, T-shirt making, whatever!!
3) Relaxed. Want to implement some aspect of community that no one else has yet? Do it! No need to request things through Official Channels. Our coalition is a sandbox.
What we are not:
1) We are not big on formality. If a very structured heirarchical SG with designated and official roles are what you want, it's best to move on. We don't have an official Recruiting Officer or Public Relations Officer. If someone generates an idea, the folks that are interested in it just do it. The folks not interested in one idea work on another. With so many people in our coalition, any procedural work is quickly accomplished. Moreover, we do not separate our members into 'recruits' and 'official members'. If you play well, and act well, let's go!
2) No power-leveling. This includes the subset of "but I already have a 50 and I want to get this specific toon to 50 for PvP." There are other SGs for that. Above all else, PLing is boring.
3) We are not "Teh Uber". While we are crammed full of experienced and intelligent players, we are not solely geared toward the extreme optimization of high-level toons for PvP. Will we participate in PvP? Yes, but that facet does not consume our coalition overall. CoH was fantastically cool before PvP, and we aren't switching to 100% PvP-oriented SG as some others are chosing to do. Variety is fun!