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  1. I already posted this in Lady-Jade's Power Suggestion Box, but let's see if I can get more feedback by posting independantly....

    For all the Indiana Jones/Castlevania fans out there:

    WHIP (Melee)
    Available to: Stalkers, Scrappers, Tankers
    Set Color: Beige
    Animation Notes: 'Flashy' is definitely appropriate for this set, especially as you go up in levels - Dual Pistols overdid it, though.

    Whips do inferior damage compared to other Melee sets, but make up for it in speed, low endurance cost, and limited range – the whip has the greatest reach of any Melee powerset, but note that it does not benefit from range Enhancements.

    1) Snap – a quick, basic attack with your whip. The stinging pain will temporarily reduce the target's damage resistance. Damage: Minor Lethal Recharge: Very Fast

    2) Lash – a stronger but slower attack than Snap that reduces the target's damage resistance. Damage: Moderate Lethal Recharge: Fast

    3) Flog – a harder, slower strike with your whip that leaves a deep, bleeding wound, dealing additional damage over time. Damage: Moderate Lethal Recharge: Moderate

    4) Trip (Scrapper) – trips your foe, knocking them down and causing them to take damage from the fall. Damage: Moderate Smashing Recharge: Fast
    Assassin's Lash (Stalker) – signature Stalker attack. Damage: Special Lethal Recharge: Slow
    Taunt (Tanker)

    5) Build Up

    6) Confront (Scrapper)
    Placate (Stalker)
    Trip (Tanker)

    7) Loop – you swing your whip in a circle around you, damaging all nearby enemies and lowering their damage resistance. Damage: Minor Lethal Recharge: Moderate

    8) Crack of Doom – you put all your focus and artistry into this powerful and agonizing attack that reduces the target's damage resistance a great deal. Damage: Superior Lethal Recharge: Moderate

    9) Death Spiral – You spin your whip in a wide arc around your head, causing a sonic boom so powerful that it deals heavy Energy damage to and disorients all enemies around you. Damage: High Energy Recharge: Slow

    You may notice I didn't give Brutes Whips. That's because they get....

    CHAINSAW (Melee)
    Available to: Brutes
    Set Color: Dark Yellow
    Animation Notes: Should be the near-antithesis of Dual Pistols flashiness. Simple, harsh movements, with the exception of Brandish, which is all about giving an exaggerated display.

    The Chainsaw is a slow and unweildy weapon with a penalty to accuracy, but the damage it deals is second to none. It leaves hideous wounds that heal poorly, retarding their regeneration rate, and sometimes bleeding for additional damage.

    1) Thrust – a simple, relatively quick attack with your chainsaw that slows the target's regeneration rate. Damage: Moderate Lethal Recharge: Fast

    2) Carve – a slower and stronger attack than Thrust that leaves the target with a horrible wound that regenerates more slowly. Damage: Superior Lethal Recharge: Slow

    3) Mangle – a gruesome attack that wreaks havoc on the victim's natural healing processes, severely reducing their regeneration rate and causing them to bleed for additional damage over time. Damage: Extreme Lethal Recharge: Slow

    4) Build Up

    5) Whirl – you spin your chainsaw around you, assaulting all nearby enemies and leaving them with nasty wounds and a reduced regeneration rate. Damage: High Lethal Recharge: Slow
    6) Taunt

    7) Brandish – you rev your chainsaw loudly and wave it around menacingly, causing enemies around you to cower in terror. Recharge: Slow

    8) Gore – a devastating attack so traumatizing to watch that nearby enemies may enter a state of shock, snapping out of it if they themselves are attacked. If the target survives, its regeneration rate is drastically slowed, and it suffers a terrible wound that deals additional damage over time. Damage: Extreme Lethal Recharge: Slow

    9) Massacre – You swing your chainsaw in an arc, attacking all enemies in front of you, lowering their regeneration rate. Damage: Extreme Lethal Recharge: Slow

    Something I think we've needed for a long time:

    TOXIC BLAST (Ranged)
    Available to: Corrupters, Defenders
    Set Color: Pea Green
    Animation Notes: Even more than other Ranged sets, this set demands a few different animation options for each power, so you can spit acid, shoot toxic waste out your hands, or just vomit.

    Scour your enemies with venom, acid, or toxic waste. This set does average damage compared to other Ranged sets (much of it damage over time), has inferior range, and lacks a sniper power, but makes up for it with crippling debuffs and effects.

    1) Acid Spit – a basic attack that corrodes your target's defense. Damage: Minor Toxic Recharge: Fast

    2) Venomous Blast – a moderate attack that weakens your target's damage. Damage: Moderate Toxic Recharge: Fast

    3) Toxic Cloud – you send forth a cloud of poisonous gas that harms a group of foes and may sicken them into helplessness. Damage: Moderate Toxic (DoT) Recharge: Moderate

    4) Neurotoxic Breath – you spew forth a neurotoxin that slows your enemies' movement and attack rates. Damage: Moderate Toxic (DoT) Recharge: Moderate

    5) Cobra Venom – assaults your target's eyes with poison; damage is only minor, but their chance to hit will be greatly reduced and they are likely to be completely blinded. Damage: Minor Toxic Recharge: Fast

    6) Power Boost

    7) Slime Wave – a short-ranged cone attack that does a lot of damage and reduces enemy damage resistance. Damage: Superior Toxic (DoT) Recharge: Moderate

    8) Chemical Spill – you cover a patch of ground with toxic waste. Those who pass through it are contaminated, taking serious damage and dealing less damage themselves (this effect persists even if they leave the area). Damage: Extreme Toxic (DoT) Recharge: Slow

    9) Venusian Miasma – You saturate the air around you with carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid, creating conditions much like the atmosphere of Venus. Enemies in this miasma take massive Toxic damage over time, are slowed, have their defense massively corroded, and are likely to begin choking. This power costs you all of your endurance, and halts your endurance recovery for a little while. Damage: Extreme Toxic (DoT) Recharge: Very Long

    THROWING (Ranged)
    Available to: Blasters, Defenders, Corrupters
    Set Color: Sandy Grey
    Animation Notes: Should be simple and quick, for the most part. Area of effect powers can be more showy.

    You have superhuman skill with throwing weapons. While your damage and your area-of-effect capabilities aren't as good as other ranged powersets, you are very fast and very accurate.

    1) Rock – you throw a simple stone at your enemy. Damage: Minor Smashing Recharge: Very Fast

    2) Card – you throw a playing card with deadly accuracy, leaving a vicious papercut that reduces your target's damage resistance. Damage: Minor Lethal Recharge: Very Fast

    3) Potato – you peg your target with a large potato, dealing moderate damage and possibly disorienting it. Damage: Moderate Smashing Recharge: Fast

    4) Throwing Knife – you throw a knife with exceptionally deadly accuracy; this attack doesn't have the range of your other attacks, but it does better damage and causes a bleeding wound for additional damage over time. Damage: High Lethal Recharge: Moderate

    5) 52 Pickup – you assail your enemies with a hail of playing cards, dealing damage and lowering resistance in a cone. Damage: Minor Lethal Recharge: Moderate

    6) Aim

    7) Needle – a needle deals little damage, but you can throw it with such incredible precision that it punctures a vital nerve or other vulnerable point in the target, paralyzing it. Damage: Minor Lethal Recharge: Moderate

    8) Superball – the superball ricochets from enemy to enemy, gaining momentum and increasing in damage each time it hits. Damage: Special Smashing/Energy Recharge: Slow

    9) Vortex of Knives – you launch a volley of throwing knives in a circle around you, dealing superior damage, and possibly landing a lucky shot for even more damage. Damage: Superior Lethal Recharge: Slow

    DISEASE (Buff)
    Available to: Masterminds, Corrupters
    Set Color: Medium Dark Hazel
    Animation Notes: No comment, really. Diseases are hard to see.

    Diseases can be devastating (or in a few cases, helpful), and are usually contagious, but with the exception of Computer Virus (and Rabies in the case of certain Masterminds), robots and machines are immune to their effects.

    1) Creeping Cold – infects the target with a relatively mild, but highly contagious, strain of the common cold. Their speed and chance to hit are decreased for a little while, and nearby enemies are very likely to contract it in turn. Recharge: Moderate

    2) Antibodies – incites target's immune system to purge whatever ails it, healing the target. Recharge: Fast

    3) Computer Virus – infects an electronic or robotic target with a vicious computer virus that may have any number of devastating deleterious effects. Damage: Special Recharge: Moderate

    4) Influenza – reduces the target's speed, damage, and defense. The flu is extremely contagious and may sometimes develop into pneumonia, causing victims to choke helplessly. Recharge: Moderate

    5) Vaccine – cures a target of all deleterious effects affecting it, and inoculates it against future effects. Recharge: Fast

    6) Invoke Symbiosis – stimulates a defeated ally's mitochondria, reanimating it and protecting it from debt for 90 seconds. The target will benefit from increased endurance recovery for a while after reanimation. In addition, whatever germs and parasites were residing in the character's body are prompted to seek out new hosts, generating a cloud of pestilence that lowers the defense and resistance of nearby enemies. When these effects wear off, the subject will suffer from decreased endurance recovery and attack speed for a while thereafter. Recharge: Very Long

    7) Polio – Causes complete paralysis in a target. Nearby enemies may contract a milder version and become immobilized. Recharge: Slow

    8) Ebola (Corrupters) – infects the target with a horrible flesh-eating virus that gradually deals massive damage. Nearby enemies may contract a much weaker version. Damage: Extreme Toxic (DoT) Recharge: Very Long
    Rabies (Masterminds) – you infect one of your own henchmen with a rapidly-advancing form of rabies (or a software analog, if your henchmen are robots). The target's movement, attack rate, and damage are all drastically increased, but it slowly takes damage and dies. Recharge: Very Long

    9) Plague – Unleashes a terrible plague epidemic on your enemies, starting with an initial target and spreading rapidly and at longer range than other contagions. Victims are subjected to slowing, severe endurance loss and retarded recovery, decreased accuracy, and random outbreaks of minor Toxic damage. Damage: Special Toxic Recharge: Very Long

    Magneto fans rejoice! I made this not only because I thought it would be interesting to make a Control set that did Lethal damage, but also to give Dominators something to call their own until such time as they get Illusion Control.

    METAL CONTROL (Control)
    Available to: Dominators
    Set Color: Steel Blue
    Animation Notes: I think it's pretty self-explanatory.

    Imprison and torment your foes by controlling, summoning, and even animating metal.

    1) Bear Trap – Sharp shards of metal latch onto your opponent's legs, preventing them from moving. Damage: Moderate Lethal Recharge: Fast

    2) Iron Maiden – entombs your opponent in sharp shards of metal, holding them. Damage: Moderate Lethal Recharge: Moderate

    3) Needles – summons hundreds of needles from the ground beneath your foes' feet. They are greatly slowed and take some damage over time. Damage: Minor Lethal (DoT) Recharge: Moderate

    4) Dominate Machine – Severely damages and disorients a mechanical or robotic target. Damage: High Special Recharge: Moderate

    5) Shrapmetal – sprays jagged fragments of toxic metal in a cone toward your foes. The metal's toxicity causes neurological damage that slows victims' attack rates, and in rare cases may result in confusion. Damage: Moderate Lethal/Toxic Recharge: Moderate

    6) Electroplating – holds multiple enemies in coffins made of metal shards. Recharge: Very Long

    7) Halt Metal – while this power is active, you generate a field that repels metal, significantly increasing your defense against Lethal attacks. Recharge: Moderate

    8) Mercury Storm – you cause fountains of mercury to gush up from the ground in the area you target. Not only are enemies in the area slowed and likely to slip on the liquid metal, but some of them will succumb to mercury poisoning, causing confusion. Recharge: Very Long

    9) Dancing Weapons – summons 2 random flying metal weapons (either broadsword, katana, battle axe, war mace, chainsaw, or machine gun) to attack your enemies. The weapons are capable of only simple attacks, but they are immune to Psionic damage and very resistant to all other attacks and effects except Energy, which they are only somewhat resistant to. Recharge: Very Long

    and of course...be The Doctor!

    TIME CONTROL (Control)
    Available to: Dominators, Controllers
    Set Color: Gold
    Animation Notes: Should be the epitome of subtlety. Stasis, for example, should be nothing more than the controller pointing a finger and the target freezing in mid-animation, as though the game crashed for it.

    Command the spacetime continuum itself! Time Control is exceptionally powerful, but also very draining. Its powers cost more endurance than other control sets.

    1) Relativity Drain – Retards a target's progress through the timestream relative to the rest of the universe. Being cut off from the normal flow of time slows the target and damages the fabric of its reality. Damage: Moderate Negative Energy (DoT) Recharge: Fast

    2) Stasis – freezes a target in time, rendering it helpless, and damaging the fabric of its reality in the process. Damage: Moderate Negative Energy Recharge: Moderate

    3) Deja Vu – traps the target in a causality loop, causing it to experience “rubber banding” and take damage over time. Damage: Moderate Negative Energy (DoT) Recharge: Moderate

    4) Zeno's Arrow – immobilizes enemies in an area of effect centered on you and limits their attacks to melee range. Recharge: Slow

    5) Spacetime Rupture – dissasociates a group of enemies from the spacetime continuum, rendering them intangible. This state plays havoc with the fabric of their reality, slowly damaging them while they are trapped. Damage: High Negative Energy (DoT) Recharge: Slow

    6) Time Stop – mass hold of superior area and duration Recharge: Very Long

    7) Total Perspective Vortex – As Krishna revealed the Truth to Arjuna, you expose your enemies to the totality of spacetime and the infinity of alternate possibilities which extend from every point in every direction. The experience is literally mind-blowing, dealing damage and rendering them incapable of action. Those with this power are unnaffected by others' use of it. Damage: Moderate Psionic Recharge: Slow

    8) Tempus Fugit – While this power is active, all nearby enemies' attack and movement speeds are greatly slowed, while you and your allies are hastened to the same degree. Maintaining this power is very strenuous. Recharge: Very Long

    9) Doppelganger – You travel a few seconds forward in time, effectively doubling yourself. Due to the incredible strain and risk of cheating time in this manner, your future self can only use your most basic Time Control powers, but can use all of your secondary powers. A side effect of your future self being slightly out of tune with the time around it is that your future self benefits from increased damage resistance and defense. When you are attacked, your future self is subject to that attack as well. If you receive healing or buffs, your future self also enjoys those effects. Recharge: Very Long

    What do you think? Watch this space for further ideas and feel free to post your own!
  2. Made various alterations to the original post, including changing the Benefactor's Karma ability.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post

    Puppet Master: Great AT Idea, I'd give them Control similar in effectiveness to Doms, however.
    Why in particular model their Control powers after Dominators? I was thinking model them after Controllers so they didn't do a little bit too much damage.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Someone wasn't playing a Warshade

    "Oh, hello Mr Quantum and friends, would you like to play? And by play I mean flay your miserable bodies with negative energy and then drain the stained little things you call souls out of your multilated corpses, while using them as bombs and pet food!! Bwahahahahahaa!

    ...*ahem* Yeah. I enjoy WS's too much XD
    So far I've found my Peacebringer is much more effective than my Warshade, but I've only gotten them to level 20....
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
    In one of my posts I categorized Buffs/Debuffs as one sub-division called "Support", and did not give Blasters any credit for having this in their "additional capabilties".
    My definition of "Support" powers is anything that benefits others as well as yourself.
    With that in mind, there are powers already available to Blasters that would fall under this category, such as "Shiver" or "Hot Feet". But they are not predominant.

    What I guess that I am saying is that any powerset or group of powersets that the Devs would come up with would have select powers which will "break" the rules. If current Blasters are Ranged with Control and Melee thrown in, thats a generalization that takes all sets into consideration. If you change this to Ranged with Support powers and Melee thrown in (as a generalization again), then you have a similar but different AT altogether.

    Having a significant number of "support" type powers in the secondary though would force the Ranged AND Melee components to be adjusted down to Corruptor/Tanker levels of damage for balance. This may not be what you envisioned, however.
    I envisioned Terminators as Ranged/Defense - no Melee or Control whatsoever barring tertiary powers.

    Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
    As far as reduced range. I dont think it would make much difference. My favorite Blast set is Energy and Power Burst has a reduced Range. Bottom Line, hovering at 40ft or 60ft plays the same. The melee baddies cannot reach me, but I can touch them.
    I disagree, actually. I love Radiation Blast and Cosmic Burst, but sometimes I find the range limitation actually makes it too risky to use. I rarely use range enhancements outside of Teleport (but sometimes I do!), and I'm not saying I know how much difference it would make, but I'm convinced it would make some.

    If nothing else, half range means it only takes half the time for melee attackers to charge you.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    The rest I can sort of agree with, but this I just can't go for, if for no reason other than because THIS is the probably the primary reason I gave up on Kheldians forever and ever. I got two-shotted one too many times and ran around in constant, abject fear for my life, so I just can't agree to this. I don't want Tanker health, but at LEAST Blaster or Blaster-like health is the lowest I'd go for.

    I actually have a problem with low hit points values in general, and again, is one of the reasons I gave up on Dominators in general. Any AT which is expected to enter combat, especially melee combat, ought to have more base hit points than that. I realise Kheldians and Soldiers of Arachnos have similar values, but from what I've played with these values, it just doesn't work. Not for me.
    Not to be flip, but I think the reason you got two-shotted as a Kheldian is because of those damned quantum weapons. I feel your pain - but I love Dominators!
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
    Actually... Now that I've looked over it a LOT...

    I'd suggest giving the Terminator the following attributes.

    Ranged Damage: As Dominator
    Melee Damage: As Dominator
    Defenses: As Blaster
    Hit points: As Peacebringer/Warshade/Widow/Soldier
    Buff/Debuff Effectiveness: As Blaster (for temporary powers and Epics, if needed)

    The melee damage scale of a dominator is 1.05 as compared to a scrapper's 1.25 which gives them less melee power. They can make up for this to some degree by having ranged damage of .95 as compared to a blaster's 1.25

    Now with this damage base they out-damage Corruptors at a standstill. However Corruptors are able to buff themselves (Pain Dom) and their ally's damage output. Using the Assault Sets most Terminators won't be able to increse their own power even for spiking damage. The exceptions are Electric (Build Up), Fire (Fiery Embrace), and Thorns (Aim). The others have Power Boost or an End/HP recovery tool. So on average a "Terminator" will not do damage comparable to a Scrapper (thanks to crits, enhancing, and build-up) but will do good damage at range and in melee.

    As for the "Blaster" defenses. this method cuts off about 5% of the AT's overall defense as compared to a scrapper. Now I don't mean the "Defense" variable, but rather all defenses. Mez protection, defense, damage resistance, etc. They would still use the Defensive sets available to scrappers/stalkers/brutes/tanks but would get -slightly- less benefit from it than your average scrapper (literally 7% Damage Resistance compared to a scrapper's 7.5%)

    I settled in on the Hit Points based on the discussion of Tankmagery. And it's true. The EATs and VEATs both use defenses with ranged and melee attacks. However it should be noted that EATs gain no mez protection outside of their respective Dwarf forms. The Soldiers gain a baseline of mag 2 protection, early on, and can replace it with a mag 4 later, if they choose. They also gain only two defense powers and a single damage resistance power. When they upgrade they can take another damage resistance power (which upgrades their mez protection) and have the option of gaining further DR (Crab) or Def (Bane). The proposed class would have far more defensive powers than a Soldier or Widow, more mez protection than a PB or WS, and only SLIGHTLY lower numbers overall. Ergo similar Hit Points are an acceptable tradeoff.

    For the Buff/Debuff effectiveness I looked to the classes and their use of powers beyond their normal ken. A tanker deals less damage at ranged, for example, so a Terminator should offer less support. in this case I looked to the Corruptor and aimed slightly below.

    All classes are now similarly stationed on control power effectiveness. They simply don't have them.

    Would these numbers be acceptable to all?

    I'm having a hard time understanding what you're saying (Blaster Defense? Buffs/Debuffs and Melee?), but the parts I do understand, I like.

    Medium hit points, better-than-Corrupter damage, and insignificantly-inferior-to-Scrappers/Brutes defense, almost exactly what my original idea was.

    Buffs as tertiary powers is an unexpected twist - do any of the currently extant archetypes even get those? I know there are some self-buffs, but no buff-others - or are self-buffs all you were talking about?

    That said, my last proposal still stands: Wouldn't it be interesting if we could give the Terminator better defenses and/or damage in exchange for inferior RANGE?

    Also, just so you're aware, I was thinking the Terminator should be able to play the part of "tank" - for example, I imagined their Ranged powersets would have Aim (or something else, for the sets that don't have that) replaced with Taunt. The Vanguard would get Confront.

    Taunt + Nova = funny
  8. Come to think of it, we've already got ranged tanks: Masterminds. Compared to them, my Terminator would simply be trading toughness for damage.

    Actually, here's an unorthodox idea: If range makes such a difference, what if the Terminator sacrificed range in partial lieu of durability or damage (i.e. 45 ft for a typical attack rather than 80)?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Biospark View Post

    And... you kinda have to be right about this for it to carry weight.

    Why? As Techbot Alpha said, a Ranged/Defense Archetype would only be a little bit different from the Kheldians we already have. If Ranged attacks really do less damage than Melee, as some have (loudly) said, so much the better. If Brutes aren't overpowered, then Terminators, with lower damage potential and fewer hit points, shouldn't be either.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
    Are you honestly so hung up on the exceptionally small number of enemies that deal roughly the same damage at range as they do in melee to ignore the fact that a vast majority of groups deal roughly 80% of the damage at range that they do in melee? Unless you're privy to some secret dev plan to make it so that all enemies deal the same damage in range and in melee, you're completely ignoring the fact that you can't design the functionality of an AT around a tiny subset of the enemies that they'll fight in game.

    Try looking at the damage that Rikti deal at range compared to what they deal in melee. Those big swords hurt way more than those energy blasts. Do the same with any one of the plethora of enemy groups that exist in game.
    I grant that this is true at low levels and soloing, but things get nutty at high levels and in large groups. I don't have to be right about what difference there is between enemy melee versus ranged damage. The point is that Corrupter-level damage, Brute-level defenses, and medium hit points should amount to a balanced archetype. As someone implied in the previous version of this thread, the Terminator would be at its finest when it was hovering around 25% of its hit points.

    Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
    In order to do this, there would have to be some seriously intense codescrewery with rather large database access. Honestly, it would probably just be better to abandon that inherent altogether and focus on something else, such as some kind of buff or debuff. "Sleeper Agent" doesn't really scream Puppet Master to me, either way. Personally, I think a name like Manipulator would also be a bit more appropriate, but a lot of that comes from me wanting the devs to create a Puppets mastermind set. Maybe if the inherent were some kind of modified Loyalty that caused the pets to become hardier if they were near the player or Domination type power that increases the damage the pets deal?
    There has got to be a way to do it - I like the idea too much to just give up on it. It's the perfect convergence of the Puppetmaster's powers. What about a permanent confusion effect that also made the target follow you around like a henchman? Keep in mind it wouldn't go with you when you went to a different map.

    Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
    If you really wanted the Benefactor, you could probably do something similar with the control/support sets that you would create for the Vanguard (nice name, btw, works very well for the intended purpose, but I'm not sure it would work considering there is already a group in game called Vanguard). Alter the Defender primaries by removing a couple support powers and replace them with an ST ranged attack and an AoE ranged attack. Radiation Emission could lose Choking Cloud and Fallout for Neutrino Bolt and Neutron Bomb. Empathy could lose Absorb Pain and Regen Aura for Mental Blast and Psychic Scream. With those sets, they'd have a decent suite of attack powers and buff/debuff powers augmented with the a couple control powers and utility powers.
    The essential fun of the Benefactor is seeing how the Blaster's secondary powers would play as primary attack powers. Ranged attacks would be perfect high-level tertiary powers, of course.

    I want the Vanguard to be pure melee (tertiary powers aside, of course). I'm thinking from the perspective of these five archetypes as the complete Roguish pentad, so with the Terminator being the only one with Ranged and Defense, and the Vanguard being the only one with Melee, I want them to specialize in those things. The Vanguard's special ability, combined with high hit points, should be what protects it in melee. Add the benefits of its buff powers to that, and it should work.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
    My suggestions for the Tankmage balancing?

    Give them low to medium hit points. Make them squishies with a little bit of defense/damage resistance. Let Range be their primary form of Mitigation. Ranged Attacks do Less Damage (I'll put it in bold and capital letters, too, for those who don't get it the first time) LESS DAMAGE than Melee attacks, at least when it comes to NPCs. This was a big part of Balancing blasters against the other archetypes. A Blaster can dish out huge amounts of damage out of melee range where she would normally be a greasy stain on the floor in seconds.

    Giving this "Terminator" AT both Ranged attacks and defenses means they'll take less damage, on average, than scrappers. Even if they had crappy defenses (1/3 of Tanker values, rather than 1/2) they'd -still- be better off than your average Scrapper for incoming DPS to Regeneration ratios.

    So. Crappy Defenses, or defenses based almost solely on positional defenses and focusing in on Melee paired with low HP. Sure you've got less of a chance to be hit in melee, but dare you risk your squishiness? I'd also suggest adding the Blaster secondaries with damaging powers into this AT's powerset options. A few hard controls in place of damaging attacks could go a long way to making this AT more palatable.
    I gave them medium hit points. I want them to be able to take damage at least as well as a Scrapper. It seems to me that too much is made of the protection from damage range gives you. This may be true at the lowest of levels when you're fighting Skulls and Hellions, but there are lots of enemies who do vicious damage at range (Nemesis, Longbow, and the Redcaps come to mind).

    Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
    Puppet Master: Great AT Idea, I'd give them Control similar in effectiveness to Doms, however. It's similar to the Mastermind in it's use of damage-mitigation as a secondary but far more active in it's application, giving the player a greater sense of control over his fights. The inherent could not function, based on how we understand the game to work. I'd replace it with a "Domination" bar that, when full, can be discharged into a PBAoE buff for your pets and your pets only.
    What if the mechanics worked by destroying the original enemy and summoning a clone?

    Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
    Benefactor: Neat concept. Again, I'd strongly urge you to use both the Manipulation -and- assault sets for the primary.

    The inherent would need a -lot- of work to function. Basically you'd have to catalogue every buff that every buffing set has, then add a descriptor of it's primary power (dam res, dambuff, accbuff, etc) for the inherent to play off of. otherwise I could see it working in a manner similar to how the current Blaster inherent functions. However this -does- damage the abilities of Debuffers, as their inherent would be functionally useless. My suggestion for that would be to apply reversed debuffs. If you're debuffing your foes Accuracy, buff your own base Defense. Debuffing Damage, buff your own damage resistance.
    I'm not married to the Karma ability, and the debuff disadvantage is a good point I didn't think of. I also thought of giving it an ability that helped it do damage.

    Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
    Vanguard: I don't like it.
    Again, RANGED ATTACKS DO LESS DAMAGE, so putting a buffer with no self-defense into melee seems foolhardy at best. At least the debuffer had an AoE of protection...

    Trickster: No thank you. I'd rather see a Shapeshifting AT get shapeshifting powers rather than having a signature ability tacked onto the secondary of an AT.
    You may not like them, but I saw a lot of support for these on my previous thread.

    The Vanguard's Bravado ability was specifically designed to shore up its vulnerability. I also thought of giving it rapidly accelerating regeneration and recovery the more injured it got, but I thought the self-heal chance was more in keeping with the concept.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by flashrains View Post
    "Terminator" sounds like the sort of tankmage that people are clamoring for and nobody can figure out how to balance. My thoughts on such a tankmage would involve its primary not to be a Blast set (which is what most people think of for Ranged) but an Assault set, like the Dominators have - there are three ATs with Blast sets already and only one with Assault, so it would help the class to be unique, and since Assault sets include melee attacks as well as ranged ones it would work well with an AT that has a defensive set to help mitigate the melee damage they would be taking.

    However, even with that in mind, it'd be a real pickle balancing this to not step on the toes of Blasters and Scrappers. Perhaps having the Defiance bar be pretty much necessary for you to start doing good damage would help - Scrappers have high damage all the time and are better off not being damaged, so their survivability would remain better. A Terminator missing a significant chunk of HP could start to do Blaster- and Scrapper-level damage, maybe, but definitely not right off the bat, and never to the level of a Brute with a full fury bar. This could be interesting in terms of play decisions, as well, since you would be switching your focus from defense to offense and back again in fights much more significantly than other classes - use your self-heal from your secondary, for isntance, and your damage drops... but you avoid dying. Could be interesting.
    The way I see it, they're differently-abled Brutes who trade hit points for range. That's a simple enough balance, isn't it? If you grant that Brutes aren't overpowered, then Terminators shouldn't be either.

    I find most balance complaints are just hot air - everything's situational, and the situation changes all the time.
  13. I originally posted this under Archetypes & Powers General Discussion, and someone pointed me to here.

    With Going Rogue coming out, I just thought I'd share my ideas for new "roguish" Archetypes.

    Yes, I'm aware I won't be seeing them implemented anytime soon :P

    Symbol: head-on view of a blast, gold background
    Sound Effect: boom
    Hit Points: Medium
    Damage: High
    Primary: Ranged (on par with Corrupters)
    Secondary: Defense (on par with Brutes)
    Special Ability: Bloody, Bold and Resolute – the Terminator deals more damage the more injured it is (the original Blaster Defiance, essentially)

    Symbol: three spirals arranged in triangle, dark blue background
    Sound Effect: theremin
    Hit Points: Low
    Damage: Medium
    Primary: Summon (just like Masterminds, obviously)
    Secondary: Control (on par with Controllers)
    Special Ability: Sleeper Agent – long-cooldown power can turn one unnamed enemy minion, lieutenant, or boss into an ally; always works on minions, chance of failure against lieutenants and bosses

    Symbol: open hand, light grey background
    Sound Effect: droning voices
    Hit Points: Medium
    Damage: Medium
    Primary: Support (AKA the Manipulations that Blasters have as their Secondaries)
    Secondary: Buff (on par with Defenders)
    Special Ability: Karma – when the Benefactor targets an ally with a buff, the Benefactor gains a bonus to damage resistance; when it targets an enemy with a debuff, the damage it deals is increased.

    Symbol: banner, red background
    Sound Effect: horns
    Hit Points: High
    Damage: High
    Primary: Melee (on par with Scrappers)
    Secondary: Buff (on par with Corrupters)
    Special Ability: Bravado – the Vanguard's attacks have a chance to cause a heal self effect (same chance as a Scrapper's Critical Hit chance); if above 80% hit points, the Vanguard will receive a temporary cumulative resistance buff instead.

    Symbol: chaos star, purple background
    Sound Effect: insane laughter
    Hit Points: Low
    Damage: High
    Primary: Control (on par with Dominators)
    Secondary: Wild Card (a little bit of everything - ranged, melee, defense, buff, summon, and especially shapeshifting, a la Kheldians, and novel ways to cause chaos)
    Special Ability: Chaos – the Trickster's attacks inflict one of any number of random secondary effects on targets, in addition to the attack's normal effects (from a programmer's perspective, this would work the same way as the Tarot Card buff)

    What do you think? Any ideas of your own?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
    I would like to see this AT, however I agree with what many have said. The damage and self defense would have to be seriously balanced to avoid being overpowered. Also the Inherent is already a proven "fail". I would also add that the AT name should probably be something else, since yours has been used already. "I'll be back!"
    Did no one read my previous post? That character is NOT the only thing out there called a "terminator" - I'm pretty sure no one owns that word.

    Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
    This one could work. I am not sure about the Inherent and its probably too close to existing ATs, which would possibly make it less popular overall. Just guessing though.
    Without Domination or Containment, its solo-ing ability might bring back memories of "pre-containment".
    The Summoning primary should more than make up for that.

    Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
    No way in heck would I play this, and I like playing support characters. My Empath is about as "full-support" as I can stand. If you are familiar with a game called "dragon realms", you might understand better why this kind of AT/class is simply not worth the effort to make.
    Once again: WHY DOES NO ONE UNDERSTAND that "Support" refers to the Blaster Secondaries??? low level control and melee attacks.

    Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
    This is another of the combinations I REALLY want to see. My thought was to called it a "PROTECTOR" but a name is a name. I agree with others regading the Inherent and say that its going to be too much to have High melee damage, buff secondaries and a scaling inherent. I think a better option would be Buff Primary, Medium melee damage on Par with a Tanker and maybe some kind of damage scaler like Vigilance that raises your damage as your team gets hurt.
    High Melee damage as its Primary would essentially make it a melee Corrupter. That's not overpowered, is it?

    Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
    Very cool AT Name if you ask me, so I would want this one to work, but...
    I dont know what you mean by a "Wild Card" set, other than maybe something like a collection of random powers arranged like a "Kheldian" set. You could instead do an "Assault" Primary which has ranged and melee attacks with Medium damage, and then your secondary could be "control". This would be like a reverse Dominator, so I dont think the similarity will make it a good choice after Going Rogue. The idea of random secondary effects sounds good at first, but I think would be a nightmare for coding and for planning a build.

    Just realized that your "Wild Card" set should be the Primary, not the secondary. Also one idea that just occurred to me would be to make the Primary options switch-able like the Pistol ammo types. You could have an "Elementalist" that uses the four primary elements, an "Acrobat" that uses a variety of melee moves and hand-held objects (knives, rapiers, rings etc...) and perhaps some other "groupings" that could be thought up. Also the secondary could be a Manipulation set like the Blaster secondary, which would allow a "Trickster" to go more range focused or gain some melee strength. Since we already have Controllers and Dominators, I am not too eager to add another control-based set, but getting a second AT using the "Manipulation" or "Assault" sets would be AWESOME

    So, I really like two of these choices Terminator and Vanguard, with Trickster being a very interesting AT possibility.

    Thanks for sharing your ideas.
    Why did no one read my second post? I explained what Wild Card was - but you seem to have a good grasp of it. However, as much as I love Dominators, I want the Trickster to be substantially different. As for worries about the Chaos ability: I admit I don't know much about coding, but shouldn't a random number generator mechanic be easy? That's all it needs. As a matter of fact, somebody brought up the Tarot Card power - that's a perfect example of exactly how it would work. As for "planning a build", your motto should be "expect the unexpected" - if you're the sort of person who needs order and predictability, you shouldn't be playing this archetype. Besides, it's not like there's a chance of it hurting you. And keep in mind, the Chaos effect doesn't replace normal secondary effects, it's IN ADDITION to them.

    And yes, a second Archetype using the "Manipulation" sets would be awesome - I call it the Benefactor.
  15. I'm a little surprised none of you recognized "Support" as the Blaster's secondary powers - Devices (which would be tweaked) and the "Manipulation" sets: lesser control powers combined with strong melee attacks. I always thought they would be very interesting as primary attacks. It would play like a Controller who traded high-end control for direct fighting power. I admit, I remain uncommitted to the "Karma" ability - I did think of giving it a special ability that increased damage instead.

    Concerning copyright problems: Arnold Schwarzenegger's character isn't the only thing out there called a Terminator - nobody stopped Games Workshop or New World Computing, for example, from featuring things called Terminators. The "Trickster" has been a central archetype of world mythology since the dawn of time - that word's as public domain as they come. Claiming ownership of that would be even stupider than George Lucas claiming he owns the word "Blaster."

    As for the Terminator: Given that lots of enemies do vicious damage at range (Nemesis, Longbow, and the Redcaps come to mind), I don't see how it's that overpowered. I'm thinking their damage is like Corrupters: the damage values are ostensibly the same as Defenders, yet their damage is rated as "High", and the only reason for that I can think of is Scourge. At the same time, I was comparing it to the Brute, who with both Hit Points and Damage rated as "High", seemed overpowered compared to the Tanker. I'd make Terminator Defense powers the same values as Brutes, Stalkers, and Scrappers. Also note their Medium Hit Points - I think they'd just be differently-abled Brutes. Maybe they'd be a little overpowered at the lowest of levels when you're fighting Skulls and Hellions, but that advantage would melt away quickly. Besides, how can you say no to a steely-eyed gunslinger with Dual Pistols and Willpower?

    It sounds like you've done a good job debating and justifying the Puppetmaster.

    Regarding the Vanguard and Bravado: First of all, I was thinking of making the effect about as likely as a Scrapper's Critical Strike. Also, my original idea was to accelerate its regeneration and recovery as it took damage - I went with the chance to heal because I thought it was more in keeping with the concept, and wanted it to be completely different from a Scrapper with Regeneration.

    Trickster: Sorry I didn't explain "Wild Card" - I thought it would be more self-evident. Wild Card powersets would mean a little bit of everything - ranged, melee, buff, defense, summon, various ways to cause chaos, and in particular, shapeshifting (like Kheldians). They would get a lot of their "High" damage ratings from these alternate forms.

    And yes, I'm perfectly aware these ideas won't make it into Going Rogue. No time like the present to bring them up though, right?
  16. With Going Rogue coming out, I've developed some of my own ideas for "roguish" archetypes:

    Symbol: head-on view of a blast, gold background
    Sound Effect: boom
    Hit Points: Medium
    Damage: High
    Primary: Ranged
    Secondary: Defense
    Special Ability: Bloody, Bold and Resolute – the Terminator deals more damage the more injured it is (what Blaster Defiance used to be)

    Symbol: three spirals arranged in triangle, dark blue background
    Sound Effect: Spooky, dissonant music
    Hit Points: Low
    Damage: Medium
    Primary: Summon
    Secondary: Control
    Special Ability: Sleeper Agent – long-cooldown power can turn one unnamed enemy minion, lieutenant, or boss into an additional henchman; always works on minions, chance of failure against lieutenants and bosses

    Symbol: open hand, light grey background
    Sound Effect: droning voices
    Hit Points: Medium
    Damage: Medium
    Primary: Support (since nobody seems to get this, this refers to the low-end control powers and melee attacks that make up Blaster secondary sets)
    Secondary: Buff
    Special Ability: Karma – when the Benefactor targets an ally with a buff, the Benefactor gains that buff as well (but buffing multiple allies with the same power does not stack, except in the case of healing)

    Symbol: banner, red background
    Sound Effect: horns
    Hit Points: High
    Damage: High
    Primary: Melee
    Secondary: Buff
    Special Ability: Bravado – the Vanguard's attacks have a chance to cause a heal self effect; if above 85% hit points, the Vanguard will receive a temporary cumulative resistance buff instead.

    Symbol: chaos star, purple background
    Sound Effect: insane laughter
    Hit Points: Low
    Damage: High
    Primary: Control
    Secondary: Wild Card (a little bit of everything, including shapechanging)
    Special Ability: Chaos – the Trickster's attacks inflict one of any number of random secondary effects on targets, in addition to the attack's normal effects

    What do you think? Any ideas of your own?
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SuperMouse View Post
    a full set for the Whip seems pretty reasonable to me! they only need to do a few more antimations... we got 3 allready.. But the chainsaw sounds cheesey and should be left to the gore in other video games. Maybe do "Staff" power set. I'd also like to see Lazer beams added to DP. Mouse~

    The Chainsaw is not a new idea. I did my best to keep it from being cheesy - and believe me, if you think it is, you haven't seen other people's attempts at it.

    Having made it, I'm kind of proud of it.

    I guess a Staff sounds like a reasonable idea, though. I personally want a "Cane" option for the War Mace.
  18. I'd really like it if we had customization options for Pool and Ancillary powers, including different animation options. I'm thinking in particular of different animations for Fighting's Tough and Defender Power Mastery's Force of Nature - the chest-beating and brutish-posture-adopting thing don't fit my characters at all. The same goes for Regeneration's Integration. If it wasn't for the fact that I can avoid the animation by activating them while running, it would be enough to make me not take otherwise good powers.

    And speaking of which, does it strike anyone else as odd that that ISN'T the animation for Super Strength's Rage?
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
    I assume he means making a decent, good looking "ensnare the feet and tug" type animation for it rather than just lashing and the enemy falls over.

    That's the problem with the Whips as far as I know and what Sinergy is also getting at, the animations for whips were apparently very difficult to get right, so unless they reused the ones they currently have (which they wouldn't be inclined to do, it'd look a bit cheap and crappy) there would be a lot of fresh animation work to do.
    For what it's worth, I wasn't thinking of actually ensnaring the feet, just a close-to-the-ground sweeping motion.

    The animations don't have to be too fancy. They kind of overdid it on Dual Pistols.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
    This is AT & Powers General, not suggestions. Wrong forum

    Biggest issue with the set is your trip power. It would not be pretty, if at all doable, with the current game.
    Why not? It's just another knockdown power, there's lots of those.
  21. Apparently, Demon Summoning Masterminds will be wielding a whip for their own personal use. A Whip powerset had been one of my ideas for a long time, so I figured I should post it now. This is for all the Indiana Jones/Castlvania types out there.

    WHIP (Melee)
    Available to: Stalkers, Scrappers, Tankers

    Whips do inferior damage compared to other Melee sets, but make up for it in speed, low endurance cost, and limited range – the whip has the greatest reach of any Melee powerset, but note that it does not benefit from range Enhancements.

    1) Snap – a quick, basic attack with your whip. The stinging pain will temporarily reduce the target's damage resistance. Damage: Minor Lethal Recharge: Very Fast
    2) Lash – a stronger but slower attack than Snap that reduces the target's damage resistance. Damage: Moderate Lethal Recharge: Fast
    3) Flog – a harder, slower strike with your whip that leaves a deep, bleeding wound, dealing additional damage over time. Damage: Moderate Lethal Recharge: Moderate
    4) Trip (Scrapper) – trips your foe, knocking them down and causing them to take damage from the fall. Damage: Moderate Smashing Recharge: Fast
    Assassin's Lash (Stalker) – signature Stalker attack. Damage: Special Recharge: Slow
    Taunt (Tanker)
    5) Build Up
    6) Confront (Scrapper)
    Placate (Stalker)
    Trip (Tanker)
    7) Loop – you swing your whip in a circle around you, damaging all nearby enemies and lowering their damage resistance. Damage: Minor Lethal Recharge: Moderate
    8) Crack of Doom – you put all your focus and artistry into this powerful and agonizing attack that reduces the target's damage resistance a great deal. Damage: Superior Lethal Recharge: Moderate
    9) Death Spiral – You spin your whip in a wide arc around your head, causing a sonic boom so powerful that it deals heavy Energy damage to and disorients all enemies around you. Damage: High Energy Recharge: Slow

    You may notice that Brutes don't get Whips under my idea - that's because they get something else special, something they've needed for long time....

    CHAINSAW (Melee)
    Available to: Brutes

    The Chainsaw is a slow and unweildy weapon with a penalty to accuracy, but the damage it deals is second to none. It leaves hideous wounds that heal poorly, retarding their regeneration rate, and often bleeding for additional damage.

    1) Thrust – a simple, relatively quick attack with your chainsaw that slows the target's regeneration rate. Damage: Moderate Lethal Recharge: Fast
    2) Carve – a slower and stronger attack than Thrust that leaves the target with a horrible wound that regenerates more slowly and bleeds for additional damage over time. Damage: Superior Lethal Recharge: Slow
    3) Mangle – a gruesome attack that wreaks havoc on the victim's natural healing processes, severely reducing their regeneration rate and causing them to bleed for additional damage over time. Damage: Extreme Lethal Recharge: Slow
    4) Build Up
    5) Whirl – you spin your chainsaw around you, assaulting all nearby enemies and leaving them with nasty wounds and a reduced regeneration rate. Damage: High Lethal Recharge: Slow
    6) Taunt
    7) Brandish – a very loud and showy display with your chainsaw that causes enemies around you to cower in terror. Recharge: Slow
    8) Gore – a devastating attack so hideous to watch that other enemies near the target may be traumatized, entering a state of shock that will be broken if they themselves are hurt. The target's regeneration rate is drastically slowed, and they suffer a terrible wound that deals additional damage over time. Damage: Extreme Lethal Recharge: Very Slow
    9) Massacre – You swing your chainsaw in an arc, attacking all enemies in front of you, lowering their regeneration rate. Damage: Extreme Lethal Recharge: Slow

    Watch this space for more ideas, and please post your own!