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  1. Fairy_Queen

    Defiant Legends

    I don't know if I like this thread. It feels like we are saying goodbye and I have only just got back

    Can't believe Whisper Fae got a mention and not my first 50 but I guess she did all the hard work running the SG lol. If I was going to produce my list it would be for all the people who made the game worth playing for me or just stood out. These are my legends:

    Lily (WinterLily)
    Redblast (Lycos)
    Greater Light
    Little Brown Lumpkin (Captin Winters)
    Jackie Brown
    Keeper 3
    Lightning Lady
    Evil Bob
    Night Witch
    Astaroth Vale
    Tainted Greek
    Gorge (Air)
    Tyketoo - not sure of spelling... (Warrant.)

    I am sure I have forgotten someone. Then again, there are the other ones I would like to forget lol.

    Seen as this post feels like I am saying goodbye I just want to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone who makes the game fun and addictive xxx
  2. Fairy_Queen

    Summer Solstice

    Event Photos

    Have added the Event Photos to the website. The link above is for those who want to see the pictures.

    Thanks to everyone who attended.
  3. Can you pls add my best friend;

    WinterLily lvl50 Ice/Battle Axe/Arctic Tanker

  4. Me Me, pls can you sign me up

    Whisper Fae lvl49 Defender [Empath/Psionic]


    P.S if possible can I be with WinterLily
  5. Fairy_Queen

    Summer Solstice

    Oh my, I shall not be organising another Costume Contest in a hurry. At first I thought I was the only one to be in attendance and started to panic and feel a bit embarassed. Luckily people began to arrive and I felt confident enough to slip into my own swimsuit ready for judging.

    It seemed that only Heroes were coming but slowly but surely the villains began to arrive too. By 9:30pm we had plenty of people to line up.

    It was then up to Ghost Angel and I (Mercury Star) to choose the winners. Choosing only three heroes and three villains to win is a lot harder than you may think. There were so many good costumes that it was difficult to make our minds up. I really didn't want to be one of those judges that takes ages to decide, but I now understand why they do.

    Finally we decided on Redblast, Burnt Beach Babe and Cosmic Comet as the Hero winners and Twiglet, Pollensia and Darkening Lady as villain winners. The winners were moved to another area to have their pictures taken (coming soon). When it came to awarding the inf we discovered that Burnt Beach Babe was a villain and not entitled to influence. We then needed a third place winner for heroes, however, Luana 69 who arrived late had a great swimsuit and was happy to accept third place by default. We didnt let Burnt Beach Babe leave empty handed either, we arranged for her to recieve a runner up prize. The end result was: -

    Hero Winners
    Redblast - 1st place (supergroup = Amazon Stars)
    Cosmic Comet - 2nd place (supergroup = Amazon Stars)
    Luana 69 - 3rd place (supergroup = Italian Posie)

    Villain Winners
    Twiglet - 1st place (supergroup = unknown)
    Pollensia - 2nd place (supergroup = none)
    Darkening Lady - 3rd place (supergroup = Fallen Freelancers)

    Runner Up
    Burnt Beach Babe - awarded 1/2 mil (supergroup = none)

    To all those who attended, thank you very much, you all looked great. I will update the Stars United website's Events page with all the photos. I am currently waiting on the villain winner screenshots.

    Stars United website
  6. Fairy_Queen

    Summer Solstice

    Oh my, I shall not be organising another Costume Contest in a hurry. At first I thought I was the only one to be in attendance and started to panic and feel a bit embarassed. Luckily people began to arrive and I felt confident enough to slip into my own swimsuit ready for judging.

    It seemed that only Heroes were coming but slowly but surely the villains began to arrive too. By 9:30pm we had plenty of people to line up.

    It was then up to Ghost Angel and I (Mercury Star) to choose the winners. Choosing only three heroes and three villains to win is a lot harder than you may think. There were so many good costumes that it was difficult to make our minds up. I really didn't want to be one of those judges that takes ages to decide, but I now understand why they do.

    Finally we decided on Redblast, Burnt Beach Babe and Cosmic Comet as the Hero winners and Twiglet, Pollensia and Darkening Lady as villain winners. The winners were moved to another area to have their pictures taken (coming soon). When it came to awarding the inf we discovered that Burnt Beach Babe was a villain and not entitled to influence. We then needed a third place winner for heroes, however, Luana 69 who arrived late had a great swimsuit and was happy to accept third place by default. We didnt let Burnt Beach Babe leave empty handed either, we arranged for her to recieve a runner up prize. The end result was: -

    Hero Winners
    Redblast - 1st place (supergroup = Amazon Stars)
    Cosmic Comet - 2nd place (supergroup = Amazon Stars)
    Luana 69 - 3rd place (supergroup = Italian Posie)

    Villain Winners
    Twiglet - 1st place (supergroup = unknown)
    Pollensia - 2nd place (supergroup = none)
    Darkening Lady - 3rd place (supergroup = Fallen Freelancers)

    Runner Up
    Burnt Beach Babe - awarded 1/2 mil (supergroup = none)

    To all those who attended, thank you very much, you all looked great. I will update the Stars United website's Events page with all the photos. I am currently waiting on the villain winner screenshots.

    Stars United website
  7. Fairy_Queen

    Summer Solstice

    Good luck to everyone taking part tonight
  8. Fairy_Queen

    Summer Solstice

    Good luck to everyone who is attending tonight
  9. Fairy_Queen

    Summer Solstice

    Hidden Healer, every supergroup has its benefits and wishes to support their members. I have seen people pay people to encourage them to join their supergroup. You could also say that perhaps I will not want any of the named supergroups to be successful coz it is going to burn a huge hole in my superhero purse, so members of the named supergroups are going to have to try extra hard to impress.

    As you have pointed out this is an event to promote membership, however, if your not a member of one of the supergroups you still have a good chance of winning and the prize money is still very generous in my opinion. Also it gives other people in other supergroups a chance to meet our members who are all very friendly people.

    Yellow Skull, the contest should not be bias in favour of women. The contest is being judged by two people and I can confirm that one of the judges does find looking at male characters more appealing than looking at the women characters. One of the judges is a villain and the other is a hero.

    We will be judging the competion on the costumes and not on the supergroup you belong to or on the sex of your character. I can guarantee judging will be on a fair basis. Good Luck everyone

    If you wish to know more about Stars United you can visit our supergroup website
    Stars United There is a link on the links page to the Freelancers site also.
  10. [ QUOTE ]

    Link - Upcoming Patch

    [ QUOTE ]
    Improved Server Stability

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yay, that does sound like good news I look forward to it.
  11. Okay, I dont know about you guys but I can't get on to the game long enough to report that I am constantly getting kicked off the server!!!

    First problem was I enter Boomtown through the gate in Steel and I get my login screen.

    I go to use my powers like heal, clear mind and RAs and they have LAG! I tried hitting the number key it was registered too and clicking it with the mouse, on average i found selecting it about 10x usually encourages it to work or lose connection.

    Then I am trying to talk in team channel or private messages and my typing has LAG! Then sending the message has LAG! Then I am not recieveing tells back which I can only assume is because they were sent when I had LOST CONNECTION TO MAP SERVER.

    After half an hour of this, apologising to friends, re-joining teams, getting past a laggy loading screen and reconnecting from more than the tenth time in half an hour I decide i will log the bug this time....

    Only to log back into the game to a screen that says 'Lost connection to map server'

    I am sure you can understand why at that point I decided enough is enough and came onto the forum to have a moan and see how the rest are you are coping with lag that seems worse than I ever experienced on COV!
  12. Fairy_Queen

    Summer Solstice

    Maybe costumes is not your area of expertise, perhaps swimwear is
  13. Fairy_Queen

    Summer Solstice

    Yeah, if you have worked hard to get to have a cape or an aura then you are welcome to make use of them. I am also happy for people to use there powers to make their costumes look more unique.

    The only thing I ask is that whilst judging people dont use powers or emotes that are disruptive. However, if people want to be pumkins or stomp away from the line up then they are welcome to play around as the game is about having fun
  14. Fairy_Queen

    Summer Solstice

    Hi, I have never organised a Costume Contest myself before but I have decided to give it a go.

    21 June is Summer Solstice this is the longest day of the year and when summer officially starts. To celebrate at 9:30pm GMT in Pocket D will be a costume contest with a theme. The theme is Swimwear. We will start the judging at 9:30pm, so it is recommended you get there at 9:00pm to line up. The contest is open to both heroes and villains.

    1st prize - 999999 inf
    2nd prize - 666666 inf
    3rd prize - 333333 inf

    If you are a member of a Stars United or Freelancer supergroup the prize money will be doubled. For claification the supergroups are Amazon Stars, The Amazons, Dark Stars, Freelancers and Fallen Freelancers. There are two judges. There will be 3 prize places for heroes and 3 prize places for villains.

    We look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday, 21 June 2006 at 9:30pm.
  15. Fairy_Queen

    Summer Solstice

    Hi, I have never organised a Costume Contest myself before but I have decided to give it a go.

    21 June is Summer Solstice this is the longest day of the year and when summer officially starts. To celebrate at 9:30pm GMT in Pocket D will be a costume contest with a theme. The theme is Swimwear. We will start the judging at 9:30pm, so it is recommended you get there at 9:00pm to line up. The contest is open to both heroes and villains.

    1st prize - 999999 inf
    2nd prize - 666666 inf
    3rd prize - 333333 inf

    If you are a member of a Stars United or Freelancer supergroup the prize money will be doubled. For claification the supergroups are Amazon Stars, The Amazons, Dark Stars, Freelancers and Fallen Freelancers. There are two judges. There will be 3 prize places for heroes and 3 prize places for villains.

    We look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday, 21 June 2006 at 9:30pm.
  16. Well done Stoic, since you joined Amazon Stars you have raced along. It reminds me how I really need to knuckle down and get saving Paragon City if I am ever going to join you with another alt at the top

    GRATZ You done really well
  17. I love the arena. I am scared of PvP zones coz they intimidate me I think everyone is out to get me... and I play 'support' characters.

    I have never yet had a serious arena match I just love going there with friends from my SG and its so funny seeing your favourite team mate try to kill you.

    In my old SG the Freelancers I suggested we all went there to kill the SG member who was planning on leaving the game, and it was a great way to send them off (it was friendly killing). Since then I have become a fan.

    My new SG is trying to set up a nite when we can do PvP which will include the scary zones and the arena. We had gone for Fridays but we are changing to another nite as is a popular nite to go out in 'real life'.
  18. As its you birthday offically today....

    ***** ***** HAPPY BIRTHDAY ***** *****

    Hope you are having a great day see you tonight at PD
  19. The Amazon Stars SG are considering doing the first Respec TF in about 2 weeks time. We usually arrange Task Forces for Sundays at 12:30 GMT so this will probably be 26 March 2006. Please feel free to send an ingame email to my hero Whisper Fae and I will keep you informed about it.

    Keep an eye out on our website for upcoming details. Once the members of the Super Groups have agreed on a date it is posted on the site under the events section.

    Stars United website
  20. I will be there Have been telling everyone I know and knows you to come along. Am just wondering which character you will be attending as, coz if its Skinz, Whisper Fae will want a dance - he he he.
  21. What about Mercury Star my level 50 Controller, Earth/Storm and Stone Mastery?

    ...Oh and Gobey (my level 50 stone golem pet- he he he, does he get a mention on the list?)
  22. The Amazon Stars are always looking for new members too and we have a villan SG Dark Stars. If you are still looking later feel free to send one of my characters a tell if I am on (see signature). We also try to organise Task Forces when our members think they can make it
  23. Fairy_Queen


    I thought you had to kill Sally 5x - lol

    Am sorry that your badge was ruined by some idiot. Some people are just selfish - I hate that grrr!
  24. Aww I missed it. Was 3 great pics, lovely to see people I know from the game.

    Next time there is a HUGE photo can we have more notice than a day so that us lady heroes can comb our hair, apply our make up, pick out our cozzies and most importantly KNOW TO BE THERE O.O